Father Divine’s message given at 67 West 130th St. New York City, N.Y. on Thursday, June 1st, 1933.
At the great Banquet Table of FATHER DIVINE as expressed at 67 West 130th Street, New York City, on June 1st, 1933, there were as always many visitors from afar, some making their personal contact with FATHER for the first time and others paying HIM an extended visit in an effort to get more of that which they were seeking.
As FATHER with HIS wonderful Love served the Banquet Table and those seated partook of the material food, one of the visitors said she had been criticized for using material remedies in her attempts to heal, and asked if it was not permissible in the case of an infant with a naval rupture, to use a medical aid to correct the difficulty until it was taken care of by the Spirit. Another testified that the first speaker had induced her to take the bandage off her broken arm, and had rubbed the arm with olive oil as part of a healing process, and asked if this was contrary to FATHER DIVINE’S Teachings.
Moved to respond, FATHER Spoke as follows:
PEACE! This morning I had the pleasure of again having Mr. H. with us ─ at least he made a call, and it was a message for MY consideration that was brought to MY Mind. There is someone that has been taken from the West to New York for a blessing. This party has been known or termed to be incurable by medical science. They came here through hearing of ME, and someone represented this party to ME once before since she has been here.
I did not go to see her in person, I did not need to make any personal effort, neither use any material remedy, neither use any material methods to reach the condition of the person, but he had in his possession telegrams, or at least one especially, from the mother of this young lady, desiring ME especially to let this young lady see ME, to speak a word or two to her at least.
I vividly stressed to Mr. H. that it was not necessary for ME to make a personal contact. If I AM working by the Spirit I need not touch you, come near you, neither use any material remedy, if it is GOD doing the Work. They have insisted upon seeing ME, especially so much as to have a word. They said they believed it would mean a blessing to this young lady. But I continue to stress openly, privately, secretly within the secrecy of MY Own Mind, it is not necessary to make a personal or material contact with ME, as GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent; GOD is a Present Help in every need. I AM not desiring such, and as I explained to Mr. H., I do not desire to give what the people call treatments, as a Person, for I AM not seeking patients.
A Free Gift to the World
If I were seeking patients I too would be glad to do something from a Personal point of view so you could look on ME as a Person and depend on ME Personally, so you could call on ME when you get in seeming need. But as I AM a Free Gift to the world, gratis to mankind, I can serve independently and serve scientifically and also can serve with the Spirit of GOD and not with the spirit of men. As a Free Gift to the world, gratis to mankind, I came!
That is why I stressed so vividly last evening in MY Lecture, I do not want any strings tied to MY connections. I do not wish to be obligated with the spirit or the mind that tends to reflect a tendency of binding. I came to free the people and free them indeed ─ from ME as a Person and from every other individual as a person, that they might discern the Fundamental Principle of Live Ever-present with them, the true and the Living CHRIST, with or without a Bodily Form. With or without any efforts or methods of your own, GOD is your Refuge and GOD is your Strength, and GOD can help you and no other one.
Why Visualize the Negative
Therefore I do not desire to see, physically, the condition. It is only the mortal version put forth into expression according to the mortal version of the human mind collectively that has caused these conditions to be expressed and manifested among the people. Why should I visualize the negative condition? If I hold in MY Consciousness the negative condition I will produce and bring into expression, either physically or spiritually, the negativeness of the negative condition. But if I visualize the perfect state of your real being and refuse to observe the limited undesirable condition that seems to be appearing ─ by ignoring such negativeness we will also cease to produce the negative condition, and the negative will wane of its own abnormal weight or unreality by not recognizing it. We must realize the good and not that which is termed as evil. That is MY version of things.
Your conditions, if they are expressing or manifesting positiveness, happiness, desirableness and perfection, these are the things I AM supposed to be a Thermometer to register ─ the perfect picture, the desirable condition ─ and ignore every seeming limited undesirable condition. By visualizing the perfect picture we tend to materialize the perfect picture and we will bring into expression the positiveness of the positive version concerning such assertions. It is Wonderful. And the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence will re-create the desirable condition by visualizing thedesirable condition and refusing to aid it or help it, or try to do anything as a person. That is MY version.
