"The Prayer of Jesus Is Made a Living Reality as a Declaration as He Declared It.
'I Pray That They May Be One Even as We Are One.'"

"I Came to Show Them How to Have One Family Indivisible . . . For I AM Going to Have My Way."

Our FATHER'S Sermon at the Holy Communion Table, Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc. of New York,
155th Street and Eighth Avenue, Sunday, May 5, 1946 A.D.F.D., Time -- 10:20 P.M.

Early Holy Communion Banquet
Held in the Auditorium of The Rockland Palace, N.Y.C.

Early Holy Communion Banquet Held in the Auditoriun of The Rockland Palace, N.Y.C.

Truly does the composition say by inspiration:

'A nation is rising, rich in the Virtues of Americanism re-birthed by GOD!
Rich in Honesty, Brotherhood and Peace; where a man is a man and not a color, creed or race!
A people charged with the current of Justice, that has changed the tide of governmental affairs.
A Righteous Nation under FATHER DIVINE is Rising, electrifying the Atmosphere!'

This is the day of fulfillment of that timely composition, for the Virtues of GOD have created a Righteous people in the land, a people above reproach. Therefore, as FATHER has said on many occasions:

'As with an individual, so with a nation, and as with a nation, so with all nations combined,'

this nation was above reproach, and was exalted by the Grace of GOD; thus, it was saved from total destruction by the enemy nations during the late terrible inhuman war, and not one bomb was dropped on this soil.

Read this profound Sermon given by our great Dean of the Universe, for truly HE is a Shelter in the Time of a Storm.

Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S glorious Sermon:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again. There I sit and here you stand. In the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose I AM with you as the children of men so that you might be even as I AM.

By this we shall all see and realize, the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose will solve your every problem. Realize it was predestined to be. GOD predestined that there should be no division among the people. Through My Condescension in Love and Mercy and tender Compassion I Came; the most insignificant of all the earth among you I Came, but yet emphasizing and advocating something that transcends the fondest imaginations of men; but as it transcends both it and them, I AM bringing into outer expression your fondest imaginations -- into materialization; in other words in outer expression on the material plane that which you called for in the Prayer you prayed from your infancy asking GOD to let the Kingdom come and the Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, you said.

But oh, how glorious it is to realize, the Government of the Kingdom of GOD, which is the Kingdom, cometh not with observation, but as these thoughts are reincarnated in you and with them you are impregnated, you find a growing something within constructively throwing off adverse and undesirable conditions as you recognize it to be a Supernatural Presence.

By this, you can see the Prayer of Jesus is made a living reality as a declaration as He declared it:

'I pray that they may be One even as We are One.'

We can see really in reality, things were done in parables, speaking of the Spirit and the reality of the Church for which I Came to save! Now aren't you glad! GOD spoke in parables and it is written:

'These things are done in parables.'

Aren't you glad! I AM parably speaking in the actuated words as well as in the words of My Vocabulary.


Resurrection in CHRIST

God Spoke in Parables! Aren't you glad! Therefore, I have long since declared:

'As with an individual, so with a nation; and as with a nation, so with all nations combined.'

For as in Adam all die, so shall in JESUS CHRIST, your GOD -- I mean, right here now all are made alive! Believe ME or believe ME not, it is immaterial to ME! That is what I AM talking about. As by the sins of one man, death entered into the land, and death from thence passed upon all men, but by one man's Righteousness, all men are saved! I will reiterate:

'As with an individual, so with a nation; and as with a nation, so with all nations combined.'

As with one man, so with all under that caliber. In other words, in that category, in that state of consciousness -- all will be made subject to that same undesirable expression, for

'Evil communications corrupt good morals; ill qualities are catching as well as diseases.'

By the Righteousness of GOD as exemplified among you all, you have been free from lacks, wants and limitations! You have been free from undesirable conditions by the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence and by your religious convictions. Through your belief and by one and thence to all, this hemisphere was spared and was not destroyed! Aren't you glad! Did Jesus not say:

'As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.'

These thoughts cannot be stressed too vividly! As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man! If in Lot's time, there could have been only ten just persons -- but we may say fifty, as in the beginning of the request, Abraham questioned GOD, would HE spare the City if HE could find fifty just persons in that City?

By this, we learn if there would have been just men there, the City would have been spared, would it not? Both the City of Sodom and the City of Gomorrah. If there could have been only forty there, the Cities would have been spared and would not have been destroyed. If there would have been only twenty there; it would have been spared and would not have been destroyed.


Righteousness Created by FATHER

A good many of you realize, some ten or fifteen years ago, some of you a much longer time past than that, when you became Righteous minded, (aren't you glad!) and began throwing your blackjacks and your pistols and guns in the Hudson River and in the Harlem River, because I made you righteous minded! Aren't you glad! A good many were on the relief and getting the doles through concealment and through false pretenses because of unrighteousness. I made you righteous and I Stopped you from doing those things!

Thousands and thousands were committing adultery and all sorts of debauchery. I stopped you from doing those things! I stopped you from stealing! I stopped you from killing! I stopped you from robbing your fellowman! I said, Come unto ME all that are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! I caused you to rest from those kind of terrorizing spirits -- terrorizing spirits of violence, of dishonesty, of incompetence and all sorts of wickedness and unrighteousness, and caused you to cease to commit vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind! You did not know what I was doing it for. Aren't you glad! I was doing it to get a Righteous People in the land! I was doing it to make a Righteous People in the land, and at the time of destruction, the destroying Angel would see the Life! The destroying Angel would see the Life of GOD, as being termed the Blood, and He would pass over you! Aren't you glad!

