Father Divines message given at the banquet table at 152-160 west 126th street new york city thursday, nov. 3, 1938 at 1:30 p.m.
The great essential of harmonizing with GOD in every thought, word, gesture and deed, was stressed by our OMNIPOTENT KING, FATHER DIVINE, in His dynamic Message given on the above date.
While it is not always possible for us to ascend spiritually to be with Him at all times, because we have not yet attained the highest degree of unfoldment, it behooves us to harmonize as far as we can, according to the plane on which we are functioning.
(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER’S Message.)
Here we all are again, whatsoever that means. As much as you are, even that much you should be one with Me and permit Me to be One with you so far as you go. If out of the category of your existence or your measure, I stand or I go, naturally, you could not be one with Me there, out of your category, out of the world in which you are existing; but as far as you can, permit Me to be one with you that you might be one with Me.
It is evidently known, according to the divers degrees of unfoldment, all may not be functioning in the same degree; therefore, if it happens to be I AM functioning in a different degree, where you are not actually functioning, naturally, you cannot be with Me there. But as much as you are and as far as you go, permit Me to be one with you, that you might be one with Me for the REDEMPTION of your soul.
This thought I have risen to convey as the last speaker said, I repeat, I say, the time has truly come, criticism, accusation and the expression of ignoring shall be brought to an end, or else I will not be with you, for I will not any longer be in them.
Oh, it is privilege to observe the mystery and to see the downfall of Korah — how that spirit in a degree of unfoldment criticized the very Life in which it exercised. The reaction and reiteration of such criticism by reincarnation has been imposed upon you. When you are the partakers of the nature and characteristics of others, their disposition and characteristics you are reproducers of by harmonizing with such as may be exemplified from time to time.
Then I say, “It is good to be here! It is good to be here with GOD!” Truly might have one declared by composition, yea, as it came by inspiration:
“Where is the blessedness I knew
When first I saw the LORD?
Where is that soul so fresh in view,”
it said.
“Of Jesus and His Love?”
When you see yourself declining and deviating and deteriorating and again degenerating, you may know you are going down to perdition, a complete separation from your LORD and your SAVIOR, the REDEEMER of all humanity.
Then I say, it is well worth considering. Stop and consider it! It may look like foolishness, but harmonization with My Spirit and My Presence, yea, My Activities, may give you a ride — I mean personally. It may cause you to have the privilege to go some place personally as a physical personal enjoyment. These vibrations that I AM sending out in this environment from My own Tabernacle, they will contact you as they pass through the ether, if you are in perfect harmony with Me. These vibrations, if you are in harmony with Me, regardless to how the false pretenders and the critics and accusers, and what they may do; regardless to how they fall by trying to imitate the Spirit, the Holy Ghost of GOD; if you allow these, My Spiritual vibrations and emotions to have free access in you, they will permeate and penetrate and transcend, yea, they will transcend your whole system and drive out all aches and pains that are physically experienced in your physical body.
Then I say, it is good to be here! If you wish to, you can live out of these vibrations and emotions, and when something comes along, you will not have any protection to give you victory over the undesirable condition, — instead of you being lifted out of them, down in them you will sink, further and further away from your GOD. Jot these thoughts down in your memory once for consideration and remember:
“Art thou greater than thy Creator?”
When you ignore the vibrations or emotions or expressions, and especially when you criticize them, you are ignoring the hope of your REDEMPTION, the Fount and the offspring of Salvation.
Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery and take cognizance of this Message as I give it. Consider these vibrations are not the original of mortality’s version. They come forth into expression volitionally and spontaneously. If others through ignorance and selfishness copy after the fashion and become to be imitators, it does not say that there is not a reality somewhere that cannot be criticized among you.
Where there is a counterfeit dollar, or anything else that is false, or anything that is artificial, there must be something that is a reality created and set apart by the ALMIGHTY! If there is a counterfeit expression or emotion, there must necessarily be a real one for the counterfeit to copy after and mold and shape such emotions in the likeness of the real, or else they could not do it. Can you not see the mystery?
