"The Deliverer Has Truly Come, If You Are Fanatical Enough and Radical Enough
to Believe in the Actual Presence of GOD!

"We Live the Abundant Life As It Was In the Beginning of Creation!" --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon at the Holy Communion Table Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School,
764-772, S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Monday, May 7, 1956 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:15 P.M.


The Mount of the House of the Lord,
Woodmont, Gladwyne, PA

The Mount of the House of the Lord, Woodmont, Gladwyne, PA.

Many visiting guests were present as usual, and the entire Holy Communion Hall was filled. Our Beloved Savior, always mindful of the least one, arose to make one and all welcome, even as it says in the Scripture:

'He brought me to the banqueting house and His Banner over me was Love.'

However, in doing so, the Wellspring of Salvation was primed, and we were blessed with a beautiful and profound Sermon at this time!

For Thy Blessed Words of Spirit and Life, Dear LORD, we truly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! I just would like to say, there are still vacant seats at the Table. It may not be any vacant seats at this Table necessarily but there are vacant seats at the Table on the lower floor. So it is, whomsoever you may be that desire to dine, you are welcome to dine. We are serving the same downstairs on the lower floor as what we are serving here! I hope you all will serve generously and be satisfied. I mean to say, that your hearts and your minds may be satisfied as well as your bodies, for we have a- full and a-plenty and to spare! (Loud applause resounds.)

Those of us that are conscious of GOD'S Presence, we live the Abundant Life as it was in the beginning of creation. You have a-full and a-plenty at your disposal! ("So true!" came the reply.)

So then I say, those who wish to dine, you may dine freely and serve generously and be partakers of the Blessings so freely given, until your souls are satisfied! The time cometh and now is that there will no longer need be an expression of lacks, wants and limitations, for I came to bring and End to all undesirable conditions! I AM establishing your going in the land of the living! (Thunderous applause rings out.)

It has long since been said,

'Call on ME in the day of trouble and I will deliver you!'

The Deliverer has truly come, if you are fanatical enough and radical enough to believe in the Actual Presence of GOD! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, so glad!" came the joyous reply.) For I have declared by composition:

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply and it will satisfy every Good Desire!" --

for I further declared prophetically:

'Of His Kingdom, of His Peace and of His Increase there shall be no end!" --

because we have the Abundance of the Fullness and a-full and a-plenty here, there and everywhere!

We do not supply in abundance for the purpose of you becoming to be impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing, but to the extreme reverse, I came to supply in the Abundance of the fullness through your consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, so glad!" came the reply.)

Then I say, live in this Recognition and if there be any of you desire to dine and have not been seated yet, look around in this dining room. If there are any vacancies it is your privilege to be seated, and if not, you are welcome to go down on the lower floor, as afore said, and be served, and be served generously -- for the Abundance we serve here and everywhere is the Abundance of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence that satisfies every Good Desire and adjusts matters satisfactorily for you! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

Then I say, live in this Recognition and build upon this Foundation, for the time cometh and is near at hand there will be no more lacks, wants or limitations! There will be no more breadlines! There will be no more soup kitchens! That will not be necessary, for the Abundant Life produces the Abundance of the Fullness automatically, and I have declared:

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is truly the Source of all Supply!'

Just live in harmony with the Fundamentals for which we stand. You may be in Europe, Asia, Africa or wheresoever you may be; you will find THERE I AM! -- not necessarily as a Person but There I AM in the Abundance of Success, Prosperity, Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness, and the Multiplier and Demonstrator of such, for you are privileged to be Partakers of the Same and Live the Abundant Life throughout all Eternity! I thank you.

Thunderous applause resounds; then FATHER passes out International Peace and Woodmont place cards, as well as the beautiful two-hundred-page New Days with Supplements to the guests. One of the Secretaries then reads the famous letter written by Mr. Del Mar that is to be found in the Supplement, and upon its conclusion our Beloved Savior rises to stress to one and all that this letter was written in 1931! FATHER Speaks as follows:

PEACE EVERYONE! We do not wish to bore you and we are not going to bore you, but we would just like to emphasize that this letter was written in 1931, twenty- five years ago, when all of the newspapers and the world at large desired to know more of ME! Therefore, there were many investigators sent out to our place, and Mr. Del Mar happened to be one of them, and that was the report he returned to his superior, and also a copy to ME, twenty-five years ago -- as you know, thirty-one from fifty-six would leave twenty-five! (Loud applause resounds.) But I would like to say as I said then and at all times, there is not anything I do from a Personal point of view! If you read The New Day or New Days as they come forth from the press daily, or weekly, whichever, you do not find wherein I have said I could, can or would do anything from a Personal point of view. ("So true!" came the sanction.) But those with whom we come in contact, we mean to be of service to them; the rich and the poor, the high and the low, the great and the small, and whomsoever they may be, if they will harmoniously and sympathetically contact ME! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

I further wish to say that The New Day that you have in your possession now, those of whom it was given, I would be pleased if you would desire to take them along with you. If you do not desire to take it along with you, you are not required to do so, for I have long since declared: "In any sacred work when coercion begins, the Work of GOD that moment ends and it is no longer the Work of GOD but the works of men!" I have also declared, "Where persuasion begins it is not the Work of GOD but the works of men." But if you choose to read it and take it along with you for your consideration, you are welcome to do so; the place cards and also the copy of The New Day with the Supplement. The Supplement is an introduction of ME to you, and the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD will open the door that has been shut and barred, and will free you to have the same access in expression and in demonstration that you see here -- for "Of His Kingdom and of His Peace and of His Increase there shall be no end."

If you desire to do so, you are welcome, and I will, by inspiration and by investigation, through your inspection of The New Day and the properties and the places under the pages of The New Day, give you first-hand information so that I might be of service to all, whomsoever you may be, that desire to know more of ME! I thank you.

