PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite; Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; All Wisdom, All Knowledge and All Understanding around and among those who are around the Body of GOD!
At this particular instance I have arisen to say, when we sing these or those compositions as advanced convictions of millions, it is uplifting. It takes you out of that state of consciousness where you live in doubts and fears and are conscious of the absence of GOD; but it helps you to believe and to know definitely you are in the Presence of GOD. But when you sing those songs that are not advancing and are not uplifting, when you sing those songs that are not convincing to yourself and to others of GOD’S Actual Presence, naturally, you do not feel as you do when you sing melodies of Thanksgiving and praises that are declarations of GOD’S Actual Presence.
It is a different world in which we live, to those who are living in that consciousness, yea, in that state of consciousness where they must go somewhere; where they observe GOD far beyond the blue ether, which is to say, far beyond the sky, far beyond the sun, the moon and all of the stars. When they think GOD is up there, they are serving GOD suppositionally and superstitiously and they are not serving GOD in the Conscious Conviction and Realization of GOD’S Actual Presence as you are, in the Presence of the Body of GOD! You are conscious of GOD’S Presence and the Consciousness of GOD’S Presence, it is the Solver of every problem and the Adjuster of all matters and will adjust matters satisfactorily for all humanity eventually!
The Atmosphere of Thanksgiving
What a different atmosphere it is when you are singing melodies of Thanksgiving and praise for the Presence of GOD and have His Deity among you all! Aren’t you glad? (“So glad!” came the reply.) It lifts you ABOVE all oppositions, ABOVE all criticism! It establishes your going in the land of the living, and gives you victory over sickness, afflictions and diseases, because GOD’S Presence in the midst of a world of chaos, of misery, of disappointment and failure is as the light in a dark room when the light is turned on. Light dispels all darkness. Darkness disappears and gets out of the way when the light is turned on. Aren’t you glad? (“Oh, so glad!” came the response.)
So it is with all adverse and undesirable conditions and everything that is antagonistic, conflicting and adverse. When the Presence of GOD appears in the consciousness and in reality in the conscious mentality of humanity it is a victory that has been won. Truly the battle has been fought and the victory has been won and you are living in the actual Presence of GOD now!
With such a conviction it is good to be in the Presence of the Body of GOD, to be around the Body of GOD; the Body of GOD that solves your problems by concentration and actually gives you victory mentally and spiritually, because GOD’S Presence is Supernatural, Magnetic, and it is more than all magnetism and all gravitation!
The earth has a gravitation and it will draw things down to it, but GOD has a Magnetism and a Gravitation combined and a Supernatural One of both it and them, because GOD is the Creator of Magnetism, Creator of Gravitation, Creator of the thing that carries gravitation the earth, if you please! Therefore, GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, giving all the power of magnetism, of gravitation and all of the power and dominion of human nature!
GOD’S Presence Will Adjust Matters
It is a privilege to live in such a Recognition, to realize GOD’S Presence can and will adjust matters satisfactorily. Therefore, it is good to be around the Body of GOD! For this cause one writer declared,
“For this cause many are sickly among you and some sleep, not discerning the Body of CHRIST!”
Can you not see the significance of having the Body in your view, so that you might discern the Body of CHRIST and concentrate on It at all times! “for many are sickly among you and some sleep, not discerning the Body of CHRIST!” See the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” came the response.) You can plainly see the significance of the Body of CHRIST, yea, the Body of GOD, being with you, so that you might Look and Behold!
The Apostle said, “Look on us!” when the man could not be healed apparently. He had been down to the pool so many times. But when the Disciples said, “Look on us!” and when they looked they beheld and behold, they were made whole!
So the Body of GOD; if you behold the Body of GOD aright, yea, even the Body of GOD, you would not be sickly; you would not be sick; and you would not sleep that sleep of death because if you discern the Body of CHRIST vividly, conscientiously and sincerely, “of all of His Fullness have all we”, said he, “received Grace for Grace!” You see the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” came the instant response.)
