“The Time Cometh and Now Is, You may hear a Great Explosion when the minds of men run in contact conflictingly with ME.”
Father Divine’s lecture at the banquet table at Olive Bridge (Promised Land, New York) on Thursday, April 8, 1937 at 10:30 a.m.
It is true, “The lord is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy” ─ but when we, the followers and believers, continue to err in divers ways, it causes HIS Holy Spirit to resent such and HE is obliged to give at different times, Messages such as this particular one─ for the benefit of one and all, that we may no longer walk erroneously, but that we may walk in the way that HE would have us to go.
During the course of the Holy Communion Service on this occasion, several testified, and one of the angels sang a sweet little song to which FATHER added several verses. The song preceded the Message. But, after this song was sung, one of the angels from the household testified, after which FATHER immediately arose to HIS Feet and delivered this mighty dynamic soul-searching Message.
“The life you live for your Saviour, you should be consecrated to HIM ─ You should not doubt HIS Spirit, but you should follow on, lay down the world, take up your cross, and come and follow, and walk in HIS Footsteps.”
“You should never be doubtful, you should never fret, you should give GOD all the praises, for the work you know HE has done – How HE has striven to work and save you, bringing you all in One, that you all should deny yourself and take up your cross and follow ME, that is the only way
to have the victory.”
“The Victory comes by denying yourselves on every hand, by giving GOD all the praises for what HE has done – Seeing each and all the people, joined together in One, See what HE has done for others, for YOU HE had done ─ HE did the same for others, as what HE has done for you ─ HE
has done for you and others too, Then you should give GOD the praises, no matter what the people say, the praises should go directly in that way all the time.”
FATHER DIVINE speaks as follows:
When I brought those little verses in the melody and to the tune of the song we had before been singing, I thought of the significance of being self-denied completely. The majority of you, the followers, are still living in a selfish state of expression, especially when I raise the vibrations high, MY Spirit opposes it, MY Spirit resents it apparently. Selfish tendencies can be in the Spirit as well as that of the mortal, I mean among those who are living in the Spirit, as well as those who are living in mortal consciousness, I mention this because I have reiterated MY statement of years and years ago, MY often rehearsed statement of what I would say when I would go in the different meetings. The different individuals would be testifying of what GOD had done for them, and thanking and praising GOD for what HE had done for them. I would say, “Well, I thank GOD for what HE did for that brother, I thank GOD for what HE did for that sister.” Until you rise above selfish tendencies, fancies and pleasures, even spiritually and individually concerning spiritual things, you are not with ME in reality where I AM.
Selfishness Has to Die
You thank ME because I stayed here last night, why not thank ME equivalently the same because I stayed over across the hill the other or one time, or over in Samsonville? If there is no selfishness in you, it would be equivalently the same, and all of your praise and thanksgiving would be to GOD and not to and for man─would not be for yourselves. Now the brother as others, also said he thanks ME for what I had done for him. I want you to thank ME for what I did for someone else. Some of you feel bad or feel sad if I do not go where you are. Well, that is why selfishness has got to die, so I can go where the Spirit is and be where the Spirit is all the time. I cannot be where the Body is all the time, and if you are going to define yourself and ME as YOUR pleasure to YOU as a person, it is a matter of impossibility for ME, Personally to be with you at all times. Therefore it would be essential and absolutely necessary for you to go in the invisible realm, so I could be with you at all times. That is the Mystery! And this is the experience of which I reflect an expression of resentment, to the act and expression of those you, MY followers, when I stop at one place ─ you apparently reflect jealously, mortal jealousy, a mortal tendency of selfishness, because I at that time, stopped at that place.
Wages of Sin Is Death
As long as you live in selfishness and be connected with it, although you may be under MY Name, you are still subject to such things as selfishness brings. That is the Mystery! “The wages of sin is death,” the end of self is death, in other words, when you overcome self completely, you will overcome death in reality. Until you learn to love ye one another as you love yourselves, yea, even as I have loved you, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be with ME in reality, for there is where I AM ─ “Not my will but thy will be done.” That was the assertion and that was the declaration, and I AM the Reaffirmer of the same in the hearts and the lives of many, a good many of the children of men, that they too as well as you, might be partakers of MY Nature and Characteristics, through transmission and through harmonization.
