Father Divine’s message at the banquet table 20 West 115th street New York city on Sunday, February 21, 1937 at 3:15 p.m.
Part II
As I said some time ago, I charge MYSELF with the magnetic current of GOD’S Infiniteness, and cause MY followers to concentrate on ME vividly. Through the transmission of the concentration they are partakers of MY Nature and MY Characteristics. Therefore they will speak it and act it. I will preach Christ in Words; I AM preaching Christ in Words; but I AM preaching Christ more vividly in deeds and in actions by ,charging MY very Name with the magneticness of MY Infiniteness, causing you to concentrate on it vividly. Through your vivid concentration, the transmission of the Spirit of it, and MY Characteristics, will be unto you. Isn’t that Wonderful!
Men wonder and marvel at the mystery of the influence I have over the millions. It is because of concentration and because of the reproduction and the development and the unfoldment of the desirableness of the Infinite. When this shall have been established in any individual, that Infiniteness of the Infinite One when it is magnetically manifested in the individual it will attract others and draw them to it mentally as well as spiritually, and spiritually as well as mentally, and physically as well as mentally. Therefore they will come boldly, bodily to the Throne of Grace and they will harmonize with you in everything you do or say.
That is why you harmonize with ME; it is because of the current as transmitted from the magneticness of MY Infiniteness. By your concentration the transmutation of MY Spirit it is transmitted to you and you are partakers of MY Nature automatically, and of MY Characteristics. Therefore you think it and act it, fulfilling MY Message as I have declared it, I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes. They are walking in MY Statutes daily.
Because I AM unifying them with ME by harmonization they are coming into the unification of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose. By they bringing their bodies into subjection to ME and by living Evangelically they enjoy harmonizing with ME. They enjoy it because through harmonization the transmutation of the Spirit is transmitted and they are partakers of it, and it fills them with enthusiasm, with joy, and Peace and happiness, it causes them to be successful, prosperous and happy, therefore they will not seek another.
Finding the Lost Chord
Who would not wish to be happy? Everybody wishes to be happy. They have found that lost chord, that lost key as it may be termed. They have touched the key-note of salvation that answers every problem, answers every question, and answers every imagination, causes your imaginations no longer to be imaginations but to be your conscious conviction and realization since it has been established by MY Spirit. Oh, it is a privilege to be filled with it, isn’t it! Everybody wants it! They all want it, whichever, because I have filled them with this Joy of Living. I have filled them I say, with the Joy of Living. They are coming to the realization of GOD’S Actual Presence and all of HIS Blessedness that was in the imaginary Heaven, it is coming into expression, and they are coming into possession of all of the bliss that was in the imaginary Heaven according to the mortal concept of the children of men.
You can only enjoy this as you relax, let go, and detach yourself from your foes. The worst enemies are those of your own household. They are your foes. By you relaxing and letting go, and detaching yourselves from your foes you are unifying yourself with your GOD by harmonization for you are harmonizing with HIM — not only with ME as a Person as it may be termed, but you are harmonizing yourselves with HIM through the harmonization of HIS Life and HIS Teaching as was manifested in the Person of Jesus.
The mystery is now revealed, how Jesus won the victory over death, how Jesus won the victory over self. He won the victory over death when He won the victory over self. That is the mystery! Unless you can conquer self you cannot conquer death but if you conquer self you can conquer death. That is the mystery! Bringing your bodies into subjection to the Christ and allowing self to be still and brought into subjection to His Will, then and there your bodies are harmonizing with the Spirit of Incorruptibleness that your bodies may not see corruption. That is the mystery!
Jot these Thoughts down in your mental vocabularies and remember them now, henceforth and forever. By living this accordingly you will have the victory for Jesus gave it to you as a Sample and as an Example for you. Now isn’t that Wonderful! Conquering self, getting rid of self, overcoming self, you are overcoming death. Until you can conquer self, it is a matter of impossibility for you to conquer death, but when you do conquer self completely, you will conquer death, the last enemy. The last enemy is self. The last enemy you have is that of your own household, and when it comes forth into expression in the last destructive expression, that is death. It was self in your household. When you shall have conquered him you will have Life Eternal, you can live and will not die. Aren’t you glad!
Starting Your Spiritual Career
How do you begin this great career in the mental and spiritual career of Life from the city of destruction to theCelestialCity? You start at the beginning by the relaxation of your conscious mentality, by stilling yourselves as individuals, by holding your Peace and refusing to act personally from a mortal point of view. By so doing you are bringing your body into subjection, and by a continued consecration to the service you are harmonizing with Him by harmonizing with the Life and with the Teaching as exemplified in Jesus.
