“… Allow GOD to reign and rule in your mentality, to take full control of all of your mentality. You will not have a space in your mentality for a thought that is negative, for the positive will fill all places within you. Aren’t you glad!”
Father Divine
June 14/15, 1938
“The Sermon on the Mount is the Foundation upon which the Peace Mission Movement stands, for it embraces all of the Fundamental Principles that govern and motivate the Eternal Living Force.”
Father Divine
ND 2/10/90 given 5/23/38
“You have something to thank GOD for! Thanking GOD for the limitless and infinite wisdom existing among you! Thanking GOD for the joy that no man can give, as exemplified among you! Thanking GOD for the outward expression of the harvest, and the day of reaping you are now observing! Thanking GOD for your health and your happiness at the recognition of GOD’S ACTUAL PRESENCE! Thanking GOD for the realization of the tangibilization of spiritual and invisible things as a living reality on the material plane! Thanking GOD for the Actual Presence of HIMSELF as made manifest in the Flesh, that you might observe His Presence as the Redeemer of mankind! Thanking GOD for the visibility of the invisible expressions of the ecstasy of the angels, as GOD tangible-ates them! Now isn’t that wonderful! All things that you have desired and imagined in your early days of your Christian career, can and will be made real and fulfilled, as you live in this recognition.”
Father Divine
Nov. 26, 1936 (N.D. Nov. 18, 1989)
Life is Eternal! Even though one may fail to express it continually, the Life that is in you is eternal. You are merely an expresser of life according to the dictates of your conscience and according to your understanding, but the life that is in you is eternal… If you unify yourself with the life that is in you, and harmonize with the Creator and the Maker of you, the very life in itself in you will not leave you, for your body will be in harmony with it. This is also Evangelical! JESUS said, ‘If you abide in Me and let My Words abide in you, you may ask what you will and it shall be done.’ JESUS said, ‘If you continue in My Words you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.’ JESUS said, ‘If a man keep My sayings he shall never see death, and I will raise him up at the last day.’
Father Divine
Given May 17, 1936; 11:15 pm
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