So then you can plainly see, somebody does not behold the Body of CHRIST, and yet you are around the Body of GOD and you have declared GOD’S Deity Personified and you have declared you realize GOD’S Presence on Earth about you and claim that GOD to you has been actually Personified and you say you realize GOD is Present with you and yet you go around sick, afflicted, disappointed and are failures; going around, cannot get positions and threatening your independence for the lack of being successful and prosperous as I AM! I have declared,
“As many as received HIM, to them gave HE power to become the Sons of GOD, even to them that believed on His Name!”
Can you not see the mystery? (“Yes, yes!” came the reply.)
“And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His Glory as that of the only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth, and of all of His Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace!”
GOD’S Attributes Personified
I AM all of My Attributes declared! I AM all of My Attributes Personified for I AM Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy and I AM Personified! I AM My Person of these Attributes and Qualities, and the Characteristics are Personified within! Aren’t you glad? (“So glad!” came the reply.)
If you have beheld the Glory of GOD, of all of His Fullness as I have portrayed it, you should be Well, Healthy, Successful, Prosperous and Happy! And if you live this Life you would not be a failure, you would not be disappointed, you would not be going around in lacks and wants and limitations, for I AM All Success and Prosperity, and when you fail to be successful and prosperous you are telling ME and telling the world definitely you are NOT of ME!
Then I say, live in this Recognition and behold the Body of GOD! You will not get sick and you will not sleep that sleep of death; you will not die! for I have declared even in the Sonship Degree,
“If a man keep My Sayings he shall never see death!” “The very Words I Speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life!”
I did declare,
“Of all of His Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace!”
and if you have not received it you have fallen short of the Glory for which CHRIST came! Can you not see the mystery? (“Yes, FATHER Dear!” came the response.)
Visualize the Qualities of GOD
Live in this Recognition! Vision the Attributes and Characteristics and the Qualities of GOD Personified, and of all of these, the Fullness of the Attributes and Characteristics and the Nature and the Spirit and the Mind of GOD, we all receive, Grace for Grace!
Take these thoughts to consideration! Now live in this Recognition and I will be with you if you live it and express it. Relax your conscious mentality but behold the Body of GOD! I say, BEHOLD the BODY of GOD!
Can you not see the Scripture so profoundly predicted? so far reaching it should be convincing to all of the critics, to let them see and know you have no occasion whatsoever to be sickly and be in lacks and wants and limitations, be in disappointments or have disappointments and failures, for I have declared,
“Of all of His Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace!”
Take these thoughts to consideration and as you see them you can and will receive them, and the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space will be vacant of the Fullness thereof!
What a privilege to live in such a Recognition by concentration! I have long since declared and I re-declare the same over and over again,
“The thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize.”
Visualize these Attributes and Characteristics and the Spirit and the Mind and the Life of CHRIST Personified! Visualize it vividly! and you will materialize and reproduce it and personify it and you will be Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in spirit, body and mind even as I AM, and even in every joint, sinew, vein, limb and bone and in every fibre and cell of your bodily form!
GOD Within You
It is a privileged place to be, is it not? to be at that pace in consciousness where GOD to you Personified is actually realized and no longer merely surmised superstitiously and suppositional but has been made real! You can look at your hands and your hands will look new! You will not grow old! Can you not see the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” came the reply.) Because GOD Himself is not only with you but GOD Himself is within you! Of His Fullness shall you all have received!
Live in this Recognition! Recognize the Presence of GOD and I will be with you from now, henceforth and forever as you love GOD wholeheartedly and rejoice at the remembrance of His Holiness! I thank you.
PEACE EVERYONE! It is stressful to be remembered and stressful to be perceived and conscientiously and sincerely believed, that if you recognize My Deity and the Personification of it and have by and through composition declared these things and songs and in praise as you have sung, you will be living in a state of consciousness that nothing else will be appealing to you less than that which lifts you up or reaches you in the state of consciousness in which you are living. Aren’t you glad? (“So glad!” came the reply.)
