I will tell you again as I have told you in the past, GOD Himself is a looking glass. In GOD you can reflect yourself and you should only be identified in the Christ where you are hid from all sin, crime, violations of all of the laws of GOD and of man and hid from all strife. There is where you can hide, for
“The name of GOD is a strong tower, and
The righteous run therein and is safe.”
“You are hid with Christ in GOD when you are dead and dead indeed.”
“In that you die, you die unto sin;
In that you live, you live unto GOD.”
You look in the looking glass, yea, the mirror of life and you can behold yourself as you are reflected in the mirror of life – – the Christ. Oh, it is a privilege to observe it! “Then you can produce and bring into expression in your experience the reflection of yourself in the Christ, and as you shall have lost your identity from the mortal version, you will only be observable in the Christ and Christ will be an expression for you – – desirable, glorious and pleasant, yea, pleasing, if you will allow Christ to be to you according to such a version.
Why is it some can always find a pleasant expression, reflection, a word or action or consideration, yea, a pleasant thought in GOD for themselves as individuals? It is because you place such in GOD with confidence; you are laying up for yourselves treasures in the Christ Consciousness where you will have in storehouse for yourself that which you are imparting to GOD and to everyone else.
The reaction of your expressions will be a portion in the Reflector, the looking glass of which I AM speaking. You cannot see your reflection in GOD as you are hid in Christ, saving the reflection as you observe Him, that which is reflected in the Infinite One
Then I say, it is a privilege to be hid in Christ and to express in such a way of expression that GOD Himself in turn for your reflection and expression will reflect you to you in Himself and in others, that you will not be the reciprocants of undesirable reflections and actions and expressions as rising up quickly in resentment or anger, but you will be the reciprocants of the desirable expressions, of words, deeds and of actions in the mirror of which I AM speaking.
How glorious and how pleasant it is to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment. It is desirable, it is pleasing, it is appealing – – not only to GOD, but to others when you can and will reflect the desirable, for the desirable will be reflected, as I may say in MY manner of speech. The desirable will be reflected in the Reflector, in the Mirror – – in GOD, of Whom I AM speaking, when GOD is a Looking Glass.
Hence, as you look in the glass, you can see even as I see you. When I can see your eyes in the glass – – in the mirror, why, you can see ME. When you cannot see ME, I cannot see you, humanly speaking, from that angle of expression, the way the glass or mirror is sitting. That is the mystery. But when you look in the mirror and can see ME in the mirror, why then, as a rule I can see you – – in the mirror I AM speaking of; but when you cannot see ME in the mirror, I cannot see you in the mirror.
GOD is the Looking Glass, and if you cannot express yourself in a way whereby it is appeasing and pleasing to GOD to observe you where you are, why, you cannot observe GOD, and you cannot be reflected in HIM Who liveth, forever. But as you observe GOD, GOD observes you. That is the mystery!
Then I say, GOD is a Looking Glass, a Mirror, and as you behold ME – -(As Father continued speaking, HE picked up a small mirror that had been directly on the table before HIM, and demonstrated that about which HE was speaking) why, in the mirror when you can see ME I can see you. When I can see you, if you are looking this way, you can see ME in the mirror. That is the mystery!
Then I say, express the desirable that you might observe the desirable. But if you express the undesirable, the re-observation of the reaction of such an expression will be undesirable to you, in return for that which you have extended. For that which you extend, that will be undesirable if you are reflecting and expressing an undesirable expression, for in GOD is the Reflector, the Looking Glass.
Everybody should express desirably, pleasingly and pleasantly, and the pleasure of GOD will be your portion, for GOD is the Producer of that which is expressed or reflected, or that which is focused upon HIM.
How glorious it is to realize this Truth! Then I say, it is just as you deny yourself for Christ, Christ denies Himself for you, and as you express desirably for GOD, GOD in turn expresses desirably for you, and GOD’S expressions to you will be enjoyed by you. That is the mystery!
New Day 2/10/68; p16, c2-3
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