Father’s message given at the banquet table Divine lounge in Samsonville, Ulster County, N.Y. on Saturday, August 20, 1938 at 1:20 p.m.
While the listeners were still considering the Wonderful Messages that had just been delivered by FATHER and while waiting in anticipation for what was to come afterwards, Mother sang a little well-known composition, ‘Father is the LIGHT of the world,’ and it was directly after this song that out Sweet Lord arose again to impart another Message to us.
Words cannot express our appreciation and our thankfulness to FATHER for bestowing upon all humanity, His limitless and infinite blessing, that all may benefit thereby. In order that mankind universally might receive that which we daily receive and that which we are now receiving, these Messages are herein recorded.
(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)
PEACE, EVERYONE: Here we all are again; there I sit and stand, the same as I have always been, even so I AM. I have arisen at this instance to say, as in consideration I draw you together to cause you to consider the significance of ignorance; the significance of illiteracy; the significance of the nothingness of yourselves as individuals; such as you have been expressing; but yet I am causing you to be in this last time, SUPER-INTELLIGENT!
While listening to the song Mother just sang, I thought for consideration: I have met intelligent people who have thought and considered the ignorance of My followers and the illiteracy of Myself as a Person and others with whom I am connected. I rejoice in it; for ‘man’s extremity is GOD’S Opportunity’; while yet when GOD has an opportunity for expression, His Love and His Mercy will teach you Wisdom and will lift you where you had fallen—from whence you had fallen, and will establish your going in the Land of the Living. That is the mystery!
For this cause we are rejoicing at being a ‘lunatic’ according to the versions of men; rejoicing at being extremiated from the first step of expression; for ‘GOD taketh away the first that He might establish the second’ anyway. So, you are just as well to be extremiated in the beginning, that GOD might teach you Wisdom from the Fount of His Own Omniscience.
If you are not extremiated when GOD takes away the first, without your receiving the second by inspiration from GOD’S Omniscience, you will almost be a lunatic, you will be so ignorant.
Unity of Spirit, Mind, Aim and Purpose
‘Man’s extremity is GOD’SOpportunity.’ I came at the extremiation of man as One as a Representative, as a Delegate from the extremiated class, that man might come forth into expression with GOD in consideration. Although being extremiated, downtrodden, under-privileged and non-privileged, such persons will be lifted and GOD will bring, through the Spirit of Equalization, by the most accurate analyzation, the Reality of the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, and that which was most insignificant shall be the Spirit of Supremacy in expression, apparently.
This time I have arisen to say, as we have visiting friends with us as usual, we are always pleased to have them, and if any of them wish to have a word to say or as many words as they wish to or care to, they are welcome to speak politically, socially, from the educational field of endeavor, agriculturally and industrially, from any angle of your past or prospective future experience. You are welcome to do so, for we are representatives of every field of endeavor and of every expression with which our lives are connected. I THANK YOU!
(At this time, Mr. Glenn, representative of the MARCH OF TIME newsreel, expressed once again his sincere and deep appreciation for the continued flow of blessings he had now and heretofore received from FATHER. After these remarks, one of the Angels was moved spontaneously and very emotionally by the Spirit, to speak, after which Father arose and spoke again as follows:)
PEACE, EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, Good Appetite with Good Manners and Good Behavior, all Success and all Prosperity to you and all humanity I bring. As with a contagion, so with the Spirit and the Presence and the Blessings of GOD; all of these Blessings are contagious and they are impersonal and universal for one and all.
I have arisen at this instance to say, while the last speaker was speaking, I thought for consideration, how individuals at times may think the different followers and believers are bound to some special expression for consideration of the blessings they have received as individuals; but how marvelous it is to realize, GOD is your help in every need, GOD does your every hunger feed. All of the hungers of all humanity, they can be bountifully supplied with the sustenance of life, for the respective hungered feelings, such a respective hungered feeling an individual may have within himself or within herself.
GOD Is Not Bound to Religion Alone
If such a hungered feeling is unselfish and if they are expressers of Righteousness, those desires can be satisfied by the Actual Presence and the Work of your GOD. GOD is not confined nor bound to one expression called ‘Religion’ alone; but as GOD works and expresses in every field of endeavor, GOD can and will meet every issue of life and will answer every problem for everybody.
When you take this Life of which I am stressing and use it for your respective calling; use it for your respective profession; use it for your respective trade; you will see definitely, GOD will answer every problem; GOD will your every hunger feed; and GOD will satisfy every desire of all mankind; as GOD is the actual SATISFIER of that which mankind and even the living creatures of the earth can desire. GOD would not allow you to have a desire He could not nor cannot satisfy. Aren’t you glad!
The only thought of it is, if your desires are not satisfied, they are selfish or in some way detrimental and inharmonious to the Fundamental; for they all can be bountifully supplied and every desire can be satisfied. I mentioned this because it has been thought at times by some, that My followers are merely filled with religious fanaticism, bound under the versions and doctrines of Religion. By such versions they are filled with enthusiasm and express such by their Religious conviction; but how glorious it is to observe the mystery as GOD is the Adjuster of all matters and will adjust all matters satisfactorily and answer every problem; will answer every desire and every request of each and everybody, if their requests are unselfish and built upon a Foundation that is worth considering by the ALMIGHTY!
