Good health, good will and a good appetite so you can eat aplenty; good manners, good behavior, all success and all prosperity so you may be happy! All success, I say, and prosperity, so you may be happy continually!
At this particular instance I have arisen to say, it is good to be here in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose! As you stand susceptive to that of which I AM expressing, you can see, reflect and manifest the reflection of it. It is an abstract expression of the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the Conscious Realization of the Fatherhood of GOD. For this cause you rejoice. You are filled with enthusiasm such as others are not.
In the great time of the crises and the conflicts with the nations of the world, with men and their respective neighbors and others living in confusion, malice and strife, those of you who adhere to MY Teaching, you are filled with enthusiasm, with joy and happiness and hospitality for everybody.
For this cause I AM here tonight, to further the advancement of this Righteous Government of which we represent, that shall eventually be universally established and internationally legalized–in other words, internationally recognized and established in the hearts and lives of the children of men as the Fundamental of Salvation, the Hope and the Redemption of them!
Treat All Equally
That little composition, though the music is beautiful, the significance of the wording of it and the Message it conveys is greater, better and bigger:
“Treat everyone equally and the Victory will be won!”
In itself by inspiration it is a Message to the children of men and to our great nation to unite, unite, unite! as this under MY Jurisdiction is the Sample and the Example I have put forth into expression. In the actuated words of expression, I AM telling the nations of the earth how to solve the economic problem, how to solve the racial problem, how to solve the national and international situation.
By the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and the Golden Rule with Arbitration, every problem can be solved for every nation! By this we shall have a Righteous Government, and all nations, languages, tongues and people shall live in the Unity of the Spirit and fulfil the inspirationic composition of the angels as a prediction to the Wise Men when they were going down to Bethlehem to see the Babe that was born down there:
“Glory to GOD in the highest and on earth peace, good will towards men!”
This is the outward expression as a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what I AM actually doing in the hearts and lives of men! Wheresoever I AM, even though the audiences may number up into ten. fifteen or twenty thousand or more, in Unity we sit and stand–in Unison you sing as one man! The music and the rhythm sound through the ether and permeate your hearts and your minds and lift you up where you were torn down, because they come from the soul and touch the soul.
From Heart To Heart And Spirit To Spirit
That which comes from the heart reaches the heart; that which comes from the Spirit reaches the Spirit of the children of men and speaks to them in the Spiritual language so they can understand.
Then I say,
“Treat each and everyone equally and the Victory will be won!”
How marvelous it would be and how marvelous it will be when all observe the mystery of the Truth and bring themselves into subjection to a Higher Order of things–of Life, of a Standard of Living such as this one that I have actually lifted as the Sample and the Example for all people! If this were a Message for some limited group, some special race, creed or color, it would be limited and an expression of selfishness. But through MY Condescension in Love and Mercy for all humanity, MY Message reaches out to and for every living creature. For this cause I automatically draw them together without telling them to come together. The Spirit of MY Presence automatically goes out and catches them, for truly did JESUS say to Peter,
“I will make you fishers of men,”
which was to say,
“I will give you the bait to catch the fish!”
Everybody desires to be happy; everybody desires to be successful, prosperous and healthy; and all of these Blessings are at your disposal and at your service as you bring your bodies into subjection to this Supernatural Phenomenon and live Soberly, Righteously and Godly exactly according to the Gospel. When this is done, you will treat each and everyone equally and you will find the Victory is won for our great nation in the struggle against the Axis and all other external enemies, as well as the internal enemy of your soul!
Your Worst Enemy Is Of Your Own Household
Christ came to give you your real emancipation from the visible and the invisible enemy and from the external and the internal enemy, for the worst enemy you have is that of your own household! Selfishness, graft and greed and all sorts of selfish tendencies prenataled within you and handed down traditionally and at times developed and brought to fruition within by you cultivating those detestable characteristics and traits of sin by self indulgence and selfish tendencies–you compromise and sympathize and harmonize with the detestable characteristics, ideas and opinions. Those things will come to you from time to time even as they came to JESUS, the great Love Master, the Founder of the Christian religion. The tempter came to Him to let you see and know he would try to tempt you; but if you realize, as JESUS did, he should not tempt GOD in you or in men, but should serve HIM, the tempter will leave you, and leave you without causing you to sin!
I often think of one of our original Christian compositions quite often sung in the Christian churches, especially the Protestant churches:
“Yield not to temptation,
For yielding is sin;
Each victory will help you
Some other to win!”
