"I Pray", Said Jesus, "That They May Be One
Even as We are ONE.

"Behold the Lamb Which Taketh Away the Sins of the World!"

Our FATHER'S Sermon given at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday Night and Monday Morning,
August 4-5, 1946 A.D.F.D., Time -- 4:57 A.M.

MOTHER DIVINE and Five Wise Virgins

MOTHER DIVINE and Five Wise Virgins

Behold, it is written in the Scripture:

'Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins,
which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the Bridegroom.
And the five of them were wise and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight, there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh;
go ye out to meet Him.
Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying: Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you; but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they
that were ready went in with Him to the Marriage; and the door was shut.
Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.'

(St. Matthew 25: 1-13) The scripture this day is fulfilled in your hearing!

Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!

(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber, and the following is the FATHER'S profound Sermon:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness and all of the Tranquility ever imagined by the most conscientious and sincere devout person!

GOD in the midst of you is bringing this Tranquility into outer expression. I AM tangibilating, materializing and personifying the fondest imaginations and the desire of the Pilgrim Fathers! We do draft this Constitution to bring about a more Perfect Union. Can you not see the Mystery? Constitutionally and also documentally of the Scripture this Union or Unity has been called for, but Abraham Lincoln, knowing within himself that it could not be brought to fruition for the emancipation of all of the people saving by a New Birth of Freedom. Can you not see the Mystery? And this New Birth of Freedom was called for, but not until in the beginning of the recognition of the seeking of a more Perfect Union and an unfoldment of tranquility.

Can you not see I AM the FULFILLER? He called for, by the Constitution and by the Declaration of Independence, a more Perfect Union. Jesus, the great Love Master in the Sonship Degree, called for this Union:

'I pray", said He, "that they may be ONE even as We are ONE.'

Can you not see the Mystery? Jesus called for it and in our national political documents you can see I was calling for it politically and legally that it might be established in Humanity physically and no longer merely suppositionally psychologically to be discerned superstitiously.


"I Have Personified Myself, ALMIGHTY GOD!"

But oh, how glorious it is to see I AM materializing spiritual things and spiritualizing material things! I have brought the visible and the invisible together! I have made the invisible tangible and practical. I have PERSONIFIED MYSELF, ALMIGHTY GOD! In the Name of the Lamb to the river of Jordan I Came! One declared:

'Behold the Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world!'

The Lamb of which he was then speaking was it of which had been in the beginning of the creation, that was with GOD which WAS GOD, and that had been made Flesh, and one declared, "and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory as that of the Only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth!" Can you not see the Mystery?

You can see the FULFILLER, the AUTHOR and the FINISHER! You can see it being fulfilled as it was predestined to be! What a privilege; what a privilege; what a privilege! The Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world was GOD. GOD through His Condescension, Embodied Himself; MADE HIMSELF FLESH in the Meekness of a Lamb and came and was slain before the Foundation of the world! Can you not see the Mystery?

You may not be able to see the Mystery of the slaying of the Lamb before the Foundation of the world, but it was in the making. One declared that GOD said, "Let us make man", and he said that GOD spoke again in another expression of HIMSELF as being termed the Son,

'If I make man, man will sin.'

I heard them say through the religious phraseology of past time -- they said I said,

'If I make man, man will sin.'

They said I spoke again in the Sonship Degree of expression and said,

'If he sins, prepare ME a BODY and I will go down and redeem him.'

Religiously speaking, speaking in the phraseology of the religious world of Christendom, we find that the BODY was prepared and was slain before the Foundation of the world psychologically. Can you not see the Mystery? And IT came down! And I heard you say -- all Christendom say, "The Lamb was slain! On Calvary the Lamb was slain!"

They called the Son of GOD, yea, GOD Himself in Bodily Form, the Lamb of GOD! Can you not see the Mystery? And HE was slain, but not until firstly the WORD had been made FLESH and dwelt among us! He said,

'And dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory as that of the Only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth!'

I AM ENTERING IN MY GLORY NOW! FULL OF GRACE AND OF TRUTH, and because they beheld it vividly and visioned it conscientiously and sincerely,

'of all of His Fullness", said he "have all we received, Grace for Grace!'
'For this cause, man should leave father and mother and be joined unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh.'

This is a great Mystery! I AM not speaking of mortality; I AM not speaking of materiality! This is a great Mystery! I AM SPEAKING CONCERNING CHRIST AND THE CHURCH! Can you not see the Mystery? It is no longer a Mystery, for I have revealed it! CHRIST AND THE CHURCH! John had long since said even before the Lamb of GOD was slain,


Coming on down after the Crucifixion, after the Resurrection, it was something observed psychologically and observed suppositionally, but no longer materially discerned, but I had said:

'This same JESUS in the like manner as you see HIM go, shall come again.'

Can you not see the Mystery? Coming back into materiality, being Reproduced and Re-personified so that humanity might realize the Actual Presence of their GOD, I said:

'My FATHER and I will come and make our abode with you.'

Philip said:

'Show us the FATHER and it sufficeth us.'

Some are speaking on thus wise now apparently, and the answer is equivalent. I reiterate it:

'Have I been so long time with you and you have not known ME?'

I have been here feeding you all of these many years! You know I have been feeding you as no man can! I have been healing you physically as no man can, all of these many years, so many of you! Some fifteen years, some twenty years, some thirty years, some forty years, some fifty years! I have been doing all of these things, but especially feeding you and keeping you in splendor with a-full and a-plenty of food for the sustenance of your bodies, such as no man can! All of the millionaires of the universe and all of the governments combined cannot do for you what I have done! Aren't you glad?