Ever-Presence of GOD
Why would you come from far and near, seeking to see ME, when GOD is present everywhere, especially if you intend to go on with your preconceived ideas and opinions, your pre-inherited gifts and customs, etc. I came to establish the Fundamental Principle, to bring humanity to the conscious realization of the Ever-Presence of GOD with all of HIS Majesty. GOD being in you, GOD being with you, GOD being at all times with every other person that you are trying to contact or contacting! It is Wonderful! GOD is there! It is Wonderful!
So this party has been persistent in their ambition to get their daughter to see ME in Person since they have been up here, and I continue to tell everyone that comes to ME and brings ME the message concerning this young lady, if they will make their mental and their spiritual contact it is sufficient. It is Wonderful! The latter is sufficient. Make the mental or spiritual contact whichever, the latter is sufficient. GOD is Present everywhere. I do not wish to get in the way of the activity of the Spirit and the access thereof, for the Spirit must have its free access in this Grace wherein I stand.
Therefore I as a Person, or as a man, must cease to function and allow the Spirit of the Omnipotent Omnipresent to function in the consciousness of the people. I want to get MYSELF as a Person, from a Personal point of view off of your mind, that you might observe and discern the reality of the Impersonal life that can reach your condition wheresoever you are. It is wonderful!
Mental and Spiritual Contact
It may be said, and so it is ─ FATHER believes HE can heal any kind of disease. It is true! If not to others it is to you! But it is not by power nor by might, Dear Ones, but by MY Spirit. So many ask ME the question, “FATHER, do YOU give absent treatment?” I will eradicate and dispel even such an assertion, such words, in MY world or in this Realm wherein I stand, as “giving treatment.” The time cometh and now is that these things will be dispelled from our consciousness. As a Person, why should I think that I by thinking could add one cubit to your stature when it is written, “You cannot make one hair white or black” by thinking. It is Wonderful!
By your contacting the Spirit that penetrates, permeates and saturates your physical body, it causes chaos to be eradicated from your system, or whatsoever may be undesirable or reflecting discords. The very Spirit of the Presence of GOD will do it. “Here LORD, I’ll give myself away.” That is the great point of view in MY version. As I was saying last evening, there are so many people so zealous, sincere, and desirous of doing something good ─ as the story was told of a monkey loving his master so, he saw a fly or a mosquito get on his nose and he went and got a club and came back to kill the mosquito, and so he did, but I think he may have killed his master first. It is a wonderful thought, Dear Ones, to really know your GOD.
“DO YOU GIVE ABSENT TREATMENT?” It is Wonderful! It is a pleasure to know GOD is Present everywhere. The YOU that would have to be absent from you could do nothing, or very little! So it is a great thought, Dear Ones, to realize the Truth concerning the Life and Teaching of the CHRIST. As I was telling Mr. H., I did not or do not desire to do anything from a Personal point of view for consideration. If the individuals will make their mental and their spiritual contact, that is sufficient, although it is in many cases that the individuals will not believe and contact the Fundamental, unless there be some material effort made, or personal or material contact in some way. There are people that have been healed through and by mental and spiritual contacts, but through and by material methods and by making material or personal efforts to reach such conditions, and then their mentality was summed up ─ their mentalities were summed up in the material method, efforts, and personal contacts, etc., and they did contact, but it was summed up in those material expressions of things and therefore it was not practical, or in other words it was not essential, or for the highest good of the individual, for the individual would still look for something to help them if such conditions would come again. But if you make the mental and spiritual contact, not by ME nor any other person doing anything personally, you will be able to make that same contact any time any adverse condition arises. Now that is what that is for. It is Wonderful!
