To the Truth Seeking General Public regarding the TV Broadcast on November 11, 2009
A so-called news story to increase ratings, was aired on Wednesday Evening, November 11, 2009.
We, the friends and followers of FATHER DIVINE’S International, Interracial, Interdenominational, Nonsectarian Peace Mission Movement, which encompasses all true Religions who recognize GOD in every living creature, would like to respond. To dispel the misunderstandings, you should be made aware of some facts that are available to everyone. In our world today, unfortunately, we find ourselves having to deal with publicity seekers similar to “Balloon Boy” and the “White House State Dinner Party Crashers”. The compelling, self-evident facts are:
Furthermore, after doing a few hours of research, you might be able to realize why a Beautiful Library is being built, to in some small way honor FATHER DIVINE’S Name and wonderful Works which includes, never having taken up a collection, feeding thousands absolutely gratis during the great depression, suffering 32 lynch mobs before Martin Luther King was born, bringing about unity among men, teaching and encouraging men to be independent and to live just like Jesus the CHRIST.
There is no room for criticism or for glory seekers who are intoxicated with themselves!
“And that’s the way it is”. (Walter Cronkrite)
“Peace ” (Followers of FATHER DIVINE/ Dave Garroway)
Happy Holidays Everyone
Merry Always!
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