Christianity teaches that God so loved the world, He gave His Son. It is a Love that was predestined to be reproduced and brought to fruition in the hearts and lives of the children of men. For this cause, Jesus taught you to pray to “Let thy kingdom come and thy will be done.”
Unless that Love is impregnated in the hearts and lives of the people, they cannot reproduce the Nature and the Characteristics and the Disposition of your Savior. They cannot bring down and put into expression His Dominion, therefore without this Love there would be no Kingdom. Can you not see the Mystery!
But God taught you through Jesus Christ, His Son, as it may be termed, to pray, “Let thy kingdom come and let thy will be done.”
Hence, He taught you to love one another. And teaching you to love one another, He taught you to do what I have told you to do definitely.
Retrace your thoughts back to when He spoke to Saint Peter when He found out as – as though He found out, I may say, that Peter loved Him, He said, “Feed my lambs; feed my sheep,” but He did not tell him to feed them until he said he loved Him. Can you not see the mystery! But when he said he loved Him, why, then He said, “Feed them!”
Jesus did not want Peter, nor any of the other disciples to feed the sheep of the pasture unless they loved Him. If they loved Him wholeheartedly, then they could feed them according to His Plan and His Purpose. We could not authorize those who do not love Me to feed you. They would not cook for you. Can you not see the Mystery! But because they Love Me wholeheartedly, why, they serve you and feed you diligently. They are worthy to feed you if they love Me wholeheartedly, Can you not see the Mystery!
“Simon, lovest thou me more than these?”
“Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.”
“Feed my lambs!”
You see, I did not tell him to feed anybody if he did not have love in his heart. That is why the people cannot feed the people, because they do not love the people and they do not love the Almighty. If they loved God wholeheartedly according to His original Plan and Purpose, which is to say, love God completely firstly, then they could feed the people, for the supply would come automatically. But because they do not love God, they cannot feed them like I can! This is not a supposition. This is the recognition and the realization of millions. They all observe the Truth concerning the mystery, what I have done for you and millions of others. They know I am feeding the flock, and you, My immediate followers who love Me, you feeding them too. Can you not see the mystery!
Father Divine
Excerpt form Father Divine’s message given at Tarrytown, New York, on August 16, 1942 at 4:25 p.m.

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