"Little Did You Think Years Ago That Democracy Was Something That Could Be
and Would Be as a Doctrine of Religion and Men Would Be Converted into It.

"Democracy in Action in Reality is Christianity Legalized!

"None Shall Hinder; None Shall Offend Me;
Because If They Do I Will Shake Creation!"--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon given whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Tarrytown Mansion,
620 Broadway, Tarrytown, New York, Sunday, August 11, 1946 A.D.F.D., Time -- 2:45 P.M.

Holy Communion Banquet Table,
Tarrytown Mansion, Tarrytown, N. Y..

Holy Communion Banquet Table, arytown Mansion, Tarrytown, N. Y.

A more beautiful day could not have given by GOD, our Beloved Savior, for another visit to the magnificent Tarrytown Mansion. Arriving the previous evening after serving Holy Communion at the Peace Center Church in Jersey, FATHER served a small Banquet in His Private Tearoom.

Sunday, as the sun rose, crowds began to gather, and soon the photographers and reporters made their way to the highest point on this side of the Hudson River, the beautiful Tarrytown Mansion opposite the Duchess DeTallyrand's estate, to glimpse the proceedings of the Holy Communion Service as presided over by the Holy of all hollies, FATHER DIVINE, the Lamb and the Bride, the Lamb's Wife!

Pathe News was also present to take motion pictures in sound, and they recorded a great portion of this marvelous Sermon herein recorded as they took pictures of the King as HE stood in all Majesty, Dominion and Authority, delivering His Words of Spirit and Life to the Universe at large!

Read, therefore, this profound Sermon, for as FATHER fulfills the Scripture HE explains it not only in the actuated words of expression but in Words from His Holy Lips -- the Lips of the only True Interpreter of the mysteries of Life!

Incidentally, may we say, that our own technicolor motion pictures were made of the Lamb and the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, both at the Holy Communion Table as well as around the mansion, and also at the Peace Center, Nazareth Missions' Home for the Aged, Church and Training School in New York City where FATHER presided later. These pictures are shown gratis at the various Churches under our LORD'S Jurisdiction, to the supreme delight of one and all!

Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again! In the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose among you I remain! I AM unifying the children of men as no man can! Now aren't you glad! ("So glad!" responded the assembly.) Because of this this nation is stirred!

If you retrace your thoughts back to the nation's most recent international conflict, our government called for all of the subjects of this nation and the Allied Nations to UNITE -- to UNITE for ONE COMMON PURPOSE -- and This is the Sample and the Example of what I have done for this Whole Nation!

In the time of conflict, We, the People, as Real American Citizens emphasized and advocated Americanism, Democracy and Brotherhood so vividly until Millions have been Converted into this Recognition to live our Constitution and enact our Bill of Rights.

We do not merely mean to recognize the Bill of Rights but we mean to ENACT the Bill of Rights in every state, every hamlet or district in the Union! As you see it exemplified here, we mean to have it from shore to shore and from land to land, and all of the kindreds of the earth shall look to America for I have emphasized Americanism as the Foundation of the Kingdom of GOD on Earth to be established among men! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" replied the assembly joyously.)

In far-away Switzerland there are thousands and thousands of My followers there that have been Awakened to Americanism, speaking in the German tongue, and yet carrying the American Flag in all of their assemblies!

Americanism, as I see it, is Democracy in Action! It brings about the Universal Brotherhood of man so long sought for. But oh, how glorious it will be when it shall have been established effectively, even as I have it jurisdictionally!

Converted to Democracy

For this cause, at this instance, you ladies and gentlemen and representatives of the press, are here, because I have put into action Democracy so effectively and I have established it to the effect that there are those of My Adherents converted into Democracy and filled with the enthusiasm of a Democracy as exhibited so effectively, until they can recognize a Real Conversion in it from a heart-felt awakening!

Little did you think years ago that Democracy was something that could be and would be as a Doctrine of Religion through which men would be converted into it as those of the religious world; I mean, in such enthusiasm to be actually spiritually into such an enfoldment of Democracy; but it is true! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" exclaimed the congregation.)

