GOD is the same even as the wind is, even as nature is itself.
Now you may not get much sunlight in some houses or in some homes, you may not get very much air. If you get air it may be stagnant air, because you may have the ventilation in connection with some other connection that is stagnating the air of expression before it enters the room in which you are connected. That is the mystery.
So these thoughts are well worth considering. GOD is the same with or without a Person. His Condescension may cause such an expression in different persons and personalities to be reflected as if though HE is Personal, but GOD is impersonal with or without a Person. GOD is the same today, yesterday and forever.
The wind is pure and holy. If there are germs in it and if there are not any germs in the atmosphere in which you are living, the air is pure and holy – – It is absolutely pure and holy. It may be infected apparently by the germs of disease and other contagious germs; nevertheless, it does not say that the air isn’t pure. Matters not how filthy it may be, if you allow it run free it will cleanse itself after a little running.
This is a physical, scientific point of view for consideration – – to let you see and know these things that GOD created, they are pure, they are real, they are true with or without you. You cannot prohibit them from being just as pure as they always have been. You cannot help them to be any purer than they are. You may cause such expressions in certain places not to reflect the impurity that such expressions may be reflecting at certain times and in certain places, but the purity of the water, the air, the sunlight and all of these different things that are GOD’S real creations, those things are all pure and you cannot defect them. That is the mystery!
You may get in it and it may seemingly at some place be adulterated. It may apparently be affected at some places. It may apparently be, but the reality of that water is still pure, matters not what is in the water. The water is pure, the water itself is pure, incorruptible, undefiled and cannot be defiled. The impurity that may be accumulated in the water may express the water as if though it is impure water; but it is not impure water in reality. The impurity that is in the water will cause the water to be classed as impure water, but the water is pure as ever.
So it is with GOD. In love, majesty and mercy, in His eternal abiding Presence, GOD is pure, perfect and holy now, henceforth and forever; nothing can take away from GOD’S purity and nothing can add to it. How glorious it is to see the truth concerning the mystery. By this you will be x-rayly observing all things, especially those things that pertain to your version, your Creator, your Redeemer; the pure breath of life you breathe.
Someone else may accumulate in the corruptible systems – in the corruptible minds, gas in their stomachs and in their lives, and the breath of life that they exhale may not sound nor feel so pure, may not smell so pure, but the purity and the reality of the breath of life is just the same now, henceforth and forever. Nothing can add to it and nothing can take from it.
How glorious it is to know the mystery. Dial in on the Fundamental continually, for with the limited concepts of men, as long as you see things on the material plane from a personal or from an individual personal point of view, those things will be impure to you in a great measure and they will continue to be, but what said the Epistle concerning the mystery?
“To him that is pure, all things are pure.”
Can you not see the mystery?
Now I AM bringing to the surface and into the light of your understanding the mystery of the purity and the perfection of all things that GOD created – how pure they are and how pure they have been and how pure they always will be. But it is only the mortal concepts of the children of men that have caused them to be apparently unclean.
“To him that is unclean, all things are unclean.”
Can you not see the mystery?
“To him that is clean, all things are clean.”
With the right concept and the understanding of the mystery, with the perfect, pure and wholesome mind of Jesus, the One of which I said,
“Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.”
This mind will analyze all things with the spirit of equity and you will observe the purity of your Lord and your “Savior and of His great creation, now, henceforth and forever. I thank you.
New Day 5/12/38;p35,c2;p36,c1-2
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