Length: 18 minutes, 27 seconds.
Annual Business Meeting of The Peace Center Church
Howard Street, Newark, NJ, March 8, 1951, 8 PM
Song: “Things Don’t Just Happen”
Father Divine: Retribution. “Many are blessed by thinking positive. “If you are true and faithful GOD will take care of you.”
Warning: Quality of the recording on Track 2 is low with background noise!
Length: 25 minutes, 14 seconds.
Annual Business Meeting of The Peace Center Church
Howard Street, Newark, NJ, March 7th, 1953, 1:45 AM.
Father Divine: Parable of the lion-faced boy.
Song: “Think On Beautiful Thoughts.”
Track 3. Length: 11minutes, 22 seconds.
Annual Business Meeting if The Unity Mission Church
907 N. 41st Street, Philadelphia, PA.
February 22nd, 1955, 10:57 PM.
Father Divine: Unity.
Song: “Behold The People Is One.”
Peace Everyone…My name is Yaqob Tafari Makuannen I am a minister of our Lord Jesus Christ. To whom it may concern. I am finishing the work of Pastor Divine, it was a Great work God gave him. My cell number 248 979 0481/248 596 1951 As Pastor Divine says
Do the will of GOD in your hands, your feet, in your body and I will add in your thought
your whole being, soul and spirit. I am a psalmist I have Divine music on the harp, piano and my guitar. Listen at Psalms Ya Tafari or I can send you my divine music of peace.
Peace. FATHER DIVINE was not “given a work by God.” FATHER DIVINE is clear that He Himself is GOD, Jesus Christ returned in the greater Fathership degree. It is important to guard against delusion and to avoid coopting the Name and Work of FATHER DIVINE. FATHER DIVINE completes His own work.