WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th, 1941 A.D.F.D
TIME ─ 5:17 P.M.
The real emancipation that only the Emancipator HIMSELF, FATHER DIVINE, can bring, is most noticeable when one looks back into his own past and sees how he was bound in chains of darkness through traditions and doctrines of men, or observes the gradual emancipation which the freedom of expression brings another.
A very inspiring testimony of praise and thanksgiving from a nurse who lives in the South, held the interest of the assembly on this occasion as she told of several experiences, the last of which was the miraculous healing of a friend whom she expected to find dead, but Who, to the contrary, through contacting FATHER had been resurrected and had resumed activity. Among other things she related, she told of her happiness in FATHER’S Principle of equality, or words to that effect, as she had been made to feel a superiority over other children in her infancy, and added that she now realized she was no better than anyone else.
As equality has such a great bearing on the Brotherhood of Man advocated by FATHER, in this beautiful Message which followed her remarks HE speaks of the Bill of Rights and HIS appeal to all American citizens through their representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives, which is made in the patriotic songs with which HE has inspired the youth of the Peace Mission Movement.
(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER’S Message follows the words of the song sung just before HE rose to speak.)
“Oh, Americans, won’t you heed
And unite the three Americas
And enact the Bill of Rights?
For this is the only way
For national defense:
Unite the three Americas
And enact the Bill of Rights;
“Oh, Americans, won’t you heed
And pass that Anti-lynching Bill
To protect this hemisphere?
For prejudice has caused division,
But where there’s union there is strength.
If you want to safeguard Democracy,
To FATHER DIVINE you had better adhere;
You’d better pass, you’d better pass that Bill!
“Oh, Americans, won’t you heed
To live our Constitution
And enact the Bill of Rights?
In every state in the Union,
In every community,
At your private banquet tables,
Impregnate equality!
Enact the Bill, enact the Bill of Rights!”
FATHER speaks as follows:
Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, all Success and all Prosperity! These and all other blessings to you I bring. I put them forth into expression, if you will but accept of them.
At this particular instance I have not arisen to tell you anything different from what I have been telling you, but to stress it once again in your memory and in your consideration. I thought when the speaker was speaking a little while ago and mentioned her home, her experience and her profession, her daily activity, her work and her mission and her faith she has in ME ─ I thought of how marvelous it is to enact the Bill of Rights, to live the Constitution and express the Bill of Rights in our daily activities, in every emotion, in all our work and in all our mission, and live exactly according to MY Teaching. I thought of how thousands of people have deteriorated financially, socially, intellectually and even morally, by being self-exalted through the spirit of self-bewilderment and selfishness otherwise; not stopping to consider all like sheep have gone astray, and each and every person even according to our Constitution and according to the Declaration of Independence, and created equal; one is not better than the other.
All Are Created and Born Equal
If, from a national and from a racial point of view, the infant, for consideration, that is born in the family that is called the Jewish family, the Italian family, the American family, the Afro-American or the German-American, the French-American, the Spanish American, or the original French family, or the original German family or the original Italian family or the original African family or the original Japanese family or the original Chinese family ─ when they are born into the world they all cry the same language. They come through the same mortal process of propagation and the system of increasing and multiplying! By the same method and by the same system all are born; and when they cry into the world, they do not cry the “Harvard” language, they do not even cry into the world the “Princeton” language or the “Columbia” language; they cry the selfsame language as the most insignificant and the most illiterate person that is born into the world! They are all created equal and they are all born equal! Naked came you into the world and naked you must return to your GOD!
Some day, somewhere and somehow, each and every living creature must return to the Creator whereby he was created as he first came from the Creator in the beginning of his individual creation. Aren’t you glad?
Then I say, it is something to consider, to lift humanity from selfishness and preconceived prejudices, preconceived self-exaltation, human fancies, tendencies and pleasures and all of the preconceived mortal versions handed down traditionally. When you are emancipated from those conditions, you are emancipated from that something that has carried millions and millions into defeat, by causing them to think they can be exalted and they are better than others because of lineage, race, creed or color, because of your respective birthplace where you were born according to the flesh, even in your respective so-called races, creeds and colors.
All of these detestable divisions that were created for the purpose of separating, or bringing about a separation between man and man, I came to bring an abolition to each and all of them and prove to the world conclusively, GOD, is the Master of situations, Master of circumstances and the Controller of your destiny and the Master of your fate! Aren’t you glad?
