"The Significance of My Marriage to the World."

"Reproduce the Positive."--- FATHER DIVINE

Father Divine"s Sermon Whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc. of N.Y. ,
2064 Boston Road, Bronx, New York, Sunday, May l3, l95l A.D.F.D.. Time: 1:05 P.M.

MOTHER DIVINE at the Shrine

MOTHER DIVINE at the Shrine

PEACE, EVERYONE: Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite: Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! These and all other blessings we are freely giving, for we actually have them!

At this particular instance you have heard the proof reading of a message that I gave in l93l-20 years ago- declaring the Abundant Life as a Living Reality- and I am just as operative and expressive today as I was when I gave that Massage!

You may retrace your thoughts back twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years- although I may look as if though I am 20 years old, since the Spirit never grows old; it is the same today, yesterday and forever! But I wish to call your attention to that Message that was given in l93l, to let you see and know GOD is the same today, yesterday and forevermore!

Then as it was and as we brought out that little composition, bearing witness to that which I have spoken and AM now speaking, you can see this is One Eternal Merry Christmas and One Eternal Happy New Year!

'As you are conscious of GOD"S Presence
And know HE is everywhere,
It is One Eternal Merry Christmas
And One Eternal Happy New Year!'

It is a privilege to live in such a recognition, knowing that the Abundant Life is as reproducible as that of the life of misery, poverty and woe! It has been often stressed among the peoples of the earth,

'Evil Communication corrupts good morals; ill qualities are catching as well as diseases, and a man is known by his company keepers!'


Tend to Reproduce Nature of What is Stressed

Vice-versalate such an assertion and such an expression and put into your experience good qualities and good company; you will tend to reproduce the nature and the characteristics of that which you are stressing! For

'The thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize, you tend to reproduce and bring into your experience.'

For this cause I have often said to the photographers,

'If you take cognizance of MY Message, a Greater Picture of ME can be reproduced in your beautiful likeness.'

I have heard Christendom sing the song:

'LORD, mold us and shape us
In Thine own Way!
Thou art the Potter
And we are the clay!'


GOD Molded Into Your Likeness

But I have vice-versalated such an assertion. You are the potter and I AM the Clay! Mold ME and shape ME in your own way!

Whatsoever you may mold in a mold is in the likeness of the mold in which it is molded. GOD is being molded in you and yours, as you are the Temples of the Living GOD and GOD has said, "I will walk in them and dwell in them!"

In your likeness Christ has truly come if you will but shape and fashion HIM in your likeness of your personal appearance!

Then I say, it is a privilege to have that privilege- to take cognizance of My Message, and a greater picture of ME can be reproduced in your likeness; in your very appearance; in the likeness of your personality; in the likeness of your individuality; in the likeness of you as the personnel of My following: and see the expression thereof in your likeness; GOD Almighty!


Reproduce the Positive

That little Message that was given back there in l93l- such a Message long to be remembered- never to be forgotten! But little did you, or do a good many of you think today that it is from everlasting to everlasting!

In stressing the Positive - producing it and demonstrating it as a Sample and as an example for you to reproduce - it is a marvelous blessing to know you can reproduce the Positive instead of the negative! Then, when you sing the song hereafter,

'LORD, mold us and shape us in Thine own way!'

say in all sincerity,

'I desire to mold and shape the Life of CHRIST in my likeness!'

But let it be the Perfect Image of Perfection mentally and spiritually, so that it might be the reproduction of that Something that is Spirit and Life.

If you shape and form something in the likeness of a mold, you may shape and fashion or form something in the likeness of a lamb! A cake may be shaped and fashioned like a lamb- like the mold of a lamb! Candy may be the same! Salads of different varieties may be the same! But whatsoever ingredients that is that you are shaping and fashioning like unto the mold, it is expected to come out in the likeness of the mold!

GOD desires you to be Living Epistle seen and read by men; shaped and fashioned like unto HIM: and HE will be as you are, fashioned like unto HIM.

Then I say, it is a real privilege to observe the unfoldment to these Truths as they are reproduced not only in those of you but in others; for life, vigor, happiness, success and prosperity-all of these blessings are reproducible and they are the real Characteristics and Life of GOD to the children of men, that they might shape and fashion their lives like unto the Nature of HIS, as put forth into expression; and you might be able to be seen and read by men!


