The significance of the body of God being with you
PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite; Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; All Wisdom, All Knowledge and All Understanding around and among those who are around the Body of GOD!
At this particular instance I have arisen to say, when we sing these or those compositions as advanced convictions of millions, it is uplifting. It takes you out of that state of consciousness where you live in doubts and fears and are conscious of the absence of GOD; but it helps you to believe and to know definitely you are in the Presence of GOD. But when you sing those songs that are not advancing and are not uplifting, when you sing those songs that are not convincing to yourself and to others of GOD’S Actual Presence, naturally, you do not feel as you do when you sing melodies of Thanksgiving and praises that are declarations of GOD’S Actual Presence.
It is a different world in which we live, to those who are living in that consciousness, yea, in that state of consciousness where they must go somewhere; where they observe GOD far beyond the blue ether, which is to say, far beyond the sky, far beyond the sun, the moon and all of the stars. When they think GOD is up there, they are serving GOD suppositionally and superstitiously and they are not serving GOD in the Conscious Conviction and Realization of GOD’S Actual Presence as you are, in the Presence of the Body of GOD! You are conscious of GOD’S Presence and the Consciousness of GOD’S Presence, it is the Solver of every problem and the Adjuster of all matters and will adjust matters satisfactorily for all humanity eventually! [Read more…]
Your faith in God is priceless! Your faith should be more valuable than pure gold just about the size of New York City!
Sermon given at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Monday Morning, Sept. 22, 1952 A.D.F.D., Time — 4:50 A.M.
PEACE EVERYONE! Many years ago I said, I will preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in deeds and in actions!” I often said, hereafter I shall preach more explicitly in deeds and in actions than what I have preached and AM preaching in Words.
Just a little while ago, when that Message was being read from the pages of The Light as published in August 7, 1934, I thought of how marvelous it was, yes, how marvelous it is the Message that was given then can remain and it shall remain over and above every opposition of men, for GOD is Greater, Bigger and Better than all of the opposing forces, both of the visible and invisible world.
I thought how marvelous it was at it is, even though we do not think or commit to memory these soul-stirring, yea, soul-redeeming Messages; at times you lose complete sight of those things that I have said, yet when you read back and see what I said at that time, more than eighteen years ago, it is enough said in those Words to redeem the world!
Many may ignore this Truth, but the only hope of your redemption and the redemption of all of those who may even so much as desire to ignore it, the only hope and the only Salvation is the recognition of what I AM telling them! It says, “The Light”. This is a bound volume of “The Light” and “The Divine Light” combined. “The Light” in its original name, it gives light to the world! As it is, so it was; “The Divine Light”, as published by My Spirit and My Presence, bearing witness of what I have been and still AM telling you: GOD is a Free Gift to the world! Both “The Light”, and also as it was, so it is for free distribution!
As I explained,
“GOD so loved the world, HE gave His only begotten Son!”
You cannot lose by giving freely, for so freely as you receive, so freely you should give; and on the other hand, so freely as you give, so freely shall you receive. As these periodicals were for free distribution and not for the purpose of profiteering or for the purpose of any monetary returns for what we were doing, yet a good many may say, “FATHER DIVINE is extremely wealthy and has unlimited resources.” They speak of the material and monetary expressions of what they can see around, not knowing that in this particular Message as I gave it, if you believe it, it is worth your city’s weight in gold. It is the Key to all of the hidden treasures of the universe! It will unlock every barred and shut door! Aren’t you glad!
The golden rule with arbitration will solve every problem
Good health, good will and a good appetite so you can eat aplenty; good manners, good behavior, all success and all prosperity so you may be happy! All success, I say, and prosperity, so you may be happy continually!
At this particular instance I have arisen to say, it is good to be here in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose! As you stand susceptive to that of which I AM expressing, you can see, reflect and manifest the reflection of it. It is an abstract expression of the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the Conscious Realization of the Fatherhood of GOD. For this cause you rejoice. You are filled with enthusiasm such as others are not.
In the great time of the crises and the conflicts with the nations of the world, with men and their respective neighbors and others living in confusion, malice and strife, those of you who adhere to MY Teaching, you are filled with enthusiasm, with joy and happiness and hospitality for everybody.
For this cause I AM here tonight, to further the advancement of this Righteous Government of which we represent, that shall eventually be universally established and internationally legalized–in other words, internationally recognized and established in the hearts and lives of the children of men as the Fundamental of Salvation, the Hope and the Redemption of them! [Read more…]
I have proved that it is more blessed to give than to receive
At this instance I would like to say, as usual, we have visiting friends. We wish to extend to our visiting friends the privilege to speak if you desire to; speak or sing or pray or whatsoever you are led to do. We endorse the Freedom of Speech as a real democracy, but on the other hand do not feel as though you must necessarily speak because you are here with us; you are not obligated to do so. You are free and welcome to be here so long as it is agreeable, but you are not required by obligation to do so just because you are here. As I have often said–I would like to make this statement here for the benefit of MY friends–I have often said, I do not expect any special consideration because of what I may cause you to benefit or profit by MY Presence. I AM not seeking remuneration for that which I may benefit you.
As I have often said, when one can save whatsoever they can save on getting a hair trim–where you can get a hair trim for ten cents wheresoever they make a charge for the service– whatsoever you save on that barber work you have done, it is MY SPIRIT gave it to you, whatsoever it may be. And if you get a shave for five cents, and if you have to pay any more than five cents elsewhere, whatsoever you have saved on that shave, it is through MY SPIRIT. By the Presence of GOD, HE is giving it to you!
That is MY Work and Mission and that is MY Business, which I AM doing. I AM not working for compensation for MY Service to the children of men; I AM a Free gift to the world, gratis to mankind!
Before MY Followers purchased and owned and operated properties and business places, whatsoever I did for the people was absolutely gratis. And then they said. ‘Where does HE get so much money from?’ You have been taught from your early existence,
It is more blessed to give than to receive;
but the people do not believe it.
I have proven it! Any time you can give something for nothing, it is more a blessing than what the compensation would be, if you were receiving compensation for it. I recall telling several ministers, about twenty-two or three years ago, when I composed a song and I was offered fifty thousand dollars for the composition, and some, a good many of the ministers said,
YOU are foolish not to take it up!
I said CHRIST said,
No man has forsaken all of these things lest he gain an hundredfold more in this present time!
I will gain an HUNDRED DOLLARS for EVERY DOLLAR for RIGHTEOUSNESS’ SAKE I sacrifice! I will gain a dollar, if after the manner of men I speak on terms of dollars and cents; I will gain the VALUE of a DOLLAR for every penny sacrificed for Righteousness’ sake, or denied for Righteousness’ sake, and ‘OF HIS Kingdom and of HIS Peace and of HIS Increase, there shall be no end!” I gain an hundred times as much as I could receive seeking compensation for whatsoever I give!
“It is more blessed to give than to receive!’ ‘Give to the world the BEST you have and the BEST will come back to you!”
Now I will make an amendment to that little statement:
“Give to the world all you have and all will come back to you!”
I thank you!
Father Divine

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