A Double Determination Necessary For All Followers – says Father Divine
Father Divine’s message at the banquet table 20 west 115th St. New York on Friday, July 19, 1935 at 3:15 p.m.
Many who had studied the various Teachings of Truth for many years and found them ineffective until they discovered the materialized Fundamental, FATHER DIVINE, could bear witness with the speaker when she said she studied and practiced Christian Science faithfully for twenty-seven years, only to find that her adversities increased as time went on.
This particular testimony followed many others, praising and thanking FATHER for HIS Goodness and HIS Mercy, and at the conclusion FATHER arose Personally, singing and speaking as follows, leaving on record a mighty Message for the Ages:
Father Divine:
“You are the Temples of the Lord, You are the Temples of the Lord, says Christ, You have the Victory.”
PEACE EVERYONE! Righteousness, Justice and Truth! In these Qualities I stand, and I stand in them for you, bringing them into reality, causing them to become to be a Living Factor, and causing you to come to the conscious recognition of the actuality of that which we are expressing. It is indeed Wonderful! For this cause we can bring forth this little composition as a declaration concerning yourselves as individuals. Though you have made the affirmation, it has been confirmed ─ it is no longer an affirmation, but it is a declaration and made plain ─ you are the temples of the Lord, for GOD actually dwells in you.
By your conscious conviction and realization of GOD’S Presence, it causes you to reincarnate that identical Fundamental, the Principle that you have been so long looking for; that something that you have been praying to, thinking it so far away, but at last you realize it is here and now. Then I say, “You are the temples of the Lord.” Your bodies are the temples, as an outward expression of your spirit and your mind as the hiding place of the expression of GOD within. GOD expresses through your spirit and through your mind. Your bodies are the outward expression through which HE will hide from time to time, but at times HE will manifest HIMSELF in your Temples─as it has long since been declared, you are the reflection of GOD HIMSELF.
Thinking creates Positive or Negative Conditions
For this cause we can rejoice and we can be exceedingly glad, realizing, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” If you think vividly on the Positive, you must need bring the Positive into your experience and be a partaker of it. If you think vividly on the negative, a stressful thought on the negative will cause the reaction of that thought to be a conception in your mentality, your physical bodies will reproduce and react that negative thought you have conveyed, and eventually your physical body will be the expression of it. If this is true in the negative direction of thinking, why not direct your thoughts in the positive, and produce the desirable, positive condition, and bring it forth into action?
This we can do, as scientifically as we can bring about negation and chaos among ourselves, and depressions among the people. This is accomplished by visualizing the negative. I mean the negative conditions are recreated and brought into outer expression through negative thinking and negative actions. The Positive is equally true and just as operative for you as the negative, hence I have stressed the Positive as a continued formula apparently, for your consideration, that I might establish the Positive thought in your mind, and resurrect it uppermostly in your consciousness, that you might think positively from every angle expressible, and cause the Positive condition to come forth into expression.
The Resurrection of Life
Hence the last speaker, as she thought on the mystical and imaginary GOD and Heaven in the beginning, yet believing in the redemption of the body ─ there was a misconception no doubt, concerning the resurrection of life ─ but since making the contact with the recognition of the resurrection of the Christ in Personality, the resurrection of Christ has taken place in her own physical body, for her body is the temple of GOD. When Christ rises in your body He throws off the negative conditions, and all chaos will dispel completely so long as you live in perfect harmony with the Christ Consciousness.
But remember, you must relax your conscious mentality as the great essential. Scientifically you are relaxing your preconceived ideas and opinions, you are ceasing your theories and doctrines, and others’ theories and doctrines, from functioning. They can no longer function when you shall have relaxed your conscious mentality. Even though you have conceived them in your subconsciousness, when you bring your body into subjection to GOD wholeheartedly, that which has been conceived in your subconsciousness, if it is not the identical, the Christ Consciousness within you will be resurrected by the resurrection of life through your concentration, and will eradicate those preconceived ideas and opinions that have been established in your subconsciousness.