I cannot stress these thoughts too vividly, for it is essential for every one of you if you desire to overcome adverse and undesirable conditions, recognize My Deity in the fullest measure Personified, and when you hear songs of praise and Thanksgiving that are uplifting and in keeping with the Standard to which I have lifted you, you will be able to enjoy them, but you will not and cannot enjoy the downtrodden and backwards inspirations and compositions when they are not uplifting and advancing.
GOD Truly Present
Many things must be revised and many compositions of songs and praise must be revised and transposed for the advanced light of this spiritual civilization in which we are living, because we are not going to heaven! Can you not see the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” replied the Congregation.) That place that you call, or mortality calls heaven somewhere far above all of the suns and the moons and the stars and all of the planets that place you will never go, for it is written,
“AM I not a GOD at hand and not a GOD afar off?”
GOD is truly a GOD Present with you Here and Now and Everywhere you go, and you need not look for another, for the One that you have been suppositionally discerning far above the suppositional sun and moon and stars and suppositional sky, in the which, the sky is nowhere and is nothing but everywhere where there is nothing trying to find GOD in the nowhere and in the nothing sky!
But oh, how glorious it is to realize HE dwelleth with you and shall be in you and there is not another one! It is the Same One that you thought was in the sky! The Same One that all of the prophets, the sages and the seers preached of and told you about going to heaven sometime, when I plainly said in the Book of Revelation, coming down to the conclusion of the Bible, the twenty-first Chapter, I said through the mouth of John,
“I looked and I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away.”
I AM working Cancellation on that Imaginary Heaven for it is Passing Now! That was the First Heaven; that was the First Earth!
You know you have heard the old-fashioned preachers preach funerals and say they imagine Sister Nancy is walking up and down the golden streets! A good many of them said they see her sitting at the right Hand of Jesus! They imagine they see her. But that was in the Imaginary Heaven and around the Imaginary Throne. It was not the Real Throne of GOD, it was only an Imaginary One!
I declared in the Book of Revelation there, “The first heaven and the first earth are passed away!” I AM working Cancellation on that First Imaginary Heaven and Cancellation on the First Imaginary God and I AM bringing the New Heaven and the New Earth down from GOD out of the Imaginary Heaven, for the First One is Fastly Passing!
GOD Is Not Beyond the Stars
You feel better that way, do you not? You feel better to know that you are in the Presence of GOD and GOD is not far beyond all of the planets, the suns and the moons and all of the stars. You feel good to know that GOD is right here where you are! (“Yes, yes!” came the response.) Can you not see the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” replied the Congregation.) Even some of the nearer stars as those that are called the Twin Plaskett Stars, Professor Plaskett discovered somewhere about thirty years ago a little less, a little more was only fifty-eight quadrillion miles from here! That is some of the nearer ones to some more far-distant stars. And it has been declared it would take ten thousand years for light to descend from those stars or for light to ascend to those stars at light-rate speed of one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second! ten thousand years!
Then how are you going up in the heaven some place far above all of those stars? See the mystery? (“Yes, FATHER Dear!” came the reply.) And when are you going to get there? One hundred and eighty-six thousand miles every time the clock makes a second with the second hand or with the minute hand! I mean, that is the rate of light that is light-rate speed! one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second! and taking it TEN THOUSAND YEARS to come from those stars!
I AM working Cancellation on the Imaginary Heaven now! See the mystery? (“Yes, LORD!” came the response.) I AM trying to get your minds off of the superstition and the versions of men and out of that imaginary concept of heaven into your conscious recognition of GOD’S Actual Presence everywhere you may be!
GOD is Present everywhere, but Greater and Better for you to know, is, GOD is Ever Present with All of His Majesty, Dominion and Authority, with All Wisdom, All Knowledge and All Understanding and with All of His Infinite Love, Mercy and Compassion! I thank you!
Father Divine
kelvin lathers says
I love Father Divines teachings!!!!!