So we are striving to get the people that desire to be free, freed from ME as a Person, if they must personally contact ME in the time of need to be delivered from their trouble ─ It is Wonderful ─ that they may see and know within themselves as well as I, GOD can reach their condition without the personal or visible appearance of any individual.
Allness of GOD
Now these are facts and figures too stout to be denied and that is why all power is expressed through and by MY Version, because I AM giving all the Glory to the Ever-Presence. See? That is why it is ALL POWER, because I refuse to give any Glory, any Honor, any Praise and any Thanksgiving to anything saving the Ever-Presence of the Omnipotent, Omnipresent One. It is Wonderful! And therefore the expression of this Omnipotence is put into action by the recognition of the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter in deeds and in actions. Not merely in words, but in deeds and in actions! I must act it out and prove it to the world that I believe in the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter. Then if I believe in the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter, if I put that into expression in MY Words and in MY Deeds and in MY Actions, I will also be putting MY Spirit in others by so doing, and causing them to walk in MY Statutes. It is Wonderful! I forbid MYSELF to think by doing anything, is the greater way of expressing GOD’S Omnipotence! I mean, from a physical or personal point of view! I desire to see you observe the Fundamental.
“If you would have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, you could say to yonder sycamine tree, be thou plucked up and be thou cast into the depths of the sea and it will obey thee.”
Oh, for that faith that will not shrink! Faith that is substantiated and unshaken; Faith that can STAND and WITHSTAND every opposition. That is the Faith that I AM calling for! It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!
Know Ye Your GOD
Take these thoughts into consideration, Dear Ones, and the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence will be with you. As I say, I try to avoid bringing MYSELF as a Person before the public, and I tried to avoid publicity from the early existence of this unfoldment in the Light of this Standard of Truth, but they did force ME out, and yet to you I AM stressing the great significance of you and others observing ME and every other person from a spiritual point of view and not from a personal. It is Wonderful! Suppose you depend on ME as a Person, confining yourself to ME as a Person for anything, and MY Personal Presence would not be present and you would be in desperate need of something! That is why the Word says, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image in the likeness of anything,” for you can get your mind on something limited according to the mortal version of things and not express the Fundamental Principle in words, in deeds, and in actions.
So I was saying this to MYSELF and to Mr. H. this morning, I do not desire to make one effort to reach this young lady’s seeming undesirable condition, as they were persistent and sent this young lady with the nurses and all, all the way from California and have been down there, downtown for a week or so, I don’t bear record exactly how long, but waiting to try to get a chance to have a word with ME Personally. And yet I have sent them the message to make their mental and spiritual contact, the personal contact is not considered and it is not essential. It is Wonderful!
But nevertheless, I do see and know where there have been rare occasions wherein a person being taught in the mortal versions of things so, they being material or mortal-minded, they do think they must especially make some material or personal contact or use some material or natural remedy, or make some material effort to help things from a mortal point of view, until they cannot or do not at times accomplish that for which they came unless they do make some material or personal contact, which is not essential, for I know if you are only depending on that, after you have made your material contact there will come a day that same condition may not come but something else will come, and I, nor any other person will not be there in person to reach your condition. I know it will come some day, so therefore you had just as well make your mental and your spiritual contact here and now and, “Know ye your GOD”!
Freeing the People
If I were seeking dollars and cents, or seeking to support MYSELF as one to be, or that could be healing the people by the personal contact, naturally I would seek that, so I could always have someone to come to ME personally. But as I explain to the world and show them the great mystery even of attraction and drawing to yourself even, if you so desire to, I AM telling them daily how they can attract and draw to themselves by freeing the people entirely from themselves and from their versions, and causing and allowing the people to be governed by their own individual highest intuition, through self-denial, sacrifice and consecration. By so doing, do you not see I have always the abundance of the fullness of all good things? Do you not see that mankind will break away and come to ME when I AM telling them to stay away personally? It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! Because I free them, don’t you see, they come to ME. But if I would try to morally bind them in MY Versions, even spiritually bind them in MY Versions, they would not wish to be with ME. If they did, they would be undesirably there.