Fleshly Affection Detrimental
You can be partakers of MY Nature by harmonizing with ME; and by being with ME mentally, you are with ME spiritually, and if you are with ME mentally and spiritually, you will find your hold of ME Personally, where there could be separation. That is the Mystery! The most self-denied one is the one that I can be around, that is the one that I can be drawn to. Fleshly affection of yourselves and affections of yourselves as an individual, even though it may be termed spiritual, it is detrimental ─ but it is disastrous for one to have any fleshly affection, as far as human physical relation is concerned, after the manner of families . . .because if you have a family, why then you are not connected with ME, and it would be a matter of impossibility for you to be in fellowship with ME.
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
“The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.” One put it: “The flesh warreth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, for they are contrary to each other.” It is a matter of impossibility for them to harmonize together, for one is trying to take all that belongs to the other. The Spirit is trying to take everything that belongs to the flesh, and the flesh is trying to take everything that belongs to the Spirit; therefore, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be in fellowship with ME, if you are living in mortal consciousness and in selfishness, especially if it is relative “fleshliness,” as ─ “My especial family.” But remember, as I aforesaid, selfishness and “fleshliness” are not confined to that of which you may term to be your family alone; “if you live after the flesh, you shall die.” The flesh is yourselves and all of your selfish tendencies, but of course, it is more detrimental to live after the manner of your family, your relatives. That is why this Angel (pointing to one of the angels who was seated at HIS right) is here now, because this body (referring to same angel) has been redeemed. It is indeed Wonderful! There are those who claim to know ME, hang on to those of whom they call their families, according to the flesh. “You cannot serve two masters,” One family is enough! If you have a family according to the flesh, why then you need not to claim MY Family. If you have relatives according to the flesh, why you need not to claim MINE nor claim ME nor MINE as yourselves, for you can only serve One Master, and you can only rightfully be connected to One Family. You can only come out of one family!
Must Be Born Out of the Watership Degree
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the spirit is spirit.”
“Marvel not, Nicodemus, that I say unto you, you must be born again.”
This was an assertion and a statement made by Jesus the Great Love Master, telling Nicodemus as an individual and as a delegate from the great Delegation of Humanity; “You must be born out of that Adamic state of consciousness, you must be born out of your old families, you must be born out of your watership degree of unfoldment in GOD, as being termed by MY version, out of your seminaries and out of the theories and doctrines of the religions, and be a new creature.
You Must Be Born Again
Nicodemus said: “How can a man be born again when he is old?”
He said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, he must be born of the water and of the spirit.”
Nicodemus had been born of the theories and doctrines of his respective religion. That was the unfoldment of the mystery! He had been born of that degree of unfoldment of his religion, of his orthodoxy, he had been born from that angle of expression. “How can a man go back into the Catechism and be born again?” How can he go back in the Catechism when he has been born of the Catechism, and gone through all of the seminaries of his civilization and has a theory and a version of his own ─ for he has grown! How can he go back into the Catechism of his religious existence, when he has gone through the seminaries of his orthodoxy and of his theories and doctrines he has re-established in himself, as they were established in his fore-ancestors? How can he go back and be born again, after he had been born of those things?
“Marvel not, Nicodemus, that I say unto you, you must be born again.”
These thoughts are well worth considering!
Become New Creatures
It was essential for Nicodemus to be born out of that Adamic state of consciousness, and become to be a new creature in reality, by putting off the old man, the old mind with all of his deeds, and by putting on the new man, the new Mind, Christ Jesus, in Whom he should live. This was a thought conveyed, it is reiterated today─ I AM conveying the same, that each and all of you throughout the universe, might get away from self and be born again. I know it is a travail as a rule, before the birth ─ and right after the birth there is an outer expression commonly known as pain, as a pre-evidence of the child having been born. There is an after outward visible expression comes forth into observation, other than that of the invisible pain, for after the child has been born, there is a remembrance of the same coming forth into expression, visibly discerned by the physician or by the mid-wife, that I need not call by name, because I have called the same, but not directly in that way ─ you all understand and know what I say. That is the mystery!
