For instance, just the same as a man in the United States Army – – not only in the time of a great emergency, such as this, but any time one enlists in the Army, if he does not have a dollar, as soon as he enlists in the Army and when he is assigned to duty, why, the government equips him with the necessary uniform and the necessary equipment to serve his nation or his country.
So it is in the great Army of GOD. Men enlist by Faith. It is not by sight but by Faith. So when one makes up his mind to live exactly according to the Fundamentals of the doctrines of Christ, even though he has not done it, it is a vow he is making with GOD subconsciously, and even consciously, and that vow is an enlistment into the Army, and he will receive the blessings he is seeking, as a rule, automatically, for the enlistment with the promise that that person will live and do according to the requirements to possess such blessings or come in possession of such blessings or to possess such blessings.
New Day 2/14/59;p10,c2;p11,c1
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