FATHER DIVINE'S Invocation of Blessings Upon the Woodmont Estate, the Mount of the House of the LORD and Guests Speeches.

Mother Bradley - "I Want to Say I Have Never Seen Anything like This, and I Think it Is Wonderful! I Think it Is Great, Father and Mother!"

In the Dining Hall of the Woodmont Estate, Saturday Afternoon September 12, 1953 A.D.F.D., Time -- 5:50 P.M.



The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord.

(FATHER speaks firstly as follows:)

I would just like to say at this instant, we consider everything is blessed. We do not ordinarily or customarily go through the performance of asking Blessings as the ordinary Church, since we know blessings are flowing free and we are blessed abundantly, and everything we touch is blessed of GOD! However, for the occasion at this particular instant we are going to say,

'According to the Abundance, Love and Mercy,
According to the Abundant Love of GOD,
According to the Abundance, Love and Mercy,
GOD, your FATHER, has blessed this food!'
HE blesses this food and HE blesses His People. HE brings them together in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose! According to the Abundant Love of GOD.

By this we can have Victory over sickness, sorrow, pain and death and live the Abundant Life in this present world! (Loud applause rings out.)

It may be that someone else inspired by the Holy Spirit, would like to further bless the food and bless this estate, the Mount of the House of the LORD, that has been reared up where all nations shall flow into it! We see them coming from all over this wide extended plane! -- not necessarily to live under one roof, after the manner of men, but recognizing the Universal Brotherhood of man and the Conscious Realization of the Fatherhood of GOD! We bless this food and you are welcome to participate in extending a Blessing upon this Holy Communion!

To us, those of the Peace Mission Movement, all of My Followers under My Church Discipline, Constitution and By-Laws, they believe the Real Communion is the serving of food for the sustenance of your bodies, even as Jesus did when He fed the Five Thousand. It is the same Every Day with us! It is a matter of course as far as food and raiments are concerned. (Loud applause sanctions this.)

We hope you all will be partakers and recipients of these Blessings that GOD has extended to this people. (Again loud applause resounds.)

Those of us who have assembled here, if you desire to have a word to say, we will be pleased to hear from you. Here is His Holiness, the Reverend Prophet Jones! It may be that he may have something to say in the dedicating of this Blessed House of GOD -- the Mount of the House of the LORD that no man can make you ashamed of! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the joyful response.)

I AM trying not to get off! (At this point Mother Bradley exclaims volitionally:) FATHER, I'm trying to! (Merriment resounds, then FATHER with a sweet smile, says:) It may be that Mother Bradley might have something to say, as these are Ministers of the Gospel, preaching the Gospel of Eternal Life -- Preaching the Life that I have been preaching and teaching for lo, these many years! (Mother Bradley verifies this, saying:) "Many years, yes, GOD!" (FATHER then says:) It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! LET THE HOLY GHOST HAVE ITS WAY! (Mother Bradley shouts, "Yes, LORD!" and FATHER continues:) and you will hear from ME later, here, or in the Church in Philadelphia. We hope you all will come there and brake bread with us, for there we anticipate serving a regular Banquet there -- but here, we consider this just a family dinner! I thank you!

(There is rather a long pause, then Mother Bradley rises suddenly and says:)

Peace FATHER; Peace MOTHER; Peace unto the Prophet, His Holiness, and the Staff, and also to my Brother in CHRIST and all the dignitaries here: I say to you again, Peace! I was kind of waiting for His Holiness, but you know, Mother Bradley is full of Fire and Holy Ghost and FATHER said speak! (FATHER exclaims at this point, "Let the Holy Ghost have Its Way!" and Mother Bradley shouts:) And so she can only speak for Bradley! I can't wait for the Holy Prophet to speak now. His Holiness is working in me!

I want to say I have never seen anything like this, and I think it is Wonderful! I think it is Great, FATHER and MOTHER! But I want to say to YOU, I am thankful for YOUR Invitation! I am glad I accepted! And I am like YOU said -- this food is already blessed! We feel blessed to even sit and eat with FATHER and MOTHER and knowing that they have lived for Others and live for the Whole Universe! And I say to you, this is a Grand Time! (Loud applause rings out. Mother Bradley indicates FATHER as she says:) HE said this is not the Banquet! If it is not, I say, GOD bless the Banquet! -- because, seem like I am in the Banquet now! And I was here all day yesterday, and did I enjoy it! I want you to know that every bit of land that I stepped on, I felt that it was blessed and Holy -- and I do thank YOU for being here! And I say to you, as soon as everybody in the entire world will say, "Peace, FATHER!" and "Yes, MOTHER!" the better off we all will be! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

I say to you, I am here and thanking GOD I am here! Not only am I thankful for our MOTHER and FATHER, but children, I'm thankful for everyone of you -- because everywhere I see light, I recognize light! Within a growing bush, within a tree, within the shrubbery, there is growth there. Where there is growth, there is progress! -- and where there is Life there is Everything! And, may GOD bless you! The Table is blessed! The food is blessed! We are all blessed inside this room! -- and everything that walks after us, even, for years to come, will also be blessed, for WE ARE MAKING HISTORY TODAY! I thank you!