From Materialism to True Spirituality
So the birth of humanity out of mortal and human affection and mortal connections into the recognition of GOD’S Actual Presence, is a travail from materialism to true spirituality, in other words, to true spiritualism and from mortality to true spirituality. Then I say, a man must be born again, and to follow HIM where HE leads ─ He will lead you from one degree to another, until HE will bring you to perfection, if you will let HIM. Leading you away from all tendencies of selfishness, all human fancies, tendencies and pleasures, leading you on to Perfection, where you can find your salvation. This is the Mystery, then I say ─ for your merely thanking GOD for what HE has done for YOU, you are still defining GOD to yourself, as far as you are concerned, therefore GOD to you would not be Universal, HE would be to you as a man. But when you universalize your thoughts and your mind concerning HIM ─ your love and devotion for HIM, and allow the reaction of such a concentration and consecrated heart and mind to be developed into praise and thanksgiving to GOD for what HE has done for the whole round world, and especially for those with whom you come in contact, when you know definitely what HE has done for them.
Filled With Thanks and Praises
Your thoughts should be to give GOD thanks and praise, and you would have more to praise GOD for, than that person who would have to praise GOD for what HE had done for him. Now, the person among you who praises GOD for what HE has done for you, you have that one to praise and thank GOD for, but the person who is unselfish, he has you to thank GOD for, just as much as you have to thank GOD for yourself ─ he has all of the others to thank GOD for, as much as each and everyone has! Therefore, he has a whole lot to thank GOD for; therefore he is filled with thanks and praises and he is filled with such enthusiasm, until he would be saying, “I thank YOU, FATHER, I thank YOU, FATHER, I thank YOU, FATHER, I thank YOU, FATHER.” That is the Mystery!
Blessings Increased and Multiplied
Your thanks to GOD and your praises to your Creator, would be limitless, because you would be thanking for millions, instead of an individual. The reaction of your thanks and praises to GOD for the millions, would increase your blessings, and multiply them according to the thanks you are giving. That is why, the person who has only one to thank GOD for, they only get a few blessings, because the blessings are only increased according to the thanksgiving, the blessings are only multiplied according to the praise they give. That is the way to multiply your blessings, ─ they multiply automatically and they increase automatically, by giving thanks and by giving praise─and of course that is why some of you do not get very many blessings, because you are only giving thanks for yourselves as an individual, you cannot get many blessings, because you are not using the increasable method of increasing your blessings, by giving thanks continually. But when you use the increasable method in increasing your blessings, giving thanks continually for everybody, therefore your blessings will be increased continually, and you will have enough blessings to feed and to bless and to accommodate everybody, because you are thanking for everybody; therefore the blessings will come, because you are giving them to everybody. That is the Mystery! That is a psychological truth, it is plain to see.
More to Feed and Clothe
Giving thanks to GOD for the blessings others have received, then the blessings will come, for them to you, and then you will give them to others, if you are unselfish. Then you will have more to feed and clothe and shelter, because you have taken the responsibility upon yourselves. Giving thanks and giving praises, naturally, the more come, the more will have to be fed and the more will have to be clothed, therefore GOD will have to give more to supply them all. That is a Psychological Truth. “There is a berry for every bird, a morsel of food for every mouth”, therefore the more comes, the more must be fed and the more must be otherwise supplied. That is the mystery! But when you live in the selfish state of consciousness, and the selfish concept, in the mortal versions of men, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be with ME, for you are not where I AM. I AM not in that world, I AM not in that state of expression, I AM not in that state and I AM not even in that world. That is the mystery! Therefore, you could not be with ME, if you are not in the world in which I AM living. That is the Mystery! These thoughts are well worth considering! When you get away from selfishness and starve such out completely, by fasting such “other fellows” out as said Jesus:
“Such kind cometh out by fasting and by prayer.”