This is the Life of GOD Personified, Materialized and Universalized! The destroying Angel passed over this country because there were millions made Righteous! I made them Righteous! I made the people Godly! Aren't you glad! By the Righteousness of One, many are Redeemed! This is not a supposition! I know whereof I speak and have spoken and I have a Right to Speak! I have the Authority! Aren't you glad! I made a Righteous People in this land! I stopped them from stealing! I stopped them from killing! I stopped them from committing adultery! Aren't you glad! Those that were not married, I stopped them from living as man and wife; but that was not all! I see as I saw, it was essential to stop them that were married from living as man and wife because they may commit adultery. I told them, "Thou shalt not commit adultery!" Aren't you glad! I stopped millions from doing it because they wanted to Live Righteous! They wanted to Live Soberly! They wanted to Live Godly!


An Indivisible Family

By this I made a Righteous People in the land, the kind of People that is One Nation, Indivisible! Not a whole lot of different nations, but the kind of People that is One Race, Indivisible! The kind of People that is One Family, Indivisible! I said, the kind of People that is One Family, Indivisible! This is the kind of Family we have! Aren't you glad! One Family, Indivisible!

Your Pledge of Allegiance to your Flag was a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a True Democracy! I heard you sing:

'We are One Nation, Indivisible,'

but I showed you how to be One Family, Indivisible! I have carried you all through the days of depression, through the days of extreme emergency, through lacks, wants and limitations and I made you One Family with ME! I said,

'Come and dine, the Master calleth, come and dine, HE calls for you!'

Aren't you glad! For this cause and by this, I have made a Righteous People in the land, and this Righteous People caused this Nation to be spared on this side of the ocean! This is not a supposition! This is the Recognition and the Realization of Millions! They are living Soberly, Righteously and Godly in this present world for which your Bible had long since called for, that they might live Soberly, Righteously and Godly! And I have declared it was a Psalmic Prediction of David and he declared it:

'Righteousness and Judgment are the Habitation of His Throne!'


A Man as a Hiding Place

A King shall reign in Righteousness and these Princes and Princesses shall Rule in Judgment! A man shall be as an hiding place, and here it appears to be! Aren't you glad! I have raised up a Righteous People in the land! It cannot be disputed! It is a matter of impossibility for it to be refuted, for it is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and it carries with itself the Omnilucence of GOD as it was in the beginning of the Creation when GOD as Spirit and Spirit alone moved out and said, "Let there be Light, and there was Light," because GOD Himself is Omnilucent! I will light up your dark pathways, for one declared by interpretation:

'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD, and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among men.'

One good thing is said very plain -- for you to behold: "And we beheld His Glory as that of the only begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth," thence,

'Of all of His fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace.'

I AM making a Righteous People in the land because you beheld the fullness of His Grace and of His Truth and you, by visualization through concentration, reproduced it! It made you Righteous! Can you not see the Mystery? Not only so, but he also declared:

'In Him was Life, and that Life is the Light of men that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.'


At this Name Every Knee Must Bow

Now aren't you glad! I know you are glad. In HIM was Life and that Life was the Light of men that lighteth every man! Truly, GOD is Omnilucent! I AM Lighting every man now that cometh into the world! Matters not how great you may be, all of the dignitaries and statesmen of all of our civilization, at this Name, FATHER DIVINE, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that I AM here on earth! I AM making a Righteous People in the land, and I spared not only this City, but I spared the whole United States of America with My Righteousness I had Reincarnated, Transmitted and Reproduced and Re-Personified!

Look over this vast audience! Look at the Righteousness Exemplified! Look at the Righteousness Materialized, and you can see it has been Universalized, for it is in other lands even as here! That is what it is all about!

Now take these thoughts to consideration and realize, because the Destroying Angel could see the Life exemplified on this side, as being termed the Blood of CHRIST -- by interpretation it is the Blood -- they passed over this Nation, this Country, this Hemisphere!

I AM going on! Then as I said, I kept telling them to have One Nation, Indivisible! Do away with races, creeds and colors, as they call them; but they would not do it effectively. I Came to show them how to have One Family, Indivisible! I got in your Family! Aren't you glad! And I AM going to have My Way! Now you have declared, you are Adopted into the Royal Family, the Family that is His Family; and of His Increase and of His Peace, there shall be no End! That is what it is all about!


Lighting Man's Dark Path

Live in this recognition. Lo, I will be with you, for I Came to light up your dark pathway, even from the within; for in Him was Life and that Life is the Light of men that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. You feel good, too! By this we shall have a Righteous Government and at this Name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that GOD Himself is here on earth!

Now as I said, We shall have One Family, Indivisible! You, the personages of this Truth, whomsoever you may be that will imbibe it, you are the personnel of this Movement and the Family in particular as heirs and joint heirs together with CHRIST, coming into possession of your rightful inheritance! Aren't you glad!

Now, as we leave this table, and it will be from now on, those who are worthy as they have been doing for several years, will have the privilege to come and sit at the Banquet Table like this if they do not have but fifteen cents; and if they do not have a dime, I did say, "Come and buy wine and milk without money and without price." Those who have NONE, come and dine! Aren't you glad! I AM fulfilling the Scripture. That is why there is a-plenty at all times!

In your FATHER'S House there is Joy, Joy, Joy! Why? Because there is a- plenty and to spare, for the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof!

I need not say more. I said, I made you One Family! Now those of you who do not want to be in this Family, you can get out of it and stay! This is the Sample and the Example! You are at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the fullness thereof! And as with an individual, so with a nation; and CHRIST Truly I AM, Married to the Church Triumphant! I thank you. I thank you. I thank you.
