Mother Divine: Peace, Father Dear, Lamb of GOD that taketh away the sins of the world, Peace to the holy congregation! I stand before you today on the sacred grounds of Woodmont before the Holy Sanctuary of the Sacrificed Body of GOD to lift up the CHRIST Standard in the minds of, not only those of you present, but in the minds of all creation. All humanity must consider the CHRIST Standard; we must, as human beings consider our physiological and our spiritual beginnings.
Founded on Judaic-Christian Culture
As Americans we are founded on the Judaic-Christian culture and that Judaic-Christian culture lifts high the Holy Scriptures. This is the foundation upon which our society has been built; this is the culture that we have been born into, and because we are born into it, we automatically know that there is one true and living GOD. We know that GOD is the Supreme Power of the universe. HE is the Intelligence that created and formed, with His Power, all creation and this Power is moving in the earth today. As subjects of this Creator, we are bound by the Laws by which HE created us and being the highest form of His Creation, we are distinctive in that we have been given a mind to think; this is what sets us apart from all other animals. We are biologically animals, but if we claim our inheritance as Children of GOD, as human beings we are superior to any other animal. Because we have this power to think and have not chosen of our own free will to let our mind be in accord with that Supreme Mind, the Intelligence of the Universe, we have fallen from our first estate, and today we see man lower than the beasts, lower than the animals that GOD has created, and man must consider where he made his mistake and be willing to make the changes to correct that mistake. It is because man has failed to realize that it was a fall in consciousness that caused the separation from GOD. We will just consider the Holy Scripture, Genesis chapter 1, verse 27:
“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Male and female created he them.”
Chapter 2, verse 7:
“And the LORD God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
Results of Disobeying GOD
Considering what that means, physically we are of the earth earthy, but spiritually we are of the LORD from Heaven; the Spirit in us that GOD breathed in us came directly from GOD. Because man chose to have his own way, thinking that he could create and do things independent of GOD, without being subject to GOD, he went about to establish his own so-called Righteousness, and he did not consider the penalties or the results of disobeying GOD; he thought lightly of partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He did not realize that that power that he had through his mind being focused on GOD that GOD, through him, could create all good things. In misusing that power by being conscious of evil, or allowing that power to be used for selfishness and for purposes that were not in accord with the Plan and Purpose and Will of GOD, he has created very negative conditions. He has caused undesirable conditions such as pestilence, the cosmic forces of nature working destructively, social problems that he cannot solve and intellectually are creating confusion in the minds of the people, because he is misdirecting the energies that GOD has given him in ways that are not in accord with the Mind and Spirit of GOD.
As it is now so it began or was in effect when we read, or bear record of the Scripture recording where Adam and Eve fell from grace, and as they lowered their consciousness they became more physical or sensual and they started to procreate in a manner that was not in the Will of GOD for man to do and cursed themselves. It is recorded according to Genesis, Chapter 3: 16, 17, 18 and 19:
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and they conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children: and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return.”
Now, until that time, the bodies of the Children of men did not suffer physical death and that’s why today man has to realize that it was the broken law of Virtue that caused this to be and if he would live Virtuous and love the LORD his GOD with all his heart, soul, mind and strength, automatically this curse would be taken off of the earth.
Redemption of Man
In order for man to be redeemed, GOD through His great Condescension gave us His Son, Jesus Christ. We all know that it was through Mary’s concentration on GOD, worshipping and asking GOD in her heart for wisdom and understanding and loving Him to the extent that she wanted His Will to be done, that GOD Himself transmitted His spirit to her and through her Christ Jesus was born, born of the Virtuous mind of Mary uniting with the Creator of all. So we, as human beings, must realize the importance of our concentration on GOD and His Will; as Jesus not only concentrated on the Law of GOD but he allowed His Body to be conformed to the Law of GOD and He denied Himself of all of the mortal inheritance, the mortal lineage, the mortal national characteristics and other lineage characteristics that He was subject to by coming through the door of flesh, as a Sample and Example for mankind, that He might demonstrate the reality of putting off mortality and putting on immortality.
It is Wonderful that for nearly two thousand years this Truth that was established by the Personal sacrifice, by the Personal conviction, by the Personal willingness of the Body of Jesus to do GOD’S Will, has survived. Isn’t it Wonderful that GOD allowed Jesus Christ to suffer under Pontius Pilate and under the Pharisees and Sadducees and those who were the ruling power of Israel at that time, to suffer and to die the death on the cross that he might be resurrected and that it might be on record never to be erased of the reality of the physical body uniting with the Spirit of GOD and being translated, transformed and having the victory, over death, the ‘other place’ and the grave? Thank YOU, FATHER Dear, for Your great Love that came in the Body of Jesus Christ and I AM grateful today for everyone who lifts high the Name of Jesus Christ and tries to conform their life to what they know He represents.
