"Thou art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD!" --- St. Peter

"Upon this Rock I shall build My Church!" --- Jesus

"Christ and the Church"

Message given by FATHER DIVINE en route from Philadelphia to Newark
Saturday Morning, May 25, 1946 A.D.F.D., Time -- 11:50 A.M.


Truly, it is now fulfilled. CHRIST is married to the Church! After Peter answered saying, "I say that Thou art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD!" Jesus answered also, saying, "Upon this Rock I shall build My Church!" Thus you have been taught from your early existence, CHRIST is married to the Church. That Belief is what I married. The answer came to ME, saying, "I say YOU Are GOD!" That Belief is IT to whom or to which I AM married -- the CHURCH!

So you can plainly see, it all dove-tails and it speaks in the actuated words of expression in this illustration, but all depicting CHRIST and the Church! And I AM, as I have been, showing the world conclusively, CHRIST, the Church and the Word, the Knowledge of GOD, they are Synonymous, for they are United Together. And immediately declared I, "Upon this Rock I shall build MY Church!" And when the Church was built upon such an assertion, upon such a conviction as Peter's, CHRIST was Married to the Church -- a Church without Spot or Wrinkle!

Then came the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the Church and the Bride, the Lamb's Wife! -- all intermingling and mingling and depicting that Word: "I say that THOU Art GOD!" It is Wonderful!

So it is very explicitly depicted and, I might say, pre-scientifically depicted! That Belief is the thing upon which I have built the Church, and that Belief is the thing to which I AM United!

Secretary: And then YOU bring out the thought about the helpmate. It is really wonderful!

FATHER: Sure. It is Wonderful! It is wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!

Angel: That shows the Impersonality of it, FATHER.


Foundation of the Church

FATHER: Sure -- the impersonality of it and the unindividuality of it and the non-secterianism of it -- because upon that Belief as an Assertion or Declaration I have built My Church, and the very gates of the "other place" cannot prevail against it!

I AM not studying about, or not thinking about anything retarding My Advances or slightly hindering My Legitimate, Evangelical, Righteous Endeavors; because I could easily say to mortality, "If you don't want ME to do right, then what do you want ME to do? -- wrong?" But because it behooves us to fulfill all Righteousness, as it was with Jesus in the Sonship Degree, I suffered it to be, for thus it did behoove us to fulfill all Righteousness!

Secretary: It is such a true example of unselfishness!

FATHER: So it is a wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful Privilege! A Church built upon that Conviction and upon that Assertion openly spoken!

Some may say, "Well, it is without an assertion as an open-spoken expression" yet the declaration and the prediction of the building of the Church was not made until the assertion and outward expression was said: "I say that THOU Art the CHRIST!" With such a Declaration, that was the FOUNDATION upon which I built! So it is just Wonderful!

So it is a wonderful privilege to see the out picturing of the predestined predictions and the fulfillment of the things being made a REALITY! It is a privilege to observe it!

Someone, as I afore said, could have said that thought: "It did not have to be an outward expression of such." But not until the outward expression was made by Peter, or Simon, in his declaration, in his individual conviction . . . can you not see, the individuality of the expression that was made, was UNIVERSAL by nature and was applicable to each and all of the people! -- upon this Rock I shall build My Church; consisting of ALL! For if in Adam all die, so shall in JESUS CHRIST all be made alive!


The Church Triumphant

So in the Conviction of JESUS being the CHRIST, all are made Alive by such a Conviction, and are United to the Church Triumphant -- and the very gates of the "other place" cannot prevail against it!

Therefore, this day it is FULFILLED in your hearing -- CHRIST married to the Church! Such a privilege -- a privilege rare! Yet it is as true as it was when I said it: "Upon this Rock, upon this Assertion, upon this Declaration, upon this Conviction, upon this Belief, upon this Recognition and Realization I shall build My Church!"

"When and why was it?" Why did She want to marry ME? you might ask, if you wish to, or any outside person. Not for fame nor for money nor for self-indulgence or human affection; but you might ask Her and She can tell you.

Angel: Because I know YOU Are GOD!

FATHER: THAT was the REASON in the Declaration! Not because she thought I was a "good Man" or because she thought I would appease the human fancies, tendencies and pleasures; not because of thoughts or imaginations, but because of the Knowledge and the Recognition that She Knows I AM GOD! That is why She wanted to marry ME and that is why She married ME!

Maybe if it had been predicted to be that someone else would have had such a conviction and such a realization, it could have been in the consideration -- and if it was to have been -- but yet as it was in the experience of Simon -- he was the one I had chosen to give birth to the words -- that which may be deemed as the inspiration for the building of the Church -- therefore to him it was given to make that Assertion and to have that Conviction through which the Church was built!


Why Not John?

Someone might say, "Well, why is it that John the Beloved -- one that was so loved -- could not or would not have given the Word to Jesus upon which and through which He could architecturally draw the plan for the building of the Church?" Some may have thought that or could think it if they were selfish, and especially if someone would have been somewhat self-bewildered in the self-mortal conception of trying to rise in opposition to the Will of Jesus or GOD. But to him I said, "Upon this Rock . . ."

