"I Will Surrender All! Surrender All of My Sins and All of My Indulgences; All of My Human Fancies, Tendencies and Pleasures and Make My Body a Living Sacrifice to God."

"HE Came in the Likeness of the Sinful Flesh, in the Flesh,
for Sin to Condemn Sin in the Flesh."

"How Can Anyone Doubt this Truth?" --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon given at the Holy Communion Table Of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Friday afternoon, July 14, 1950 A.D.F.D., Time -- 4:10 P.M.



During the Holy Communion Services, many visiting guests and friends were present as usual, as well as curiosity seekers, believers, followers and well-wishers from every walk of life, all coming under the Banner of His Love, whether conscious of it or not. It was during this Holy Communion Feast that many arose to give expression, to glorify the name of GOD Almighty, FATHER DIVINE, and to praise HIM for His very Work's Sake, for great and marvelous are His Works in this His, GOD'S ,administration.

As songs and praises rang out, one in particular, "How good it is to dwell together in Unity," FATHER arose shortly thereafter and delivered this soul-stirring Sermon, a Masterpiece of Divine Psychology of current interest that is good for the Salvation and the Healing of the nations, that men might go in Peace and study war no more; for it is written compositionally:

'When they recognize GOD'S Body they will value each other's life.'

For Thy profound Words of Spirit and Life, Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the inspirational composition sung just before FATHER arose to speak:)

'How good it is to dwell together in Unity,
Dwelling in One, dwelling in One!
How good it is to dwell together in Unity,
Dwelling in the Oneness of GOD!
It is like the precious ointment that was used by Sister Mary;
Dwelling in One, dwelling in One.
It is like the precious ointment that was used by Sister Mary,
Dwelling in the Oneness of GOD.'

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Just a little while ago when we were speaking about the Word was made Flesh, I thought of how true it is and how marvelous it is that CHRIST came in the Flesh. A minister said of a very recent date, the Spirit and the Spirit alone could not do what I have done and what I AM doing, because it is true:

'HE came in the likeness of the sinful flesh, in the flesh, for sin to condemn sin in the flesh.'

Can you not see the mystery? Until I came into the recognition and the realization of the people of My Deity in this Flesh and Body, the sins that were committed in the flesh were not condemned! A good many of you can retrace your thoughts back to twenty-five or thirty years ago when I allowed it to be made known that I AM in the Flesh, men surrendered their bodies and presented their bodies as living sacrifices wholly unto GOD! They refused to commit the sins in the flesh that they committed before they knew ME; and all of the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit from whatsoever angle of expression they had recognized the Spirit of GOD to be, whether it was in the Name of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or what not, it did not condemn that sin in the flesh until they recognized My Coming in the Flesh and in the likeness of sinful flesh for sin, to condemn sin in the flesh!

What a privilege it was that this happened before the last World War! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" echoed the assembly.) GOD in Love and Mercy came in the likeness of sinful flesh, for sin, to condemn sin in the flesh. Men willingly, by the wholesale as you see them here, without condemnation of the sin that was in the flesh, they were willing to deny all fleshly pleasures, such as smoking, drinking and indulging even with the opposite sex! A life of celibacy were they willing to submit to and produce and submit themselves to such a life through self-denial and consecration and through a living sacrifice, because I came in the flesh for sin, to condemn the sin that was in the flesh; that innate sin of human affection, lust and passion and all mortal tendencies that were prenataled within them. Can you not see the mystery?

And by that move I made, some more than thirty or forty years ago, to let them, the general public, recognize the coming of CHRIST in the FLESH and for sin to condemn sin in the flesh, they began to live righteous lives until there were thousands in New York City and New York City's surroundings, denied themselves of all the sins that they had prenatally committed in the flesh and had been subject to in the flesh, Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" responded the assembly.) They were willing to deny themselves of all human affection, all self-indulgence. Even if they were married, they denied themselves of such! GOD is the only ONE can do such a thing -- I mean, in the flesh! In the likeness of sinful flesh I condemned the sin that was in the flesh!

