"The Enemy to Democracy and Righteousness Will Try to Destroy It,
Even as They Tried to Destroy the Body Called Jesus!

"It Is a Crime Against Democracy for the Government Representatives and Senators to
Permit Filibustering."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon and Remarks of visiting Guests and Friends at the Divine Hotel Riviera,
Clinton Ave. and High Street, Newark, New Jersey, Saturday, January 3, 1953 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:35 P.M.

The Divine Rivera Hotel

The Divine Rivera Hotel.

In these beautiful and significant Words of Spirit and Life, FATHER declares that we shall have the Enactment of Democracy in every walk of Life, thereby giving its subjects the privilege to be Real, True American citizens and to express the Four Freedoms which is their constitutional right, that they in reality might enjoy One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year.

Following these significant Words, a few testimonies of praise came forth, including one from a Crusader in the Service, who is expecting to go overseas very soon. And after his testimony, FATHER brought forth such beautiful consoling and assuring Words, assuring the Crusader and all others who are in the Service and who are expecting to be called to the Service, that they will be protected and have nothing to worry about or fear, even if they are on the firing line, so long as they hold HIM uppermost in consciousness, recognizing His Ever Presence and do that which is just and right. These comforting Words are also herein transcribed that you might imbibe them and let them be your shield and buckler, for truly, the Words of GOD Almighty, FATHER DIVINE, Never Fail!

For Thy Words of Spirit and Life that will save to the uttermost, Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S significant Sermon, with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite! Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity! These by your own experience, you know I have called them into expression and they are in your possession! I would like to say further, One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year! In short, I could have said, The New Day of December twenty-seventh with the Supplement and The New Day of January third with its Calendar -- The New Day of the twenty- seventh carries My Message of My Salutation, One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year!

Therefore, I do not have an occasion to say Holiday's greetings since I have brought it into your conscious realization and into the recognition and the realization of millions, this One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year. These Truths are explanatory in themselves. They need no explanation; but just to call your attention to the fact, when you say "Merry Christmas" or when you say "Happy New Year", I say The New Day. The New Day of January third, nineteen fifty-three, and I AM telling the world at large, Happy New Year!

We are happy to have many visiting guests and strangers and friends among us today; for truly, as you have heard us sing, this is Democracy in Action, and all who recognize Democracy, they realize it is a place where you have the Freedom of Speech, it is true, but you will not let your liberty become to be a stumbling-block! Somewhat like a good many of the senators and representatives in Congress -- endeavor to filibuster and filibuster, commit the crime of trying to prohibit Democracy from having access in expression; therefore, I say, it is a crime against Democracy for the Government representatives and senators to permit it; for as they have striven to suppress and oppress the humble and those who would seek equity and justice at the hands of the law, they have striven to suppress and oppress them; but oh, how glorious it is to realize, because GOD in one man is the majority, they cannot do anything with ME!

We realize wheresoever Righteousness has an expression and a reflection, the enemy to Democracy and Righteousness will try to destroy it, even as they tried to destroy the Body called Jesus! And at this very time it has been aroused with a mind to filibuster and filibuster in the Senate against Righteousness! But we shall bring about Cloture because everyone of us realizes, we know if I can get up here and prohibit you from speaking and talk for days and days at the time, I AM trying to hinder the cause of Democracy and prevent it from having access for expression; for every man should have his right of franchise out of the Senate and more definitely true in the Senate!

For this cause we are calling for the Enactment of Democracy! We are calling for it to be put forth into expression, not only in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, but in every walk of life!

As you have heard us sing, "We Are Real, True Americans," and we mean to express our citizenry of Americanism over and above every opposition, and the wrath of GOD will come down on the wicked, if they try again to prevent it!

So then I say as afore said, One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year! I have said, as it is, so it shall be, but if I did not believe in Democracy and give every person his Freedom of Speech and Freedom to exercise Righteously, we cannot and could not be assembled here today! But because we do, we shall not stop until we shall have it from shore to shore and from land to land and Democracy shall flourish as a green bay tree!

