The Story of FATHER DIVINE'S Peace Missions In "The Promised Land,"
Ulster County, New York From the mid 1930s to the early 1960s
With Photographs of Some of these Many Extensions In Up-State New York.

"My Work and Endeavors Are Establishing an International Utopia;
but First I Am Laying the Foundation of the Same by Inculcating
Within the Hearts and Minds of Men the Principle
of Peace, of Perfection and of Brotherly Love." --- FATHER DIVINE


Krumville Farm.

  1. My Work and Endeavors Are Establishing an International Utopia; but First I Am Laying the Foundation of the Same by Inculcating Within the Hearts and Minds of Men the Principle of Peace, of Perfection and of Brotherly Love. FATHER DIVINE
  2. Boat Trip Marks Official Opening of Promised Land 10,000 Witness Kingston Parade
  3. Official opening of the Promised Land, part 2
  4. Five Thousand March For Righteous Government.
  5. At The Kingston Mansion.
  6. Photos of Peace Mission Extensions, Farms and Parks, Ulster County, Upstate New York
  7. A report from the Poughkeepsie Star plus pictures of Promised Land Properties
  8. Greenkill Park.
  9. A Story of the Burning of the Greenkill Park Estate, a Seven Year Old Boys' View of the Peace Mission, Ulster County, New York
  10. Milton-on-the-Hudson, was Purchased in 1939, the Former Elverhoj Art Colony by Followers of FATHER DIVINE.
  11. High Falls; Krumville; Olive Bridge; New Paltz; Samsonville; Spot in the Road; Stone Ridge. State Official Pays Glowing Tribute To FATHER DIVINE'S Work and Mission. Part 1.
  12. FATHER DIVINE'S Reply. That Which Is Real Rises over And above All Criticism. Part 2.
  13. "His Followers Are Active Buyers of Hudson Estates." Newspaper reprint from the NEW YORK TIMES
  14. FATHER'S Invitation to President Roosevelt and others to attend the dedication of Greenkill Park
  15. Where to Find Former Promised Land Property

