The bees in the hives, they go out and gather in the substance of all sorts of flowers – the sweet, the bitter, the sour, the good; the clean and the unclean they also gather in.
When the bees are finished with these, the different substances, they have drawn from both the clean and the unclean things, both the sweet and the sour things, both the good and the bad things, they make the sweetest thing in the world.
This is a type and a reflection as a sketch of the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. GOD is drawing from the minds of all of the people both the just and the unjust, the righteous and the unrighteous, the intelligent and the ignorant, the substances of something that is good that they might be represented in this great Kingdom for the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men, just as the bees have been doing. Aren’t you glad! That is what it is all about!
Father Divine
New Day 3/17/38; p13,c2