That is why many writers and speakers of our day can declare the blankness of the mind aside from that of MY Message and the Spirit of MY Presence. Such that has been preconceived, such that has been pre-established by your tutors and teachers, the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence will dispel it, the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence will eradicate it, and it will be once established. When it Is established you will not look for another. When it is once established it IS established once and forever, and you will not look for another. Why? For it brings Peace and Harmony, such an expression you have never experienced. It gives victory over your difficulties, and Joy and Peace where there was trouble. Oh, it is such a privilege!
The Relaxation of the Conscious Mentality
The relaxation of the conscious mentality! Your conscious mentality should be relaxed! especially if you are filled and thrilled with the theories and doctrines of men. Even though they be scientific apparently, even though they be inspirational theories given, if they are not the identical Standard of the Christ Consciousness, “He taketh away the first that he may establish the second.” Remember, John was the forerunner of Christ apparently ─ the wayshower to the true and the living Way. Nevertheless, he did say, “I must decrease, but one cometh after me whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose; He it is that shall baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire; whose fan is in his hand, and he shall thoroughly purge the floor.” You can plainly see, as you go, it is necessary for some purging to be done. Even though you have gone through the different Religions, Teachings, and theories and doctrines, even though you have been devout, and true and faithful, still there is something apparently essential, for the floor must be thoroughly cleaned, and I must clean it. Oh, it is such a privilege!
While men are groping in the darkness of misunderstanding, many of them trying to criticize the Spirit of MY Ever Presence, yet the Spirit of MY Mind is going on conquering and to conquer, increasing and multiplying the Principle daily, and I can see them coming from far and near. Every time one rises in opposition, the very Spirit of MY Presence will, through that individual opposition, bring into the recognition of the Fundamental Principle, many ─ for every one that rises in opposition. Every knock is a boost, every criticism is a praise, every stumbling block is a stepping stone, and every cursing is a blessing. Therefore you may know I have so many blessings I cannot count them.
Curses Transformed to Blessings
I do not try to get men to curse ME, I have striven to avoid or prohibit them from cursing, for I know curses are as chickens, they come home to roost, and they are as boomerangs, they return from whence they have come. Therefore I AM not desiring individuals to do themselves any harm, but as the cursing is a blessing, every act of an expression that would sound like a cursing in the direction, to ME it is a blessing. To the individual that will direct such an expression, word, deed or action as a cursing, that individual is actually cursing himself, and the reaction of that cursing will be worse than it would have been if it could have taken effect on the one to whom it was sent. Oh, it is indeed Wonderful! On the other hand, the very cursing, when it comes to the blessed is a blessing, for the blessed will transform and translate all cursings into blessings, and hindrances into helping expressions. It is indeed Wonderful!
Why should you worry about the oppositions? Why should you fret or criticize, or be discontent because of oppositions? The very Spirit in itself by nature will attract and draw to itself, oppositions. Oppositions must come forth into expression, to cause you as individuals to be persistent in your ambitions. You cannot be persistent in your ambitions unless you have some oppositions. Through opposition it will cause the persistence of your ambition to grow strong in courage for resistance─it is indeed wonderful─and yet your resistance will not be physical resistance through violence, but a resistance through your persistent ambitions will be in going forward to accomplish that which you have endeavored, even though everything oppose it. It causes you to be more “determinated” and more zealous, and more courageous, and more “determinated” and more substantiated, and more consolidated. Therefore we are consolidating, and we are substantiating, and we are confirming, and we are establishing the Truth more, daily, as oppositions arise in the Light of this Understanding, to prohibit the full establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Fathership Degree of Consciousness
Righteousness, Justice and Truth ─ this is the Fundamental that shall bring these Qualities into actuality. Each and every individual eventually shall recognize the significance of the recognition of this Ever Presence, the Fundamental, that is the true Establisher of Righteousness, Justice and Truth ─ the true Righteous Government of which you all have been taught.