GOD Is in the Affairs of Men
Religiously, yes; spiritually, yes; but more great according to the mortal versions of men, is this great unfoldment of GOD’S Presence among them, when He moves out, in and on the political plane. GOD deals in the affairs of men! GOD controls the cosmic forces of nature and every other visible and invisible expression moved by the Hand of Nature; those things are controlled by the ALMIGHTY.
Then if you realize GOD can answer your desires Religiously and inspirationally, to cause you to be filled with enthusiasm or filled with the spirit of ecstasy of your Religious fervor, GOD can satisfy your every desire politically, legally, socially, industrially, even agriculturally; and cause you to be prosperous in all of your activities. That is what I am talking about!
That is what I am preaching: ‘CHRIST in you the Hope of Glory,’ to give you victory in all of your endeavors; in all of your activities; that you might realize, GOD is a Living Reality and not merely a supposition. I am lifting millions from that version! Millions have been groping in darkness of human superstition, believing that GOD is merely an expression for the Religious world of enthusiasm; for that part which is termed the ‘soul’ alone; but GOD deals in the affairs of men and GOD concerns Himself with them, wheresoever they are and wheresoever they have been. Aren’t you glad!
The Government of theKingdomofGODI have called forth, I have called for it to come forth whichever, into expression on the earth plane, that GOD’S Government from the Spiritual world of expression might be REAL, PRACTICAL and PROFITABLE for the children of men, in and on the material plane.
GOD Can Bless You in All Fields
I say, whatsoever profession, labor or business or activity you may be representing, GOD can be in them and GOD can help you and bless you abundantly, if you will harmonize with Him. Aren’t you glad! GOD is not confined to the Religious world alone; GOD is as much practical in every other expression or endeavor, as He is in the other as called ‘Religion.’ Aren’t you glad! GOD is more expressive at this time in those things that are on the material plane, than that which is called ‘Religion’; for the practicality of GOD has truly descended and GOD has established Himself among the children of men, in and on the material plane.
In the mere mythological concept of things, GOD shall not continue to be seen, neither surmised, as the suppositions of men bring those things to them. Your suppositions shall no longer bring GOD to you, merely in a superstitious and suppositional world of expression; but what said Jesus concerning the mystery?
‘Pray ye, our Father Who Art in Heaven,
Hallowed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come on
earth as it is in Heaven.’
The Government of theKingdomofGODI have called forth, I have called for it to come forth whichever, into expression on the earth plane, that GOD’S Government from the Spiritual world of expression might be REAL, PRACTICAL and PROFTIABLE for the children of men, in and on the material plane.
With a Mighty Hand
For this cause, GOD is governing the affairs of men and GOD shall be seen with a MIGHTY HAND, moving among the children of men, such as He has not been seen! In and at the time of war and at the time of great pestilences and disasters of every kind, men of all nationalities, of the divers nations and countries, will pray for deliverance from such pestilences and disasters and undesirable conditions; they will pray for deliverance from those things; but they will not hold that concept concerning GOD in all things continually. They get deliverance from those conditions at times, such as the ‘flu’ and other contagions that infect humanity and take away thousands and millions of bodies, at times.
When men get together, of every nation, every language and every tongue and every people, and pray persistently to the MAKER to the best of their understanding according to the dictates of their conscience and according to their respective religions, their prayers are heard and answered in a great measure. After then, they refuse to allow GOD to be active in their respective activities and they refuse to recognize GOD in their consideration, in all of their endeavors; but we mean to keep GOD in and on active duty in the time and at the time of PEACE, as in and at the time of war. That is the mystery!
GOD Stirs His People
Therefore, GOD is a Living Reality in and on the material plane—practical, profitable and good for something; hence, the enemy will not have a chance to get in to bring depressions, to bring lacks and wants and limitations; for over and above every opposition, GOD at this present time has hovered these, the true followers of Mine, as a hen hovers her brood. In and at the time of so-called depressions, not a one of My true followers has been on the Welfare. Aren’t you glad! For as a hen hovers her brood, even so GOD hovers those under the mental and spiritual Wings of His Protection, and as an eagle stirs her nest, even so GOD stirs His people.
So, I have stirred up the nations of the earth. That is the mystery! And I am gathering in the true and faithful who are willing to make sacrifices to that extent, that they might be ONE with the INFINITE. Then, whatsoever you may be expressing and in whatsoever profession or calling you may be functioning, if you need help, call on the INFINITE ONE through harmonization, and through the recognition of His Actual Presence you will get an answer speedily, as much on the material plane as you can and will religiously and spiritually. That is what it is all about!
So, do not feel as if though, because these of Mine might speak inspirationally and volitionally religiously, at times, that they are bound, neither think I am bound to that which is termed the Religious world alone; but I am the Expresser and the Co-worker of all things on the material plane, for the sustenance of the body, for the comfort and convenience of men, that GOD might have PEACE on earth with them and that they might have PEACE with Him throughout all eternity. I THANK YOU!
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