The question was brought forth concerning many of their expressions and of their versions on this High Mount of the Transfiguration, "Whom say the people that I Am?" I did not build the Church upon which the people said; upon their version; because it would not have been the Church of GOD!

'Some say Thou art Moses; some say Thou art Elijah that has returned again."
'Some say that Thou art the great Prophet that has been raised from the dead.'

Not any of these would have given aspiration and the access for CHRIST to build His Church -- for the word that was given by them would not have been from Him and it would not have been from ME, your FATHER, which is in Heaven! For what said I to Peter? When I said,

'Upon this Rock I shall build My Church . . .'

I also said,

'Flesh and blood did not reveal this unto thee, but your FATHER which is in Heaven!'

The others' assertions and version and ideas and opinions were that which came from the flesh and the versions of the blood. But that which was given to Peter by inspiration, it Crowned and Outmoded them all, because he had his Message directly from GOD!


"Upon this Rock I shall build My Church!"

It is such a wonderful, wonderful thought! Little did he think, even though to him it was revealed -- Simon -- that his version that was given from your FATHER which is in Heaven would have Outmoded and Outwitted them all! But to him it was given -- the Foundation of the Church of GOD!

'Thou art Simon, the Stone!" "Upon this Rock (or Stone) I shall build My Church!'

I shall build My Church upon something that cannot be shaken; something that is solid as a rock; yea, as a stone; and the very gates of the "other place" shall not prevail against it!


The Lamb's Wife

Therefore, to this Church I Came in the latter times, after the fulfilling of the former! The former things have come to pass and the latter is now being fulfilled! At this time I came and found My Church that I had Founded, and I AM married to My Church -- that Conviction that had been transmitted and handed down traditionally -- that you might speak it into action and get your convictions by the same version you should get your religion, and there be the Brides -- the Lamb's Wife!

Such an assertion was so great and so powerful it even stopped all creation and the CREATOR HIMSELF!

'There was silence in Heaven for the space of half an hour.'

Aren't you glad! The sun ceased to move, and the time ceased to pass until it should be accomplished, that for which it was predestined to be: the Marriage of the LAMB to the Church; and that included the Church as the convinced believers of all people the same as Simon did!

'I say that THOU Art the CHRIST, the Son of the LIVING GOD!'

It is wonderful! It is marvelous! It is marvelous! IT IS MARVELOUS!

Some may desire to mortal-mindedly criticize and doubt the authenticity of what has been done and said, but if this is not authentic, then you readily say the Scripture is not fulfilled, and that which JESUS said to Peter, for why would He have to build His Church for all of the people by what Peter said as an individual?

Someone might say, "Well, what did Peter's belief have to do with the building of the Church?" Some may say, "Well, GOD did not mean for it to be for all of the people!" But such a belief was endorsed by Jesus and made a Memorial as a Church and as a Stone that would remain throughout all eternity! Therefore, it is convincing; it is true!

The Marriage of the Lamb is the Symbol of the Universality of GOD depicted! Here is the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus Personified and Unified by the legal bonds of Matrimony, that it might be made Righteous, Justice or Just, Honorable, for what said the prophet concerning the mystery of which I AM now depicting?

'He shall magnify the Law and make it Honorable!'

Some may say, "Why, Jesus was born out of wedlock, and how cometh the FATHER to marry?" But did I not say through the prophet of old,

'He shall magnify the Law and make it Honorable"?

Without the Law being magnified by GOD through His Condescension in Love and Compassion suffering it to be so, and fulfilling it in all Righteousness, it would not have been magnified! It is wonderful! So HE magnifies the Law and makes it honorable! It was not honorable without the magnification of it: without it being magnetized and electrified. The Magnet magnetized and magnified and electrified and made it magnetic as a magnetic conductor that it might attract and draw. That was, and that is the experience of the Work of GOD in suffering it to be so!

So it is such a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful thought! You can plainly see after it is revealed. You can plainly understand it after you observe it. It is fulfilled this day in your hearing! It is no longer a vision; it is no longer a dream; it is real! Real! REAL!

The reason mortality does not want to accept of it and does not want to appreciate it effectively or generally and universally, is because it makes null and void the falsity and hypocrisy of mortality. The Glory of GOD is Revealed in that Scripture, and His prophecies are fulfilled, and again to fulfill that which was said in the coming of the Son in the Sonship Degree as a parable and as an illustrated parable of what would be:

'He came not by the will of man nor by the will of the flesh, neither by the will of the blood, but of GOD!'

So you can see it would be against the will of man, against the will of the flesh, against the will of the blood and against all of the mortal versions, that it might be according to the Will of GOD!" For your will is not My Will and your way is not My Way! Can you not see the mystery? As well as your thoughts are not My Thoughts and your way or your ways are not MINE!