For this cause we can rejoice and be exceedingly glad. The time has truly come, GOD has in reality glorified HIS Son.
He said ─ “Glorify thou me with thee, with the same glory I had with thee before the world was.”
Do you not see, the Son has disappeared completely? The Sonship Degree in His Demonstration has completely disappeared, but He is hid in the FATHERSHIP Degree. He is glorified with the FATHER, with the glory He had with HIM before He had a Body. “Glorify thou me,” said He, “with thee, with the same glory I had with thee before the world was” ─ before He had any body. The Son was not discerned, the Son was not seen, the Son was in the invisible realm, and so was GOD HIMSELF, but GOD spoke as unto men saying, “Let there be,” and so it was; the Name of GOD, at that time, was the real Standard of expression, and not the Sonship Degree. The Sonship Degree had not yet come into observation. “Glorify thou me with thee, with the same glory I had with thee before the world was.” This glory the Son had with the FATHER, was in the Bosom of Protection, in the Bosom of Cosolation, in the Bosom of Glory, where there was not enough power to bring Him trials and sorrow such as He had after and before He was Crucified.
Once upon a time you would have ordinarily had difficulties and conflicts, and trials and tribulations. You have risen above those days, you have risen above such states of expression, for you live in the conscious recognition and the realization of GOD’S Presence; living in this Fathership Degree of Consciousness where you are hid with the FATHER─with Him as He was in the Glorified State of Expression ─ where He was not molested by opposition, but where He expressed His Omnipotency, where He expressed His Infiniteness, where He expressed the Glory of His Righteousness. This has come back into expression, and GOD condescendingly is expressing the Glory of HIS Righteousness and the Wonders of HIS Love. That is why you can see them coming from all parts of the world, looking to and recognizing the identical that you do, realizing there is nothing else to come, with or without a Bodily Form. To you it should be immaterial, for the Spirit of GOD’S Presence can function just as effectively with HIS Body as it can without it, and it can function just as effectively without HIS Body as it can with it. That is the great significance of the Omnipotence and the Infiniteness of GOD ─ realizing the Master of Omnipotency can and will control your destiny, and can and will control HIS. Therefore you can let it be, if you will.
Truth Expressed in a Practical Way
Then I say, “Let” and GOD will let you. This was one of the first expressions openly spoken according to the Scripture ─ “Let there be light,” If you “let” GOD, GOD will let you. By you letting, and letting go, and letting GOD, GOD will “let” you do what you would desire to do ─ if you will “let” GOD, for GOD will do it through you. GOD has brought about all of this great universal Brotherhood of man manifestedly. The very manifested expression of the Brotherhood of man, we are exhibiting, we are telling, and we are expressing daily. You cannot express the Truth unless you can express it in a practical way, unless you can bring it into outer expression, materially manifested.
I would not consider you an expresser of the Truth, unless you could and would bring it into materialization or outer expression, that others might understand it even as you say you do. I bring into outer expression these desirable blessings, I tangibilate your fondest imagination. I bring to your mind’s eye the great Revelation of John, and I bring it into outer expression and materially manifest it. This is your privilege to sit and observe it as it is exhibited. We are exhibiting daily, the reality of the Brotherhood of man and manifestly we unfold and show mankind the Fatherhood of GOD.
This is accomplished by bodies being willing and ready, and I stress the song, according to the composition ─ “You are the Temples of the Lord ─ you are the Temples of the Lord says Christ ─ you have the victory.” Believing you have it, and living thus accordingly, the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence works automatically. You can relax yourselves as individuals, as far as trying to bring about these conditions, but be submissive and be governed by your highest intuition. Your “Intutor” by inspiration will lead you and guide you in the positive direction. It will cause you to fit in harmoniously and systematically without thinking. You need not take thoughts especially, but the very Work of MY Mind and the Mind of MY Spirit will cause you to talk scientifically, harmoniously, and systematically. You will be directed personally, as well as mentally and spiritually.
