MOTHER DIVINE Reading The New Day (Tarrytown, NY)
“Here we all are again, and yet it is the very same time, since time and Eternity has no end… I have arisen to say it is good to be here, and it occurred to ME as it occurs to ME quite often, WORDS I SPEAK, THEY ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE.
“If you as co-workers, followers and friends, as being termed children, would but take cognizance of MY WORD and READ and READ and READ, just as I say, MY WORDS are SPIRIT and LIFE. They can be reproduced if you want some for yourselves and can go forth in your likeness and in your personality or individuality, in your expression and deemed as yours to those who do not know them.
“But the WORDS I Speak, they are SPIRIT and LIFE, and long since you did say by a… prayer you prayed: ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ You have daily BREAD given, and if you will but read them, read it and perceive the idea concerning every Mystery and conceive the SPIRIT of MY PRESENCE with the conscious sincere conviction, I will reproduce the SPIRIT and the MEANING of such within and you will see and know definitely the WORDS I Speak, they are SPIRIT and LIFE for the children of men.
“I think of it quite often: because of MY daily giving you daily bread, it may cause you to be a little slothful and unconcerned about reading the WORD, but I LIVE BY MY WORDS! I DELIGHT IN HEARING MY WORD READ! IT GIVES LIFE, IT GIVES COURAGE AND ZEAL AND DETERMINATION, and it keeps you in the CONSCIOUS RECOGNITION and the REALIZATION of MY ACTUAL PRESENCE!
“As said the Message of nineteen hundred years ago, ‘This do in remembrance of ME until I return.’
“The returning to you again will not prevent nor prohibit you from doing and continuing in the FAITH that was once delivered to the SAINTS.”
15 November 1941
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