Our Father’s message at the Hoboes’ banquet No. 204 on West 63rd Street New York City on Thursday afternoon Thanksgiving day, November 23rd, 1939 A.D.F.D. from 6:00 to 12:00 p.m.
The new date for Thanksgiving Day, as set forth by the President of the United States, was accepted by many States, and many people enjoyed this apparently premature holiday. One of the happiest groups, foremost in the acceptance of this change in custom, consisted of members of “The Hoboes of America,” who were guests of FATHER DIVINE, the GREAT SAVIOUR of humanity, at a royal feast at the Sixty-third Street Extension of the Peace Mission. Mr. Ralph Dalton, who heads this organization, has become interested in the great Work of FATHER DIVINE, and has been attending the Righteous Government Forums quite frequently. He discovered, while in the PRESENCE of FATHER DIVINE, the very thing and the only thing that could bring happiness in the lives of “the forgotten men,” the hoboes; and having the interest of these men at heart, he was happy to know that FATHER DIVINE, Who loves all mankind, would receive these unfortunate men as His guests, to a real Thanksgiving Dinner, a Banquet of chicken, duck, turkey with dressing, creamed potatoes, baked macaroni, creamed carrots, greens, pickled beets, other vegetables, many kinds of bread, pumpkin pie, ice cream, and everything that goes to makeup a “real Thanksgiving dinner” including cranberry sauce.
At the regular midday Banquet, at the Madison Avenue Residence, FATHER mentioned this occasion, and gave all who desired to attend “The Hoboes” Banquet the privilege of doing so. However, HE did not state definitely that HE would be present in Person, as there were many things waiting His Personal attention. But being ALL-Compassionate, even as HE was in the Sonship Degree of Expression, HE sacrificed these other things, for the sake of the lowly, and Condescendingly gave HIS time and Service to these “forgotten” men.
Many of these persons who are known as “hoboes” are men whose scholastic ability shows they have come from fine homes, and have had splendid educations. They are, by no means, all base and degraded. Many of them have been radical, with advanced ideas, and finding society a sham, unwilling to support them in their views, they have denounced society, and disinherited themselves from its connection, and have joined the ranks of other unfortunate and under-privileged persons, that they might live their own lives of freedom, unhampered by conventionality and tradition. These men, whose experience is far more varied than that of most persons in society; who have been looked down upon by those called the “elite”; their hearts beat truer and more sincere than some who are robed in costly clothes, and their hearts were filled with appreciation to FATHER DIVINE, for this Christly Expression of love, which was the first time, they stated, during the existence of the organization, that such a benevolent act was tendered them. FATHER served them out of the fullness of His Love, with both the material and Spiritual food, and instructed them in the way of service. KIND SHEPHERD, we sincerely thank THEE.
(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:
FATHER Explains His Method of Serving
(“PEACE, FATHER DEAR!” joyfully rang out the merry voices.)
I would like to say to our visiting guests, we have an odd way of serving: “One serves all and all serve One.” When we pass anything and everything around, all are welcome to serve just whatsoever he or she cares to eat. You need not take that which you do not care to eat. On the other hand, whatsoever is passed down, pass it to your next door neighbor, and let him serve as he chooses, such as he cares to eat, and he in turn, pass it on to his next door neighbor.
I would like to say, we have a custom of passing our cups to the right for coffee, tea and postum, or whatsoever we are serving in the line of drinks. At this particular instance, I AM going to say, those who take coffee, pass your cups to the right, please.
(As these men were not familiar with our way of serving, it was necessary for FATHER to teach them this beautiful, “Divine” chain of service, and thus the LORD instructs again as follows.)
(“PEACE, FATHER DEAR:” replied the whole assembly).
I would just like to say, keep your cups going to the right, those who take coffee, and your cups will return to you filled; but when you first pass your cup, it will not return back immediately. It must go down and up and then to you again. Keep all of your coffee cups going to the right and your cups will return.
All who take tea, pass your cups to the right, please, in the same cycle of time. All who take postum, pass your cups to the right. (And after the coffee, tea, postum and hot water were served, before the LORD was seated, HE made this inquiry, and throughout the course of the Service, the LORD delivered various beautiful Messages, which are recorded, together with some of the speeches of our guests.) THANK YOU, FATHER DEAR!
Making Place for the Guests
I would just like to say to those who are not eating, if there is not enough room for our special guests, we want you all to take the back stand please, and let the guests be seated.