The Supremacy of GOD Within Will Give You Victory
But it takes a spirit that is not diluted nor has it been perverted by the minds and doctrines of men. It takes the spirit of Independence developed and brought to fruition and actually personified as supremacy! The supremacy of GOD in evidence must be within to give you the victory whereby you may represent something that will transcend every mortal version, where you cannot be affected by the mortal things that life demands.
Oh, how glorious it is to live in such a recognition where GOD in HIS insignificance, as it may apparently be, can stand independent to every mortal versionated concept and declare HIS Mastery, yea, a Master Degree, over all adverse and undesirable conditions and be Independent because of HIS Supremacy that HE has actually established in the hearts and lives of the children of men!
Then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition! By this recognition you are emancipated from preconceived ideas and opinions handed down traditionally, merely for the purpose of binding you by causing you to think you are superior to others.
If humanity would but stop and consider, and especially those who are believers in GOD─how do they expect that GOD, in HIS great standard of Supremacy, could and would come down to them in their insignificance? And yet they themselves feel a little above another because of some race, creed or color and would sever themselves from others and think they are better and would not cooperate or participate with them! How could GOD in HIS Majesty and in all Supremacy through a condescending state of consideration, reach such a person or persons?
The Mortal, Traditional Version Is Ridiculous!
The inconsistency of the mortal version that has been handed down traditionally to almost every person, is ridiculous! But when you are converted from that state of consciousness, the same as the speaker of whom I AM now speaking and millions of others of you MY followers who are new creatures, and from those conditions, circumstances, ideas and opinions you have been completely lifted, they do not affect you. In this understanding you have a chance to make your respective advances. You have a chance to make your advances intellectually, socially, scientifically, politically and from every angle expressible, because of your harmony with your Creator!
By harmonizing with your Creator, you harmonize with others righteously, and you cease to exalt yourselves above measure but just live soberly, righteously and godly, and I AM with you.
Just think of living in the Actual Presence of GOD! As a lady said to one of MY stenographers some time ago, “If you, as well read as you are, (in other words, as efficient as you are) would leave FATHER (or words to that effect), you could get a position with almost any of the officials. How great would it be!” said she. But the answer came volitionally through, by the person to whom she was speaking, and to them the message was conveyed, “I cannot fill a greater office and a better office than the Chief Executive’s of all creation!”
Some Consider GOD Insignificant
It goes to show you how those who claim to be followers of MINE at times look upon GOD as insignificant, because of HIS condescension to come in Mercy and tender Compassion to reach the meek and the lowly and the insignificant and to consider those who are not considered. Because of such they thought, why, if this person or some of MY immediate staff could be on the staff of some ordinary person, just as an executive, they would be filling a high official duty that would be considered; but the Spirit of MY Presence, with MY own Omniscience transmitted, conveyed the thought to the person, GOD alone is Supreme and HIS Majesty and Supremacy is from everlasting to everlasting! There is nothing greater! There cannot be an office created that can compete with it, for it is the office of the Chief Executive of all creation! Aren’t you glad?
It is immaterial to ME what you think! It is immaterial to ME what you may say! Even those of you who are MY immediate coworkers, if you think differently, the time will come and it is not far distant, that you all shall see and know definitely, there is not a higher official duty than the office of the Almighty!
Hence, it goes to show you how inconsistent is the mortal mind, how it will tend to bind and lowrate the standard of your gift and your calling, your work and your mission and the office you are filling. Oh, it is something to consider!
Truly might have David caught the glimpse of the mystery and declared:
“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the House of the LORD than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.”
Insignificant would it appear to be to those who do not actually know ME, even though they say they do. When you stop for consideration, even if you do not see it in evidence, there are oil wells in some parts of this country where the oil may not be seen at all times, and even when the well is drilled and ready for service, unless you draw it up, you may not get it; but it is there, it is ready for service!
GOD Will Consider Anything Necessary in Its Time
GOD’S Office is open to humanity. I say, it is open ─ the Office of GOD has been opened for all humanity, and anything necessary to be considered by HIS Majesty, yea, by HIS Holiness, it can and it will be considered when necessary and when it is time for the people. Aren’t you glad?
Then I say, it is a privilege! But I thought to stress this thought for your consideration when she spoke of equality ─ I AM imbibing equality and the Spirit of equilibrium in the hearts and lives of this people! I have brought an end to every sense of segregation and I have established Righteousness in the place of unrighteousness and selfishness, and GOD HIMSELF is reckoned where HE had not been considered.
