"The United States Treasury, in the Last Seven or Eight Years, Have Acquired and Received from Five to Seven Million Dollars by Volunteer Contributions from Those Who Were Converted to Honesty, Competence and Truth.

"By the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose you can overcome every difficulty."

Our FATHER'S Sermon whilst at the Holy Communion Table, Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Friday Morning, November 29, 1946 A.D.F.D., Time -- 11:45 A.M.



It is written:

He that waits upon the LORD, shall renew his strength.'

Truly, the Scripture is being fulfilled to the letter for on this occasion, the Rosebud Choir, in commemoration of the day that FATHER released to the world at large the full requirements of a Rosebud, prepared this sumptuous Banquet and expected their Perfect Host to serve in the wee hours of the morning on His return from the Peace Center Church of Newark, New Jersey; but as GOD cannot be confined nor bound to time, HE was somewhat belated and did not return until around nine o'clock the next morning, and the faithful Rosebuds as well as followers and others, were still awaiting Him and their strength was renewed when HE made His Personal appearance in the Holy Communion Hall to serve.

Many inspirations of songs and praise were rendered by the Rosebuds and Crusaders and visiting guests as the Spirit so moved; and FATHER received many presentations from the Rosebud Choir in commemoration of the Marriage of the Bride and the Lamb, and also in commemoration of the day as afore mentioned, when FATHER released to the world the full requirements of a Rosebud in His beautiful Sermon and also in the profound poem HE recited from His Own Pure Heart, entitled "A Rosebud's Heart". From that eventful day, there stands One, Mrs. DIVINE, Who came up to the full requirements of a Rosebud's Heart, Who expressed in Her every deed and action the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus as a Sample and as an Example in the likeness of women and has now been chosen as the Spotless Virgin of the Lamb. Following these presentations, our Savior arose and delivered this dynamic, profound Sermon herein recorded for your edification. Therefore, take cognizance of it, for it is self-explanatory and well worth considering.

Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S profound Sermon with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again! In the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose we are still unifying the children of men just as we should have been!

By the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose you can overcome every difficulty, every trial and every adverse and undesirable condition among us!

For this cause we do stand for the Universal Brotherhood, Democracy, Christianity and Americanism, and when we sing that little composition:

'We are Real, True Americans; not races, colors or creeds.
We recognize no compromising adjectives that rob man of the same rights!'

This is the kind of world in which you all would like to live! If you did not or do not like to observe the abstract expression of the world in which you live you all would like to live in a world of Peace, of Unity and Tranquility! Our Constitution calls for this, although through the many trials and tribulations, because of prejudice and division, this great unfoldment was withheld from us nationally and internationally; but by the Grace of GOD, Whom you declare I AM and in Whom and of Whom I verify the same, I have brought you, the people, in a closer relationship, into an abstract expression of the Universal Brotherhood of man for the Fatherhood of GOD to be recognized and universally Exemplified; for when this is done there will no longer be lacks, wants and limitations!

As one of the compositions I gave by inspiration says, I have taken you out of lack and wants and limitations! That is something to praise GOD for -- to think of thousands and thousands of you have gone through the hardships of lacks, wants and limitations under hard oppressions and depressions and suppressions of mankind! But GOD in Love and Mercy came and has given you the Cue and the actual Key to the mystery to solve the problem of humanity and to adjust matters satisfactorily for them universally!

There are many things I could say at this time but the time seems to be quite well expired, since there are those who travel with ME, of My immediate Staff, a good many of them last night, they did not retire; and a good many, no doubt, here remained partially awake all night until the rising of the sun, until they could hear the sound of the rejoicing and laughter of those who heard the automobile coming up! ("So true!" came the merry shouts of verification.)

However, you may not feel as sleepy as you would have been out some place at some cabaret or in some brothel, carousing all night long, drinking intoxicating liquors, and drunk and in such an ill-famed environment as those things are! But being in the environment of GOD'S Actual Presence you can rest while you are working, and you can enjoy the many Blessings while going through seeming hardships and trials and tribulations!