Therefore, you will see the works of the counterfeiters and you will see the works of the original creators and the manifesters and the molders and printers of money. You will see the real money in evidence and you will also see that which is false put forth into expression in the likeness of the real, made by the counterfeiter. Jot these thoughts down in your memory! If GOD is with you, copy after the fashion He is showing you; not so much in the vibrated expressions of emotion, but by the Spirit of His Presence, by thinking accordingly and by bringing your bodies into subjection and by denying yourself whole-heartedly.
I say, GOD ALONE SHALL REIGN! Every adverse and undesirable condition shall be eliminated and eradicated, dispelled and completely dis-remembered once and forever; for even the first heaven I shall remember no more after a while. I shall get the first heaven out of your memory after a while and eradicate it once and forever, that you might no longer remember the passing of the first one.
Then I say, live in this recognition! Dial in on the FUNDAMENTAL continually and recognize GOD’S ACTUAL PRESENCE; and GOD, in all of His MAJESTY, DOMINION and AUTHORITY, yet with all MERCY and COMPASSION for you, will be with you. Oh, it is a privilege, I say, to live in such a recognition!
Mortality and mortality’s version — the “other fellow” — with all of his activities, his suggestions and his imaginations, will be to you and to your mind something to attract your attention to other than the FUNDAMENTAL of which I have requested of you: “MINDS and ATTENTION, LOVE and DEVOTION, IDEAS and OPINIONS, all concentrated on GOD!” If you concentrate your thoughts on the folly of your mind, you will produce the conditions according to your version in your system, and your bodies will be the recipients of such versions as you are concentrating on; and the likeness of that of which you observe in your imagination will be your portion and you will be the reproduction and the personification of such.
“What is the matter with my sickly body?” you will be saying. “What is the matter with these old aches and pains?” you will be saying. “What is the matter with them? Why is it I do not feel happy as I used to feel? What is the matter?” What is the Matter? It is because of idle conversation; because of mortal and idle concentration and concentrated thoughts on mortality’s version and the “other fellow” with all of his ideas and opinions. You are becoming to be the partakers of his nature, of his characteristics, and your bodies are filled with his afflictions, sickness and diseases, and you wonder what is the matter with you. It is because you have been indulging in folly, in gossip, in criticism, in accusation and the mortal versions and the ideas and opinions of the “other fellow,” —anything to cause you to deviate from the FUNDAMENTAL and to concentrate your mind on something other than that of which will bring LIFE, LIBERTY and the reality of HAPPINESS!
Then I say, jot these thoughts down in your memory and consider, GOD is the only hope of your Salvation, and GOD is your Propitiator and the only Way whereby you will find a SAVIOR by copying after the fashion I AM daily showing you.
You will not always continue with the condescendence of My Spirit to strive with you. “My Spirit shall not always strive with man,” with mortality’s version nor with mortal man — mortal mankind. It will not always strive with man and continue to try to bring him into subjection; for My Spirit will eventually disapprove of your continued blasphemy!
“He that speaketh the word against the
Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.”
You may unconsciously, unwillingly and unwittingly speak a word against the Holy Ghost. If you speak an actuated word of expression against the Holy Ghost, it may be equivalent to that of which you may have spoken with your tongue and lips; for in the actuated words of expression, your actuated words speak more distinctly and more positively at times from the heart than that of which your mouth speaks.
Jot these thoughts down in your memory and consider, GOD will not continue to wink at sin, but GOD requires everyone to repent. REPENT and CONFESS your sins and forsake them — every erroneous statement, action or expression, every deviation from the FUNDAMENTAL, or every idea or opinion as an expression that brings about a mental or spiritual separation! If you do not repent for them, you will die in your sins!
Jot these thoughts down in your memory and consider every deceiving thought created by mortality’s version; and every time you express one in words, deeds or actions, if you allow that deceiving expression of a word to go unconfessed and under cover, I will declare to you, from GOD you will be severed and you will wonder why!
Now, GOD is not mere mortality, neither mortality’s appearance! GOD is not confined nor bound to His Tabernacle as a Person, but GOD is these of which I AM daily stressing and expressing, the desire of the hearts of all of the living creatures, of both man and beast. I AM the SATISFIER of every desire! For I AM HEALTHY, JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, LIVELY, LOVING, SUCCESSFUL, PROSPEROUS and HAPPY in every joint, every sinew, and every bone, in Spirit, Body and Mind and in My physical Bodily Form, every atom, every fiber and every cell. These are what I AM and have been all the time!