(At this instance, we listened attentatively to the LORD, as HE spoke following the reading of a transcribed Message, by one of the secretaries.)
(“PEACE, FATHER DEAR!” resounded the great throng.)
I repeat, I reiterate and I retrace that little Message, especially the conclusion of it. I say to our visiting friends, you are welcome to be here, and if you care to speak, by moving volitionally as we do, you are welcome to do so.
As a democracy I stand in MYSELF, as a democracy and as a Representative of democracy; therefore, those who come in our divers assemblies, are welcome to speak, for the freedom of speech I stress; the freedom of peaceful assemblage and the freedom of the press.
We also stress the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose; and again we stress the significance of bringing an abolition to all segregation and discrimination among the people. When this is done universally, and all of the nations of the earth learn each other better, we will bring an end to all war, and there will be no more wars among the nations, for “where there is division, there is strife.” I have stressed it, and I re-stress the same, but by the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, we shall have a righteous government by the universal Brotherhood of man being established in the consciousness of them. We shall bring mankind in fellowship one with the other, until there shall not be any division among us.
“The Earth Is the Lord’s”
When there will be no more division among the nations of the earth, there will not be any space nor place in consciousness for one nation to rise in opposition to the other, to intrude on them, to invade the other’s territories; but there will be so much love and unity and tranquility until one will not even claim a territory of his own, and will not claim a land nor a country selfishly, but will realize, “the earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof,” and you all are the real children of GOD.
How glorious it will be when this Love as I have exemplified it, shall have been established universally, for mankind then will learn war no more. Your equipments of war and your munition plants and all of your ammunition will be changed into constructive forces for the advancement of civilization, for science and for invention to be established more effectively, to build up rather than to tear down.
This is a glorious occasion, and it is a pleasure and an honor contributed among all of the unfoldments of My daily and yearly activities, to have the honor, as it may be termed, as I afore said, to serve this Banquet this evening; for what said the Body called Jesus in speaking of this mystery of which I AM now speaking?
“I AM meek and lowly in heart, and thou shalt find rest for thy soul.”
I have declared,
“Give to the world the best you have,
and the best will come back to you.”
When this is done by all mankind, there will not be room for one man to try to steal from the other. They will know definitely, “It is better to give,” according to the Teaching of the MASTER, “than to receive.” It is written: “It is more blessed to give than to receive, for that which you measure unto others, the same is measured to you, but heaped up, pressed down, and shaken down, and running over.” For this cause, I AM blessed beyond measure, and those who harmonize with ME, according to My Teaching, they are blessed with the faithful few, as it may be termed; and not merely the privileged few, but the faithful under-privileged and the non-privileged, the minorities, and those who are classed as the least among you; it is a blessing to be a blessing for them.
Unity will Bring About Righteous Government
Then I say, “How good it is to dwell together in unity;” in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose! When this unity of Spirit shall have been rightfully established in the hearts and lives of mankind, we shall have a righteous government. This is not merely an assertion; it is not merely an affirmation; but far be it from an affirmation alone, or an assertion alone, far be it from it, but it is confirmed by the CONFIRMER. That which has been affirmed has also been confirmed, and that which has been confirmed, has also been declared, and that which is declared, is a declaration; and that which has become to be a declaration and known to many, and to be declared by them, it is no longer merely a declaration, but it is a realization for all men.
You shall realize a righteous government where righteousness shall have access and the spirit of righteousness shall move among us, and shall bring about a moral betterment generally, and the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, until you will be at home with your brother wheresoever you are. This does not merely mean you will be at home with your brother but your brother will be at home with you; for “vice-versally” it is an expression, and it is established once and forever.
As I say to My Followers,
“Be mindful how you entertain
strangers, whereby some have
entertained Angels unaware.”
Now “vice-versalate” it and reverse that gear of thinking and of expression and use it no longer as an assertion, but as a quotation transmitted:
“Be mindful how you entertain friends,
and those with whom you come in contact,
for it is a just scale fore each and all men
to be mindful how they entertain each other,”
and “Do unto others as they would have
them do to them.”
Be Mindful How You Receive Your Reception
Those who are strangers may not be entertainers, they may be entertained; but be mindful how you are entertained, and how you receive your entertainment; how you receive your reception, and do unto others as I have requested them to do to you.