What a privilege to observe the Truth concerning the mystery as it is so explicitly depicted, for I did reveal it! Now the Will of GOD must be done through the Prayer Jesus taught humanity to pray! It was a preparatory preparation for the Will of GOD to be done:

'Let THY Kingdom come and THY Will be done on earth!'

To make that declaration for the Kingdom of GOD to come forth into expression you are obliged to say consciously and subconsciously,

'Not my will but THY Will be done!'

Then it is fulfilled in your hearing! The preparation has been made for the coming of the Kingdom of GOD and for the Reign of CHRIST in His Own Will and not man's! Therefore, I AM Reigning Now! It is wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL! IT IS WONDERFUL!


The Conviction Inspired GOD

Such a Belief, such a Conviction actually gave Inspiration to GOD HIMSELF, by the spiritual awakening of the Spirit of the Understanding of CHRIST in Simon, to build the Church! Now aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, FATHER Dear!" we responded.)

I have been so long time with you, and you, My Following, have been declaring My Deity for lo, these many years, and canst not thou believe what I say now when it is so explicitly made plain in the Actuated Words of Expression, in the fulfillment of the Scripture of that which was predicted in the Actuated Words of Expression in Jesus? Jesus came through a Virgin -- an Immaculate Birth, according to the Christian Religion -- and why is it humanity cannot understand just as explicitly that it was essential for ME to search the universe over to find a Virgin Bride that would be PURE and SPOTLESS as a LAMB, that could be offered up to the Church for the Redemption of the World, as I have established the Church upon that FOUNDATION of what Simon had said in his conviction, that

'THOU art the CHRIST!'

When it returns back to ME psychologically and supernaturally, without My Personal consideration or premeditation, can it not be plainly understood by men that it is to bring the Church unto CHRIST, and the Church as depicted, as a Spotless Virgin Bride, to Whom the CHRIST was married?

There were many years after the fall of Adam before I could prepare an individual body with the Holiness of the Spirit of the Almighty and the Virtue of His Majesty, to be a Sacrifice for the Redemption of the World -- but according to the Christian Religion, it was as it is! So it was. It was FULFILLED! And if that could be true, why is it this cannot be true equivalently the same? When they can see it is connected, after the experience of thousands and thousands and even MILLIONS recognizing My Deity among this people and following, declaring WHO I AM! When I fulfilled that for which I came, those things should not be strange to them. It is wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL!


FATHER'S Meekness

"In the meekness of a Lamb", I heard you say, "FATHER came!" "In the likeness of a Lamb", I heard you say, "FATHER was slain", that through this Sacrifice of the Lamb and by HE being Slain, would the world be Redeemed! So it is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

If I had not known I would know NOW that the Scripture is being fulfilled! The Bride, the Lamb's Wife, would be Spotless and Innocent and Spotlessly and Innocently Depicted in the illustrated parable, in the Fulfillment of the Mystery of the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus! It is Fulfilled! It is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! It is something to consider!

I cannot stress it too vividly! It is Fulfilled Explicitly! All should be able to see it, even as Simon said it:

'I say that THOU Art The CHRIST!'

Or in the language of the Church -- the Church said it wanted to marry ME (speaking in a personal pronoun) if you please, as a Spotless Bride that came, expressing the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus, and said, "i want to marry YOU!" And the question came back from the CHRIST and said, "Why?" And the pronounced words sounded in My Hearing, "Because you are GOD!" That was why and that is why it is as it is -- real, real, real! I thank you.

Some minds or some thoughts may desire to have the Words of GOD refuted and disputed. That which has been said and done by one, if it is said and done by the Spirit of GOD or verified by HIM it cannot be refuted and it cannot be disputed for it is Incorruptible and undefiled. Even though it, the person or persons, cease to function or change apparently, the word stands firm forever!


The Word of GOD Stands Firm

That is where I said in the Scripture,

'The Word of GOD stands firm forever!'

Even though the heaven and the earth pass away, the Word and the Promise and the declaration of our assertion still remain true, matters not what anybody may say or do! If the person or persons who say it, or have said it and did it, would pass away -- the spirit of them would pass, as so to speak, in the heavens, and the body of them refuse to act, and try to refute and dispute --

'the Word of our GOD stands firm forever,'

over and above the heaven's and the earth's passing! That is why I say so often, with or without a person, or with or without any body, even MY Own Body, that which I have endeavored I will do, for "the Word of our GOD stands firm!" even though the heaven and the earth shall pass away, but "the Word of god stands firm forever!" it cannot be refuted, neither can it be disputed, and it cannot pass away until everything is fulfilled that I have said!

Even the Body of GOD -- even HIS Own Body cannot prohibit or prevent or retard HIS Work and HIS Mission nor HIS advances in that which HE has declared! If the whole of the visible world, of the visibilization of GOD's creation, would pass -- the word stands firm -- because GOD's word is true, matters not what may be said or matters not what you may do! It is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