Then I say, those of us who are living in the consciousness of the Presence of GOD, to you GOD is no longer a Vision, no longer a Dream, no longer a Supposition, for David said: "Why do the people imagine a vain thing?" Once upon a time GOD was a supposition, just an imagination; but we are happy to say that GOD HAS MADE HIMSELF REAL! REAL! REAL! WITH OR WITHOUT A BODY! That is the significance of the Realness of the Almighty; because it is not anything you can do from a personal point of view, but since GOD is Spirit and Spirit is Impersonal, yet Incorruptible and Undefiled and yet Spirit is Personified, this Truth cannot be denied!

Just look over this vast audience. Behold the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose! Behold the fellowship and tranquility of all of us as we are united together! Behold the end of vice and crime as depicted and described, since GOD is on your side! THE END OF VICE AND THE END OF CRIME! You do not need to fear anything here with the right concept and the Truth as portrayed!

Live in this recognition and build upon this Foundation and no longer fret yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, for they shall be cut off! Then I say, know it once and for all time, all things are possible with him that believeth; if you will believe conscientiously and sincerely and live it and express it and be true and faithful, you will not have an occasion to fret nor worry.

As afore said, we have visiting guests and visiting friends. We are always happy to have them; but we want them to feel free to speak as well as ourselves, and when you speak and give free access to the Spirit and move volitionally and speak spontaneously or as you may, why, then I may have something to say, for that is what causes you to get what your are seeking. If you desire to get something, you must give something!

I want to make this plain though -- I AM not speaking about any monetary something! I AM speaking of a Testimony! Give us a word of encouragement if you are led to do so and then and thereafter I may give you. I thank you.

(As FATHER resumed His Seat, Col. Leopold Philipp, President of the Uptown Chamber of Commerce, Inc. of New York arose and spoke as follows:)

FATHER DIVINE, I spent quite a few hours with YOU today in the company of some of my friends from New York.

(FATHER volitionally says: "Pleased to have you." Col. Philipp continues:)

As we had an enjoyable day, that we had a profitable day, profitable indeed, in the term of the Spirit, there is no denying. To be at Your Festive Board is an occasion also worth while, because as YOU say, a Democracy prevails at a Table where bread is broken amongst men and women irrespective of race, creed or color!

So YOU do exemplify the best teaching that can be taught men and women in the true belief of what Democracy should contain. And so, before I leave and as the day is closing, I want to extend to YOU on behalf of my friends, as one of those whom I represented in the past, are to YOU in Your term, The New Day, the best that can be given to both of YOU, and that long life may continue to be Your blessing for those that believe in YOU and Whose Goodness YOU have portrayed so well in the remarks that you have made during the day and the expressions that have been given forth from time to time of those that have come here and shared with YOU the Bread at Your Festive Board. And on behalf of all those, I thank YOU.

(Mr. Leo Everett, Crusader, spoke next as follows:)

Peace, FATHER Dear! Peace, MOTHER Dear and Peace, Everyone! When I got the latest issue of The New Day it was New Year's morning, four-fifteen in the morning and I saw those beautiful letters from Your Crusaders on the battle fronts of the world in the various war-torn countries, loving YOU, praising YOU, honoring YOU and trying to live this Life! And then too, FATHER, when I saw Your reply, it moved my heart to -- nearly tears; but because of how YOU are purging our systems of so many things, it wasn't necessary to cry, because I knew within my heart that they felt the same way I did when I read those letters.

And so, for that great blessing, FATHER, I do want to thank YOU; because when we know YOU Are GOD, though we might err and might do things which are not in complete harmony with YOU in every way, we know if we come and confess to YOU with a sincere heart and forsake those things which we once did, YOU will forgive us and redeem us and purge us from all those. And for that great blessing, FATHER, I want to praise YOU at this time.

FATHER Dear, I want to thank YOU too, as I read them, what a blessing it is to be in America, how YOU have prepared this country, America, where we might praise YOU without fear, without restraint! YOU have prepared the Constitution whereby we could do that very thing -- to praise GOD!

And I want to thank YOU, FATHER, for that great blessing of being in this country -- Your Body in America, where we can see YOU Personally and talk to YOU Personally and get all the blessings our hearts could possibly desire! And though we be with YOU Personally, FATHER, in this Holy Mountain high on the hill, I look in the valleys and see Your children there praising YOU too, those in the valleys of war and the shadow of death! FATHER, I want to praise YOU for that great blessing because it is so wonderful to know that FATHER DIVINE is GOD! I thank YOU, FATHER.

