"Remember the Fount of Your Salvation . . . and Let Nothing Separate You from the Love of GOD.

"In All Our Churches and Connections We Do Have Bible Studies......
Learn the Bible But Not Necessarily Someone Else's Version." --- FATHER DIVINE

FATHER'S Sermon given at the Holy Communion Table, Lorraine Hotel, Broad Street at Fairmount Avenue,
Philadelphia, P. A., Sunday, Eve., December 11, 1949 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:15 P.M.

The Divine Lorraine Hotel,
Philadelphia, PA

The Divine Lorraine Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.

This profound Message and Sermon is well worth considering as given by our LORD and Savior on this occasion; for truly, as HE graced Philadelphia with His Personal Presence, His Personal Body, many were drawn to HIM from His Churches in New York, New Jersey and the surrounding states, just to behold His Face! Also many who had never been blessed to see HIM face to face received a great Blessing when they beheld HIM, for in His Presence is the Fullness of Joy, Peace and Happiness!

Nevertheless, as afore said, this Sermon is well worth considering for it gives inspiration and succor to those who stand in need and causes them to be lifted above the trials and tribulations of the world; for truly the Word of GOD, as said the Scripture, is a Strong Tower and the Righteous run therein and is saved. FATHER stresses the Recognition of His Actual Ever Presence which will solve all of your problems if you will but be Conscious of IT. Therefore, as you read these Pearls of Great Price, let them be to you a Lamp unto your feet to lead and guide you always in the straight and narrow path; the path that will lead you safely to the Lamb.

For THY Priceless Words of Spirit and Life, Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S profound Sermon with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! At this instance I would just like to say, we are just about concluding the Service at this particular setting of this banquet. I believe you all who have dined have well dined; but I would just like to say, there are many others here who have not dined. Those of us who have dined will shortly arise, take the back seats and back stand or pass out and pass on and allow others to come and do even as we have done. But before we make our seeming departure I would like to say, we will be serving at Forty-first Street and Westminster Avenue around eleven thirty or twelve o'clock at the Unity Mission Church, Home and Training School, Incorporated, of Pennsylvania. Those who wish to go and partake of the blessings there, they are welcome to do so.

You heard one of the speakers say a little while ago, that My Love is flowing free! It is written of ME:

'Of His Kingdom and of His Peace and of His Increase there shall be no end.'

You can plainly see the unfoldment and the out picturing of the mental and spiritual conception as manifested in these audiences! And as you heard us sing a little while ago, "Americanism is our Religion"; it is a privilege to realize what Americanism in its deepest meaning represents. In deeds and actions we preach Americanism, and as I have long since declared:

'I shall preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in deeds and in actions and I will put My Spirit in the people and cause them to walk in My Statutes!'

In short, I will cause them to do as I have done and as I AM doing! I will stop them from committing vice and crime and sin and debauchery of any kind! Aren't you glad? ( "So glad, Almighty GOD!" came the eager reply.) I will cause them to walk in My Statutes and I shall reproduce by impregnation, the Spirit of Virginity, of Virtue and Holiness in the nations of the earth and I shall bring them all together universally and cause them to recognize GOD'S Actual Presence and all shall eventually live in peaceful and quiet resting places. Aren't you glad? ("So glad, LORD!" came the happy response.)


Calling the Nations Together

I AM calling the nations of the earth together now! I AM bringing an abolition to that line of demarcation and to divisibility, for we are Indivisible, One Nation, One Race, One Family, with Liberty and Justice for All! Aren't you glad? ("So glad!" again came the happy response.)

By this, I present to you a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the Mystery of the Scripture; for truly CHRIST said to Simon with the conviction HE gave him,

'I give you the Keys of the Kingdom and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.'

We have the Keys to All Underground Treasures and the Keys to the Secrets of the Ages! Aren't you glad? ( "So glad, Almighty GOD!" shouted the assembly.) And to All Mysteries! And we are demonstrating the Mystery that transcends all Mysteries, as said the Apostle:

'To whom GOD will make known what is the riches of the mystery of His Glory among all the Gentiles, which is CHRIST in you, the Hope of Glory, whom we preach, warning every man, teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in CHRIST JESUS.'

It is a privilege to realize that the great Mystery is no longer a Mystery to those who have observed it and can see in reality it is CHRIST in you that gives you the Hope of Glory and the Victory over all adverse and undesirable conditions.

If mankind could be conscious of GOD'S Presence as they eventually will, there would be no more warfare, no more bloodshed, no more lacks, wants and limitations, for this is the Sample and the Example of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD!



Read in the Bible and you will see it is written:

'Call on ME in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee.'

It is a privilege to be delivered and free, yea, emancipated from all adverse and undesirable conditions by the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence which is the Source of all supply and it actually satisfies every good desire! Aren't you glad? ( "So glad, Almighty GOD!" echoed the assembly.) That is the KEYNOTE to SALVATION! Many years ago men would come to ME, contact ME in some way and desire to know, "How do YOU do it and how can it be done?" Volitionally and dynamically as a thunderbolt out of a clear sky, I declared,

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply and it will satisfy every good desire!'