So I AM asking, for the common good of all the people, that they might see their freedom and that they might be governed by their own highest individual intuition through making a complete self-denial, sacrifice and consecration, and if you do, your highest intuition will be the same CHRIST in you that is in ME or that you say I AM, and there will be no other one, and He will speak in you and act in you and think in you and do in you the same as He does here. See? It will not be another one! Limitless, limitless blessings, free for one and for all, by the rightful contact and the recognition of GOD through your complete self-denial, sacrifice, and through concentration on the true and the Living GOD.
Take these thoughts into consideration, Dear Ones, and the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence will keep you filled with enthusiasm and the joy that no man can take away. Oh it is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! Now here you stand, and there I sit. Did you not see quick transmutation of the Spirit? The contact has been made, now you are in ME and I AM in you! You do not think as you used to think. Why is it you think different? It is because I AM thinking in you. I have broadcast ME, MY Thought, MY Mind, and you have tuned in on both it and them and now you are thinking ME. Therefore here you stand and there I sit. I thank you.
After a short interval, FATHER continued as follows:
Peace! I further wish to say, the thought concerning the healing of the people and the blessing of them would run into idolatry if I would allow it to, by their thinking they must necessarily come to ME, even so much as to eat at the Table. I don’t mind giving a person something to eat if they need it, but I AM not giving it to them for the purpose of their healing. I would be mortal-minded and living in mortal consciousness, if such would need be. See? It seems strange to see real intelligent people in this modern civilization in which we are now living, to say and think some material food would heal them of their afflictions, of their sickness, diseases, and their undesirable conditions and bring about peace and joy and happiness from a mental and spiritual point of view. If you would be worried and troubled about getting something to eat, and if there would be a way open wherein you knew you would get something, naturally that disturbance in the mind would cease. Therefore it could cause the undesirable condition that comes through worry, to be dispelled or cease to be expressed. But I AM speaking of the average person thinking of coming to eat even at this Table ─ to shake hands with ME ─ to go out to Sayville, or any material place that has been ‘shrinefied’ by the mortal versions of the human mind. Shrines are created, I say, through and by the mortal version of the human mind that is devout and sincere ─ believing vividly in the sacredness of something, someone, or some place, and through their zealousness they create for them all sorts of shrines throughout the land and they will be shrines expressed to others as unto them that are on the mortal plane in that same state of consciousness that they are in.
That is why up here in Massachusetts this priest’s grave became to be a shrine, a real shrine, and those that lived in the mortal state of consciousness, they could go up there and be healed of their diseases, ailments and complaints of every kind, because of the mortal version of their human mind and the mortal versions of the human mind of others that lived in this Age and lived in and round about that same state of consciousness wherein the ones first saw the sacredness of this grave. It is Wonderful!
The same like manner in reference to Sayville, Long Island. It has been, or has proved to be, an international, interracial and interdenominational shrine. But why was it? It was through and by the mortal version of the human mind, not by the true spiritual interpretation of things. That place there, could not, or would not be any more than any other ground in MY Version, but in the mortal versions of the human mind they observe things of that kind, so they create for themselves and make shrines, and if I had not come, there would have been a continuation of shrines throughout the land even as they began once again with ME and around ME where I AM, and therefore they began making to themselves idle gods of material expressions of things, and not the true and the Living One.
Without a Visible Expression
You know it is wonderful to detach yourselves from every mortal-versionated expression of the human mind and things that pertain to such of its kind, for GOD in reality is rich and all you need, with or without a Bodily Form. And the visible expression of things is not essential ─ not to be worshipped nor to be observed and discerned as sufficient to reach your conditions and deliver you and free you from such ailments that may have befallen you. I say it, MY Dears, for your good that you might relinquish such claims that would tend to cause you to make for yourselves idols, for “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image in the likeness” ─ of this Principle that I AM advocating, that I AM expressing, that I have produced and brought forth uppermostly in your consciousness. This PRINCIPLE, I say ─ you should not make unto yourself anything in the likeness of this Principle mentally and spiritually observable for your mortal minds and for the mortal mind, for, in short, one to observe anything as being sufficient to reach your condition and help you, in the place of this Principle! It is Wonderful!