Living for the Glory of GOD

This Day is a Day that has been set apart as the Fifth Anniversary Marriage Celebration"s Review of ME and My Spotless Virgin Bride, to cause you to visualize purity; and not only Purity invisibly but Purity, Holiness and Virtue personified! I bring before your mind"s eye My Spotless Virgin Bride, teaching and telling all nations, all languages and all people how they should live- not live after the manner of men in self-indulgence, in human affection, in lust and passion, but to live to and for the glory of GOD!

Vision the Bride as you see Her sit by MY Side! You can observe the Purity and Holiness Materialized-Exemplified! Many, of course, thought long before this time My Spotless Virgin Bride would have been physically and mortally defiled; but I AM showing the nations of the earth universally- those who live on the earth plane- how to live soberly, righteously and GOD LY, virtuous and holy, incorruptible and undefiled!

Jesus was and still is known to be the Son of a Spotless Virgin Bride, the Bride of the Lamb, and yet the Bride of GOD HIMSELF- for He did say,

'My FATHER and I are one.'

CHRIST came in the likeness of sinful flesh, for sin, to condemn sin in the flesh; but took upon Himself an illustrated parable. In speaking of it through the Epistle, the Apostle said:

'It is written that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh,

This is not a period there, as "the two shall be one flesh." Suppose you just make it a comma!

'This is a great mystery,'

said he,

'But I speak concerning Christ and the church.'


Man Marries for Self-indulgence

Man in mortality did take such a Holy Marriage, yea, the Sacred Marriage of the Lamb, in the parable, and consummated it unto themselves for self-indulgence- not to propagate Holiness and Virtue, Honesty and Truth and to reproduce and reincarnate such qualities of good as the Perfection of GOD to the children of men as I have done among you; but they have brought it about and put it forth into expression through self-indulgence, dishonesty, incompetence and untruth, therefore, they drifted away from the fundamental of the sacred bonds of matrimony!

The sacred bonds of matrimony should have been from the beginning, sacred! Not only as may be deemed as secret, when one elopes and marries in secrecy, but sacred bonds of matrimony which was predestined to be sacred and holy from the beginning - and as it was, they failed to live sacred consecrated, holy and virtuous to each other and to others: therefore, it was necessary for one to come as a Sample and Example of Virtue and Purity to be manifested.

Made Whole By This Virtuous Marriage

By this Spotless Virtuous Marriage you all stand here today before ME, whole. You stand with more pure minds; with minds that can look upon womanhood as something that is sacred-if you take it from a womanhood point of view-and not as something that is immodest, immoral and for the purpose of self-indulgence!

Vision this Life exemplified from the time, as you heard the message as proofread-if you just take it from twenty years back- exemplifying Virtue and Holiness, self-denial, consecration, honesty, competence and truth- you would have had something to vision, to copy after and to reproduce. But since I brought my Spotless Virgin Bride from afar, I have set Her in the midst of you as a Sample of Virtue and of Holiness, of Honesty and of Truth, that each of you might reproduce by visualization- for the thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize- and that which you materialize you can realize!

I am not ashamed of the Truth that has been exemplified- not only by Her as My Spotless Virgin Bride, as an individual, but by those of others who have accepted of my message- some of whom lived in sin and vice and crime and debauchery of every kind before I came! They were willing to make a complete self-denial of those things and sacrifice all of those things for righteousness sake, that they might live the Righteous and Holy Life.

For this cause I present to the world, not only as of My Individual Spotless Virgin Bride but those of My offspring- those who are living Soberly, Righteously, and GODLY- those who are copying after the fashion I have shown you in this, My Spotless Virgin Bride-they are Samples also, and Examples, for others! Samples and Examples of Honesty! Samples and Examples of Competence and of Truth! Samples and Examples of Virtue and of Holiness!


Mankind Changed By Something Greater Than Himself

What can change mankind from vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind, saving that Something that is greater than man ?

We do not need to comment on the point further; we do not need to ask anyone; but among yourselves you can see how you have been changed! When you were dishonest, when you were incompetent, when you were unfaithful and untrue, the Spirit of MY Presence actually produced and brought to fruition in you, honesty, competence and truth as nothing else could do!

I AM changing the tides of Governmental affairs, but brought as a Sample and as an example to you, One that you could look upon, as an individual, to see and know how all of these people should live among you, in Virtue, Holiness, and in Truth, and Reproduce the Nature and the Characteristics of Jesus, your Savior, and of the Blessed Mary! The reproduction of those Characteristics and those Characteristics are just as Operative and just as Expressive; they are just as much possible to be reproduced as that of the negative and evil communications! As I said a little while ago.