That little song that was just sung a few moments ago, it is soul stirring, it is soul reviving and it is soul inspiring. It inspires your soul, if you are open-minded; but if you arte selfish or if you are envious or if you are prejudiced, the inspiration and the composition of such songs that are given, you cannot enjoy them. They are repulsive to you. Can you not see the mystery?
But oh, how glorious it is to harmonize with the positive expression, the most accurate expression, the most deep and the most near to perfection! It is essential for each and every person to harmonize with such an expression. Can you not see the mystery?
When you ignore it, you are ignoring your higher self, as it may be termed. Metaphysically speaking, you are ignoring your higher self. When you ignore the higher inspirations and the unfoldment of the mystery of the most Perfect Picture, you are ignoring yourself in your higher unfoldment; therefore, you cannot expect to make your advances. Aren’t you glad?
Heed the Words of FATHER DIVINE
Even in the composition, as though speaking to the senators and the chief executives in the Senate:
“Oh, you senators, oh, you senators, won’t you heed the Words of FATHER DIVINE?”
it may be an appeal to them, but it means you and the children of men wheresoever they are found, to heed to the Words of FATHER DIVINE and enact the Bill of Rights in every state in the Union and in every community; at your private banquet table impregnate equality!
Hear the Voice of GOD! That which was spoken to the chief executives, as they are representatives of all of the people, it was a request to the Senate and to the House of Representatives; nevertheless, as they represent the people of the United States, this Message was not merely a Message to the State Senate but it was a Message to the Senate and to Congress in Washington; representing the whole government and all of the people; therefore, take cognizance of the Message in the conclusion of the little composition:
“Oh, you senators, oh, you senators,
Heed the Words of FATHER DIVINE,
To live our Constitution
And enact the Bill of Rights!
In every state in the Union,
In every community,
At your private banquet tables, (even as I do)
Impregnate equality!”
Can you not see what it really means?
Senators and Representatives, Enact the
Bill of Rights in Every State!
Hence, to the senators and the House of Representative, as they are the makers of the law, yea, the laws, for all of the people, by our two great documents politically, when I speak to them I AM speaking to every American citizen. To the senators, to the House of Representatives, I appeal to them to take cognizance of the Message of the Constitution and its Amendments, the Bill of Rights! Enact the Bill of Rights in every state in the Union! Do not merely demand the recognition of the Bill of Rights in every state in the Union, but enact it, put it into practice, support the Constitution by supporting the Bill of Rights, as described for enactment, in every activity and in every community and in your own private homes; in your family and at your private table impregnate equality!
When the sister mentioned she was inspired with the spirit equality, or words to that effect, it was it of which I AM now speaking. She has been impregnated with the spirit of equality by imbibing the Spirit of the Almighty! I have impregnated equality in the hearts and lives and in the actions and in the affairs of those who sit and dine and observe this demonstration. I have impregnated humanity with the spirit of equilibrium, the enactment of the Bill of Rights in every community, and I have brought an end to all division!
You may say, “Well, I do see division, segregation and discrimination.” You may see it in the outer world of expression, but I have accomplished MY endeavors and it is fulfilled in reality before you can see it naturally and nationally. It is first accomplished mentally and spiritually! It is accomplished psychologically! Can you not see what the Chief Justice of this government has demanded, even though there were those who did not desire Chief Justice Black to be appointed?
It is Accomplished before It Is Manifested
But oh, how glorious it is to consider MY Spirit will do it with or without a body! It is actually accomplished before it is manifested! I do it psychologically and I transmit it by mental telepathy. I broadcast it literarily and cause them to observe the mystery educationally or theoretically, and see the Truth concerning the mystery; and they will enact it politically and legally, because the Mouth of GOD has declared it!
Hence, I say I have! This is the sample and this is the example. According to MY Mind, even if you do not see them actually tangibly manifested, according to MY Spirit and according to MY Mind and according to MY Plan and according to MY Purpose, I have enacted the Bill of Rights in every community as well as in every state in the Union, and in every family in the Union; and unity shall be in evidence universally; and all humanity shall eventually observe the mystery, GOD has been made a living reality!
Heretofore GOD was not a reality in outer expression in the spirit of equilibrium outwardly manifested. GOD was not in evidence for GOD had not come forth in evidence to the surface in every activity; but GOD has actually been established among this people and they all shall eventually recognize and realize GOD’S Actual Presence and MY Version concerning politics, religion and life and liberty; and every activity shall be in evidence and manifested in this people, and all shall eventually recognize it and observe it definitely if I have to transmit it through mental telepathy, if they will not receive ME Personally! I thank you.

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