"Has Not God Chosen the Dumb Things of this World
to Confound the Wise, And the Things That Are Naught to Bring to Naught Things That Are?

"The Wisdom of Man Is Foolishness to GOD, and the Wisdom of GOD Is Foolishness to Man."

Our FATHER'S Message Given whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School,
764-772 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday Eve. and Wednesday Morning, April 13-14, 1943, A.D.F.D., Time - 4:30 A.M.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE Serving the followers
at The Nazareth Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE Serving the followers at The Nazareth Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA.

It is a true saying,

'Be not deceived, GOD is not mocked!'

and many have learned the full meaning of this maxim through hard and bitter experience! There are those from time to time, wise in their own conceit, who think their intelligence rating qualifies them to pass opinion on the Perfect One Himself and on those who endeavor to live according to His Teachings of Perfection. However, as is always the case, those who intentionally and maliciously try to cast a reflection of sarcasm, scorn or burlesque through written articles or oral speeches, upon the mighty Work and Mission of Righteousness and upon the Founder of it yea, the Creator of all creation find themselves condemned physically, mentally and spiritually and deprived of the attributes and blessings GOD reserves for those who truly love HIM and obey His commandments.

This significant lecture given by FATHER on this occasion points out very emphatically the truth of these statements, and explains just why man's version of GOD and GOD'S Ways is erroneous, and dooms him to destruction, unless he condescends to let GOD enter and change him from the Adamic state of consciousness to the CHRIST Consciousness!

Blessed Redeemer, we thank Thee for Thy Condescension!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! It is good to be here in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, in all simplicity, meekness and obedience, with the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence, expressing HIMSELF from whatsoever angle He wishes to!

I often think of what someone once said,

'GOD must love the common people, HE made so many of them!'

If from a psychological point of view you would take cognizance of that version in that particular illustration you would be able to see a deep mystery that is universal and not confined to that of the common people alone, but universal by nature reaching all people reaching all walks of life; and everything that is common and insignificant among men, GOD made more of that and more of them than that of which was great.

'Has not GOD chosen the dumb things of this world to confound the wise, and the things that are naught to bring to naught things that are?'


'The wisdom of man is foolishness to GOD, and the Wisdom of GOD is foolishness to man!'


An Example of Swift Retribution

These thoughts are well worth considering, yet there are those, in their own way, try to bring GOD down to the measure of a man! I AM thinking of an experience some three years ago nearly; a lady came here from Canada and was at one of our Righteous Government Meetings in the Promised Land with another lady, and when she returned to Canada she wrote a very criticizing and embarrassing article concerning ME if you could be embarrassed concerning ME as to what one might write or say. She spoke criticizingly concerning My Diction and the grammatical stumbles, no doubt, I would make, or did make as in her consideration. But she returned to Canada immediately after writing that article and conveying a message like that, and she was not walking but going much swifter and faster and more alert than walking, but on skis. She fell and broke her limbs and got internal injuries, and until now she is an invalid!

With all of the grammatical perfection of herself in illustration, and perfection after the manner of nationality, or racial origin, in her consideration, she made such a stumble on skis that could go faster than walking, and more easy, and she is an invalid until now, so the information has been given. So it goes to show, it does not pay to criticize the FOUNT of your LIFE!

GOD must be common because HE made so many common people! GOD must be illiterate, and their intelligence, especially from an intellectual point of view, came by the transmission of GOD'S Wisdom from a humanic point of view to some person according to the mortal version, but is was and still is foolishness to GOD. Can you not see the mystery?


GOD Veils HIMSELF For His Own Purposes

In the most insignificant state of expression the GREAT of all Creation veils HIMSELF, even in illustrations, for the purpose of meeting the masses, and speaks in their own language so that they can understand it. GOD is Omniscient, and that woman in her self-deluded and self-exalted intelligence, such as she had received, was a slight sketch of a reflection of a percent of a fraction, of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the Wisdom of GOD to the children of men, and not even perfection among them. But GOD is Omniscient and the information the children of men receive from every angle expressible, if it is intellectual information, it is but a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a fraction of a grain of GOD'S Omniscience transmitted, speaking to them in simplicity and in foolishness, for the wisdom of man is foolishness to GOD as well as the Wisdom of GOD is foolishness to man!