The outward expression is but the condition of the mind within. Therefore you need not consider it very much, but you can rest assured the time has truly come and now is, we all will know by your personal and outward expression in deeds and in actions. We can express the Positive. We can and we will express the Positive. We will bring the Positive into actuality by making all things we teach, practical ─ bringing our conscious conviction and our determination from the mystical and imaginary realm, and bringing our actions and our testimonies into display on the material plane.
Cross Grained to Mortal Version
“How can you say you love God Whom you have never seen”, said one, “and hate your brother?” If this be true, how can you say you are one with GOD, and are not one with your fellow brother? How can you say you believe in the universal Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of GOD as a reality, unless you are willing to work it out tangibly and physically among yourselves as persons? We shall abolish every discriminated and segregated mortal expression among our people, and establish this Fundamental scientifically and physically, as an outward expression of the conscious recognition of the Fatherhood of GOD and the realization of the Brotherhood of man. We shall make real our assertion. We shall work them out in and on the material plane. We shall go to the extreme opposite expression or action to that which the mortal mind in mortal consciousness would suggest. If we do not, we are subject to the mortal mind’s infirmities. If we do not, we are subject to the mortal mind’s iniquities, which is in short the infirmities of those of whom you have relied upon, transmitting their iniquities upon you, but by MY Interpretation the infirmities of those that have imposed their infirmities upon you. “They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the testimony that they held.”
Going into the extreme opposite to that which your human mind would suggest after the manner of the flesh, you are dying daily. As the Apostle puts it, you are putting off the old man and you are putting on the new man, as you put on the Christ Consciousness of Whom you say I AM. This Truth is actually stirring up the Nation. Every prejudicial newspaper throughout the Country is rising in opposition because of this Fundamental, because of this Phenomenon that has been established as the Ideal, and as the only Fundamental of Salvation, and millions and millions are sincerely believing. Every opposition, when they rise in opposition, through criticism and through slanderous statements, they are only establishing ME, causing MY Spirit and MY Mind to be more persistent in its ambition in all of MY followers and believers.
A Double Determination Needed
I AM recreating and manufacturing new Determinations, daily. I heard them say, “Give me a double determination”. It is indeed Wonderful! While the Countries that are studying war are running the ammunition factories for to increase the amount of ammunition, causing the factories and plants to work overtime, the great Factory of Salvation that is the Creator and the Manufacturer of determinations is actually working overtime. The time has truly come, you all need a double determination. It is indeed Wonderful! I say one must have a DOUBLE DETERMINATION; we are manufacturing and shipping out these determinations daily, to the true and the faithful that will live it and express it. I thank you.
PEACE EVERYONE! These determinations that we are sending out, are being caught up by unbelievers. They will be as determined as you are. Even though they have not believed ME, this great contagion will so affect the conscious intellectual mind, the conscious religious and spiritual mind, as they are harmonious they will be brought into subjection unwillingly, and they will believe ME sincerely. Through every difficulty apparently, through every opposition, through every seeming expression that would cause a person to disbelieve ME, I can see them coming believing, through and over, and above all oppositions, over and above every expression that the mortal version would suggest to them. Oh it is indeed Wonderful! Believing firmly through every seeming difficulty, every seeming opposition, every seeming limitation, and every seeming expression that would cause the individuals ordinarily to be skeptical, the very Spirit of MY Presence is causing them to come sincerely believing, and believing continually over every opposition.
Therefore I AM still manufacturing determinations. Ordinarily you would be doubtful. Consider, there are millions coming to this recognition and coming to see ME Personally throughout the Universe ─ apparently insignificant, and yet they are coming to see ME, apparently ─ limited, yet they are believing in the Infiniteness of ME. They are observing something, because the very atmosphere of the conscious mentality of men has been contagionized with the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, and they must believe GOD is a Living Reality, Ever Present, Real, and Practical, and Tangible.