You are not sinning to be tempted. You may be tempted as was JESUS, but you sin if you yield to the temptation and will not persistently stand in opposition to the temptation that may come as an expression of the reflection of your mind within; for that is the way the tempter will come at times. But if you are persistent in your ambition and determined in your resolve not to be moved, but determined to stand fast and firm with GOD, you will overcome the enemy; for the composition declared by the experience of the composer:
“Yield not to temptation,
For yielding is sin;
Each Victory will help you
Some other to win;”
The Victorious Conqueror
When you overcome one temptation by refusing to yield to the tempter’s temptations, you win that victory as a sample and as an example of the Victorious Conqueror as HE is, Who conquers every foe for you!
This is not merely an ordinary meeting, as considered by a good many of the people, but this is an abstract expression in the actuated words, telling you of the convictions of the True Believers, showing you in actions and in deeds, something that transcends the limited mortal barriers of the mortal version– transcends the customs, Laws, rules and regulations of men. It takes you far beyond the standard of them and causes you to do more than they require you to do, because it is the development of perfection in righteousness, in truth and in justice and in equity in expression.
Just think of the thousands and millions of MY Followers going back paying their old back bills–bills that had been outlawed–bills that the government could not have even constrained them to pay–but by MY Spirit and MY Presence working from the within, as I say, it transcends the Law of men. It goes into infinitude, the end you cannot vision, for it cleans you up from the within internally and causes you to be new creatures by this new birth beyond the comprehension of the human understanding.
Just think of it! Then I say, when something can transcend the most strictest Law of man and go down into the hearts and lives of the children of men and change them by a Supernatural Law, and bring them into subjection to the Law of Heaven, and cause them to fulfil] the Supernatural Law of Heaven, you can see definitely it is something more than mortal to command!
Transcends The Laws Of Men
Through MY Contact with the children of men, I bring down the Law of Heaven to them–a Law that transcends the Law of men in Accurateness and in Equity, in Righteousness, in Truth and in Justice. Therefore, the Law I bring to them, I reincarnate it in the hearts and the lives of them, and that Law actually frees them from every barrier and from every limitation and it adjusts matters satisfactorily to Perfection, where there will not be a trait of a gloom of condemnation because of this Supernatural Emancipation that this Law that I bring from Heaven will give you. That is the way the Kingdom was to come and that is the way it came.
Jesus aught You to pray:
“Let THY Kingdom come and THY Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
How can a government be enacted or drafted and established on the earth plane or any place? Only by the Law of that Government being instituted and enacted and put forth into expression by the drafting of the Law by the masses. CHRIST taught you to pray to let the Kingdom come and the Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. GOD’S Law you have been praying for to come down to dwell with you on earth among men. GOD’S Law is the Law of Heaven; it is the Kingdom for which you have been praying! When it is instituted and enacted in government and in expression and when it rules the masses by the change of the whole earth, there and then the Kingdom has truly come; for
“Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is!”
I called for that Law of Heaven and I have brought it to the earth plane. I have enacted it in government and in activity, in actual expression, for the children of men to have something to live by and to control them right here on this earth plane. Hence, there is a Law transcending the Laws of men, for it is truly the Law of the Kingdom!
Christ Came As Judge Of All The Earth
The Law first came and was inculcated and reincarnated and instituted in the business and the affairs of the children of men, and Christ truly came as the judge of all the earth to execute righteous judgment in the righteous government and reign on the throne of the minds of men and bring them into subjection to HIM! When this is done and since this has been done, the Kingdom has truly come, and now the Will must be done!
Paul, in the seventh chapter of Romans, found himself as millions of others, a wretch undone. He found himself a wretched man, he said,
“. . . that I am. who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”
He found when he would to do good, evil was present with him and endeavored to overwhelm him. But oh, how glorious it was when he called for it in the latter clause of the latter part of the seventh chapter of Romans! He said, ‘Who shall deliver me?’ In the eighth chapter of Romans and the first verse you find he declared:
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in CHRIST JESUS, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, for the Law of the Spirit of Life in CHRIST JESUS has made me free from the Law of sin and death!”
This Law of which I AM now speaking, the Law of Heaven, has truly come! It had come to him; yea, I say, it came to him, and he as a person with the Law of the Spirit of Life in him, was no longer condemned, because it made him free from the Law of sin and death. It was the Law of Heaven transmitted through the CHRIST to him and for all mankind who will imbibe that Law and let that Law rule within! There is where the Kingdom is!
I Present To The World At Large The Kingdom Of GOD
When the Government of Heaven is in evidence and in expression and especially when it has all dominion and free access within you, the Kingdom has truly come, and the Will is there and then being done! I present to the world at large, the Kingdom of GOD as portrayed by JESUS the CHRIST and declared to be in the hearts and lives of men!
When they requested of JESUS,
“When shall the Kingdom come?’ or ‘When shall the Kingdom be restored to Israel?”
JESUS said,
“The Kingdom cometh not with observation, but the Kingdom of GOD is within you!”