Can Have Victory Over Death
Jesus took the curse off the earth and made the way possible for man to once again get back to that place in consciousness where we were before we fell from that state in consciousness wherein GOD created us. We can get back there. Now we can get back there and we can be united with GOD and we can have the victory over death, sickness, sorrow and pain and all that goes with it, because Jesus did it and it’s on record that He did it. And all that has been said and done to erase it, they have not been able to erase it; more and more evidence is found that what Jesus experienced is scientifically true. This is a reality, man can do it, but man continues to ignore it, I mean those who are not converted to Jesus Christ, those who consider they are scientifically inclined but it’s not politically and socially convenient for people to believe this way, they continue to try to hide these facts. But this is true! Jesus was born of a Virgin, Jesus Christ did hang on the cross and died for our sin of the broken law of virtue and He was resurrected. And Jesus lived a celibate life; Jesus did not have human affection; if He had love, it was the Love of GOD, the pure, virtuous Love of GOD for His fellow brothers and sisters—humanity—that they might be lifted; that’s the kind of Love He had. And He is the same in the minds of the people today. What the ‘other fellow’ has done to try to desecrate the Name of Jesus cannot stand, because the Body was sacrificed to that end, and when a sacrifice is made that is real and true, man can do nothing to erase it.
The Power of the Mind
It’s wonderful to know that although Jesus was born of a virgin, and His FATHER truly was GOD unadulterated, yet, we have the same power, because He did it and showed us how to do it. We thank YOU, FATHER, for that Mind that was in Christ Jesus, that is the Mind that we had before Adam chose to disobey the Law of GOD. Jesus chose to obey the Law of GOD, and regain that state of Consciousness that man had in the Garden of Eden. This is very important for people to realize and it’s very important that everybody knows the power of the mind; what you vividly visualize, you tend to materialize; we are the outward expression of our mental and spiritual conception, those are the Words of GOD, FATHER DIVINE. Man does know, more than ever today, the power of the human mind and this is why they must consider the Holy Scripture and the origin of man according to the Holy Scripture and understand why he fell from grace and why he is suffering and experiencing so much negation.
Standard of Christ Adulterated
The Christian churches are founded on the Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ, but because they have not exhibited or demonstrated the Mind of Christ, they have adulterated the Standard of Christ; they have made that which was a direct violation of the Law of GOD, they have made it to the people, honorable, and justified it. I mean by that the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, when the marriage should have been to GOD and to the Fundamental Principle of Life by which he was created, that which every living creature that is in the human form should be concerned about, being married to the Principle, the Law by which he was created. By compromising and making legal that which was a violation of the Law of GOD, they have perverted the minds of the people and caused them to misdirect their energy, and we are so graceful that GOD came in answer to Jesus’ Prayer, when He prayed; ‘I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shalt keep them from the evil.’ Jesus knew that He as a Person did not have the power to universalize this Truth, to lift the consciousness of mankind universally. He knew it, and that’s why He prayed to the FATHER to come and to make us one in Him, and He taught all of us to pray to let this consciousness come, to let the Kingdom of Heaven come on earth, and mankind has been praying this. The prayers of the sincere hearts of men have been offered up to GOD and it’s wonderful to think that GOD heard the cries of humanity. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! Oh, it is Wonderful! I thank GOD for every sincere heart down through the generations that has lifted up their voice to GOD and has looked to GOD as the answer to the human dilemma.
Why GOD Father Divine Came in a Body
That is why GOD came in the Body of Father Divine. Jesus ascended to the FATHER. I mean the Sonship Degree of Consciousness, when it suffered and died by making a complete denial of all mortal versions and all self from every angle, that Sonship Degree ascended to the FATHER, and in that Sonship Degree is all Power in Heaven and in earth. Why? Because Jesus’ Spirit was united with His Body and that brought the Heaven in the physical bodies of the children of men. You understand? The physical was united with the spiritual Power of the Universe. It is Wonderful—and that Power is not confined or bound in any way; it is not confined or bound to the physical world, and it’s not confined or bound to the mental world and it’s not confined or bound to the spiritual world. According to the Will and Plan of GOD, HE can walk in and out of any of these worlds of expression. It is Wonderful! Once Jesus was lifted above the power of gravity to hold Him, He had the Power to put Himself under gravity if He so willed. GOD can visibilate Himself or HE can invisibilate Himself. HE can present Himself in any body HE wishes to, in any way HE wishes to, whenever HE wishes to. He is not subject to man and what man thinks about Him or does not think about Him. I think it is Wonderful to always remember that.