Electricity a Reality of GOD
Therefore they must believe in some visible expression as the answer to their prayer. You are visible, and you must realize, your visible body must also have an answer even according to your visible expression and your conscious action through your physical bodily form, to petition the Almighty GOD. When you prayed to GOD, it was not only the prayer of a mystical and imaginary expression. You appeared to others at times, orally. You used your physical lips in speaking, your visible eyes in reading, and your conscious mentality in thinking. These must get some answer or response to them, and you can see they are being responded to by HIM that liveth forever and ever. I can stress the mystery, and yet it is scientific, and yet it is true.
The invention of electricity is a mystery to you, but yet you can use it, it is your servant. It is made practical, it is useful for every purpose ─ practically every purpose ─ yet with the invention of electricity men are still ignorant concerning the mystery of GOD’S Presence as it is transmitted. The mystery of electricity is one of the great parables parably speaking, scientifically and mechanically, of the mystery of GOD’S Presence transmitted. GOD’S Presence transmitted to man, is an outward expression of the mystery of the invention of electricity, and of the different inventions that are connected with it. Oh it is such a privilege to live in the Presence of GOD, where the very Spirit of GOD can free you from all superstitions and cause you to live in the land of the living, as scientifically as those of the materialists. It is indeed Wonderful!
Why should you not be as intelligent and as scientific as the materialists? Will you allow the materialists and the atheists to go beyond you, when the very Spirit of GOD that has inspired all mankind lives and dwells in you? “Ye are the temples of the Lord,” says He . . . you are the temples of the Lord says Christ . . . You have the victory ─ you have it. Oh it is such a privilege dear ones! I AM making history. I AM making the reality of the true re-established on Earth among men. Men shall live after this Teaching, for I have made it scientific and as intellectual as those that are called the intellectuals without the Light of the Spirit of GOD’S Presence.
Every expression must be recognized by GOD, or they all will be failures. If they do not recognize GOD as a reality they all will be failures and become to be impractical, unprofitable, and good for nothing. I speak after the manner of men. In the experience of millions in these last few years ─ for the last five or ten years ─ millions have their gifts. They have had talents, professions, trades, etc., and they have become to be beneath those that did not have them, as far as finances, and business or profession was and is concerned. Just think of it ─ there are plenty of Artists have failed in these last ten or twelve years ─ failed completely ─ and the common laborers and domestic workers have ascended the ladder above them. Why? Because if you fail to recognize GOD as the Inspiration of all, you will fail in all you have. Allow your expression or profession, and all of your talents, to be converted; recognize the Reality of the Scientific Creator; realize GOD is the Creator of all science and all invention, and all of your cultures. These qualities should be brought into subjection to the Almighty voluntarily. When you do, GOD can use them. As I said aforetime, I AM calling for them, to put them into action.
Recognize the Fundamental
Just think of so many Artists out of work before I came into expression! In this City there were many School Teachers and Professionals out of position ─ even more than there are today ─ but slightly have they recognized the significance of the Fundamental, and GOD has inspired someone through the contact with HIM, to bring about a blessing, that many of them could be replaced in positions. The recognition of GOD in and on all places, and in all fields is the great essential, for if you fail to recognize the Fundamental you must be a failure, but if you recognize the Fundamental─though the Fundamental may apparently be insignificant to your profession humanly speaking ─ the insignificance of the Infinite is the great significance of the finite.
Hence it is essential for everyone to dial in on the Fundamental and recognize the Principle, it matters not what your profession, or class, or trade, or business may be, for you will be a failure if your professions, and trades, and gifts and callings are not converted to the Almighty. I can see them coming forth into expression. Therefore, fret not yourselves because the masses are leaving you from your places wherein you have been stationed in life. The time will come when those of you that have not discerned it as these do that have, you will also see it, and come to this recognition yourselves.