Then, when I say you will be severed from GOD, I AM talking about you will be severed from these of which I AM, that of which you should be — I should be able to say today, that of which you are — LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, PROSPERITY! Each and all of these —that is exactly what GOD IS! Can you not see the mystery?
Then, when I AM beseeching with words as though with groveling attitude towards you, and requesting of you to be mindful and careful how you think and what you say and what you do, do not think that I AM doing this for the purpose of bringing you low and embarrassing you by any means whatever; but remember this is the only way of your REDEMPTION! These and all other desirable Blessings I AM, and when you sever yourself from My Version, from My Ideas, from My Opinions concerning yourself and all things, there and then you have severed yourself from them and you cannot come into possession of these desirable Blessings you all, and all humanity have been seeking.
Every living creature, they all seek LIFE! . . . They all seek HEALTH! . . . They all seek HAPPINESS! . . . They all seek PEACE! . . . They all seekLIBERTY! . . . They all seek SUCCESS! . . . They all seek PROSPERITY in their activities! Even the animals in the animalistic kingdom, in their endeavors and in their activities, consciously or unconsciously — whatever the name of it may be — they desire to be PROSPEROUS in whatsoever they are endeavoring!
They desire to be SUCCESSFUL! Even the insects in the insect kingdom, even though they be harmful insects or those that are harmless, they seek the same of which I AM! They seek each and all of these, even if they are not conscious of those things; therefore, when they rid themselves of ME by violation, they also rid themselves of these desirable Blessings. They rid themselves of the Characteristics and Disposition and all of the Attributes of GOD of which I AM expressing!
Then I say, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for this is the day and the time as a warning I AM giving you all, to give you a chance once more to return to your GOD!
“Return, O Holy Dove, return,
Sweet Messenger of rest!”
You know it was sweet, was it not ? . . . when you had not and did not or would not look or notice any emotion or expression that would tend to cause a deviation or cause your mind or your thoughts to be directed in another direction. At that time you felt the Presence of your SAVIOR!
It was sweet then, was it not? It was glorious then, was it not? How magnetic, how magnanimous is this LOVE! How GLORIOUS it is for each and everyone when you bring your bodies into subjection and recognize GOD’S ACTUAL PRESENCE and live as if you knew personally you would be in the ACTUAL or PHYSICAL PRESENCE of the ALMIGHTY!
If you are not conscious of GOD’S ACTUAL PRESENCE, act it out until your consciousness comes. You may be unconscious or non-conscious of GOD’S PRESENCE, but if you act it out according to the Gospel:
“Reckon yourself to be dead and dead
indeed unto sin, but alive unto GOD
through Jesus Christ your Lord,”
. . . when this is done, there and then your consciousness will come by reckoning and counting yourself to be dead continually, until you feel the Presence of the INFINITE. That is the mystery.
When the INFINITE comes in with full access and with all of Himself, you, as the finite mind or one, will be dispelled, will disappear; for man’s extremity is GOD’S Opportunity”, and as light dispels darkness, even so dispel I you and all of your existence. When this is done, CHRIST has truly come. Aren’t you glad!
Then I say, build upon this foundation, for you know definitely, this is the hope of your REDEMPTION and the only Way of Salvation for each and all of the people.
As I afore said, “How are you?” You will say, “I am well,” “How have you been?” HEALTHY, HAPPY, JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, LIVELY, LOVING! All of the desirable conditions are transmittable, they are attractable! You can attract them, you can draw them, you can bring them into expression and into your daily experiences. You can become to be the real expressers of the desirable instead of the negative. Aren’t you glad!
Negative conditions can have no longer an existence so long as you are filled and thrilled with the desirable; for the desirable will not give any space nor place for the undesirable. If you will allow the desirable to fill and thrill your being with all of your mentality and all of your consciousness or subconsciousness, the subconscious mind will also be as filled and thrilled with the consciousness of the Presence of GOD as you are conscious of who and what you are.
You make yourself conscious of the undesirable; you minimize and eradicate and even dispel the desirable, and you create the undesirable by concentration and by affirmation and by harmonization. By harmonizing with the undesirable you create such conditions in your daily experiences, and all of your activities will eventually become to be the undesirable trend of things—one eternal undesirable expression of life in all of your activities and in all of your conversations and in all you say and do, yea, even in all of your expressions. Yea, your gestures and every emotion and every suggestion will eventually become to be undesirable, for you have concentrated in the undesirable direction and have produced the spirit and the nature of the undesirable, and you are the materializer of the undesirable and the personifier of the same!
