"The Ground You Stand on Is Holy.

"Both Judea and Jerusalem, in Other Words, Both the Christians and the Jews; it's a Message to Judaism as Well as to Christianity.

"That's Why I Specifically and Stressfully Called All Nations, for They All Shall Recognize God's Actual Presence and God Himself Shall Save Them." --- FATHER DIVINE

FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon and Dismissal While at the Holy Communion Table
In the Chapel-Dining Room of Woodmont, The Mount of the House of the LORD
Spring Mill and Woodmont Roads, Lower Merion, Montgomery Co., PA.
Saturday Evening, Sept. 11, 1954 A.D.F.D., Time -- 5:25 P.M.

The House of the Lord, south view

The House of the Lord, south view.

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! You may take your place cards along with you with My Compliments and thoughts to be stressed as you observe them on the Woodmont postcard or place card especially. Someone may read it. You may take those along with you and know within yourself, as you carry those along with you, you carry My Thoughts along with you. Although it is in print, it is reproducible, it is inculcatable, it is incarnatable and you too can think as I do. I thank you.

I would just like to further say to our visiting guests, we are going to give out some of the copies of The New Day. It carries the Supplement and you will have something to think about in this present issue of The New Day with its one hundred and twenty-four pages, sold on the newsstands and by those who sell them, for five cents! If anything plus that, should be only for the postage! But those who receive them from My Hands, as GOD is a Free Gift to the world and gratis to man, it costs you nothing! There is a Supplement in The New Day. It will be food for thought, no doubt.

(As FATHER passed the current issue of The New Day down the Communion Table, Reverend Wilson looked at FATHER questioningly, and FATHER said:)

Yes, if you would like to take another one, it is all right. You may give it to a friend. (Reverend Wilson gratefully said, "I'll take it, FATHER, I got one as soon as I came in last night", and FATHER continued speaking:) Sure. There is a Supplement in each one of them of this particular issue. You may be careful so it doesn't lose out. Any of the strangers, those who have not had one of the present issues of The New Day. Someone will read for ME to commit to My memory -- refresh My memory of the discovery of this place as we sit and stand. Someone may read if they wish to, the place card, on the back of the place card, the Mount of the House of the LORD. It has been actually re-discovered and brought into materialization even as I AM. GOD materializes spiritual things and spiritualizes material things! It has been predicted and we are the fulfillers!

The Ground you stand on is Holy! We have blessed this Holy Mount of GOD in the Name of GOD of Whom you say I AM! ("GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the enthusiastic audience.) I AM blessing them wheresoever I AM and wheresoever I can! Those who live in this recognition, I AM lifting you above materialism! I AM lifting you above personality! I AM lifting you above individuality so that you may find ME universally and know that you can contact ME as though Personally wheresoever you may be. Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" shouted the multitude.) I do not wish to get off, because you may look at ME! I mean, you may look at ME from a personal point of view. I need not see you personally and you need not see ME, but as I have blessed this place, I AM blessing the universe as they allow ME to, the same as I bless you, and NONE shall lack in GOD'S Abundance after a while! Everybody shall live in splendor universally with a-full and a-plenty eternally, and shall be in the vibration of the Holy Spirit, GOD'S Ever and Omnipresence! He that believeth shall receive it just as those are on the outside back cover of the Supplement!

These are some of My Rosebuds in Germany. They have not seen ME Personally. Not any of them in Europe, Asia or Africa have seen ME Personally, not any more than you saw GOD Personally down in Christendom when you prayed and received the blessings by His Ever and Omnipresence. Can you not see the Mystery -- that GOD is right here with you and universally!

I need not say more. There are not so many pictures of the different places in these two last issues of The New Day, but in the past issues of The New Day, I have shown you many, many different places in Europe, Asia and Africa, New Zealand and Australia, the Panama Canal and elsewhere, showing you that I AM here and I AM there and I AM everywhere! I do not have to go anywhere! I AM THERE! As you believe it, you will receive it even as Peter did. Peter said:

'I say that Thou Art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD!'

When he believed it, he received it. "Simon, I give you the Keys of the Kingdom! And that which thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven!" Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" shouted the happy throng.) From that very thought, the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good, no space is vacant of the fullness thereof! And I do not have to, as I have not as yet, ever done any soliciting nor taking up a collection! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD, so glad!" again shouted the assembly in one voice.) My very Presence is as the Magnet of the Universe! It attracts and draws Everything desired! If you are worthy of it, it will draw it! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the enthusiastic reply.) The earth has a gravitation to draw things down to it even from an earthy point of view, but GREATER is the magnetism of GOD'S Actual Presence, for IT is the CREATOR of the Universe of both the earth and the heavens! I thank you.

(At this point, as FATHER started to push His chair in and leave the table, MOTHER mentioned about someone reading the place card and FATHER sweetly said:)

Well, someone wouldn't read it. I said I wanted to hear it again, but if I don't hear it from the card, you will hear it from ME as I speak it from the within. (As FATHER had a merry chuckle in His Voice, HE said:) Okay, let us have it.

(The secretary reads from the place card as follows:)

'And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
'And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the House of the GOD of Jacob; and HE will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.'

(Isaiah 2:2.3) (FATHER speaks again as follows:)

What does Micah say about it? That was Isaiah. Does anyone have a Bible handy or readily at hand? It is wonderful!

(Secretary reads from the Holy Bible accordingly:)

'But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the people shall flow unto it.
'And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the GOD of Jacob; and HE will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.'
(Micah 4:1,2) (FATHER speaks again as follows:)

Both Judea and Jerusalem. In other words, both the Christians and the Jews; it's a message to Judaism as well as to Christianity; that's why I specifically and stressfully called all nations, for they all shall recognize GOD'S Actual Presence and GOD Himself shall save them. I thank you.