It is not necessary to come to ME Personally especially, but every individual must eventually recognize the Fundamental as put forth into expression is the Ideal of Life, the only hope of salvation. Now jot these Thoughts down in your minds, and remember, whatsoever GOD has put HIS Hand to, HE will accomplish it, with or without you. Your spirit and your mind, even though you may oppose, will go along with ME. Your spirit and your mind will endorse everything I endeavor, everything I say and everything I do. Even though you withdraw from the Presence, it is the same with ME as far as I AM concerned.
Too Many People for GOD
I heard a speaker say the other day ─ “GOD does not need you as persons, you need GOD as Persons”. The person needs the Spirit, the Spirit does not especially need a special person, for there are a-plenty of persons, but there is but One Eternal Infinite Spirit; therefore all need the Spirit, but the Spirit only needs as many as will obey and keep HIS Commandments. It is written, “There are too many people for GOD.” I said the other day, you see in China and other places where they increase and multiply so fast, GOD suffers, or in other words allows, something to come and take them away bodily, that they may not over-replenish the quarters.
Oh it is something to consider! Just think of the hardships and bloodshed, sorrow and travail, you will avoid by living Evangelically according to the Will of GOD! By living so you will not have to see your sons and daughters after the manner of the flesh, being offered up as lambs to the slaughter, or shot down in wars and race riots, and every other detestable expression of man that comes from the underworld. Oh it is such a privilege! Just think of being freed from those conditions. In the future you will not have those conditions to contend with, and you will be a new creature completely. You will put off the old man with all of his deeds, the old man with all of his tendencies, the old man with all of his fancies and pleasures, and you will be putting off the way through which you will bring trouble for yourselves if you continue. Oh it is such a privilege!
Just after speaking on that point the other day, you read or you can read in the papers of today or yesterday, of the flood ─ how they are being destroyed, etc. They will be, so long as they fail to obey GOD. They destroy themselves by living selfishly, and continuing to increase and multiply, and have thousands and thousands of children suffering in the land, without food and shelter. Just think of it; but the time has truly come, GOD has changed your mind. You will not be as you have been, and you will not do as you have been doing, for you are new creatures. Your bodies are the temples of the living GOD, “and GOD has said I will walk in them and dwell in them”. How can GOD walk in them and dwell in them if they are filled with lust and sin? But by self-denial, and by consecration, and a sacrifice to GOD wholeheartedly, your bodies are purified by the renewing of your mind, for “He shall purify the Sons of Levi”, yea the Sons of GOD, that they may offer unto The Lord an offering in Righteousness, as in former days. Oh it is such a privilege!
Legalizing Father’s Thoughts
Whatsoever I have said, even through MY Teaching in the past, I AM bringing it into expression ─ bringing it into action scientifically, legally, and otherwise, for that which the Mouth of the Lord has spoken, it must eventually be legalized. Oh it is such a privilege to know, you are living in harmony with one that shall speak, and all things shall come into expression. All things will be in accord with you, if you live exactly in accord with GOD.
The laws and rules of our state will eventually express just what I AM expressing as I AM expressing it Personally. They will eventually express it legally and endorse it scientifically, and all will rejoice in it. You may not know why your minds will change ─ many of them will change, and not even know ME Personally. Many of them will be partakers of My Mind, MY Thoughts, MY Ideas and Opinions, and may not have heard of ME Personally, for it is not Personality, nor the Individual as individuality, it is the true Spirit of Life, that Ever Presence of GOD, with or without a Bodily Form. You may go to some parts of the world where they have not heard of ME, and they will be speaking and acting according to MY Version. Those that are endeavoring to act perfectly, those that are endeavoring to do the perfect work, they will be acting and doing according to what I AM saying, even though they have not known ME Personally. I AM standing in the hearts and lives of all humanity this morning, without or with the knowledge of ME as a Person. I AM standing in them, for I have risen, and I have risen in the minds of men. Though they be many, I have risen in them and I will speak and act through them scientifically and intelligently, and cause the very legal state of expression to recognize that which I have surmised and that which I have declared.