For this cause I AM here to represent the Universal Brotherhood of man and the Conscious Recognition and the Realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD, for Democracy in Action in Reality is Christianity Legalized!

Therefore, we shall Unite the Nations from shore to shore and from land to land! If you retrace your thoughts back to some twenty-five years ago, when one of our noble statesmen crossed the Atlantic -- considered as the first time -- to unite the nations together. We have been pledging our Allegiance to our Flag for eons of time, but little did they think that they would bring the nations of the earth together and that eventually we would be One Nation, Indivisible! You say it and you sing it, but you do not stop to consider it seriously. But oh, how glorious it is, we are One Nation, Indivisible definitely! And when Mr. Lindbergh, Colonel Lindbergh, crossed the Atlantic, he brought the nations in a closer relationship as a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what I AM actually doing today!


Conversion of the Bride

This event will retrace your thoughts back to his experience: how My Spirit went across the borders and taught this Virtuous, Untouched, Incorruptible and Undefiled Bride from Infancy! --taught Her Americanism and the Documents of our great Government, until She was Converted into Americanism so vividly and conscientiously and sincerely She desired to be an American Citizen!

The Spirit of My late Companion, MOTHER DIVINE, went across the borders and Overshadowed Her and She was filled with the spirit of Her presence and She could no longer stay, for it was My Companion!

MOTHER DIVINE had long since said she desired a Rosebud's body. She felt that she could not fill this office effectively and officially so good as if she would have a Rosebud's body to stand with ME! I criticized the thought and tried to keep her encouraged to know that she could remain with ME as she was, but she said no; she desired a Rosebud's body! Throughout the universe My Spirit and My Presence, as it is Omni, FOUND HER, as one in her infancy, to develop and bring to Fruition the Doctrine of Americanism, through My Teaching, Democracy and Christianity as Synonymous, and so it did! She was drawn to this country without My Personally telling Her! She was led by My Spirit. By the Spirit that She has Reincarnated She was awakened and came to this country, desiring to Remain with ME, but not knowing how, definitely, it would be!


A Legal Marriage

But as it was with Jesus in the day's of John's baptism, the legalistic system of our present-day administration of government and society called for a Legal Marriage to the Bride to be made Real and Plain. Therefore, it was essential, and as I said, as she said, "Suffer it to be so for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness!"

On the twenty-ninth of April we motored from Philadelphia to Washington and were legally married. Thence, fulfilled the Scripture where John in his revelationic prediction said, "Come up higher and I will show you the Bride, the Lamb's Wife! She is arrayed in pure white linen -- the pure white linen is the Righteousness of the saints!"

The pure white linen was the Righteousness of the Saints in which she was clothed -- in the Righteousness of MOTHER DIVINE; her spirit and her ever-presence that was with ME; and the Righteousness of other just persons to be established in these days. Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, LORD!" responded the joyful assembly.) And she had made herself ready by the impregnation of MY SPIRIT, and by that incarnated, she was in readiness! And this Marriage was consummated NOT as in the consideration of human affection, lust or passion or anything of that sort, for it was the reproduction and the repetition of the first One, as depicted very explicitly to The Answer Man!

I did not marry for any such mortal versions or mortal tendencies to be considered, but to propagate virtue, holiness, honesty, christianity, democracy and brotherhood, as MOTHER DIVINE and MYSELF had given birth to such virtue in the hearts and lives of millions until they would not indulge in human affection if they were only eighteen and married! They deny themselves of all human affection and lust and passion for righteousness' sake! If that could be done by the first one, what about the second one that is incorruptible, undefiled and absolutely known to be universally untouched!


