FATHER DIVINE Commends the Writer's Sincerity

"When That Which Is Real Rises over And above All Criticism, Slander and Persecution of Men,
Retaining in its Unfoldment Its Natural,
Inherent Virtues, it's Law Magnified and Made Honorable among Men,
it Is Indisputable Proof of the Work of God and Not the Work of Men." --- FATHER DIVINE


36-38 W. 123rd Street
New York City, N. Y.
October 27, 1939 A.D.F.D.

Mr. Sylvanus H. Hart, Jr. Examiner-Attorney
Division of Licenses
Metropolitan Office
153 Worth Street, New York City

My Dear Mr. Hart;

Your letter of the 23rd is before ME and I AM writing to express MY appreciation for your unreserved communication of thanks and tribute to MY Work and Mission among men, and to say that I AM indeed glad that you and yours found personal comfort and Peace during your stay in the Promised Land.

Had you not possessed within your heart a profound conviction of Right and the sincerity of seeing Righteousness in effect, the understanding and praise you so kindly extended would have been un-conceded, as it is by those whom you referred, deprecate the Truth through their preconceived prejudices and stony hearts.

riding in the Deusenberg Limousine.

FATHER DIVINE riding in the Duesenberg Limosine.

Nevertheless, oppositions are good. I welcome them. They are, according to MY Version, boosters to the Truth. When that which is real rises over and above all criticism, slander and persecution of men, retaining in its unfoldment its natural, inherent virtues, its Law magnified and made honorable among men, it is indisputable proof of the Work of GOD and not the work of men.

Long since have I invited the investigation of the people. I have sought their inquisitions into the Principle, into this System of operation, inviting them to come and see open-mindedly and unbiasedly the Work of My Spiritual Endeavors as they are made practical and scientific among men.

I heartily appreciate the voluntary search for understanding of this Teaching you made in the Promised Land and your responsive attitude and conviction of the Truth. It could not be otherwise.

One can see this phenomenon is the consequence of Divine Law. It is the scientific result of the transmission of MY Spirit and MY Mind among men in Righteousness, Justice and Truth. It is the Principle made manifest in all fields of existence, as it is clearly observed in the upliftment of the moral, educational, economic and social pursuits of men.

on the sundeck, Woodmont

FATHER DIVINE on the sundeck , Woodmont.

Your solicitation to lay but one stone in the building up of this Righteous Government is highly appreciated. I believe your correspondence emphasizes that you have already co-operated in your endeavor as you declare your stand in the cause of a Righteous Government.

In following out these Precepts of Righteousness, Justice and Truth, MY Spirit and MY Mind will guide you in your daily activities, that you might substantiate Righteousness in the legal courts of law, for the Kingdom of Righteousness must be legalized even as I AM establishing it scientifically and economically in the affairs of men, that all men might become to be as this leaves ME, for I AM Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in Spirit, Body and Mind and in every organ, muscle, sinew, joint, limb, vein and bone and even in every atom, fiber and cell of MY Bodily Form.

Respectfully and Sincere I AM
(Better known as FATHER DIVINE)

MJD. r

FATHER DIVINE serving hot drinks
at the Holy Communion Table, Rockland Palace, N.Y.C.

FATHER DIVINE serving hot drinks at the Holy Communion Table, Rockland Palace, N.Y.C..