Then and only then can you be with ME and be where I AM.
“Love Ye One Another”
You get sad ─ why do you get sad? Because it is the “other fellow” in you. If you get sad just because I AM at one place or at the other place ─ that is nothing but the “other fellow,” selfishness. The “other fellow,” under the identity of selfishness, you could plainly identify him as selfishness, but yet you would not want or he would not be identified as the “other fellow,” but you can identify him as selfishness, because you know that is a selfish tendency, but it is the “other fellow” under that identity.
“Love ye one another”
If you love ye one another in reality, you will be and you would be as happy to see and to know I AM at one place as I AM at this place, and that statement goes good for each and every so-called believer and every real follower. Not only the so-called believers, but it stands good for the real believers and true followers as well as the so-called followers and so-called believers.
“Love ye one another”
This is the New Commandment, unless you fulfill it, you are not with ME and unless you
“Love ye one another, even as I have loved you,”
you are just pretending, for you are pretending you love ME and you are NOT loving ME, you are loving self under the guise of on loving ME. Deny yourselves!
Contacting This Wonderful Medicine
When you get rid of self, you will not have anybody else to love but ME, and your direction will be to direct others to use the same method that you have used in contacting this Wonderful Medicine. It is indeed Wonderful! I continue to hear them say: “I THANK FATHER,” in other words, “I THANK YOU, FATHER for what YOU have done for me.” May I reiterate a thought for consideration, of which Mr. Joseph will recall the mystery as I brought it through by inspiration? I AM not talking about what GOD told Peter, James and John, but I AM talking about what GOD told you; and again, it was not him nor it was not her, but it was I!
The reiteration of such an expression must be re-enacted in your daily lives and consideration, that you will live for each other and not live selfishly from any angle expressible, but live wholeheartedly consecrated to the Fundamental and “love ye one another” wholeheartedly, by taking and bearing the other’s burdens and desiring to see others blessed, in preference to that of yourself. When I say, “Love ye one another even as I have loved you,” that was saying definitely, to love ye one another better than you do yourself, for I sacrificed MY Life that your life might be saved and that you might be blessed and redeemed from the grave. See! That was the mystery. Jesus was willing to go to the grave that HIS Body might save you and others from the grave. Therefore, the reaction of HIS Love and the reiteration of the same, would redeem all mankind from all things undesirable that they may claim.
The Getting-off Point for Some
Oh, it is a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD and observe the mystery and the significance of HIS Presence, by denying yourselves wholeheartedly and loving ye one another, of which is the last and new Commandment upon which you should be founded. Selfishness, the “other fellow” in you, will make you get sad when I do something or bless one of the others. That is the “other fellow” ─ that is who he is! Then, of course if he is in a body, why you are the body of the “other fellow,” instead of being the body of GOD. You are the personification of that which you bring forth into expression as an individual. Now this is the getting-off point for someone, for some will go away no doubt, from this Movement or from this Connection in this Promised Land, or somewhere, because of what I AM saying today, and they will cut themselves off from ME! Because of such, then they are the personification of the “other fellow,” and they may go about trying to destroy the Fundamental ─ but GOD is Omnipotent and GOD is Omnipresent, therefore GOD is Mighty and Almighty, whilst the “other fellow” might be an expression of might to a certain degree. That is the mystery.
All a State of Mind
So jot these thoughts down in your vocabularies, and remember GOD is Ever Present and you must recognize GOD’S Presence and live accordingly, denying yourselves wholeheartedly, to overcome difficulties and every and all undesirable conditions and recognize the Kingdom in which you are living ─ unless you do those things, you will be in the “other place,” right here as being the Promised Land, in Heaven. You will be in the “other place,” for all is but a state of mind. You can make the Promised Land ─ you can make the finest mansion or place in the world, after the manner of men, the “other place,” if you wish to. If it was given to you all free and clear, without any obligation and without any responsibilities, you can make such the “other place,” by your mind being in a chaotic condition, antagonistic and conflicting and filled with prejudices, resentment, jealousy and other detestable tendencies. You can make any place that geographically or directly, where you may go as a person ─ the “other place” instead of Heaven. It is all a state of mind!