You cannot substitute this Principle, this Life, this Light and this Love, and they come from far and near, from the East and the West, from the North and the South. They are seeking blessings of GOD, but how can they expect to get these blessings until they relinquish their claims, their preconceived ideas and opinions and live in the HERE and NOW and recognize THIS that is expressing supremely and manifesting Itself in the midst of the people as the Fundamental Principle!
Take these thoughts into consideration for your own good, and for the good of the nation. The very Spirit of this Presence is sufficient to reach your condition without a visible expression of any individual person or thing that is made manifest in the midst of men from the material plane.
Material Remedies
Now I believe in the material things being spiritual, they are spiritual through the spiritualizing process that the Spirit will take them through, through your recognizing the Ever-Presence of GOD and relinquishing your claims on them as material things and refusing to use them from that point of view. See? It is Wonderful! Now I bring into materialization and outer expression every good and desirable blessing, but I bring it into expression for practical service and not for to take the place nor places of CHRIST your LORD and your SAVIOR. Consciously or unconsciously you are doing that when you are using any material remedy for help. Consciously or unconsciously you are doing it when you are using ANY MATERIAL REMEDY for HELP! That is where the people get themselves in trouble often!
If I consider you need material help or material remedies I send you to a material or physical physician. Now when you are going to a Metaphysician you are supposed to receive the blessings from a Metaphysical point of view or from a true spiritual point of view and not from a material point of view. See? That is the idea! We are not supposed as Metaphysicians to treat anyone from a material point of view using any material remedy, if we are expecting GOD to heal the people. If GOD is going to heal the people, let HIM heal the people, and if we are going to use material remedies, let them go to an M.D.
Now these may be apparently hard sayings, but yet they are true and you will wonder why, at times, people come from so far and do not get healed ─ if there would be any that didn’t get healed it would be because of just as that. It is not necessary to come all the way from California here to someone to get some olive oil. You do not really know how much you are ignoring GOD when you use any material method or material remedy when you claim you are recognizing the Ever-Presence of your great Creator. GOD’S EVER-PRESENT with you and you need not look for another. Therefore you don’t need to use material methods, neither make a material or physical effort, neither use material remedies, for those that need material remedies and cannot be reached by the Spirit and through and by the mental and spiritual realms, it is essential for them to go to an M.D., a physical physician.
Everything In Rightful Place
You see I believe in everything and every person being in their rightful place. The M.D.’s, they have a work to do for those that the Spirit cannot reach. If there were someone right here with ME, as I have often said ─ if there were someone with ME, right with ME and for any cause if MY Spirit or the Spirit of GOD, whatsoever you may call It, if GOD could not reach their condition and could not heal them, they need a physical physician and I don’t want anyone around ME suffering. And I say it again, I don’t care how close you may appear to be to ME, if for any cause the Spirit cannot reach your condition, if you are sick or sickly and will not get well, then you need an M.D. They are the ones to take care of sick folks. That’s right! They are the ones to take care of sick folks that the Spirit of GOD cannot heal! I don’t care how much you say, “Well, GOD, YOUR Spirit can heal everything.” If it CAN heal it, and if it does not heal it for any cause ─ if it does not heal it, then you need an M.D. And if any of you, or anyone else comes in Mr. C’s home here where I AM, coming to see ME, or being here, and I know anything about it and you be sick, and through the Spirit of GOD, or both of GOD and your prayers, or whatsoever way you try to contact GOD to be healed and if you don’t be healed, why then if you are sick I will tell them to get a physician quickly. I believe in everything working systematically and everything in its rightful place. It is Wonderful!