As well as you can and have produced and reproduced and personified the undesirable, even so can you produce and reproduce and bring to fruition with you the desirable. The POSITIVE is as expressive and as producible as the undesirable and as the negative; therefore, I bring into actuality the reality of the desirable. I stress it so vividly and I harmonize with it continually and produce it in My Actions and Expressions so vividly; and even in My Personality and Individuality I demonstrate it, until My Personality and My Individuality, even My Personal Appearance, with all of My Gestures and Expressions will become to be the Personification of the desirable instead of the negative.
Copy after this fashion I have shown you — the fashion of which I AM showing others, that they might be lifted and be not downcast. Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery! “Whatsoever a man sows, that he also must reap.” If you sow to the undesirable willingly or unwillingly by concentration, you will eventually reap the fruit of the same. You will bring it into your experience and into your actuality, yea, into your expressions and into your gestures and into your personality and individuality. Psychologically, on the psychic plane, you will be expressing the undesirable. Even if you are seen by a spiritualist, they will see you functioning in the undesirable expression of life; for you have actually materialized and reproduced and personified and brought into your personality and into your individuality, the very likeness of yourself, the undesirable; therefore, you are it!
GOD, in His MAJESTY, DOMINION and AUTHORITY, with all His OMNISCIENCE, with all of His OMNIPOTENCE, can and will eventually be Personified among this people. Not only from a psychological point of view, not only from a mythological point of view, not only from a superstitious point of view, but from a personal point of view GOD shall be seen and known universally, even as He is seen and known in this apparent Personality; for GOD has established Himself with all of His MAJESTY in this particular PERSONALITY, as it may be termed; therefore, My Personality, as it may be termed, is not a Personality, it is the ALMIGHTY!
“The little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”
Even your individuality and your expressions will become to be so magnetized and magnified with that MAGNETIC CURRENT of GOD’S INFINITENESS, until you in your individuality and in your expressions will be the person of that which you are expressing. That is what it is all about!
Therefore, you need not fret because of the workers of iniquity concerning Me, for I AM that I AM and none can hinder ME! Aren’t you glad? “Oh!” I heard you say; for “He says, I AM that I AM, and none can hinder Me.” That “I” of Whom I AM, I have reproduced and brought into expression in the Characteristics and the Nature and the Attributes of your SAVIOR, and in His Personality I stand, losing the identity of a man but the recognition of GOD’S Personality and Individuality is seen.
The recognition of it is seen and GOD alone reigns from this angle of expression where none can hinder HIM. Aren’t you glad! Every gesture and every expression, every suggestion and every word, yea, every verb that may be termed split, if I split a verb, GOD HIMSELF shall be in it! GOD alone, Who is the INFINITE, shall have DOMINION in it and shall be it and shall make it honorable, even though it may be called erroneous. Aren’t you glad!
Every expression, every word, every emotion, every gesture and every grammatical error — I speak into action the truth concerning the mystery and I establish Myself as the ALMIGHTY and perfect My MAJESTY over all opposition! Aren’t you glad!
What is mortality’s version? All of the earth’s vocabularies of this present advanced civilization are not a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a penny-weight of GOD’S OMNISCIENCE of Whom you say I AM! Truly might have the Apostle said, as a well educated, intelligent man:
“I count all I know as that of which you
might term naught, that I might gain
CHRIST and not the penny of his riches.”
This is the reckoning of which you should reckon: count all you know as naught, you dictators and ignorant, intelligent people! From whence cometh your wisdom and from whence cometh your knowledge; from whence cometh your understanding; from whence cometh your authority, you who try to speak a word criticizingly in opposition to the ALMIGHTY! Who gave you your wisdom? Where did your intelligence come from? Where did you get your grammar and where did you get your dictionary?
Grammatical truths and grammatical facts are lies! Grammatical errors are TRUTH! Aren’t you glad! Man’s righteousness is unrighteousness and wickedness! The Ways of GOD are the extreme reverse to that of man’s ways! Aren’t you glad!