GOD is in the midst of you, and I say, is mighty to save! And the Word was made Flesh, as I told you, and I said, we beheld His Glory as that of the Only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth. And this Mystery, as I told you in Ephesians, was in the parable illustrating man leaving father and mother -- but I was speaking concerning CHRIST, GOD Himself and the Church -- and cleave to the wife and the twain shall be one flesh! Can you not see the mystery? And when that, yea, this was done, John caught the glimpse of the mystery, in the revelationic prediction of John himself and said he saw the Bride! Wanted you to come up hither, and

'I will show you the Bride, the Lamb's Wife!'

Can you not see the Mystery?

I AM materializing the Bride! In the reproducing of the Bride, I brought the Bride into Tangibilization and Personified! As with the Lamb, so with the Bride! The Bride was made Flesh, and here it is, "and dwelt among us", I heard one say, concerning the One that the Bride was Married to, "and the twain are one flesh", and as though it was a reiteration and a repetition of history; the same repetition of history that was demonstrated in the Lamb, so with the Bride, the Lamb's Wife! And we beheld His Glory as though it was the only begotten of the FATHER!

Can you not see your minds focused on ONE? When you heard of the Bride and the Lamb, your thoughts focused vividly on ONE, as though it was the Only begotten of the FATHER and was full of Grace, full of such Honor no man could give! That is what the word Grace means! Full of Grace and of Truth! Behold the abstract expression in the countenance and the reflection! Truth and Grace exemplified! It is not a supposition! Let any person read the countenance of the person in question. Let all of the magicians and all of the science of physical culture and human intellect and intelligence read the countenance of the person in question and see if you can find anything derogatory to what I AM saying! Read the appearance! See if you can find anything saving Purity, Holiness, Virginity and Truth! For this is as the Only Begotten of the FATHER, as though it was the Only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth!

Again, as it was with the Son, the Lamb, and we beheld it, He said at that time, and by you beholding it so vividly in the Son,

'And of all of His Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace!'

It was no longer as though it was the only begotten of the FATHER, but as the Universal Brotherhood of man Personified. Can you not see the mystery? Can you not realize,

'as in Adam all die,'

so shall in this Light of Truth,

'all be made alive!'

Visualize the Perfect Picture and if you harmonize with it sympathetically and pleasingly, I will reproduce it and you will be the reproduction and the re-incarnation and the re-personification of that which you shall have visioned! Then of all of His Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace! It is the repetition of it! History repeats itself, but all was done in the invisible and suppositional realm of expression, both of the FATHER Himself, GOD, as the Word alone, without Flesh, Body, Blood and Bones until HE brought Himself into Materialization and made Himself Flesh! So with the Purity and the Virtue and the Holiness of GOD, the Virginity of Mary Personified!

That is why I told you to love your neighbor as yourself, and LOVE ye one another even as I have loved you, for if you do not, your are found weighed in the balances and found wanting! You are found without oil in your vessels, though you have been cleansed! Though you all were clean, for you all were virgins depicting the whole number of you, My followers, that have been purged from vice and crime, from sin and debauchery, from self-indulgence, from human affection, from lust and passion; I MADE YOU VIRGINS! But some of you are without oil in your vessels! Some of you criticize GOD Almighty, your Maker and your Creator, after HE has purged you and made you Virtuous, made you Pure and Clean physically, mentally and spiritually! But yet you would not get oil in your vessels! I said, have oil in your vessels when the Bridegroom comes!

Now woe to those of you who dare criticize, condemn -- try to condemn GOD in His Majesty, Love and Mercy after HE cleansed you and purged you from vice and crime and made you pure and clean! I stopped you from committing adultery, married and single! I stopped you from doing those things legally because I had cleansed you from self-indulgence and from all human affection, therefore, you were all Virgins! Can you not see the Mystery? But you did not have oil in your vessels and you have gone out! Some of them have gone out to try to get some oil. Some have gone back trying to pray to get some Holy Ghost, some oil, but if you return mentally and spiritually, you may find the door shut! Read the parable in the illustration Jesus depicted -- the Marriage of the Lamb! Read it for yourself, concerning the ten virgins and see if you are the ones in the number that were wise, or are you foolish enough to go along without oil in your vessels?

I told you to have oil in your vessels when the Bridegroom comes! This is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and of it I AM not ashamed! Mortality cannot do a thing! Aren't you glad? It is not a supposition, no longer a vision, no longer a dream! GOD'S Sayings are Real, Real, Real! I told them to get ready! I say, I AM entering into My Glory now! Aren't you glad? When they entered in, the door was shut! Read it for yourself! Read it prayerfully and sincerely and ask your mind or your spirit of your God or whatsoever you choose to pray to, to tell you and reveal it -- reveal the mystery! Aren't you glad?

Now I say to you, those of you whom are selfish and self-bewildered and self-exalted, be not deceived, GOD is not mocked! Nobody can mock Him! GOD is the Only One and there is no other to come! There is no other one through which it is to be done! It is Finished! Mortality may try to mock GOD and you may get a stroke trying to mock GOD! Be not deceived, GOD is not mocked! Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap! If you sow to the flesh, which is self, you shall of the flesh reap corruption! But if you sow to the Spirit, you shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting! The Mouth of GOD has declared it!

Now, this Event, as in the days of old, when certain events were to take place and the Advent of certain Dispensations to begin, those things were kept a secret for the time being and until the time was given by the LORD for those things to be revealed. On the twenty-ninth day of April, Mussolini, according to the records given, came to his end in nineteen forty-five -- one of the empires and its representative; and shortly thereafter, Hitler and all of his colleagues and Tojo and others with them that were connected! The kingdoms waned! Can you not see the mystery?

But one year from April twenty-ninth nineteen forty-five until April twenty-ninth, nineteen forty-six, FATHER DIVINE rode into Washington and took His Bride legally, inter-racially and internationally because GOD is inter-racial and GOD is international! I thank you.