I AM not here to do anything from a material point of view in the way of healing the people. I AM not! If I AM a Spiritual Adviser I advise you from a spiritual point of view and I reach your condition mentally and spiritually and will not try to reach it physically. If I cannot reach it mentally and spiritually through MY contact and through MY method and MY way, and MY Mind, and cannot through the Spirit reach your condition, then you need a physical physician. It is Wonderful!
Divine Healing
You know it has been long since criticized ─ Divine Healing ─ it has gone through many conflicts and rebukes and condemnations through the misconception of the recognition of GOD’S Presence and through the lack of the Omniscience of GOD that goes with this Divine Power. You need to have knowledge and understanding to meet the issues. No man can condemn MY activities. I never have touched a person for their healing. It is Wonderful! I have never touched a person for their healing and I do not expect to do it. I use no material remedies, neither material effort do I make, neither do I use material methods, for if I did I would need to have an M.D.’s license. That’s right! That’s right! It is hard sayings, but yet it’s true! Peace!
Now that is for your consideration. I AM not criticizing for the purpose of condemnation, but I AM just detaching MYSELF from every mortal version concerning such activities, for I AM not connected with anything or anyone that uses material methods or material remedies. I do not give you a drink of water for you to be healed, I give you water because I think you may be thirsty, that’s all ─ if you ask for a drink of water. I give you something to eat if I think you are hungry, that’s all ─ it is not for your healing. I don’t give any person anything to eat for their healing and I criticize it that it should be existing anywhere but in the physical world through and by medical science that any person should use material remedies for healing.
Some may say that Jesus said, or the Apostles said, “Anoint them with oil.” So He did, but truly did He say ─ another one of the Apostles said, “Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” They had left their first faith. He didn’t tell them anything about anointing them with oil in the beginning when He first sent them out, but afterwards they lost their faith and lost their Power. You all know it is true! Some of you Metaphysicians know it is true! After you lost your healing power why then you resorted to something else to help you out. That is true! It is hard sayings, but it is true! Lost their first faith and then a drowning man will grab after a straw. It is Wonderful!
Now we cannot think too much on the positiveness of the Allness of GOD, and we cannot ignore the thought of any material method, or making any material effort too much, for such efforts and methods are for those that live in mortal consciousness and not for those that are living in the CHRIST Consciousness knowing within themselves GOD is sufficient to reach all conditions. I thank you.
Now I AM not going to have you suffering around ME. If you get sick and don’t get well I AM going to send for a physician. Now that is also Evangelical. Jesus the great Love Master said, “The physician is for the sick, not for the whole.” So if you do not get well or are broken up in any way and don’t get healed, why then I AM doing according to the Gospel, because we have physicians and that is what they are for, for the mortal-minded sick people that live in sin and don’t get well through CHRIST!
(As the serving of the meal progressed, one testified that she thanked FATHER for blessing her so she was able to pay her debts. She said she had freed herself from most of them but she still had a few that she wanted FATHER to help her to clear off.)
FATHER sang,
“Pay as you go if you are following ME, Pay as you go, pay as you go,”
and spoke as follows:
Pay As You Go
Peace! You see I can say these sayings and these words frankly, without the least expression of blushing, for it is true on the material plane and on every plane and from every point of view, absolutely I can say I do pay as I go as a sample and as an example for others and do not obligate any person nor persons in any way. I free them as far as I AM Personally concerned and cause them to be independent, even as I AM. So I do stress it, if you are following ME you will do as I do, especially on the material plane, in and through and by material things, for that is what you can do, if not by the spiritual and mental things according to your developed state of consciousness. You can do also the same mentally and spiritually but according to your developed state of consciousness at times your spirit may be willing and your flesh may be weak and it may appear as if though you cannot do from a spiritual and from a mental point of view as I do, but on the material plane that is easy to do. That is the plane on which you live, move and have your being from a personal point of view. You are expressing ─ you are functioning on the material plane, therefore it is simple not to obligate yourselves more than what you can actually meet and not allow yourselves to continue to drift away from the way and direction that you have heard that I have been expressing, especially in the way of paying MY bills.