They were willing to live Soberly, Righteously and Godly; and there are thousands of them today willing and ready, coming from all parts of the world, young men and young women, even since My Marriage to My Spotless Virgin Bride, coming, saying,

'I will surrender all! All to THEE I surrender! I will surrender all! Surrender all of my sins and all of my indulgences; all of my human fancies, tendencies and pleasures and make my body a living sacrifice to GOD, which is my reasonable service!'

That is what they are saying; and they are coming from all parts of the world as you heard them say over the wire recording as they speak to ME and have spoken to ME even through transmission by the wire recordings! They are living epistles, as Doctor Sims said a little while ago; living epistles of the Doctrine of FATHER DIVINE, of JESUS CHRIST, of GOD!

They are seen and read by men in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, the South American countries and in Europe, Asia and Africa and even in the war zone, Germany and the surrounding countries around Germany -- wheresoever My Name is recognized and realized, there they are blessed with the abundance of the fullness, for the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, when they are conscious of it, it is the Source of all Supply!

In all of our places with thousands and thousands in Switzerland, those of whom had recognized My Deity in Switzerland, saved the country of Switzerland right around the war zones from even having a bomb to fall in that country! I have stressed over and over again,

'As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.'

When Lot went out of the city, it rained fire and brimstone and destroyed them all! But GOD had told Abraham if he could only find ten just persons in the cities, HE would spare the cities for ten just persons! Can you not see the Mystery? But there were not that many in those two great cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; but at the time of this last World War, I had made thousands Righteous in this country! That is why our country was spared and that is why it is spared today because of the Righteousness of the Righteous wherewith I have contagionized the nation so that they might express Democracy, Christianity and Brotherhood as synonymous and an inlet of for Judaism that we all might be ONE!

Because of this, we do not see things coming upon us as it did come upon Sodom and Gomorrah. I AM making you righteous now! I AM making you just now, for when Zacchaeus was converted and he ran and climbed up the sycamore tree, he wanted to know if he had wronged any man by false accusation, or by any means had taken any man's goods dishonestly; he was willing to restore fourfold for whatsoever he had wronged his fellowmen! Can you not see the Mystery?

Now can anybody doubt this truth? Without My telling them, right here in this country, there are thousands and thousands of individuals of whom have gone back to pay their old back bills and to right their wrongs because they were converted, and I have made them Righteous! I have made them Just, to execute equity and justice between man and man since in the flesh I came!

Now it is immaterial to ME whether any individuals believe it or not; those who do believe it, they do receive it! And of all of His Fullness have all we, said HE, received Grace for Grace! Isn't that a wonderful place to be? Not only from the economic point of view, but from a mental, from a spiritual, from a social, from an intellectual and from a racial point of view, from every point desirable to be adjusted, My Spirit is adjusting matters satisfactorily, and I have broken that line of demarcation and I have brought an end to localization!

Live in ME and let ME live in you and there will no longer be an ensign of divisibility among you! What said the Doctrine of this nation concerning this mystery? It said,

'We are one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!'

With these Fundamental Principles of our two great national documents, and with our two religious documents, plus My SPIRIT and your convictions, I will bring Peace on Earth and Good Will to men universally!

We shall have a Righteous Government! You can see it is rising now! In the deepest parts of the South they are recognizing My Deity, although among many of them there was much prejudice, but yet they are recognizing My Deity and unifying with the people and coming to the recognition and the realization of the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the recognition and the realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD as the Redeemer and the Savior of the world!

I AM working cancellation! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" came the eager reply.) I AM working cancellation on division, divisibility, selfishness, graft and greed! I AM establishing your going in the land of the living and proving to the world conclusively, once and forever, GOD HIMSELF is with you throughout all eternity!

