FATHER DIVINE’S Letter Dated July 5th, 1956 A. D. F.D.
My dear Mrs. Lane,
Your letter of the 11th ultimo is received with clipping attached.
It is wonderful to see how MY Spirit is moving in the hearts and minds of men to establish just laws in government. I have long declared that as it is on MY immediate Staff, so shall it be in government, from land to land and from shore to shore.
The amalgamation of the peoples of the world is the only solution to world Peace and Prosperity. It is the key to the physical health and safety of the people individually and collectively. It is the power that will keep the planes in the Air, the ships on the Sea and the trains on the tracks. It is the spirit of Democracy that will create International Good Will that will promote science and invention which will secure men in their stand for the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God.
Now relative to your question concerning the Universal Mind Substance and the Spiritualization of material things and the materialization of Spiritual things, biblical history informs you that
‘In the beginning the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the waters. And GOD said, Let there be light and there was light.’
God in the invisible realm of expression, was, and is, the Universal Mind Substance – the invisible, intangible, infinite Power, of the Holy Ghost; in other words, Spirit and Mind. Then I say, out of nothing GOD created His Creation, and by the same Power can many worlds be created for you can create the kind of world your thoughts can produce.
In the beginning of Creation God did not have a Body, but since that time, the very WORD of Creation has become Flesh, and the children of this Dispensation can Behold the Perfection of Life in the Personified God-head Bodily Form.