The Personification of the Redeemer must take place universally, even as Benjamin Franklin’s invention of electricity has been universally established. It is not only in one bottle now.
Just think of it, when it was first harnessed or brought down, it was in one bottle, was it not? But now just look at the different bottles in this room. Every electric bulb is a bottle. Just think of how many bottles are here.
The invention of electricity was but a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the mystery of GOD working. It was a scientific invention expressing in a parable to some degree, that degree of the expression of the fraction of the grain of it, according to MY illustration, and this parable was merely done on the material plane to show you what GOD could do in the souls and bodies of men, how HE would fill and thrill them with His light, life and love, for:
“In him was life, and that life was the light of men that
lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
Just think of it! Being lighted as the electric bulb – – lighted from the great high tension wire of salvation. The power is coming from the power house!
New Day l/19/57; p16,cl
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