The New Birth of Freedom

We came to give this Whole Nation a New Birth of Freedom under GOD as called for by our great Statesman, Abraham Lincoln, "That Government by the People, for the People and through the People might not Perish from the Earth!" And when this New Birth of Freedom shall have been Universalized, this Government will be Death-Proof and it will be Impossible for this Government by the People, for the People and through the People to Perish! But unless, we, the people, bring an abolition to alienism and racism and unite together, the Government that is by the People, for the People and through the People, will Perish!

For this cause I AM here, to bring to your minds and your attention the fact that this government of which we represent is not merely talking of something that cannot be exemplified! Every True Follower of MINE has been redeemed from sin, from vice and from crime and from self-indulgence and human affection. Mrs. DIVINE here is as VIRTUOUS as She was when She stood on the floor with ME more than three months ago and said, "I will!" Now aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the congregation spontaneously.)

(FATHER indicates Mrs. DIVINE, sitting so sweetly and angelically at His Right and says:) Now if there are any mind-readers or facial-expression-readers or character-readers, read the character of the expression on her face! -- the reproduction of MOTHER DIVINE but in an infant in comparison to that of MOTHER DIVINE from the time she said she was married in 1882!

In those days, as these days, I did not keep a record of those things for to keep a record of times and seasons and age you will eventually have to come to a destination. But since GOD is without the beginning of days and without the end of life, I did not even keep a record of the time MOTHER DIVINE and I were married; but she said when she was married it was June the sixth, 1882, whatsoever that means.


Establishment of the Kingdom

But in most recent years -- inside of the last twenty-five or thirty years -- I have been establishing My Kingdom: Americanism, Democracy and Christianity, as synonymous, and I have BROKEN that line of Demarcation and I have brought an Abolition to Localization! Localities have no barriers for ME. If localities would have had barriers for ME, I would not be here in this place today!

It has been said that some of the places owned and operated by My Followers, as this one, the former owners did not even have dark-complected or Afro-American servants! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" replied the assembly.)

But Democracy shall Flourish in the Land of the Free! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" exclaimed the joyful congregation.) And all men shall have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and shall not be limited nor handicapped on the account of nationality or race or creed or color, as they may be called; for each of you, according to our Constitution, have your Unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

For this cause our Marriage is not bound to Nationalism, or America, as it may be deemed, alone. It is International! That is why My Spirit shaped and formed a Bride in Another Country, to make it International -- and apparently of a different Racial Abstraction to make it Interracial!

The Internationality of Humanity shall be established Universally just as we have it, and the Interraciallity of Humanity shall be eventually established Universally just as we have it jurisdictionally! All of the kindreds of the earth shall live together and BE ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE, as our Flag calls for! Can you not see the mystery? ("Yes, so true!" verified the assembly earnestly.)

We should not TALK our documents of Democracy unless we mean to LIVE them! We should not TALK our documents of Religion, our two great Religious documents, the Old and the New Testaments, unless we mean to LIVE them!


Manifesting Religion and Democracy

Therefore, I Emphasize and Advocate and Demonstrate the Manifestation of the Doctrines of Religion according to our two religious documents, and the Doctrine of Democracy according to our two great political documents, for they are Synonymous! And by this we shall have a Righteous Government and there will be no more an ensign of time as it has been; divers races, creeds and colors, nationalities and the like; but this is brought to you as a Sample and as an Example of the Internationality of the Reality of Christianity and of the Interraciallity of the Reality of Democracy and Brotherhood!

For this cause We are Married, and we are the Sample of the World Exemplified; at least, you see and know those who come under This Conversion will be Converted into This Recognition to be Real American Citizens, Indivisible!

According to My Call, as I had called for the Unification of the Three Americas, I also called for the Unification of ALL of the Allied Sovereignties, that there would be No Division among the people of the earth that are of one Accord, until we shall Universalize the Truth effectively Internationally from a Political and National point of view, until we shall all be One Nation, Indivisible, and One Race, Indivisible, and even One Family, Indivisible!

Here is the Sample and the Example we shall have Universally, and NONE shall HINDER, NONE shall OFFEND ME, because if they try, I SHALL SHAKE CREATION! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you!