Filled With Detestable Characteristics
Now just look at all of there limitless blessings I have bestowed upon you all . . . made comforts and conveniences and all improvements for each and everyone to enjoy them, yet if you are not in the right state of mind and are divided, living in selfishness and selfish tendencies, you will find yourselves in a chaotic condition, you will find yourselves filled with prejudice, you will find yourselves filled with resentment and anger and jealousy, and all of the other detestable characteristics! Hence you would make Heaven merely purgatory, the “other place.” It is all in the state of mind. If you start at the root of all of your displeasures and all of your unhappiness and all of your dissatisfaction, start at the root of it, get rid of self completely, and get in a state of Happiness where you are perfectly Happy and satisfied to know GOD rules on the throne of your mind, and GOD shall have access over you and over all things that concern you. By consecrating your life and sacrificing your life and all things that are in your domain to Him completely once and forever, then and there you will be in Heaven. That is the mystery.
Harmonizing With the Harmonizer
Oh, that man could but learn the significance of “dialation” and harmonization, harmonizing with the Harmonizer and bringing yourselves into subjection to the Unifier, and unifying yourselves with the Unifier, that you might also become to be an expression and a reflection and a reincarnator of the Personifier, that you might re-personify the Perfect that I AM expressing. I cannot stress these thoughts too vividly! That is why I say, if you are with ME, you are with those who agree with ME and whom I agree with. The significance is that mortality is in opposition to the one that is in harmony with the one who you are in harmony with.
See, like this! If you have a friend, the mortal mind would tell you to be inharmonious to the one of whom may be friendly to the one of whom you are friendly with; therefore bringing a division that they could not get together, instead of being in harmony, specializing in harmonizing with the friend’s friend, that you yourselves might be in harmony as ONE.
Universe in Unison
That should be your dispensive duty, you should try to harmonize especially, and try to adjust matters satisfactorily, that those with whom your friend is in harmony, you might be in perfect harmony, and three will be in Unity as far as that is concerned. Then you should bring that into the multiplying, through the multiplicant─ you should multiply it and continue to multiply it, until the Universe is in unison in actions; in words and in deeds, in love and in devotion. All of these things should be! Hence, I say, if you can and will harmonize with him with whom you are connected, and with the one with whom is connected with that one with whom you are connected, then and there you are advancing towards the unfoldment of the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, the way MY Spirit, which is the Christ, would lead you.
GOD Infinite and Omnipotent
Oh, it is a privilege to live in this concept of things and to contact ME harmoniously. The mortal mind has robbed its own self of its rightful inheritance, by being antagonistic, conflicting and divided against the other person who is connected with the one of whom you are connected. You are destroying yourselves and do not know it! As I say, I AM Infinite and I AM Omnipotent and limitless from every angle expressible, because I AM unified with each and everybody, therefore whatsoever power may be in them, so AM I the Expresser of the same, for all of it will come unto ME and be in subjection to ME and to MINE. That is the mystery! That is why you can see the limitless blessings manifested materially, that mankind might observe it vividly and see it definitely and declare it.
Nothing Between Your Soul and Your Savior
Then I say, Love is the Keynote to Salvation! The Love of which I AM expressing unselfishly, is the only hope of your redemption and the redemption of all humanity. “I thank FATHER for what HE did for my little boy, for my little girl,” and all such! Tomfoolery! You are in that place where I cannot get to you! If death comes to you, I could not get to you, for there is a bar. I cannot go across that gulf, for there IS a gulf between us. Get out of that world where there is a gulf between you and your GOD─live where there is nothing between your soul and your Savior, and you will find you will be with ME now, henceforth and forever ─ you will find you will have free and full access to ME, when you live in this Recognition, by barring everything else from the mortal world of expression and by living your life wholly sacrificed and consecrated to your Savior.