When this is established, we shall have a righteous government legally or illegally; or in other words, non-legally, for we will have a Government within ourselves, to do that which is just and right to all mankind; even if it has not been carried through the process of legalization, it will be a righteous government within our lives, in our business, in our affairs and in all of our activities.
I need not say more. I believe there may be some visiting friends who may desire to have something to say, while we will continue to serve, and serve quietly; and do the same─ in other words, the same way. If any of you desire to speak, you are welcome to move volitionally and speak accordingly. We will continue to serve. I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!
(As FATHER was concluding this Message, a gentleman, one of the guests, rose spontaneously, and asked if he might say something. As FATHER took His seat, another one of the party, who was anxious to express his gratitude also, arose and spoke ahead of the gentleman who was already standing. FATHER courteously gave them all a chance, but permitted the first one to give his expression by the following words.
FATHER speaking:
I will be pleased to hear from that gentleman down there, who asked ME, may he say something. ( The gentleman referred to by FATHER speaks as follows.)
Representing the 0zions
These boys with which I am sitting happen to be members of the organization called the Ozions, who are connected with the World Telegram, an organization which knows neither sect nor class nor race. All equally are welcome to join us on our hikes and our social activities. Also this morning I happened to attend a Thanksgiving service in which Jews, Protestants and all denominations took part, and I think both those occasions, the one this morning and the one we are at now, are indications of a Spirit of which we all would like to see more of; for if we had a democracy here, it would never function as it ought to until all men are equal─equal in their opportunities to enjoy life as fully as this country offers; equal in all rights in which no group, no matter how small it is, no one will be segregated or discriminated against in any way; because that is not only undemocratic but un-American and those things which those people who held that first Thanksgiving Dinner up in New England, fled from in Europe─persecution, bigotry and things of that sort.
So, FATHER DIVINE, on behalf of this group, I want to thank You for giving us this opportunity to be with you and to share that hospitality which You so gracefully have bestowed on us.
(FATHER calls attention to another gentleman desiring to speak.)
(The next speaker addresses the audience as follows:)
“By their fruits ye shall know them” is a Scripture that we read of in the Bible. Now if you know Who FATHER DIVINE invited to this magnificent feast tonight, you will know ─ after I tell’ you, you will know ─ you will be able to judge the make of theMan. Of course He is like Jesus. When Jesus wanted to go among His own kind, He did not go to the “ritzy” ones─He chased them out of the temple; He went to the fishermen, and so too, tonight, FATHER DIVINE at this banquet invites─who do you suppose? Hoboes!
The Personification of Real Religion
Now, as I see and try to analyze the religion that FATHER DIVINE is trying to carry out, I want to tell you that at this banquet as a hobo who has roamed around the world, I see no commercialism here. I see that everything that was passed out was passed out with a fullness of heart and a generosity that you see nowhere else; either amongst the Jews or amongst the Christians or Y.M.C.A. guides, who have a cash register and they ring out every time they pass something to you. I don’t see that either.
Now for the first time, being a little acquainted with the religious attempts of people, I see that FATHER ‘DIVINE here, is for the first time, taking this idea of Christianity and bringing it down to the concrete world. Here is the PERSONIFICATION of real religion! There is no promise of a hereafter or a heaven, I don’t think. Here it is!
Now I am afraid FATHER DIVINE is looking for a universal adaptation of this religion. I am afraid, FATHER DIVINE, that this w… race is too far gone for even an attempt of introducing this universal religion and to see the service of these people that live the life; to see the devotion. Now, all right, you may say, “Now why are they doing it?” Now at the end of the year, after they have carried out this magnificent work and served one another, which is the greatest principle, which is the goal of mankind─to serve your fellowman─that is where the brotherhood of man starts on earth; serving your fellowmen─and when you have attained to that, then I am afraid you have reached the summit of development, of mental development, and this is the reward of all of you who are living the life and serving your fellowmen.
I don’t know what the compensation is, but look at us who work all year. Have we got anything to show for it? Look at the happiness you have! And so now I wish You, FATHER DIVINE, the greatest success, and may YOUR success in the future be as great as this banquet was.