It is not a maybe, it is a REALITY! Aren't you glad? ( "Yes, LORD! So glad!" came the eager response.) When you are conscious of GOD'S Presence, you have solved your every problem! That is, if you will live thus accordingly!

The Commission of CHRIST in the Sonship Degree was:

'His Name shall be called IMMANUEL, which is, being interpreted, GOD is with us!'

And if the people could have got GOD with them in Consciousness, just I AM and as these are, so could they have been from shore to shore and from land to land, from the earliest days of Christendom.


Don't Forget the Best

A little while ago one of our honored speakers mentioned someone in Detroit, Michigan. It is good in business! It is good in profession! It is good in labor and it is good in trade! After the gentleman contacted ME once, he went forth and built up a business in a very short time, second to none, because he was Conscious of My Presence! But as I have often said in reference to the old kobold:

'Get all you want but don't forget the Best!'

Many people forget the BEST! See the Mystery? But if you can and will be conscious of GOD'S Presence and do not forget the BEST, you will be able to go in and out of all underground treasures and get all of the abundance of the fullness of the Goodness of the earth and of Heaven and naught will be able to hinder you! This is not a supposition! It is Wonderful!

That is somewhat a story I have often told you, but it is better revealed, no doubt, than told. No doubt you have seen the shepherd portrayed -- how he was carrying out his pearls and diamonds after he had plucked the KEYFLOWER on the outside of the underground treasure and the old kobold said:

'Get all you want, but don't forget the BEST!'

When he forgot the BEST, all he had turned to leaves and pebbles!

So it has been the experience of many who have gotten the KEYFLOWER through contacting ME Personally! But remember your Creator and remember the Fount of your Salvation and the Fount upon which you must build, yea, the Foundation upon which you must build, and let nothing separate you from the Love of GOD!


Bible Study Classes

I would just further like to say, some of the guests here and those of the representatives of the Peace Mission Movement are having Bible classes here every Wednesday evening. We do not mean to say you will study the Bible to change the Bible, but learn the Bible just as you learn your alphabet. When you learn the Bible as you learn your alphabet, it does not say that you are obliged to put your interpretation on the Bible nor someone else's version, but the Bible does say:

'Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they that testify of ME.'

In all of our churches and connections we do have Bible studies. We want everybody to learn the Bible; not necessarily learn someone's interpretation! Of course, we do have the King James' Version of the Bible in all of our churches and connections; but we believe in you reading the Bible and learning the Bible verbatim. Know what it says and the Spirit itself will give you the interpretation; you need no man to teach you, for I did say Scripturally:

'When HE, the Spirit of TRUTH is come, HE shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.'

So then, it is not essential for you to try to give someone your views on what it means! Search the Scripture and read it diligently, conscientiously and sincerely. A good many people, though they may be university professors, they may not know what the English alphabet means! Those letters of the English alphabet are not constantly and continually reiterated as they have been by them in their infancy and when they were in the kindergarten. They do not take an alphabetical card and reiterate and reiterate the alphabet over and over again when they university professors.

But it was essential to learn your alphabet, was it not? For in those few letters of the alphabet you will find you will need them in the time of both writing and spelling and the Spirit itself by interpretation may give you the meaning; but to say, you must know that it means this or it means that, the alphabet is essential for the English language, and without the alphabet it would not be constructively and scientifically composed; but we are here to learn.


Interpretations of the Bible Are Many

You have heard one speak volitionally and reiterate the Scriptures and the Gospel so vividly, you are obliged to know that they do know the Scripture. They commit it to memory; but to get the interpretation of it or the meaning of what the Bible says at this place or at that place, you may not have it. Someone may give you one version on it and someone else may give you another, but it is essential to learn what it says verbatim and not allow yourselves to be short -- come short of the knowledge of the Truth as it reads, for the Scripture was given by the inspiration of GOD, yea, by the inspirations of GOD and they are profitable for doctrine, for correction and for instruction, that the man of GOD might be perfectly and thoroughly furnished unto all good work.

So take these thoughts to consideration and in all of our churches and connections it is your privilege to study the Bible, and we have Bibles. You do not even have to buy any if you do not have any, and yet you read them or have your own Bibles if you wish to, but it is your privilege to study the Bible and learn the Bible verbatim even as you learned your alphabet. I thank you. I thank you. I thank you.

PEACE EVERYONE! Those of us who have dined will now arise, take the back seats and back stand, pass out and pass on and allow others to come an do even as we have done, and others who have dined, when you shall have finished, if you wish to, you are welcome to go to Forty-first and Westminster Avenue and also Broad and Catherine Streets, and also at the Bible Institute; I will be there, I will be here and I will there. I thank you.