All Humanity Made One
I need not say more, I believe I have said enough to stir up your pure minds. Oh, it is a privilege to live in the Presence of GOD! In the Presence of GOD where selfishness cannot come, in the Presence of GOD where all humanity are made One, in the Presence of GOD where the Will of GOD is done, in the Presence of GOD where the Kingdom has truly come, for “Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is.”
I cannot stress this thought too vividly, for it is essential for you to know; Christ must reign in you, Christ must have full access before your body can be the tabernacle or temple of GOD in reality. Before your body can be controlled by MY Spirit, before your body can have access in this Grace wherein I stand, you must be consecrated to the Service and to the Will and to the Mind ─ for Christ must rule on the throne of your mind, in you and in all of your affairs.
“Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is.”
You know that! Then enthrone ME on the throne of your mind as Lord of lords and as King of kings, concerning you and concerning all things and bring all things into subjection to HIM ─ then and there the Kingdom of GOD has truly come, and there is no other one. That is all it is!
Would Shake the Earth
There is no other one to come when this shall have been accomplished. This is accomplished by denying your mortal thoughts, your mortal ideas and your mortal opinions and by enthroning MY Ideas and MY Opinions uppermostly in your consideration, and by dethroning every other thought, idea and opinion concerning the mystery, and by relaxing your conscious mentality and believing MY Message sincerely. Oh, it is Wonderful! These words I have spoken it feels, this morning, as if though the very powers that be ─ whatsoever may be dynamically spoken, if it contacts ME harmoniously, it would be harmony expressed . . . but if it contacts ME inharmoniously, it would be a great explosion. Just now, I feel as if though ─ if a thought would contact ME inharmoniously with the vibrations lifted as they are, if the thoughts were under the material earth, the earth would blow up as though it was a great mine, as a coal mine of dynamite exploded, and would shake and blow up the best part of it, . . . the greater part of the earth! That is the way I feel this morning! The Words that are spoken dynamically, they are only abstracts, a slight reflection or sketch of a percent of a percent of a percent, of a fraction of a grain of the Mystery of the dynamite of Salvation, from whence cometh these expressions.
A Great Physical Explosion
The time cometh and now is ─ you may hear of a great physical explosion, when the minds of men run in contact conflictingly with ME. The outward expression of the great explosion that may be as a coal mine some place; there may be millions of tons of dynamite under the earth some place, for all you know as the material and tangibilated expression as a parable of the Dynamicness of MY Infiniteness. That which is in the Spirit is also in the earth, that which is in the earth is also within yourselves. I know that there is dynamite somewhere! There is dynamite somewhere ─ if it was not true, I would have told you. There is dynamite somewhere to cause the abstract reflection of “dynamitism” to be manifested as I express it through the dynamic words I have spoken, and even as said by men; the dynamic words of them, the slight little sketches and reflections of the percents of the fractions of the grain of the “dynamitism” of the dynamicness of GOD’S Infiniteness as manifested ─ such is but a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent, of a fraction of a grain of a percent of the Infiniteness of GOD’S Dynamicness. Hence the outward expression of explosive words that are spoken dynamically, it is an open expression telling you there is some visible, tangible expression of dynamite somewhere, held by the Great Universal Mind Substance, that will some day be a great explosion, if the common wealth of men run in opposition to the Fundamental and will try to crush the lower class, as it may be termed.
Walk in the Light
It may bring forth a great explosion in the lives and the consideration of millions and millions of men. There may be as I said for all you know ─ yet to be discovered, a great dynamite mine somewhere, not to be made up, but already dynamite, just waiting for something to start a disturbance under the material, tangible earth. When that mine goes off, it may blow the earth a million miles in the air. This is something I had not said, this is something I had not explained! But the time has truly come, the mystery is now revealed, men must live Right, Honest, Competent and True and must do unto others as they would have them do to them as said the Scripture:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Walk in this Light and bring your bodies into subjection by living Evangelically, by living self-denied and consecrated to the Service of GOD, and by living Virtuous, Pure and Holy, as did Mary before Jesus was born, to bring forth the Perfect Son. Each and every individual must live, universally the same, to bring forth the Perfect Idea into expression.