(Loud applause rings out, then Mr. Jacob Versel, one in the number from the many Followers who dwell in Switzerland and who has been blessed to come here to America, to live, rises and speaks earnestly as follows:)

Peace FATHER Dear; Peace MOTHER Dear; Peace Everyone: I have not so many English words, but I like to say, I thank YOU, FATHER, for the Blessing to be here this afternoon! I know it is a Blessing and I thank YOU, FATHER, for YOUR Love for me and for everyone -- for the whole mankind! And I like to say, today we have from the Council of Switzerland, Mr. Rohrbach. He is a guest for FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE and the Holy Communion Table -- and I think he would like to speak a few words to us all. And we are pleased to hear him. I thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER!

(At this point applause resounds as Mr. Rohrbach, representative of the Swiss Consulate, with whom FATHER has had correspondence which has been published in The New Day, arose to speak sincerely as follows:)

Thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER and Everyone: I wish to thank you all very much for your kindness towards us! I have been very interested, as you perhaps know, in the Work you are doing, and I am glad of this opportunity to be a little nearer to you! (FATHER says, "Thank you." Mr. Rohrbach continues:)

I have come here as a private person -- not as an official representative of the Swiss Government. But I wish to say that my wife and my sister-in-law, who recently came from Switzerland to the east, we all join in thanking you and wishing you the BEST to all of you, and to the success of YOUR Movement! (As Mr. Rohrbach resumes his seat, there is loud applause and MOTHER graciously replies, "Thank you, very much." FATHER also exclaims, "It is Wonderful!")

(Shortly after this there is further applause as His Holiness, Dr. James F. Jones, better known as Prophet Jones, rises to speak in deep sincerity, as follows:)

Peace to FATHER and MOTHER; (FATHER answers, "Peace!" Prophet Jones continues:) And to all of you here! It is GOD'S DIVINE BLESSINGS, and through His Divine Cosmic Immutable Laws, twelve Divine Immutable Laws which govern the Universe, has permitted this to be! From the foundations of the earth these things were planned for today! GOD has seen fit that in His Own Divine, Immutable Way and the Presence of His Divine Consciousness we are part of HIM! -- and these Blessings today came as an expression of GOD'S Love for His Children! (Loud applause sanctioning this rings out.)

I am happy that in the end of another dispensation GOD has moved and willed so, that man can SEE GOD on EARTH and not pray and wish to see HIM beyond the sky! (Again loud applause rings out.)

There will be no honey and there will be no milk for spirits, because spirits do not eat or drink! ("All right!" sanctions the Assembly.) Only those who are possessors of bodies can have food! Food was made for the sustenance of flesh, and spirit was made for the sustenance of spirit! ("So true!" sanctions the Assembly.)

We are together today, both spirit and body, and we are in the Presence of the Divine Creature, and His Divine Will is upon us, and there is nothing else to say, for the world is illuminated by the Divine Cosmic Illumination of the Divine Will of HIM Who created the Heaven and the earth, and THAT GOD IS WITH US! (Thunderous applause rings out, as the Assembly exclaims, "So glad!" Prophet Jones continues:) Peace has willed it so, and the hindergistic forces cannot do anything against us because we have been Carried Up into a Divine Cosmic Illuminatable Enforcement, or Unfoldment, and our minds are Divinely Lubricated with Divine Lubrimentality! Thank YOU, and Peace! (Again loud applause resounds. Prophet Jones resumes his seat, only to rise immediately to speak once more as follows:)

FATHER, I would like to add this: I came to Philadelphia by Orders of the Divine Spirit, and I came to put Undertakers, Gravediggers and Casket Factories out of business!

(Again there is thunderous applause -- then as it seems that some of the guests have to make their departure shortly, FATHER, the Gracious Host, rises from the Table to speak as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! I would just like to say at this instance, we are going to take a party through a portion of the house, since they must go right away. You all may remain and sing, and the Table -- you can be reseated; be seated in our seats; and the Table will be set for you -- for your service -- those who wish to dine! I thank you!