HE was in the world and the world was made by HIM, but the world knew HIM not. But since a good many of you are getting acquainted with HIM, I heard you say down in Christendom:

'I ain' t no stranger now! I have been introduced to the FATHER and the SON!'

Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, Almighty GOD!" came the happy cry.)

When you get introduced, you will be no stranger!

Let us live in this recognition and build upon this Foundation, for I CAME in the FLESH, in the likeness of sinful flesh, for sin, to condemn the sin that was in the flesh; and I condemned that innate nature that those preconceived ideas and opinions, hereditive fancies. pleasures and their mortal tendencies brought. For I have declared:

'To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.'

I further declared:

'The carnal mind is not subject to the Law of GOD, neither indeed can be.'

So, as long as they live in carnality, Bishop Sims and Doctor Staton and all the other representatives of religion, as long as they live in carnality, it is a matter of impossibility for them to please ME! But I AM taking them out of carnality, for carnality is hostility! It is a mental and spiritual hostility under currently working against ME, and that carnality with its hostility through deception and through concealment, as Saboteurs in a great Country, it is working in opposition to the Fundamental and trying to overthrow the Government of our Kingdom!

But oh, how glorious it is to realize, that with all of the hostility and all of the mental and spiritual artillery and their regiments in the hearts and minds of men who are living in mortal consciousness, they cannot slightly hinder ME! They cannot retard My advances; for what did I say concerning the mystery? One believed in CHRIST and declared His Deity, I said, from there and then in the Name of HIM,

'Upon this rock I shall build MY Church and the very gates of . . .

(you know what; see the mystery?) cannot prosper against this TRUTH!" And when you are conscious of GOD'S Presence and have that Conviction of Simon's, which is the Rock of which I was speaking, the very gates of the opposing forces of all creation, they cannot succeed or prosper against this TRUTH, for GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent! But the "other fellow" may be finite and may think he is great in authority, but in GOD'S Presence he has no existence! Just as the light dispels the darkness in this room, so does GOD'S Presence, with your consciousness of it, dispel all oppositions and all of the representatives of the wicked one, and naught can hurt nor harm in all My Holy Mountain! I thank you. I thank you. I thank you.

PEACE EVERYONE! I would just like to say, we have taken up quite a little time for this setting, but since the tables are being set and reset practically all day, those who are standing, I AM quite sure they dined, no doubt, at twelve o'clock or since twelve. It is their privilege to do so. But if they wish to dine again, any of you desire to dine again, you are welcome to do so.

We customarily serve the banquet in the morning around eight o'clock here, and over and over again from the eight o'clock banquet until all who are around are generously served and then at twelve o'clock or around that time or twelve-thirty and we do the same. Then at two o'clock or after two o'clock we do the same. Of course, a good many desire to dine at the table over which I Personally preside, but it makes no difference; when I AM Personally absent, I AM Present; as operative and expressive, but you cannot see ME Personally!

Just think of those in Australia, in Switzerland, in Germany; even in Germany proper, both in the English zone and also in the American zone, those in Nigeria, Africa; those in Liberia, Africa; those in the Panama Canal and elsewhere, serving just as we serve here and have served here today with the Abundance of the fullness! If they do not have the abundance of the fullness anywhere and everywhere, it is because they disrecognize My Actual Presence when and where I AM Personally absent!

Those of whom I mentioned, we have pictures to show the beautiful banquet tables laden with the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good, and no space vacant of the fullness thereof! We also have recordings of the testimonies of the majority of them in different places, how they are also witnesses of the Spirit of My Presence and are enjoying My Spirit and My Presence just as effectively as you do where I AM here, at, Personally!

So take these thoughts to consideration and I will be with you. I would like to further say in reference to our visiting guests, we enjoyed those who have spoken. All of our guests, they are welcome. You do not have to wait for any special time, for I AM fulfilling your long-since song that has been sung down in Christendom, "Some day we shall sit at the Welcome Table!" Every day it is the same here! I thank you. I thank you. I thank you.