Perfect Picture Must Be Expressed
By living perfectly, (a perfect state of mind) and by being Virtuous in your thoughts and words and deeds and actions, and by being self-denied, you will bring forth the Perfect Idea as did Mary in bringing forth the Perfect Child. These thoughts are well worth considering, and I AM calling them into question. I AM calling them into consideration of the millions, that all must recognize MY Actual Presence and act upon the impulse of the moment, and recognize GOD as a Living Factor and as the only Thing to be considered. Whilst bringing things into consideration, they must realize, this is the only Thing to be considered, that stands for the Perfect Picture. The Perfect Picture must be expressed, the Perfect Picture must be recognized, the Perfect Picture must be realized, and all mankind must observe GOD as exemplified in your very midst, and in and on the material plane, that they might see the Perfect go on to Perfection and to see the cancellation of all imperfection, until cancellation will not be necessary.
Getting at the Root of Selfishness
Oh, it is a privilege to observe the Truth, and to produce Righteousness, Truth and Justice, by living It and by denying yourselves wholeheartedly from every angle expressible, by getting at the foundation and the root of selfishness and the foundation and the root of all misery, by getting at self and getting it out, by denying yourselves wholeheartedly ─ even as Jesus did as a person in denying HIMSELF from every angle expressible, and as a Living Sacrifice. He presented HIS Body, and as Mary did. As the Perfect Picture represented Virtue─the outward expression of It shows the fore-picturing of the mystery of Perfection coming forth into expression by consecration and by sacrificing. Such can and only can come forth into expression by self-denial and by consecration and by sacrificing your ideas and your opinions, and by denying yourselves of all of your human tendencies, fancies and pleasures for Righteousness. Truth and Justice, that GOD might rule and reign over all. This is not a supposition, this is not an imagination ─ this is your conscious conviction, or it should be.
Human Affection Was Not Represented
It should be your realization of GOD’S Actual Presence in your midst, as a Sample and as an Example, that all mankind might rise and copy after this fashion, by denying themselves wholeheartedly and observing the Almighty. Mary in the first beginning, in bringing about the Perfect Picture in the parable, was a Virgin, and this Belief and this State of Being was a parable of the mystery of the reality of Righteousness through self-denial and through refusing to indulge in self, in the way of sex. This was a parable in itself, as a Sample and as an Example, that you might ─ and all might copy after this Fashion, to bring about Perfection in yourselves and in your experiences. Human affection was not to be represented in the Great Scheme of Things! Human affection from neither the sex nor from the relatives nor kin, should be represented in the Great Scheme of Things in bringing about Perfection.
Be Representatives of the Fundamental
You should be as an unconcerned party, as far as things are concerned that concern you and others, you should be representatives of the Fundamental, without a personal concept or personally, being interested. That is the mystery! By so doing you will please ME, you will express the Virtue of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus, by living as they lived, according to the Gospel; as Mary lived before Jesus was born, and by living as Jesus lived after He was born. Now, I said according to the Gospel, and I mean according to the Gospel! Some may say, “Well, I don’t believe they lived that way.” Well, I AM talking about the way they say they did. That is the only way. Just live as they said Mary lived before Jesus was born, whether they did it or not, live as they said they did. It will work out fine. And then live just as Jesus lived after He was born ─ as they say He lived, and as they say He expressed, in words, deeds and actions; live it and express it whether He did it or not. They said He did, so you do as they said He did, and live as they said He lived and do as they said Mary did, and as they say Mary lived, before Jesus was born.
Now whether they did or not, you have nothing to do with it, or you have nothing to do – go by the Chart, just live as they said they lived, and everything will be all right. I thank you.
Father Divine

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