Suppose I would give you one Example and one Sample to copy after, one Example to work out after the manner of the former. When they came seeking Jesus, saying,
“Thy mother and thy brethren want thee out there,”
Jesus said,
“Who is my mother and who are my
brethren? They who do the will of my
Father, the same are my mother, my
brethren, and my sisters.”
This was an open expression, and Christ declared it as a Sample and as an Example for others to copy, that they might follow after the footsteps of the Savior and be truthfully and really emancipated.
You cannot be emancipated saving by bringing your bodies into subjection to the Sample and the Example as Christ in the Person of Jesus exemplified it. Copy after this fashion. Relax your conscious mentality if you desire to have the victory, for there is no other victory over death saving as you conquer self by living and doing according to the teaching of the CHRIST.
Now self feelings would say right away, “Why, I should deny my mother? She was a good and a holy woman; she was virtuous.” The metaphysical theories of men would have told Jesus if they would have been there, “Why, Jesus, why should You deny Your mother? Why, Your mother is virtuous, You are denying the Virginity of Mary when You deny her personally.” That is what they would have said. But aren’t you glad they were not here then? “Now you know You should love your mother.” Now that is what they would have said, and that is what the preachers, and metaphysicians, and practitioners of the “other fellow” are saying today, for they are working for the “other fellow,” trying to get as many to die as they can, so they can bury them and get some money. Isn’t that Wonderful! But GOD does not say such foolishness. Yes, they would have said, “Why, you should not deny your mother.”
Jesus Sample and Example for Victory
Now I hear a good many of the so-called ministers of the different churches saying, “Well, He meant for you to deny the wickedness of your parents and the wickedness of your children; He did not mean for you to really deny them,” as if though He was merely joking. Now isn’t that Wonderful! “He does not mean for you to actually deny one that is living right; if they are living right you should stick to them and love your mother and your sisters and your brethren and be devout to them.” But Jesus as a Radical was an outward expresser and was open spoken. “Who is my mother and who are my brethren, and who are my sisters? They who do the will of my Father, the same are my mother, my brother and my sister.”
These thoughts are well worth considering. Jesus was the Sample and the Example. There is no other way to get the victory over death saving as you bring your bodies into subjection and do exactly according to His Life and according to His Teaching. These are hard sayings, but yet they are true! As I afore said, they will say that. “Why, especially a holy woman like Mary was, why, no one should even speak unpleasantly to her.” Because she was holy. That is in their version. “Therefore, Jesus, You should go there and worship Your mother because she is a holy woman.” That would be their version, and He would have been in the grave today! He would have been in the grave today I say, had He done as they said and according to their version and according to the versions of them today. He would have been in the grave and they would have been going around talking about Spirit, and talking about the Spirit never did have a Body. “Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that denies that Christ has come in the flesh is that spirit of anti-Christ.” Not only come in the flesh, but the Christ was made flesh, and the Christ was GOD HIMSELF. Now aren’t you glad!
As a Wayshower, as a Sample and as an Example for the children of men Christ came, and everyone must copy after the fashion I have shown them. That is, if they expect to have victory in this present time and in the world to come, as it may be termed. That is why they are in lacks and wants and limitations. That is why they cannot make their demonstrations. It is because they refuse to recognize GOD’S Actual Presence, and especially the tangibilization of it. Because you believe in the tangibilization of GOD and because you recognize HIS Presence among you all, such a recognition and such a realization of the Actual Tangibilization of GOD will bring every desirable result to your body as well as to your soul.
What Belief in Personification of Christ Will Do
Belief in the Personification of Christ is the redemption of your body as well as your soul, but the unbelief in the Personification and the Tangibilization of the Christ is the disinheritance of your Eternal Life GOD has in storehouse for you. Now isn’t that Wonderful! Because you disbelieve in the tangibilization of Christ, why should Christ bless you in your tangibilization or physical body, when GOD HIMSELF is disembodied by you according to your version? If you disembody the Christ, Christ must disembody you. Christ must also make you impersonal and invisible if you make HIM impersonal and invisible.
GOD will reward you according as your works may be. You are working out your body from the Fellowship of the Almighty and becoming to be minus of the Spirit of GOD’S Presence because you disrecognize GOD and HIS Personal Presence. But our bodies feel physically fit, and Christ’s Body looks younger now than it did nineteen hundred years ago. Why does it? It is because He and you believe in the Personification of Spirit.
Therefore, as said the composition by inspiration, “Fight on, my soul, till Christ shall bring you to your GOD.” I heard you say by composition, “Renew it boldly every day.” Your bodies should be renewed as they are taking on the renewed mind, and by the renewing of the mind your bodies are renewed. I AM giving you new thoughts and new bodies follow. I AM keeping you alert, up to date, keeping you modernistic as you advance in it, for you can be renewed daily and by so doing you will help Divine employ. I thank you.
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