It is just the same as it is in having a following. You do not gain a thing by coercing them nor forcing them to go or be with you or attending the meetings, etc. You gain them by drawing them and freeing them not to be. As I used to say years ago, the ministries would be saying ─ once it was in the Conference put before the Board, “What shall we do” ─ the question was, “What shall we do to get the people to attend the churches?” and I put the question before the Board, “What can I do to get them not to overcrowd ME?” It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! They are coming from far and from near, and I cannot keep them away! They will come even if they have to . . . (“Walk, FATHER!” finished the Assembly.) It is Wonderful!
So that is just the way it is in reference to paying as you go. The more you do do, in the way of paying your honest debts and being free, the more you can do and be free. You don’t need to think within yourselves, “Well now I have so many obligations ─ have so much to meet, and I just must have this or must have that.” If you pay up and live Evangelical, which is to say take no thoughts for the morrow, or tomorrow, that is one Evangelical point expressed. You may owe a bill tomorrow, but today you owe one. If you pay that one you owe today, tomorrow you will have the “mon” ─ (Laughter from the listeners.) ─ the money, to pay that one! But you owe a bill today and say to yourself, “Well I will send this debtor, this man away whichever ─ the one that I owe for today, because I have one to pay tomorrow.” And when tomorrow comes you will be owing two, and no doubt you may be owing more. It is Wonderful! Each victory will help you some other to win. If you overcome in one instance you will overcome in another.
The average person violates the Law of the Spirit of Life that is in CHRIST by not fulfilling the Law of the Spirit of Life that is in CHRIST, and therefore they are guilty of violating that Law trying to fulfill the Law, and therefore it keeps them in a state of condemnation and under condemnation, and so they wreck themselves. As I aforesaid, the Bible says, “Owe no man” ─ “Well now, I must have this today, yet I will have another bill to pay next week. I will go ahead and make this bill today because the man will trust me.” I violate the Law by making another bill before I have paid the one that I owe. And trying to hold back from paying that one that I owe, and violating the Law to make another bill; that is the way it goes. And it continues to increase and multiply so often, until you have bills upon top of bills and you cannot meet any of your bills. Therefore you wrong a whole community of people and wreck yourself and break your health down, or lose your health, whichever, and cause thousands of people to be unhappy by your not living an Evangelical life.
Being One With These Qualities
Now we don’t owe anything here for this food this morning. It is Wonderful! It is all paid for, Dear Ones. Now someone will say within themselves, or have said, “Oh yes, but we cannot do that,” or “I cannot do that.” Did I not say, there you are and here I AM, and did I not say once again, there I AM and here you stand? I have made MYSELF ONE with you that you might be ONE with ME in MY views, that I might be a help to thee. If it were only for the success and prosperity, if it were only for the wealth, if it were only for the influence that this Truth has and carries with it, it would be worth while, would it not? (“Yes, FATHER!” came the response.) Now you see, even to attract and draw such a number unto you and have them under your control, they would be as they are with ME ─ at your disposal to do or go whatsoever way you desire them to go, if you had this influence, if you had this part of ME. If you didn’t want any other part of ME, this part of ME would be good for you to have so you could draw ─ attract and draw them to you and direct them in the way that you would have them to go. It does not have to be with ME particularly. This drawing Magnet is worthwhile from that point of view, don’t you see!
Now these MY Followers will do whatsoever I would wish for them to do. They will go whatsoever way I desire for them to go, for they will be swayed by MY version, don’t you see. I set this forth for the consideration of men, the great significance of taking ME for that point of view. If it were only for that, it would be worth while. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! From any angle it is a Spirit, it is an expression that carries with it a Power that causes men to willingly subjugate themselves to It and follow ME.
