".....Your Desires, as Prayers, Will Be Heard And Answered by the Christ Characteristics
You Are Exhibiting.

"The Mystery Of Prayer Is Praise and Thanksgiving." --- FATHER DIVINE



  1. The Peace Mission Movement Is Prayer In Expression. "But I have produced this Peace Mission Movement, Through My Life and My teaching, a prayer in expression, of sincerity, through self denial and consecration."
    New Day, Apr. 2, 1955; P. 6-7 Message - Given Apr.14, 1943; 4:30 a.m.
  2. The CHRIST Characteristics, A Prayer.
    'The spirit may have to break down the idols to cleanse the children of men; nevertheless, it is love in expression."
    '.....To the great universal mind substance your desires, as prayers, will be heard and answered by the Christ characteristics you are exhibiting."
    New Day, Feb. 2, 1952; P. 3-5 Message - Given Jan. 28, 1938; 2:00 p.m.
  3. Pray In Disguise.
    'Close the door of the worlds understanding to what you are doing and pray with the spirit of sincerity."
    New Day, Dec. 3, 1955; P. 16-17 Message - Given Apr. 19, 1941; 4:13 p.m.
  4. "I Came To Teach This Present Generation The Way To Pray"
    New Day, Mar. 22, 1958; P. 3-4 Message - Given July 5, 1942; 7:30 p.m.
  5. "A good many of you would say, Lord, make us truly and thankful for the blessings we are about to receive for the nourishment of our body and for the benefit of our soul!"
    'I have already made you truly thankful and caused you to say, Thank YOU, FATHER' volitionally and voluntarily, and consciously and unconsciously you will say it before you think it, I thank YOU, FATHER!'"
    New Day, Mar. 10, 1956; P. 14-16 Message - Given Dec. 16, 1938; 1:00 p.m.
  6. The Mystery Of Prayer Is Praise.
    'Praise will unlock any barred and shut door! As I have often said:'Ask, affirm, give thanks and give praise; GOD will give, confirm, increase and multiply!'"
    New Day, Apr. 21, 1951; P. 8-10 Message - Given Oct. 6, 1941; 11:27 p.m.