Concerning the Migratory Workers
(Mr. Dalton spoke at this time as follows:)
This is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. Thirty five years ago there was a man who called himself a human being. His name was James E. Howe. His folks left him a million dollars. After being gypped by a lot of charity organizations, he started what you call an international brotherhood association. Mr. Howe said, “I am going through the country” ─ and he did not call them hoboes, he called them migratory workers─and, FATHER, if it were not for the migratory workers twenty years ago, we would not have a United States of America; because these boys at this table built the United States of America. What do I mean by that? They went on the byways, they built the railroads, they built the farms and the highways. They are not bums! They want to work!…
This is a real hoboes’ convention. I went to many hotels with money; with price and no price, I said, “I have a man who is a former hobo. He has five hundred dollars, would you feed him in your hotel?” “No! No! No!” Everybody refused the hoboes, money or not. Of course I did not tell them who some of these hoboes were. Some at the present time are millionaires.
(Mr. Dalton went on to say many other things, stating that he has been running for Mayor of the City of New York for fifteen years, adding that he was going to watch the City Hall and do the best he could to bring about the RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT, and was going to distribute three hundred copies of “The New Day” among the various divisions of his organization. Mr. Dalton also compared the clean and wholesome atmosphere of the Peace Mission with eating places on the Bowery, where they direct their patrons to the nearest speakeasy; pointing out how FATHER serves tea, coffee and other soft beverages and everything and anything one may desire to eat, or words to that effect, and concluded by thanking FATHER for the wonderful banquet which greatly exceeded his expectations.
Other Speakers
The next speaker was introduced as Rev. Quinn, who pointed out how people for generations have been misled through misinterpretation and revised versions of the Holy Scripture. He showed, through Scriptural passages, that there is no such thing as the names applied to men to distinguish them, referring to the birth of Esau and Jacob, the twins of Rebecca, each of different complexion. Rev. Quinn referred also to the Songs of Solomon and predictions from the Book of Revelations, which are fulfilled in this day; but the people continue to deceive themselves, he said.
The next speaker was an inventor, and following him a gentleman who referred to himself as an American Indian, stating that his race was as persecuted in this part of the country as others in the south. That all men are created equal is also the theory of his people, he added; and that race, creed or color is immaterial, it is the heart that counts. He went on to say there is no such thing as a foreigner and when we cease to classify accordingly but consider all human beings, we will have a better country. FATHER DIVINE, he said, is one of the greatest orators and humanitarians he had ever been privileged to enjoy feasting with, though he had traveled extensively. He closed his remarks with the statement that his race does not only give thanks once a year but for everything that comes.
The great Orator referred to by this gentleman, our beloved SAVIOR, was the next speaker, to the delight of all.)
TIME 8:10 P. M.
(FATHER sweetly sings the following song, with all accompanying HIM, prior to this Message.)
“How good it is to dwell together in unity,
Dwelling in One, dwelling in One,
How good it is to dwell together in unity,
Dwelling in the Oneness of GOD.”
Blessings for All
(“PEACE, FATHER DEAR!” echoed the voices of the multitude.)
Good Health! Good Will; a Good Appetite, with Good Manners and Good Behavior: Good Evening, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night has come. It is a privilege to bring to, and before, your mind’s eye, the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of’ Aim and of Purpose. As I afore said,
“It is good to dwell together in unity,
Dwelling in the Oneness of GOD.”
We really have, truthfully, we can say, have enjoyed the different speeches of our special guests this afternoon, or this evening, and we know and can say assuredly, and from henceforth will be able to assure others as we have been, but more definitely by a close contact with these gentlemen, that those who are commonly known as “hoboes” are not mean men.
No doubt, as a rule, as pilgrim travelers, as I have traveled MYSELF in Person at times years ago, when you are going from one place to the other, you are going for the betterment of something. Usually you think it is for the betterment of yourself─for the betterment of others. I have traveled for the betterment of Myself and others, as it may be termed; for when you are trying to help others, you are trying to help yourself, even if you are not conscious of it.
As One Man atJerusalem
Then I say, it is a privilege to be here and to be able to cooperate in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and bring about in outward expression, this universal Brother of which we are stressing. We say the universal Brotherhood of man is established in the hearts and lives of men. As one man, we all may stand even as one man atJerusalem.
When we speak to this Government, we speak of this government and depict the very picture called “Uncle Sam” representing the whole government, but summed up in one man, or in the appearance of one man. So it is with this Universal Brotherhood of man; we shall establish it universally until all will conceive the same idea and will be of one heart and of one mind, and express this Universal man.
Truly might have Uncle Sam declared by one of his documents,
“Out of one blood, GOD created all of
the nations that dwell upon the face
of the earth;” and
“GOD created all men equal.”