Now whatsoever way I go, I have set forth MYSELF as a Capsule of these Qualities, these Desirable Attributes and Expressions that I AM reflecting and producing and manifesting, that others may be partakers of the same and that they may have it in and on the plane wherein they stand, that they might express themselves in the same expression that I AM.
Capsule of Salvation
Now just look at you! It is Wonderful! Just look at you! Those that are called young men and young women according to the flesh, and those that are called middle-aged men and women, those that are called old men and women, those that are called young girls and young boys, they all are willing to follow whithersoever I lead! (“Yes, FATHER!” came back the response enthusiastically.) It is Wonderful! Then if it were only for this purpose, the Capsule of Salvation would be essential for this Generation to be brought into subjection, as the real Capsule of Salvation for all of the people to be brought into subjection to One that would deal justly between man and man. I AM a Capsule of Salvation, and I AM producing these expressions that others might take ME, MY Versions, and produce them in their world! It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful, I say! You may not see the great significance of it just now, but oh, that men of authority could only have THIS that I AM expressing, wherein mankind would be willing to bring their bodies into subjection to It and then they themselves be subjugated to the CHRIST Consciousness whether it would be expressed through them or some other one. But let them be subject to the CHRIST Consciousness, and they having influence and control over the people, they would bring the whole world into subjection to the great Creator, and the kingdoms of this world would become to be the Kingdom of our GOD and HIS CHRIST, and it would be almost instantaneously!
When men of authority shall have swallowed this Capsule of Salvation which I AM expressing, as a man in the midst of them, simply by gazing upon this Principle and accepting this TRUE IDEAL as expressed in the Name called CHRIST, it will change the whole world and bring mankind into subjection and they will willingly express it and express their willingness to serve and to obey the great Creator.
A Broadcast Message
Therefore GOD has truly transmuted and transmitted HIMSELF as a Broadcast Message. Those that will tune in on this Principle will produce it and bring it into expression and it will be manifested on every plane, and through every version of the human intelligent civilization, they will bring the nations, through this Principle, into subjection to this Ideal of Life which is the Principle, and this will be manifestedly the Kingdom of Heaven. It is Wonderful! It cannot be refuted, it cannot be defeated!
For this cause I came and broadcast this Message of Life and Love to the children of men as the Ideal of Life, the Fundamental Principle and as a Capsule of Salvation, and those that are partakers, they will soon be expressers and they will then soon be manifestors of the same that I AM, that you see I AM expressing. Oh it is wonderful! Do not think this Truth is confined to an individual person nor persons, nor to a nation, language, tongue, nor people, but it is INFINITE in Its existence and Universal in Its scope from a personal expressible point of view, for It will be made manifest in others as It has been to you! And just as you are doing so will others do. Then the whole world will eventually realize that this Message is true. It is wonderful!
Now don’t you feel good? (“Yes, FATHER!” was the instantaneous response.) Now that in itself is an evidence of the Reality of it and the greatness, and the great Substance that is put into expression through and by recognition and cooperation mentally. It causes you to feel good I say! “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, it is the evidence of things not seen.” Therefore through your rightful contact with ME you are getting the substance of the Kingdom of Heaven ─ the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men, and this is why you are so happy when I begin to talk on these things. It is Wonderful! You know you are lifted up in a way you have never experienced ─ such a joyful, peaceful enthusiasm that lifts you up mentally, yea even physically and spiritually. Therefore you are convinced conclusively that this is the Message of Truth and that nothing else can do and will do. If not for others it is for you!
If you live in the HERE and NOW and get out of your mortal versions, get out of your human possessions, your human and mortal affections, and relinquish such claims and recognize the EVER-PRESENCE of CHRIST WITHIN, this Principle that I AM advocating will be reproduced in you as it has been in others and you will be expressers and manifestors of the same. By so doing you will become to be a living factor in the hearts and lives of them ─ those that you come in contact with. For as I AM so will you be! But remember, you must LIVE THUS ACCORDINGLY, and the SPIRIT of GOD’S Presence will produce it and bring it into expression and will manifest it Universally! I thank you.
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