As I said of a very recent date, even when you serve in the Banquet Hall that has been set apart for those who are consecrated, self-denied and living a pure and wholesome life, I have said, help yourselves – help yourself – and if you do not get as much as you want or can eat at the first service of the first courses going around the first time, if there is something else you desire, ask for it and it will be passed the second time.
I know this is something like presenting a Body, but I did say, “Present your bodies as living sacrifices, wholly, which is your reasonable service.”
Therefore, present your all and all on the sacrifice of God and be not conformed to this world but trust God for the whole thing.
Therefore, when anything is passed around and if it is not enough apparently – if you abide by the rule you will not take more than you can eat and you will not leave anything on your plate, and you will not take anything away – and you will not take a whole lot of different pieces at once when it goes around. You will serve decently and in order, and unselfishly, and if you do not have enough you will ask for more and it will be passed around to you.
“He that puts his trust in Me shall never be confounded.”
You are not trusting God if you think you will have to pile everything on your plate at once – all you expect to eat on your plate at once! Five or six pieces of chicken, five or six pieces of turkey, and all such. That is like some would be afraid that it will all be gone before it can get back to them, or before they finish eating that which they have served.
All of this is in it. I say, all of this is in it, for this is it of which I said through the mouth of David:
“The Lord prepares a table for me in the presence of mine enemies. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall abide in the house of the Lord forever.”
A material food, a material table as well as a mental and spiritual one. Therefore, I am fulfilling the Scripture both literally and spiritually and from every angle expressible.
Hence, when I speak from either angle you may know God is on the earth as well as in the Heavens.
God is in material things. That is why He has so many of them and so much of them – because God is His own Increase and Multiplicant – Multiplier; and He increases as He wills. His presence by nature is increasive, creative and He wil increase as well as create, and create as well as increase.
“… and of his kingdom and of his peace and of his increase there shall be no end.”
That is why we have so much to eat, so much to drink, so much to wear, so much comfort, so much convenience, so much joy in our hearts. So much life and so much love that the world cannot afford. You never heard of so much love before. Such Love you had never heard of. Love that will cause you to leave all to follow your Father. Yea, as you say by composition, “I am leaving all for Jesus, turning all the world away.”
Why? Because you love Him so!
The Love of God for the Children of Men
You never heard of such love before. Aren’t you glad! I am talking about the Love of God to the children of men. That is what I am talking about! Now what more do you want? If you had love more than this, why then, what would become of the world?
No man has ever had such a Love. No man had ever had such a Love and no man can give such a Love. Aren’t you glad! That is what I am talking about. Love! Love transcending all human imagination. It goes into infinitude, the end you cannot vision. That is what I am talking about. I know some may say at times, when I am speaking as I did a little while ago in reference to the material things that life demands, I have a full and a plenty at My disposal and under My Jurisdiction; but I have more Love than the world can afford. Aren’t you glad!
“Greater love has no man than this…”
Love that transcends the world.
Take these thoughts to consideration and build upon this foundation. Lo, I will be with you; for I came to give it to you – this mighty, holy Love. Aren’t you glad! If it was not unlimited Love I would not tell you about feeding the people as I do. Depriving yourself and others of that which you have in your possession for the good of humanity unselfishly. Therefore, I say, feed them and feed them and feed them! This Love transcends all creation and your fondest imagination! I thank you.
Excerpt from Father Divine’s message given at Circle Mission Church on December 10, 1945 at 10:55 p.m.
Father Divine

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