The Beauty of GOD
It’s Wonderful to have a mind and a spirit that can see GOD and see His Plan of Redemption. It’s Wonderful to be so happy the way GOD in the Fathership Degree Condescended to come. It’s Wonderful when we realize that that mortal, selfish mind always wants to put someone down, thinking in doing so he can put himself up, and that’s what—these divisions—is what caused the reality, or apparent reality of different races, different classes, different social standing, all of this, one trying to put the other down so that they can be put up. That’s the masterfulness of GOD, when HE would come in the way that man in his lofty, haughty, ‘ignorant intelligence’ would think that GOD would not come. We rejoice in the fact that the beauty of GOD, the superiority of GOD from every angle expressible has been manifested before our very eyes and in the Body of GOD, FATHER DIVINE. (Sustained applause) I love GOD! And here in this Body the Perfection of Virtue, the Perfection of a chaste Mind, a chaste Spirit and Body. It is Wonderful, Wonderful, and this is the key. This is the key!
Imbalance Caused by Broken Law of Virtue
As we look at FATHER DIVINE, we see through this beautiful Spirit and Mind, HE has demonstrated Universal Love, impersonal Love, HE has demonstrated freedom from every angle, I mean the freedom from the nature, the characteristics, the tendencies, fancies and pleasures of man; FATHER DIVINE has demonstrated all of this and that’s why the abundance of all things has been at His disposal, because there is no spirit of greed, there is no spirit of dishonesty, there is no spirit of self-aggrandizement, no egotism, none of these qualities that cut off the supply of the blessings of GOD, this is what man has to come to grips with, that the lacks and wants of whole segments of society, the imbalance that humanity is experiencing for the necessities of life, is due to his lack of virtue. Because with this virtue, as I say, comes all of the Divine qualities that will give him the desire, the understanding of how to correct the imbalances. When man rights his thinking, all of these imbalances will right themselves automatically. It is Wonderful!
Blessing of Conforming to Law of GOD
FATHER DIVINE Personally came, demonstrating this, demonstrating it under His Personal Jurisdiction within the Peace Mission Movement and in the individual lives of the true followers of that Peace Mission Movement. The minute they accepted the sovereignty of GOD in their lives and were willing to leave the old state of consciousness and break all the connections and go forth with this new concept, then things automatically began to change for them, and automatically there was a reversal from lacks, wants and limitations to the abundance, that began to manifest itself. There was the change from every angle, from sickness to health, from being undesirable to being desirable, from being dissatisfied and disgruntled and angry and resentful with everybody and everything to expressing joy, Peace and happiness. It is all in bringing oneself into conformity with the Law of GOD through the acceptance of the sovereignty of GOD. It is Wonderful!
None Beside Father Divine
FATHER DIVINE, in His masterful way took on like a fighter takes on an opponent—FATHER took on all of these concepts of men, He battled all of their hostility, their ignorance and the violence even that was perpetrated against Him, I mean real violence from various angles, FATHER took it on and FATHER was victorious every step of the way. It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! I love GOD! Yes, FATHER, YOU were victorious because YOU are so Virtuous, YOU are so Pure, YOU are so Holy, there is none beside THEE, Perfect in Power, Perfect from every angle expressible. FATHER DIVINE, YOU took it all on! Oh, Almighty GOD, how we thank YOU that we have had eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart that understands! It is so Wonderful!
That is for each and everyone of us. FATHER DIVINE has demonstrated this, and this is what mankind universally has to realize, that this is where the solving of their problems lies, in looking with reverence and respect and with objectivity at the Life and Teachings of FATHER DIVINE, and I’m happy to say they’re beginning to do so, because FATHER DIVINE made the Supreme Sacrifice. I mean, there was no length to which FATHER DIVINE did not go to unearth the sins that have beset man, there was no length that HE did not go to let mankind know that the Love of GOD is their satisfying portion. There is no length to which HE did not go in Personally taking on all of the infirmities that mankind has been subject to because of the broken law of virtue. FATHER did it all and HE did it all by Himself. Yes, HE did! There was none with Him because it was impossible for man to comprehend the Mind of GOD and then when man does get a little understanding, then he rebels because he knows that his day is done. FATHER walked this Holy Christ Life alone on this earth plane, mean the fulness of it, and as HE walked, HE put His Spirit in the people and HE birthed Himself out in the bodies of the children of men and HE is alive today. FATHER DIVINE is alive today in millions and millions of bodies, because of His Supreme Sacrifice, I mean, His Supreme willingness to redeem man unto Himself. They are taking on His Ideas and Opinions, they are having a mind to think right, do right and be right.
So we thank YOU, FATHER DIVINE, for Your Presence in the earth. We thank YOU for Your Virtuous Holy Body, we thank YOU for the knowledge of the CHRIST LIFE, the CHRIST Mind, we thank YOU for this rich inheritance that we have that the systems of men cannot touch. If we have YOU aright, YOU in us have control, YOU in us have the control and we are subject, not to their failing ways, but we are subject to the Victorious Plan and Purpose of YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY. For this, we humbly thank YOU. Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!
Given at The Shrine To Life, Woodmont, The Mount of the House of the LORD on Tuesday, September 11, 1984 at 10:42 A.M.
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