Therefore if there be a question, or something in opposition to you working with those that are on the material plane as the politicians, scientifically and harmoniously politically, MY Spirit and MY Mind will work scientifically spiritually and mentally, and do the same work it would do if I used you politically. It is indeed Wonderful! This is the great significance of the Independence of GOD. As I AM Independent to an individual, I AM Independent to a Nation, Land, or Country, as an individual abstraction or expression; I AM depending on the Infiniteness of MY Ever Presence, and not even confined or stressfully stressing the Omnipresence of GOD, but the Ever Presence.
The Ever Presence of GOD
Wheresoever I AM, there will the Light be ─ as your automobiles as they go they carry the light with them ─ I carry MY Light with ME wheresoever I AM, as the outward expression of the Omnipresence of GOD, but for the individual, the Ever Presence of GOD. For the illumined individual, the Ever Presence of GOD is the stressful thought to consider, and not merely to speak and act as an advocator and emphasizer of the Omnipresence of GOD, for when you get there wheresoever you are going, GOD will be there. As far as either one of you, and all of you are concerned, the Ever Presence of GOD is the great significance. As a person you are not Omnipresent, but as a person you are present with yourself, and if you can recognize the Ever Presence of GOD it is sufficient, for wheresoever you go GOD will be with you.
That is the mystery! Therefore you need not worry about the Omnipresence of GOD, but the Ever Presence of GOD is the great essential for your consideration. The recognition of the Omnipresence of GOD is a consolation for those that are living in mortal consciousness, for they are consolated to know GOD is Present with some of their relatives, or some place where their property may be, or where their belongings are. They are consolated, consciously to realize GOD is there, but to those that have awakened in reality, you can relax your thought, your mentality, as far as that is concerned, as to the Omnipresence, but recognizing the Ever Presence will be your one Eternal wholehearted consolation.
This is verified in the Scripture. It says, “Take no thought for yourselves, today for tomorrow” . . . “forget the things that are behind you.” If you recognize the Ever Presence of GOD, you will not need think of tomorrow, neither need you to think of yesterday.
“Today is the day of salvation, today is the day of grace.”
In standing speaking and administering to you daily, I lose thought of MYSELF concerning yesterday and tomorrow. As a rule I AM standing speaking from time to time, and until I look up I forget all about the time after the manner of men, for the Omnipresence of GOD is a Consolation for the conscious mentality of the mortal minded men, but the Ever Presence of GOD is so illuminating it consumes everything. It causes time to cease to be. I say, the Ever Presence of GOD causes time to cease to be. When you recognize and realize GOD is Ever Present once and forever, the same today, yesterday and forever─with this recognition time and seasons will cease to be, in this immediate recognition. Now isn’t it Wonderful?
You forget all about yourselves, the time, and everything else. You lose all contact with the Earth when you contact the Christ in the mystery of His Word, and you will see, your days are done after the manner of the flesh. “You are the temples of the lord, and God has said, I will walk in them and dwell in them.” The Presence of GOD is a blessing, but the internal Christ is salvation for the individual.
Therefore, through the recognition of the Ever Presence of GOD, you will cause the reaction of your recognition to take place in your physical system and your physical bodies will express GOD’S Presence.
I will not detain you longer, it will soon be time for us to be getting together for broadcasting. I AM broadcasting daily it is true, but it was the condescendence of MY Spirit and MY Mind for the purpose of reaching others, and for the purpose of helping them, that I decided to broadcast over the mechanical broadcasting system. The mental broadcasting system is the great essential. The recognition of the mental is the great essential. That is why GOD and you can be independent as far as material inventions are concerned, as individual expressions. GOD has an access to all of HIS inventions, and HE will bring them into subjection as HE needs them I may say as I need them. They come forth into expression and they are our servants, as we are the servants of men also. I thank you!
“ I AM Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in Spirit, Body and Mind and in every organ, muscle, sinew, joint, limb, vein and bone and even in every ATOM, fibre and cell of my bodily form.”
Father Divine

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