For this cause we are rejoicing. We are rejoicing because we have the Constitution of our Country and its Amendments as an endorsement to that of which we are stressing and bringing into outer expression; although there are those who criticize the Unfoldment of this mystery; but we shall bring an abolition to all divisions. As we represent the universal brotherhood, the Universal Brother, we shall stand as one man atJerusalem, and all men shall be able to enjoy the results of this Universal Brotherhood of Man, the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose.
The Work Shall Not Be in Vain
How glorious it is to observe it, as one of the speakers said, while reaching out into all fields of endeavor, realizing I cannot do My real Infinite Work, if I do not reach all men in all walks of life, those who are called, “the low,” those who are called “the great;” and those who are called “the small;” those who known to be “the over-privileged,” and those who are known to be “the under-privileged,” and those who were known to be “the non-privileged,” and even “downtrodden.” I came to bring them on one common level. Now, aren’t you glad? Then I say, My Work shall not be in vain.
I shall not be discouraged until I shall have broken down every idol and cast out every foe, and shall have established righteousness wheresoever I go.
Oh, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition, for it is joy beyond degrees. It is joy unspeakable. You cannot even explain it. Words of the human language of all of the divers dialects and languages, accents and expressions of the human language are inadequate to explain the mystery. You may search all of the vocabularies of civilization and even in heathenism, they cannot explain the significance of this Love to the children of men, for which I came; but “it is good to dwell together in unity.” Then I say,
“How good it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity,
Dwelling in One, dwelling in One;
You are dwelling in the Oneness of GOD.”
The Cosmic Forces in Harmony
This is the thought of our Work, of ourMissionand our Activities. We must consider we must reach all people. “E Pluribus Unum” I stand, and I express it from that angle, that mankind generally might observe the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, and do away with all of their prejudice individually, severally and collectively, for when this is accomplished, when men learn each other better, we will bring an end to all wars and everything else that causes confusion, that causes misery, disappointment and failure. Even the Cosmic Forces of Nature will work in harmony with us when all humanity shall have been converted to Righteousness, Truth and Justice, and live according to My Teaching.
I have proven My Assertion for many years in the City of New York, here. I have demonstrated My Assertion, and manifested it openly to the public. When I Am going on an outdoor demonstration, whensoever we are going to have a parade or anything of that sort, it matters not how stormy it may be, the Cosmic Forces of Nature, they work in harmony with ME. I have declared,
“As with an individual, so with a nation;
and as with a nation, so with all nations.”
When you learn to love one another and bring an abolition to all segregation and all discrimination and all sense of prejudice and bigotry and envy, malice, selfishness and strife, why, even the Cosmic Forces of Nature will work in perfect harmony with you, and GOD, a living reality, will be your protection in all disasters, in all storms, and in all floods and flames. God will be your Refuge and your Strength, and the world and adverse and undesirable conditions can do you no harm.
No Prejudice
This is not a supposition; this is My Declaration and Conscious Recognition and the realization of millions, for I have manifested it to all humanity over and over again, hundreds of times. But right here inNew York City, and in the surroundings, whensoever we are having an outdoor demonstration, if it is stormy, it matters not; when we get out there, the storm becomes calm. Why? Because I AM in harmony with mankind. I AM not antagonistic. I AM not malicious. I AM not prejudicialated” with the spirit of prejudice. I AM not inspired by the spirit of prejudice, to maliciously try to do My fellowmen wrong, or do them any harm. Because of this, even the winds and the waves will obey.
To those who are believers in Religion, if you retrace your thoughts back to, through and to the Scripture, you will see that the Cosmic Forces of Nature, they work in harmony with those who are true and faithful, and believe and trust in the ALMIGHTY. Can you not see the mystery?
GOD’S PRESENCE is just as expressive and just as operative today as it was with Moses in the wilderness, and as with Moses when he was crossing─in other words, passing through the Red Sea. Some may say it is a story. It is a very good story. By using the story and the stories of the Scripture, even though it may be an expression of superstition for the materialists or the critics, I use it so constructively and so scientifically, until mankind is convinced to believe, there is a reality in what I AM doing, for I bring PEACE out of confusion; I bring the ABUNDANCE of the Fullness of all good things right down here on the material plane, for your comfort, for your convenience and for your life’s existence and for your consolation in the time of trials and tribulations. Aren’t you glad?