It cometh from the within by bringing you to that state of consciousness where CHRIST with His Laws and His Dominion will have free access within you; for,
“Wheresoever a king reigns there is where his kingdom is !”
I believe the general public today can see MY Followers and even MY Following express a more perfect state of being, subject to Law and order, more accurately than any other group or organization. Why? Because they believe in the Actual Presence of GOD and they realize I AM Present when I AM apparently absent. They will do the same at MY Personal absence as in MY Personal Presence; hence, it checks them and holds them in check, the same as you hold a horse in check when you are breaking him in to plow your ground and vegetation; you hold him in check and regulate him in the system or custom of walking on the side of the row or in the middle of the row so as to give you service as he goes!
GOD works in the same like manner. Scripturally it has been declared:
“Behold, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn the whole body about!”
I have come to put the bit of Righteous Government, which is the Law of the Spirit of Life, in you, through transmission and through reincarnation, so that you might be controlled by the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, so that selfsame Law might completely free you! Aren’t you glad!
Producing The Law Of The Spirit Of Life
Then I say, by living Soberly, Righteously and Godly and by imbibing the Spirit of your Savior, by living according to HIS Teaching from every angle expressible and by being governed by your Highest Intuition through concentration on the perfect picture, you will produce that Law that was given to Paul, that made him free from the Law of sin and death, and it will also emancipate you!
I need not say more, but it is the Law of perfect government in expression. Christianity in reality legalized is Americanism established legally and when it is lived scientifically and accurately according to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, we have Christianity legalized and established as the foundation for the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men!
For this cause, millions, as they agree to any agreement by contract, they are sworn in by the Bible and by the Name of the Almighty–to bring GOD down in business, in profession, in labor and in trade; to place GOD as at the helm of your every activity; to pilot your Ship of Fate over the tempestuous Sea of Time; to establish your going in the Land of the Living!
For this cause, I say, you are sworn in. Whensoever you make an agreement, any agreement you draw up between man and man, you are sworn in by the Bible or by the Name Of the Almighty. Can you not see GOD has been trying to get Himself in government–to bring the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus to the earth plane, to establish the Law on earth among the children of men so that your prayer that you have been praying so long will be answered indeed?
“Thy Kingdom come; THY Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
When GOD’S Law Is Established Effectively You Have The Kingdom
When GOD’S Law is established in you effectively, individually, severally and collectively, you will have the real Kingdom of GOD for which you prayed; for the Kingdom is the unfoldment of the Constitution, of a Law which controls the nation. Can you not see the mystery?
Hence, as with an individual so with a nation, and as with a nation so with all nations combined! We shall imbibe, reincarnate and reproduce and have the Law produced and brought to fruition and personified and re-personified, until the Kingdom of GOD will be legalized on earth among men and recognized as the only Law to be considered among them!
I brought that Law and I have instituted it in business, profession, labor and trade. There are those of the officials and other representatives who attempt to try and ignore the Law, but the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS as exemplified among you is the Law that shall stand throughout all eternity; and all government eventually must accept of this Law and enact it as the standard of government for all humanity, or else they all will eventually be failures!
We need the Law of GOD in government now! If you do not have the Law of GOD in government, profession, labor and trade in these crises, your business, profession, labor and trade, and even your civilization, will not survive; but if You desire to survive the crises that are coming, the adverse and undesirable conditions, you had just as well to put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against the trials of this world!
Then I say, live it and express it by imbibing it and bringing it to fruition within, and the Law of the Spirit of Life, as I said, that was in CHRIST JESUS, will free you from every barrier and give you your real Liberty.
Truly might have one said, speaking of what will be and of this of which we are now speaking–they may not have been conscious of the mystery of what they were saying– ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!’
The Only Way To Get Life, Liberty And Happiness
That of which I mentioned in that particular documental quotation, it was a statement and a quotation documental-ly depicted as Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the people–which it was to be Life, it was to be liberty, it was to give you the privilege to pursue happiness, to seek it diligently. But how can you get it? By being emancipated by the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus! That is the only way you can get it and live it.
I need not say more, for I believe, as this was the Righteous Government meeting night for the Promised Land here, to show you educational pictures and to talk and sing patriotically and bring into the consideration of our friends and neighbors and ourselves more vividly the reality of a Righteous Government–a Government from Heaven on the earth plane among men that will deal justly between them and will judge the people with Equity by being accurate in expression as the perfect Picture–I believe you all have heard enough tonight, have thought enough tonight and have considered enough tonight to be persistent in your ambition and determined in your resolve to bring about the Law of GOD on earth among men by bringing it to fruition within and by living according to MY Teaching from every angle expressible. Then you are a Sample and an Example for others!
I thank you!
Father Divine
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