If it could have been a surprise to ME it would have been a surprise to ME to arrive and have this demonstration ready to be exercised! (Loud applause and cheering resounded from the assembled masses of Rosebuds, Crusaders and adoring Followers.) But since you cannot surprise ME, since GOD knows your thoughts before you can think them, it was not a surprise but it was a pleasant appreciation of your appreciation of your FATHER and your Savior, to recall the incident on April 29, 1946, when your FATHER (and I heard someone else say, "And Mine!") took to Himself a Spotless Virgin Rosebud Bride to propagate Virtue in the land! Can you not see the mystery? (Again loud cheers and thunderous applause filled the air, signifying the unanimous approval of one and all. When the noise finally subsided FATHER continued speaking as follows:)

There are those of our Fellow Citizens, Visitors, Hearers and Friends in this and in all other communities, know of what MY past Work has been through My first Marriage, and the Life exemplified through Mother Divine. They know that there have gone out thousands and thousands of Honest, Competent, Self-respecting, Law-respecting and Law-abiding Citizens through the Teaching and through the Birth of Righteousness, through our Teaching and through the Exemplification of Virtue, Holiness, Brotherhood and Democracy!

Millions of people through that Unfoldment of the propagation of Virtue, of Holiness, of Honesty and of Democracy, have been made Patriotic Citizens of America; have been made Honest, Competent and True and have adjusted matters satisfactorily and righted -- they did right all of their wrongs as far as they could remember, many owing debts from thirty, forty, fifty and sixty and even seventy-five and eighty years past! They have gone back, through this Virtue and Honesty and Truth that I have given Birth to through Mother Divine and Myself, and paid those back bills!

Even the United States Treasury, in the last seven or eight years, they have acquired and received from Five to Seven Million Dollars by Volunteer Contributions from those who were converted to Honesty, Competence and Truth.

This is not a supposition. If they would wish to verify My Assertion, it can be investigated because it can be looked into by the records that are somewhere in the Treasury Department, where My Followers, when they owed any just debt and they could not find the credit debtors to whom they were due, at My Request, through the Honesty, Competence and Truth exemplified, they would pay all such monies to the United States Treasury and to thousands of worthy charities!

Then that was the Birth of Honesty I gave to millions, that they might be competent and true and produce the same in the land, and exercise it so that they might be Living Epistles of a True Democracy to be seen and read by men!

This Marriage as Interracial, it may be termed, and as International, it may be termed, was and still is for the purpose of propagating Virtue, Brotherhood, Honesty and Truth and to produce it in the land as no man can; and to bring about a closer relationship between man and man, to give Birth to the Universal Brotherhood in this land, that mankind might imbibe the Spirit and the Nature of Brotherly Love and learn to unite together as one man at Jerusalem!

This is not a supposition! It was not for self-indulgence, human affection, lust and passion or any such mortal versions, but to bring about what you cannot produce, saving by the Spirit and the Nature of a Holy Virgin -- not by physical contact necessarily but by the mental and spiritual contact and by emphasizing, advocating and living and expressing Brotherhood, Democracy and Americanism and by living our Constitution and enacting our Bill of Rights! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" declared the entire joyful congregation.)

It is a privilege to live in such a recognition, for I AM Contagionizing the Universe with it, for truly it is Contagious!

On April the twenty-ninth of this year, this, My Bride and I, (FATHER indicates His beautiful smiling Bride seated at His Right) with a few of My Staff and others, motored to Washington and were legally Married; and in evidence as it was in the experience of Jesus in the Sonship Degree when He said to John:

Suffer it to be so, John, for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness!'

Thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness and prove to the world conclusively, Righteousness consists of every Nation, every Language, every Tongue and every People and not one People or one Person alone!

The United States of America called for it! The United States of America! The States should be united, though they may not be united on the account of their individual sovereignties. But I have called for the Sovereignty of all of the Sovereignties, both locally, nationally and internationally, so that we might have one great big Universal Sovereignty of all of our civilization and we, the people will be one nation, indivisible!