The Materialists Can See the Reality
For this cause I convince the materialists and those who may not believe in GOD, there is a reality in this superstitious, suppositional version, when you bring it from out of the suppositional world of expression into materialization and into outer expression, and materially manifest it, they can see definitely, there is a reality in that which you are stressing.
As I have it here, so shall we have it universally. I heard one say a little while ago, that he had been trying to get to the City Hall. With or without a BODY, this PRINCIPLE that I have lifted as a standard, shall be in all government, according to the Constitution, according to its Amendments, according to the Declaration of Independence. It shall be established in this government. We shall have a righteous government. This is not a supposition. I AM at the White House now, I do not have to go there PERSONALLY. I do not have to go to the City Hall PERSONALLY. I will transmit My Spirit to those who are selected and elected as the chief executives, and cause them to live right. I will be there in them, and I will rule in them, and will judge the people with equity in them. If they will not do it, I will move out of them. I will move out of them, or will move them out of their places, and move someone else in their places who will deal justly between man and man, and who will judge the people with equity.
Then we shall have a Righteous Government right here on earth among the people, and you will not have to try to go to Heaven to find Peace. We are not thinking about going to Heaven. A good many people want you to get a mind to go to Heaven, some place, so you can go away from here. We have a mind made up to stay right here.
Government Controlled by Righteousness
Would you not rather have a government, not only a city government or a state government, but would you not rather haves a Federal government controlled by Righteousness or someone who represents Righteousness, Truth and Justice in its entirety, than to have it controlled by the war dictators, or have a government controlled by prejudice, malice, maliciousness and destruction: in other words, by destructive minds that are always willing and ready to destroy?
Would you not rather have a government that is controlled by a Principle, by a Standard that will give equity and a square deal; in other words, that will judge the people with equity, and will give an equitable adjustment and deal justly between man and man, and will bring an abolition to all division, to all segregation and all discrimination, and give every person a square deal? I know you would rather have, not only a national government as such, than to have one controlled by prejudice, segregation, discrimination and all sorts of races, creeds and colors uppermostly in the consciousness of the executives. I know you would rather have a government that will live for the people and by the people and through the people for the common good of all humanity!
How glorious it is to live in such a recognition, where GOD is on earth among this people! Hence, with or without a BODY, it is absolutely immaterial to ME; My Version shall go forth conquering and to conquering and shall be reckoned in all government, with or without MY BODY. I AM not representing MY BODY.
Mathematics Is Impersonal
Now the principle of mathematics controls and rules the world of accounts. If you learn the principle and learn to use it expertly and accurately from every angle expressible, you are a mathematician, because mathematics can be used by any person. The principle is impersonal. It is as operative and as expressive for one as it is for the other. This Law of Life of which I AM stressing, even MY SPIRIT and MY MIND, which is known to be MINE Personally, it is impersonal. All that I AM is impersonal. Can you not see the mystery? It is just as expressive and just as operative for you as it is for ME Personally: the very Under-standing, the very Spirit, the very Love, for GOD is Impersonal; therefore, all that HE is, is impersonal, and just as expressive for one as HE is for the other, if you will allow His expression to have access within you.
How glorious it is to live in such a recognition, and to build upon such a Foundation that cannot be shaken.
I will not bore you, if I have been boring you; I will not bore you very much longer at this instance; but being stirred to that extent, as I AM, I felt somewhat obliged to say what I have said, to let My Followers, hearers and friends know just where I AM, and know for what I stand.
It will be wonderful when all government universally, shall have this Principle, such as I have lifted, this Standard in all government, to control all government universally, with or without a BODY, and yet within all bodies. The Principle as the principle of mathematics controls the world of accounts, so shall this Principle, this Standard that I have lifted, rule and super-rule and control the people, and bring about a universal UTOPIA established for all humanity, even as I have it Jurisdictionally. I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!
(Following this beautiful Message, another of the guests arose and spoke as follows:)
PEACE, brothers and sisters and FATHER DIVINE, GOD ALMIGHTY! It is a pleasure to be here tonight. I have the honor and the glory and I want to give praise to GOD and also I want to thank the brother, my friend, Mr. Dalton, for the opportunity he gave me to be here with this gathering tonight. That is the greatest pleasure in all my life, and I also wish to thank every one of the workers, all the brothers and sisters in this Movement. I think it is the most wonderful thing in the world that we can see right here on earth, and I think I am not out of order to give thanks right now, which I think I am in the right place, and I think the SPIRIT has been moving in me and I have been trying to get up for quite a while. I think the SPIRIT has got in me, and I said, “I think I have to get up.” I just could not help it, you see, and I want to thank GOD for this wonderful feast that we had. I think I have had more than my share─ more than enough. We had plentiful and more than we need to supply everyone. I want to thank everyone, GOD, FATHER DIVINE, for the opportunity to be here and to partake in this wonderful Thanksgiving Day Feast. I thank You, FATHER!