I do thank YOU, FATHER, for all Your blessings. There is no end to Your blessings. Oh, FATHER, my heart goes out to YOU because YOU are all I want and all I desire and all I have! All that I could possibly want and desire. FATHER, I do thank YOU for this great blessing to be around Your Personal Body, because there are so many who wish this blessing; though they can't be here presently, they will be here eventually because YOU are protecting them and saving them for that great day which is in their heart, to be around the Body of GOD and MOTHER DIVINE, the Spotless Virgin Bride! Oh, FATHER, we thank YOU for this blessing.

(As one of the Crusaders in the Service, Mr. B.O.Love, was home on holiday leave, and was a guest at the table, FATHER sweetly said:)

FATHER: Maybe Mr. Love would like to have something to say. (Amidst loud applause, Mr. Love arose and spoke as follows:)

Peace, FATHER; Peace, MOTHER; Peace, Everyone! FATHER, I want to thank YOU for being here tonight; for allowing me to come home just about every other weekend. And for blessing me to go through basics with great honors in Your Name, and having all the men to look up to me as a leader -- as a very good instructor. And I thank YOU, FATHER, to bless me that when I ship overseas, to go on like a real, true Crusader should go on. FATHER, that is all I can say right how.

(As Mr. Love concluded, FATHER arose to the delight of one and all, and as the thunderous applause subsided, HE spoke as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! It is marvelous to know, if you believe it, you can receive it! There are those of our boys in Korea and in other parts of the war zones in the military service, they fear no evil! Just as I said a little while ago, we know we should not have a blowout on a car! A tire should not go flat! If you live right and be right and trust GOD at that as well as you trust HIM for your soul, on the battlefield if you go, not shirking your duty, but doing your duty and yet being true and faithful, if you hold ME upper mostly in consciousness and live the Life to the best of your ability there as well here, I WILL BE WITH YOU!

We are not expecting to have not one of our real, true Crusaders hurt nor harmed on the battlefield and on the firing line! You have heard the old familiar song down in Christendom:

'Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; it was grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.'

So then, know within yourself, GOD is your Refuge and your Strength, for "The Name of GOD is a strong Tower and the Righteous run therein and is Safe!" And you will be protected as well as I, Myself, and all others; for as I have shown you all very conclusively and very explicitly, I, as though I would have been a natural man, registered for the draft in nineteen seventeen, and registered for the draft in nineteen forty-two and did not try to evade the issue! That is what I AM talking about!

You don't have to try to evade anything! Just know within yourself, if GOD is for you, none can actually be against you! HE THAT DWELLETH IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH, SHALL ABIDE UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY! I could have said, UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE ALMIGHTY! That is the Mystery of the SHADOW!

So then, when you are under the Shadow, the Protection of the Almighty, you can go in and come out safe; but live right and be right and do right withersoever you go and lo, that selfsame Protection, as being termed ME, will be with you!

There are many things I could say, but it is better revealed than told. Since you all have seen and heard things unbelievable, just know within yourself, IT IS THE SAME TODAY AS IT WAS THEN, when I was called on! I wasn't called Personally. They didn't say, "FATHER DIVINE, come in and register for the draft!" But when they were calling for men, I went and registered! I did not hold back! Not a one of My true followers have lost their lives, neither have they been hurt nor harmed by so doing! Aren't you glad? ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" shouted the masses.)

All of My Crusaders have gone and came back safely, unhurt and unharmed, and yet they did their duty for the country and did their duty for GOD! Okay. Take ME along with you!

I was reading some letters today coming along on My Office Car. I always carry a number of My secretarial Staff with ME and we proof read and read and discuss while we are traveling. So we happened to be reading some of our different morning's mail -- some of the boys in Korea, and they are doing fine! As long as they recognize My Ever Presence, which is Incorruptible and Undefiled; FOR IT IS NOT ANYTHING I DO AS A PERSON, but it is written of ME:

'It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD, GOD of Hosts!'

It is My Spirit will do it as it has done it for you and as it has done it for them. I thank you.
