"The Request Was Made Upon Men To Go and Sell All You Have and Give To the Poor,
For the Establishment of the Kingdom of GOD. For Life Eternal."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon at the Holy Communion Table, Circle Mission Church, Home AND Training School,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Wednesday, October 12, 1949 A.D.F.D., Time -- 3:25 P.M.



On this occasion a profound Sermon was proof read that had been given by FATHER on July 3, 1935 A.D.F.D., and had been buried for lo, these many years, but through His Mind and Spirit had been brought to the surface through a little research work, making true the old familiar adage,

'Truth crushed the earth shall rise again!'

Nevertheless, His priceless Words of Spirit and Life are just alive today and just as operative and expressive for each and everyone, for the LORD our GOD never changes! HE IS JUST THE SAME TODAY! Thus, take cognizance of that and this Message that you might be able to wear loosely the garment of materialism and throw it right off by the power of these Holy, Eternal Words, for indeed they are as afore said, Spirit and Life!

For Thy Condescension to save all humanity, Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S profound Sermon, with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, Good Appetite! Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity, Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! These are not just Words for the salutation, but we know they are facts and figures too stout to be denied, for we know we have Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite and we have Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity! We have Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! Those who harmonize, sympathize and co-operate in this great Universal Scheme of things also enjoy the same!

At this particular instance I have arisen to say, that Message as proof read, though it was buried since nineteen thirty-five, as given on July third, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, the Same Spirit is speaking today! This is the Foundation upon which I stand, emphatically and definitely, the Sermon on the Mount as taught by Jesus nineteen hundred years ago, and in the advanced unfoldment of His Life after the Crucifixion and the Resurrection where I stressed in this thought here so vividly how man has taught the people religiously to sell all they have and bring the money and lay at the Apostles' feet or give it to them as representatives of the church!

But the contrast between this and that, is that Jesus told the rich and young Ruler to go and sell all, and give to the poor and then come and follow ME! That is quite a contrast to what the average person considers and considered. The average person considers, yea, did consider that the Church would request you to sell all you have and bring the money and give it to the church or give it to them; but oh, how glorious it is to realize, CHRIST said,

'Go sell all you have and give it to the poor and then come and follow ME.'

Those who have adhered to that Message and were in the founding of this Kingdom, the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men and the Hope of Life Eternal for the children of men, they will adhere to the Teaching of Jesus! Therefore, it was quite a contrast to that of what people thought and still think, a good many of them, concerning the Work and the Mission of CHRIST. For the founding and the establishment of the church as depicted by the Apostles, the Scripture tells you that they that had land, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the Apostles' feet; but for the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD for Life Eternal, the request was made upon men to go and sell all you have and give to the poor and then come and follow ME! Can you not see the Mystery?

That is the Mystery of supply -- harmonization, of course -- but it is the Mystery because it is just in contrast to what man thought or thinks it would be! Can you not see the Mystery?

'He that puts his trust in ME," said HE, "shall never be confounded.'

But if you put your trust in uncertain riches -- what someone can give you, what you can take up among your members as collections and the like, you will be a failure! But since GOD is the Author and the Finisher of all things, one writer declared,

'I once was young but now I am old, yet have I not seen the Righteous forsaken, neither his seed begging bread.'

Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" exclaimed the masses.) So far as yet I haven't taken up a collection! I have not done any soliciting or begging and I will not condone nor endorse anyone doing such a thing! Not a true follower of Mine is seen on the streets, or not even in such audiences as I have, taking up a collection or asking a fee for admission to the religious services!

Therefore, I have proven to the world conclusively, GOD'S WAY IS BEST! And he that puts his Trust in ME shall never be confounded! If you put your trust in uncertain riches such as you may have acquired through lives of sin and vice and crime, you may think you can get by, but the uncertain riches will not stand and will not pay! Can you not see the Mystery? But he that puts his Trust in GOD implicitly, conscientiously and sincerely shall never be a failure!

This is not a supposition. So the Message as proof read was given -- I say, PROOF READ -- a Message given in July 3, 1935 A.D.F.D., time, 3:05 P.M., the Message was given volitionally as I always give My Messages and depicted a young lady, how she was with us at the time and had left all to follow ME; came all the way from Atlanta, Georgia, being of a religious background, but found, according to her experience, that that life did not produce a satisfying portion religiously! Can you not see the Mystery? And she left all, even the small income she had, to come and follow ME! This was the way she did as a Sample and as an Example for all others!

So then, as I have afore said, even though it has been more than fourteen years past, the SAME SPIRIT is speaking today! And I require all to walk in the footsteps and the light that I haven given from this Message as recorded! If I could regret, I would regret it not being proof read until this late hour and this late date. If it only would have been proof read Monday or Tuesday, you would have it verbatim in this week's issue of The New Day. But since it is belated and still further belated and not having been proof read until today, you will not get it until next week's issue of The New Day, no doubt.

But however, I hope you will have it so that you will know and commit it to memory by reading it verbatim, just what I said then. The Same Spirit is speaking today! Many such powerful Messages, such as those, that may have stepped on someone's toes, were buried, both the proof copy and all, buried from being brought to the public; therefore, they were not even proof-read, but I know I gave them!

It is wonderful when you bring them out, though there are hundreds, no doubt, thousands of Messages I have given for the last twenty or twenty-five years, many of which have been buried the same as this and have never been published! Many have never been proof read, the same as this one, because there is a mind that desires to hide and to bury the Truth, that is the Deliverer and the Savior of all mankind!

But over and above every opposition, over and above every criticism, over and above all that may have arisen, naught can slightly hinder nor retard My advances, for GOD is Infinite, and you have declared, I AM HE! I have verified what you declared! I have verified what you declared! I have verified what you and millions of others have declared! Therefore, naught can stand against this TRUTH so long as you live the Life and keep the FAITH!

Fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, for GOD HIMSELF is right here on earth with you in spirit, body and mind! Here to remain all the time! And when and where I Am personally absent I Am spiritually present and am mentally present in all Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnilucence to help those who stand in need of ME throughout all eternity! I thank you.