(Since the press has been clamoring for a statement from FATHER concerning world affairs today, He condescendingly released a Message toEurope, which made this day additionally memorial. At this time the Message was read, and at its conclusion there were other remarks by the visiting guests. The next speaker said in substance that he could see the handwriting on the wall, as in days of old, and that men have started something today and that they do not know what will be the outcome. FATHER rose Personally again at this juncture to give another brief Message.)
(As HE is affecting all phases of life for good, HE gives cooperation at this Banquet to the Post Office Department, by urging early Christmas mailing. THANK YOU, FATHER DEAR.)
(“PEACE, FATHER DEAR”, greeted the multitude again.)
GOOD HEALTH! GOOD WILL and a GOOD APPETITE. We desire for everyone to have the same. In other words, we are speaking these Blessings into consideration. They are in existence, but I speak them into consideration, and as you consider them, and harmonize with My Version, I AM sure you will have a GOOD APPETITE, and will have GOOD HEALTH.
At this instance, I would like to say just before we conclude this first Banquet, as it may be termed, in cooperation with the Police Department─ in other words, with the Post Office Department, I AM asking all friends and those who are non-friends, to do your Christmas mailing of your parcels, cards and such like early─ save the over-rush of the Post Office Department on Christmas Day, or just before.
The Post Office will be closed all day on Christmas Day, therefore, those who desire to send parcels, cards and other mail for Christmas, it would be good to start shopping now, and send them out early. Have them out on time, and I AM sure the Post Office Department will see that everything will be delivered, and those things that are insured, will be sure; in other words, you will be sure to have them delivered on time, or else you could proceed to collect the loss of such as you may send through the mail insured; otherwise you could send tracers to get information whether, or where, such parcels, letters or cards are, if they are of value, if they are missent, or why they are delayed in being delivered.
Call for Cooperation
This is a contribution I AM giving to the Post Office Department. MYSELF, My Coworkers, Followers, friends and others will take cognizance of it. You will also find in “The New Day,” this week’s issue, the same article printed. Those who are readers of “The New Day,” read the Message and the divers Messages and notices which I have given, and cooperate with ME, I will cooperate with you.
Nextly I wish to say in reference to this Banquet, I feel exceedingly glad and overwhelmingly pleased and happy to have served it, and if others can be made happy by serving such Banquets as this, not only on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day, but any day in the future, when it is possible and convenient to do so, we will endeavor to do it, with those who are willing and ready to receive it, if they are open-minded, and will harmonize with the Life I AM advocating.
If I can help you to help yourself, if I can attract your attention and your minds to a degree whereby it will be helpful to you to make your divers advances, we are pleased to do so. I will not be discouraged. I AM here, and when the time comes, not only as I say, on Christmas Day or on Thanksgiving Day, but as every day is Thanksgiving, with My Followers and with MYSELF, and as Christmas Day is one eternal day with those of Mine; and as New Year’s Day as a Happy New Year, we have one eternal Happy New Year Day, permit ME to be in readiness continually, as I have been, when it is convenient to repeat such a demonstration as this one, for those who are in need.
Live Evangelically
Of course it happens to be that these gentlemen had not had the pleasure of being with ME before, a good many of them; but this is a daily occurrence with ME, two, three and four times a day; at times more than that, but especially around noontime at My Madison Avenue Residence, we accommodate of the immediate staff, the co-workers and Followers, those who are the same as these, a good many of them, who have been of the under-privileged and non-privileged before they knew ME, Personally; they are dining at the Banquet Table daily. All I request is the honor of humanity generally, to live Evangelically; make up their minds to harmonize with ME. As I have lifted a Standard, I AM lifting you, if you desire to be lifted mentally and Spiritually. I will give you your real emancipation from undesirable conditions in the future; you will not know depression.
I have Followers who have been with ME for many years, some twenty-five or thirty or more years, even many more years, who have not seen any depressions nor panics nor lacks, wants or limitations since they have been with ME. The same Spirit is speaking today, and is just as operative as it was, with those who are with ME now, and even with ME for lo, these many years who first started with ME.