We have been calling for the One Nation and we have been emphasizing it by our Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, but little did they think, or not in the least did they think that I would take it up and make it a Living Reality. The majority of the people thought they could and would continue on in races, creeds and colors and division of every kind, but when we pledge Allegiance to our Flag, we have declared One Nation, Indivisible; and by the making of One Nation, indivisible, and bringing an abolition to all divisibility concerning the nations and the races and colors, it brought us into that great At-one-ment, My fellow citizens and friends, where we could bring about that One Family, indivisible! Not only One Nation, indivisible, but One Race, indivisible! Not only One Race indivisible, but we now have One Family, Indivisible! Those of you under the sound of My Voice and especially those of you of whom are sitting in this Holy Communion Hall, we are all One Family, indivisible, this morning! If it is only temporary, while you are in here, I will make you One Family!

You have heard people say when they would visit each other, they would say, "Make yourself at home." Now make yourself one Family, indivisible! Make yourself at home! Can you not see the mystery? I have made My Visiting Guests and Friends one Family, indivisible! You are One Family! And the beauty part of it is, that while I make you One Family, indivisible, here, My Work is going on universally and I shall make you one family, indivisible universally, and eventually all shall be one nation, one race and one family, indivisible!

The Rosebuds, acting as hostess for My Return Banquet, as usual -- I mean My Return Banquet as usual when I go to the City and return after twelve o'clock at night here -- we have the same every day and every night when I AM here, and when I AM not here we have the many banquets; because of it being a Thanksgiving Day and a good many of the Rosebuds not having to be on duty at their daily occupations yesterday and today, they thought to play hostess to commemorate, in the actuated words of expression, the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

They so highly appreciate My Bride because of the spotlessness of Her and Her Virginity! Aren't you glad! And because they know as well as I do -- by inspirations they know it -- that I AM producing something for the benefit of all humanity! Now if there is a question as to My assertions, it is the privilege of anyone to investigate what I have said and what I AM saying! There may be some false pretenders who claim to be followers of Mine, but young men and young women, even some of the brothels and from the underworld as gangsters and hold-up men, cut-throats, men of profanity and obscenity, would not even so much as ride with a lady publicly correspondingly! That is what I AM talking about, to show you and to assure you that this is something more than mortal to command!

I AM propagating virtue and honesty and competence and truth in the land! A true follower of Mine would never take your husband away from you! A true follower of Mine does not even want to sleep on the same floor that their employers sleep on! Now these assertions are investigatable and I solicit your investigations! A True follower of Mine would not -- if you are a man, would not get in the car, if it was raining, with a lady in the front of the car and ride with her! I she was to ask you and say, "I will take you home; I am going by your place." A True follower of Mine would not even do that, I mean a man -- even looks like a man -- a brother, I mean! A lady saying, "Come up here, you can sit right here by me!" you may say, "No; if I can sit in the back I will appreciate it!" Something like that. That is what a True follower of Mine would do! True followers of Mine would not even smoke a cigarette! True followers of Mine do not use obscenity, profanity, nor vulgarity! That is what I AM talking about!

Propagating Virtue in the Land! Producing these Virtues, Qualities and Attributes of GOD among the children of men that they might be pure and clean! One writer said:

'Wherefore, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of GOD.'

That is what True followers of Mine are now enjoying, the cleanliness and the cleansing-ness of the filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit! I AM cleansing their vocabularies! As I said of a very recent date, if your vocabularies are not purged, your subconscious minds, even though you may be converted and may have joined the Church, unless your vocabularies are purged by the renewing of your mind, if you stump your foot, you may use some profanity or obscenity because those words that are in your vocabulary and in your subconsciousness have not been purged out! Can you not see the mystery?

Therefore, I AM raising up a Righteous Nation in the Land, and by this, (FATHER looks at Mrs. DIVINE and says:) My Virtuous Bride, We shall continue to convey such virtues and such qualities as these, and those with whom we come in contact daily will imbibe the Spirit and the meaning of them and will live Virtuous, Holy and respectable!