'Evil communications corrupt good morals; ill qualities are catching as well as diseases, and a man is known by his company keepers!'

If you desire to change the tide of governmental affairs and change the world, if you please - change your manner of living, your deeds and your actions; and change your every dishonest transaction; and express Honesty, Competence and Truth; and that which you have demonstrated will be re-demonstrated to you!

I need not say more at this instance, but I thought to call your attention to these points of view for the consideration of you, and to let you see and know it is operative; it is expressive! If in l93l, as it was proofread, I was declaring the Abundant Life at that time, those of you who have seen ME at that time and before that time you know I have produced the Abundant Life transcending all lacks, wants and limitations- transcending all adverse and undesirable conditions- and having the mastery over the economic situation and the mastery over the crime waves that have arisen from time to time.


The Perfect Life Controls the Imperfect

The Perfect Life controls the imperfect! As Light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not, so does the Life of CHRIST and the Perfect Life control that of the wicked and evil communications, and causes it to no longer have an existence when that which is Perfect is put into expression- not only for the benefit of your souls but for the benefit of your bodies!- for your economic security and protection! It is a Life that is practical, profitable, advantageous and beneficial. It is a life that is good for the healing of the nations! It is a Life that is good for every comfort and convenience if you will but accept of these Fundamentals and concentrate on them and Copy after the Fashion I have shown you!

So then, I say, it is a privilege. Where others are living in lacks and wants and limitations- living in adverse and undesirable conditions; where they are living in poverty; in confusion; living in vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind; the Abundant Life I have presented to you as a Sample and as an Example! I AM contagionizing the universe with it!

Now we have it in Australia, in New Zealand, in Switzerland, in Germany, in England, in the Panama Canal and in Africa and in Australia and in many other countries, the same as we have it right here- and not only as a special occasion but as a matter of course with them! To take on something that will produce in your daily life something that is desirable - something that is admirable - something that is appreciated by all people- something that is helpful, advantageous and constructive- something that is operative and expressive- something that is productive and reproductive, and can and will be reproduced in your experience, if you will allow it to.


Presence of GOD is Source of Supply

I have long since declared,

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of All Supply!'

This is not just merely a Motto for to be rehearsed; repeated over and over again; but it is a Conscious Conviction and realization that has been! It is the realization of many by their experiences!

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply, and it will satisfy every good desire!'

It is not only for those who are called followers of FATHER DIVINE, neither is it confined to those who are called members of our Churches; or racial abstraction, or national origin, or such abomination; but this is good for every nation; good for every language and good for every people-all peoples - and it is operative and expressive and it is contagious! You can get it if you will but accept of it!

You heard one of our business men say a little while ago, for the last fifteen years he has been serving a number or our places here in New York and he has been successful and prosperous by so doing. The contagion of Honesty, of Competence and of Truth was so profound and so contagious and expressive in the actuated words of expression, we have propounded it so vividly, he has caught it and he is expressing it in his business! He declares to you he is successful, he is prosperous and he is healthy and he is happy!

Many of the men of the city and state have been driven away from here and under fire today because of dishonesty, incompetence and untruth!- because of graft and greed and racketeering among the higher-ups. Even though I made honest people in the land! I have brought success and health and competence to all mankind! Those who accept of My Message, they too will be partakers of it the same as our honored speaker, our business representative right here today.


GOD Can Be Materialized

Let us realize that which is Good can be materialized! That which can be materialized can be reproduced and re-personified! If it can be materialize it can be reproduced and re-personified. That is the significance of the Universality of Righteousness, as well as that of wickedness. Wickedness is contagious and operative and expressive, reproductive and will reproduce and be materialized and can be personified. Righteousness can do the same! Therefore, I shall not be discouraged, neither shall I be disturbed until I shall have universalized it as I have jurisdictionally; and all of the peoples of our present civilization shall have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

As I have men come to ME daily for blessings; for My Advice and for My Instruction, I often say,

'That which is operative and expressive for one is operative and expressive for another, but you must throw yourself in the Channel of the Spirit to get it, and be susceptive to righteousness as you have been susceptive to unrighteousness, wickedness, sin and crime.'

When they accept of My Message and dial in on It, they become to be reproductions, the same as the recording machine reproduced that which has been produced, as the same voice, but it is in another machine- so the same Life, the same expression and the same contagion, the same blessings are operative and expressive for one and for all! I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!