Therefore, this lady of whom I AM now speaking thought to make a burlesque of her visit and My hospitality and of I being hospitable to her, even though being busy at the time; sacrificing time and service to entertain her and her friend when I should have been giving My time and service to those who could appreciate My time and service without criticism! But it goes to show you, nearly everyone is just the same way! Aren't you glad?

It has been said that another mentioned something concerning ME a party said to a certain person, "Someone thought they were condemning or spiting doing something to spite us by giving us FATHER DIVINE as a neighbor, but HE is a Blessing!" or words to that effect. And someone else thought to criticize the assertion, and they questioned what did someone else think concerning the mystery? The answer was, that the other party was sympathetic.


Another Example of Retribution

Nevertheless, the person in question as a radio commentator, so I was informed, tried to impose and enforce a tip on someone, in violation to their religious conviction ignoring the religious conviction of the insignificant and so they did. But the next thing was heard of them after leaving the State of New York and going to Washington and having been enlisted to go across they did not get across; or, in other words, they did not return. They ignored the religious conviction of the insignificant and tried to force a tip on them after they said it was against their religious conviction to receive tips, for tip-taking was not considered in My Mission, and it was explained to some extent; but they did not return to the United Sates again alive!

They tried to ignore the religious conviction, which is the sincere desire of the person in expression, and the prayer for the redemption of not only the person in question but the nation; to safeguard the nation through your religious convictions!

You have been requested to pray for GOD to Bless and Safeguard our whole nation. Unless you have some religious conviction, and a conscientious, sacrificing, self-denying religious conviction, your prayers will all be in vain. It must come from a consecrated, self- denied, a sacrificed and true and faithful religious conviction for the desire to be heard and answered by GOD!


The Peace Mission Movement Is Prayer In Expression

So these thoughts are well worth considering. Unless it is a true desire, a true prayer in all sincerity, a sacrificing desire, a self-denying desire, a consecrated desire, that prayer will not be heard and answered speedily. But I have produced this Peace Mission Movement through MY life and MY teaching, a prayer in expression, of sincerity, through self-denial and consecration.

A real sacrifice desire and prayer that will make a sacrifice to the uttermost a prayer that is sincere, conscientious and true a prayer that is self-denied and consecrated to GOD such a prayer is heard and answered for you all not only heard and answered for one person but it is heard and answered for all creation, because it is the Spirit of which was mentioned by the Apostle in his Epistle-ic prediction when he said,

'You know not how to pray as you ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession in groanings which cannot be uttered.'

It comes from a sincere, contrite and a conscientious, self-denied and sacrificed heart; a heart of GOD! Such a prayer is heard and answered speedily, for it is coming through all sincerity, conscientiousness, through sacrifice and through self-denial and through all simplicity and ignorance according to the mortal version, for

'A little Child shall lead them!'

I need not say more; but in these two instances the two concerning the same person in connection with the person in question it was something to be considered, how a contrite and a sincere heart, insignificant and least considered, their prayers are Heard and Answered Speedily; and if you speak or act in Opposition to them through criticism, accusation, or in an act to condemn them you bring swift judgment and condemnation upon yourself!


Thousands Could Be Mentioned Who Went Down In Defeat From Antagonism

It has been the experience of millions, but thousands I could relate to you, if I would take the time to do so, and call them by name the ones with whom I have come in contact and those of whom have contacted ME, in opposition to ME, who have gone down in defeat, or in some way have failed by contacting ME inharmoniously! So, I say, it is something to consider.

I thought of this lady, how she could walk, how she could dance and she could move around physically but speaking of a grammatical stumble, as in her consideration, not knowing that GOD is omniscient, and what information she has, GOD gave it to her, and speaks as HE Wills to! If HE wishes to speak in her language HE can speak it, and if HE wishes to speak in the absolute illiterate and ignorant, HE can speak it, since GOD made more ignorant people and all ignorant people and did not make any who could read or write, saving One! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you!
