Father Divine’s message and radio broadcast at 20 West 115th St. New York, N.Y. (for W.H.B.I. Radio Station, Newark, N.J.) on Sunday, March 1st, 1936 at 10 – 11 p.m.
(FATHER Speaking Personally over the air:)
Peace radio audience, — ladies and gentlemen, —and Angels of the Kingdom! We are pleased to be here once again in Person, to convey to you our daily expressions, – that which we are doing daily. We desire others to be partakers of this great Contagion we are expressing. It is a privilege to realize, it is not so much in words of Philosophy, neither in the words of the language of today, but the significance of all of our endeavors is to put into practice our Teaching of Religion.
A GOD At Hand
As I often Say, what need would it be to be Religious if our Religious endeavors did not cause us to do and act better. But we are privileged to Say to-day, I have drawn the Religious fervor from the Heavenly state of expression and tangiblated it in the hearts and lives of the children of men. We are making real and practical, all of our Religious endeavors; no longer to use it in and around ourselves as individuals, but we mean to put them so far into practice until we can universalize them and cause all mankind to realize, GOD is not a GOD afar off but GOD is a GOD at hand.
We have those of our Believers who are in New Zealand, Australia, and other far Countries, who are as devout as these here, because they realize GOD as a Living Presence, as a Principle that is Tangible or Tangiblatable, and can and will be universally tangible-ated, materialized and Personified, as we the people of this Civilization advance into the high Light of this Spiritual Civilization which I am advocating.
Body As a Living Sacrifice
It affords Me no small degree of pleasure to present My Body continuously as a Living Sacrifice for the Fundamental, to bring into action our Teaching, our Life, and our very Mind, and the Mind and the Spirit within us as a Living Factor in the hearts and lives of all humanity.
For this cause we are rejoicing! We are rejoicing daily, to see the great unfoldment of the Spirit of My Presence. As I transmit it to others they become to be partakers of this great Contagion. Therefore they are changed mentally, they are changed spiritually, they are changed physically by the renewing of their minds. You read in the Bible, in Romans Twelve, One and Two, —“I beseech ye therefore Brethren, by the Mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies as living sacrifices. Holy . . .which is your reasonable service, and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Reform Seminary Of Salvation
We are privileged not only to represent a Reform School, but we are privileged today to present the reform seminary of salvation. We shall not be discouraged until we shall have not only reformed, but we shall transform the whole universe. All mankind shall recognize and realize that Principle, tangiblated, materialized and Personified, called JESUS the CHRIST of Nineteen Hundred years ago.
Today we are rejoicing to observe the mystery as it is revealed to those who have brought their bodies into subjection. They are Living Epistles, seen and read by men as said the Scripture. This is why I desire as an Individual, to refrain from Speaking, that those who have been re-converted and regenerated, and Born again, might have the privilege to convey their thoughts to the children of men, of what GOD has actually done for them.
My Words, My Actions, and My Expressions, may not be so far-reaching, but today if you could but see this vast Audience in this Auditorium, and the thousands who are in the Dining Room this Evening, you would be surprised to see them as they sit and stand, bearing witness all with one accord, or the Presence of GOD as the Fundamental Principle.
Victory Over Death
I will refrain from Speaking as the time is well expired, but as I have Said. I will Say, “My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives give I unto you, let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid,” for I have brought you the Victory over death, ‘the other place’ and the grave. Henceforth you need not fear, you have the Victory over sickness and diseases, for I have brought it to you.
In conclusion I would just like to Say, the letter that was read a little while ago, it was cut off by some means, —the letter before the last one. However, as I Say, I will convey this Message of Truth if I must convey it as I HAVE conveyed it to twenty odd million, through mental telepathy, for GOD is Independent to the mortal versions. I thank you.
Peace everyone! Good health, good will and a good appetite, with good manners and good behavior, with a good education, with all knowledge and all understanding. These and all other Blessings, to you I am extending to your Faith in Him that Liveth forever. I Thank you.
When the Broadcast hour was fully expired, Father stepped to the Kingdom microphone and Spoke again as follows:
Peace everyone! I Learn, I See and I Behold, quite a little of our Message has been cut off. Now it is a condescension of Mine to introduce twenty odd million to the Radio, since I have introduced My Spirit and My Presence to them without a mechanical instrument. The mechanical instrument is only a shadow and a type of a percent of a fraction of a grain of true mental telepathy, of which I AM. I can and I will convey My Message of Truth with or without the Radio.
God Independent
Jot these Thought down in your vocabularies. Remember, GOD DID NOT COME TO BE MADE BY MEN, GOD CAME TO MAKE THEM WHAT I AM. Now it is wonderful! I have conveyed this Message of Truth to twenty odd million without the Radio Broadcasting System. A few years ago, in 1927 or somewhere about that time I condescended to go over the Radio on W.P.O.E. in Patchogue, a local Station the same as this. It was merely because they continued to request Me to do so, and I refused to go further soon after conveying the Message for a short time on a short wave length going about a hundred miles. But throughout the Universe, My Words, and My Spirit, and My Mind have gone.
Spiritual Hoop – Up Universal
I am transmitting My Thoughts through mental telepathy to the children of men much better than the Radio Broadcasting System, for nothing can harness the mentality nor have a monopoly over the mentality of the children of men, saving Him Who is the Creator of both it and them. The Radio Broadcasting System, with the Commission, if they are not willing to accept of the Message just as it is given I will convey My Message independent to all Commissions. I am now Speaking in the hearts and lives of twenty million and more, and through them they are transmitting it on to others, for I have that Mental and Spiritual Hook – up, — not merely national, neither international only, but we are hooked up infinitely, and it certainly does cover the Universe. I Thank you.
Father Divine
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