On the twenty-ninth of April, one year per annum of the time -- Mussolini was hanging on a line because of prejudice and division and strife among his own kind -- I took to Myself a Spotless Virgin Bride, substituting Righteousness and Brotherhood for prejudice, division and strife! Substituting it for all of the division and confusion in the land, to produce Brotherhood, Democracy and Christianity as synonymous, so that we might live our Constitution and express our citizenry of a true Democracy!

(At this juncture, FATHER holds up the artistically decorated cake presented to HIM and Mrs. DIVINE by the Rosebuds and says:)

This cake as presented by the Rosebuds to commemorate their memory concerning the Marriage Supper of the Lamb that has been continuing for many, many long years -- but as I brought it out here this year as an abstract expression, giving you to know it was a Reality, they have caught a glimpse of the mystery; therefore, they want to show their appreciation in the demonstration of the presentation of this cake and of being hostesses for your Host, and as hostesses they stand. Aren't you glad!

Therefore, they have expressed their appreciation for Myself, My Work and My Mission and for lifting them from vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind, having kept them virtuous and holy until now from infancy! A good many have grown up in this Movement from infancy! They have no desire to be immodest, immoral, or anything of that sort because of the Life and the Teaching I have taught!

Therefore, as a symbol of their love and devotion, they have presented these many presentations as evidence in their own experience of what I have done for them; how they are kept from child delinquency as long as they follow My Teaching and Walk in the Light I have given!

(FATHER now holds up another present, a beautiful floral heart of rosebuds, and says:)

The Rosebud Heart, as an evidence in their experience, presented, proving, according to their convictions in the evidence, in the demonstration that the Rose of Sharon in the Scripture as predicted, meant the CHRIST, the Meshiach; hence, the Rosebuds, as a symbol of it, they are trying to produce and reproduce the very nature and the characteristics of Jesus the CHRIST and express the Virginity of Mary as she did before Jesus was born.

(At this time FATHER holds up a large heart, a beautiful floral piece of fresh red rosebuds, centered by a pure white gardenia, depicting the pure, Holy Heart of GOD, the Rose of Sharon. This also was another present. FATHER speaks as follows:)

This, the main heart, as an abstract expression of their appreciation, Thanksgiving and praise, this very artistic heart in the exact likeness of the Heart of GOD, they have presented that they also in turn receive such a Blessing in the consideration, as GOD would give them. There are many things I could say, but as we have lots of work to do, I must proceed.

(FATHER now holds up another present, a large gold wedding ring in a white-satin-lined case, bearing the inscription to this effect, that eventually this band of love shall Unite the Universe. FATHER continues speaking:)

This, the ring as presented, as a band of love -- GOD so loved the world! And as you read in Revelation, the Book of Revelation, where CHRIST -- in other words, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb -- did come, and truly this is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, as a Symbol of the universal Marriage of GOD to the children of men, the Church is Married to CHRIST! What said the Scripture concerning the Mystery? It is written:

'Man should leave father and mother and be joined unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh. Nevertheless, I speak concerning Christ and the church.'

That is the Mystery. Here you all are and there I AM! There I sit and here you stand in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose; yet I appear to be a man leaving father and mother, but it is just an appearance of it. And when you see it dramatized as sketched, man was joined unto his wife and the twain, or two, are one flesh! This is a great Mystery the Apostle spoke and said:

'Nevertheless, I speak concerning CHRIST and the Church!'

The disappearance of one as the Wife, in the summation is the universality of the Virginity and the Virtue of Her and the Spirit and the Nature of Her imbibed by all others; therefore, this is CHRIST and the Church! I thank you.

(As FATHER said these last beautiful words, HE stood as a Lamb with both arms outstretched as an invitation for the whole world to accept of this great Salvation while the angels who were blessed to see the magnificent sight, were caught up in a great vibration.)