In the time of depression and in the time of food and sugar scarcity, in the time of coal scarcity and everything else, the Spirit of MY PRESENCE through cooperation and harmonization, has prepared and bountifully supplied each and all of Mine, by My Presence with them. This is not confined neither is it bound to those who are called “Mine” alone. As I say when men mention races and color in reference to ME and to My Activities, I say quite often, I AM just whatsoever electricity is; and I AM here to help My people. Those who have chosen ME, I have chosen them, from every field of endeavor, of every walk of life, of every profession and of every trade and of every movement and expression, those who have chosen ME, I have chosen them, and they are “My chosen people,” as I AM for them.
The Same for All
Electricity happens to be reflecting that complexion or color in this particular globe here (this globe reflected a yellowish light, and was just over the Dining Table); but when you are traveling on the highway, you usually see a green light and a red light. Does that say that electricity is green or red? Although you say it is green electric light or a red electric light, it is only reflecting through that for a purpose.
I AM electricity, the Spirit for each and all of you, and one is as much “My people” to ME as another, or as the other, whichever. It is according to your faith, and according to your contact, and according to how you receive ME.
Now this is not just the beginning, but these gentlemen whom I AM serving today, or tonight, whichever, may be termed “the underprivileged”; they may be termed the “non-privileged,” through My Condescension and I have invited those who are called “the over-privileged,” and those who are called “the higher-ups” at times to dine with ME, but remember, I know this in My Consideration, is more honor, a greater honor, because it is more appreciated. Can you not see the mystery? However, as I AM not confined nor bound to any people, neither to any walk of life, profession or class or assembly or organization, My Work is just as operative and expressive for one as it is for the other, and I AM just as much needed in society as I AM in the Bowery. If I AM down on the Bowery, I AM needed there, but I may be needed more to establish a real, model home in the restricted neighborhoods, than I AM needed on the Bowery, to be real model neighbors, to be real model friends as samples and as examples for men to show them how to love each other, to show them how to cease to segregate and discriminate and have so much prejudice one against the other, and especially to bring an abolition to self-exaltation, to bigotry, to racial prejudice and social prejudice and other detestable tendencies that may not be seen in the under-privileged as much as they would be seen in society.
Manifesting the Perfect Picture
These thoughts are well worth considering. But as CHRIST is the REDEEMER and the SAVIOUR of men, to you I come, to reach all mankind wheresoever they may be found; therefore, as a Model, as a Sample and as an Example, permit ME to stand and express. Permit ME to manifest the Perfect Picture for each and for all of the people, whether it be among the under-privileged, the non-privileged, the minorities or the majorities, or be among over-privileged and in society, I must be reckoned wheresoever I AM represented. I thank you.
At this instance we are going to ask those of our guests at My Left who have dined, you may consider yourselves privileged without any criticism, to rise, and if you care to go up in the auditorium, to entertain yourselves or be entertained, you are welcome to do so. If you do not care to go up in the auditorium, you may takes seats if you can get seats in the audience here in the dining room, or stand, as you choose. There are others who would care to eat. I thank you.
I would like to say to those at My right here, who have not dined, pass your cups, those of you who care to take coffee; pass your cups first for coffee. Just pass them up, please. Just pass them right up, and those who care for tea, afterward will pass their cups up for tea.
(At this second Table, FATHER blessed as many of the Followers as it was possible to seat, with the privilege of being served at this time, and they were truly happy to be served Personally by the LORD.)
If there is anyone who has not dined, who cares to eat, you may take seats at this Table, at My Left, and the dishes will be passed out, and you can be served at this left-hand table.
I would just like to say, if anyone, those of you who are interested in the motion pictures ─ the motion pictures will be shown upstairs, if you desire to see them gratis: FREE motion pictures of the Movement, of the different places and our different demonstrations we have had will be shown up in the public auditorium, absolutely free. I thank you.

Interested in Father Divine’s message. Also, Mr. Ralph Dalton (of the Hobo Brotherhood who spoke at Father Divine’s Thanksgiving convocation was my mother’s uncle (my grand-uncle). Sadly, he was murdered in 1957 at age 75 in NJ. I am trying so hard to learn as much about this dear man as I possibly can. I can be reached at DVMBoston@aol.com.
Thank you so much…any and all info is greatly appreciated. God bless!
Dorothy Malcolm