Then I say, who shall dictate to GOD! Who made him dictator? Who made Webster a teacher? Who made him a teacher? Who made him a teacher! How dare he to try to teach you, unless I allow him to? Aren’t you glad! GOD is all WISDOM, all KNOWLEDGE and all UNDERSTANDING. Because a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of GOD’S WISDOM is transmitted to those who are called intelligent, they think they can teach the OMNISCIENT ONE something! What said the prophet in the prophetic age concerning the mystery?
“He came treading the wine-press all
alone and of the people there were
none to help.”
There was not a one to help! GOD in His own MAJESTY, DOMINION and AUTHORITY, came walking alone! The oppositions that rise in opposition to the FUNDAMENTAL, they rise in opposition to tell you Who I AM! The crooked politicians and the crooked legal officials and legal executives, judges and rulers who rise in opposition to the FUNDAMENTAL to tell you Who I AM! They are telling you Who I AM by not standing for Righteousness. By not standing for the Truth, by false accusing and falsely judging the people, they are telling you Who I AM, especially when it is concerning Me; for,
“. . . of the people there were none to help.”
Therefore, “I came treading the wine-press all alone,” and the time has truly come that “the footman shall overtake the horseman.” That is exactly what I have done and that is exactly what you are doing! There are not enough powers on earth nor any other place to prohibit Me nor to slightly retard the advancement of My Work andMission; for GOD in His own Name, is OMNISCIENT, without any of the politicians. Oh, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition!
Such a recognition will EMANCIPATE you from every sense of a mortal feeling, every reflection or sketch of the undesirable condition, that GOD HIMSELF might be reckoned in you and with you continually, and you will know none other but the INFINITE among you.
I have not said anything yet to what I shall say! Out of all that I have said and will say, it is not a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what I will do; and I will do it universally as well as right here among you.
In the Name of Jesus Christ— GOD — of Whom you say I AM, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess; and everything that rises in opposition to it, I shall crush them under My Feet! The Mouth of GOD has declared it! Every unjust official who succeeds in getting into office, I will make misery and woe for them if they are unjust, if they are dishonest, if they are untrue! I shall prove to the world conclusively, GOD shall rule and have all DOMINION over them, yea, over the politicians and the legal representatives of the people, even as I rule and have DOMINION among you!
What a glorious privilege to live in the ACTUAL PRESENCE of GOD! If GOD has not yet come in your consideration, I shall continue to dig deep and build sure for you. Sink your well deep! Drill it until you strike a full flow, and GOD in the name of the water or the oil will come forth and overflow. If GOD is not seen, I shall continue to drill until I get the full supply, until I will satisfy every good desire! Aren’t you glad!
Jot these thoughts down in your vocabularies and in your memory if you please, and consider, NONE can hinder ME! I will continue to proceed until I bring every knee down and bowed at the feet of GOD of Whom you say I am! . . . and cause them to recognize GOD’S ACTUAL PRESENCE and be willing and ready to serve Him. I AM not bothering about the politicians! I AM not requesting nor seeking them for aid or assistance!
The Spirit of My Presence will demand them, if they live and walk about with GOD’S Authority transmitted, to serve GOD scientifically and obey Him and be obedient. If they do not, I WILL COME OUT OF THEIR BODIES!
From this Message I AM giving this afternoon, someone shall oppose or criticize what I have said and you shall read about them! I shall make an example out of someone! Some great official in opposition to the FUNDAMENTAL, I shall make an example out of him! Before many risings and settings of nature’s sun, you shall hear from them! I AM ruling and I AM moving NOW! I AM moving NOW, I say!
Then I say, “FEAR the LORD, for this is not man, it is GOD!” I thank My HOLY ETERNAL NAME, for this day it is fulfilled in your hearing! I thank you.
Father has forever on this earth been;
Moving in Spirit, the Father was then;
Giving his service, a gift that’s great,
To all mankind until this date.
Father Divine is the eternal love
Of planet earth and stars above;
And of the silv’ry moon and golden sun,
Which he made when the world begun.
Father is the symbol of lasting peace,
For the greatest ones unto the least;
And whenever they accept the Father as one,
Their path of righteousness has begun.
Father Divine is the seed of creation.
For he gave birth to every nation;
And everything else that creeps and crawls.
His spirit moved to create all.
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