"Not a True Follower of Mine Would Buy Anything on Credit, Neither on the Installment Plan.

"GOD Is As Real, Tangible and Practical As You Are."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message Whilst at the Holy Communion Table, Peace Center and Nazareth Missions'
Home for the Aged, Church and Training School, 13-17 W. 128th Street, New York City,
Sunday Evening, January 3, 1943 A.D.F.D., Time -- 6:25 P.M.

The Co-operative enterprises
in New York City

The Co-operative enterprises in New York City.

After the testimony of one in the audience, relating some of her past experiences, which tended to lower the vibrations of the meeting, the Rosebuds brought forth this beautiful composition, after which FATHER arose to speak as follows.


We are Americans, real, true Americans, we are proud to bear the name!
We are the youth of the Peace Mission Movement,
We have made our righteous stand;
We represent young America,
We're taught what's right, we're shown what's right by GOD, FATHER DIVINE.
We neither beg, neither borrow nor solicit;
We're independent we can proudly claim.
We are real, true Americans,
We're proud to bear the name!
No competition, just unification; no division, for that is strife.
No segregation or discrimination shall be practiced in our life.
This is the Spirit of the Constitution, this is the Spirit of the Bill of Rights,
This is the Spirit of My Mind, says FATHER, the Spirit that is just and right.
We are Americans, real, true Americans,
We are proud to bear the name.

(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber and FATHER'S Message follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! That little composition just sung, but long since composed as a declaration of this organization, especially the youth groups,

'. . . real, true Americans, for we are proud to bear the name.'

No soliciting, borrowing and begging; much less, that of stealing, for not a true follower of Mine would buy anything on credit, neither on the installment plan and they would not do any soliciting, begging nor borrowing. That will let you see and know, when you become to be a follower of Mine you are transformed and made new creatures characteristically. Even if you had been a habitual drunkard, a gambler, a murderer or any other ill famed person, you are transformed by the renewing of your mind, to express a citizenry second to none as a sample and as an example for all mankind.

Therefore, the little composition was an inspirationic declaration for those through whom the message came and to those of you who here personally remain. But it is a prediction of the future; for those who will be true Americans, they will live our Constitution according to My inspirationic declaration. Oh, how glorious it is to live in such a recognition where GOD has actually carried millions and millions through the process of cleansing, a real mental and spiritual cleansing process whereby they are cleansed and transformed by the renewing of their minds and take on the spirit and the nature of your Savior transmitted; by this they become to be new creatures.

Why, they are transformed so completely by the renewing of the mind, they do not even look physically as they did at one time. Aren't you glad! That is why men and mankind should stop and consider, it takes more than mortal to carry out this proposition. Aren't you glad! Man cannot transform the children of men and change them although there are many reform schools among the children of men; but we have the transforming School of Salvation to transform all creation and to re-create and regenerate them and make them new creatures by the Presence of your great Creator. Aren't you glad! By this I shall change all creation, for they shall be transformed by the renewing of their mind and this whole nation under GOD, of Whom you say I AM, shall have a new birth of freedom of which Abraham Lincoln mentioned. I came to give them this new birth of freedom. I free you from superstition, such as the last speaker mentioned. A true follower of Mine -- not a true follower of Mine believes in such superstition and foolishness. Aren't you glad! Because I have lifted them from all superstition handed down through tradition prenataled in them hereditively, and developed through co- operation and participation with others who are superstitious. We are not even superstitious of the "other place" and heaven. Aren't you glad!

We know that there is no place up above all of the planets to go to. Aren't you glad! I have lifted humanity, millions and millions above such superstitiousness. Now they are living in the recognition and the realization of this advanced spiritual civilization that transcends all humanity's education. That is why they cannot understand it; because GOD is Omniscient and yet Omnipresent and expressing Himself universally, therefore, they cannot understand it. I need not say more, but I thought to drop these few thoughts for your consideration.

If you live in orthodoxy, superstition and according to tradition, you would still remain economic and mental and spiritual slaves to superstition, even to barbarism and other "isms" that are created and inspired and devised by the superstitious. But oh, how glorious it is to realize GOD is as real as you are! GOD is as natural as you are. You try to make GOD something mythological and mystical, but GOD is as real, tangible and practical as you are. That is what it is all about. We shall have a practical, tangibilated, materialized kingdom on the earth plane; for I did say,

'Let dry land appear.'

GOD is the Creator of the tangibilated earth and the tangibilator of that which HE created. Aren't you glad! Therefore, GOD shall be as natural and as practical and as profitable and as beneficial to humanity from a personal point of view as any other person can be or do. I need not say more. I have not done anything yet to what I will do; what I have done on the earth plane is but a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a fraction of a percent of what I will do universally for humanity, even as what I have done for you here jurisdictionally and under My domain.

How glorious it will be when the universe at large shall have transcended all tradition, all orthodoxy, and all of the mortal versions and have gone into the infinitude of GOD'S recognition and yet of GOD'S Actual Presence! How glorious it will be when all mankind shall have transcended depressions, limitations, soliciting, borrowing and begging, and all mankind shall be just as these under the sound of My Voice, free from every sense of the dependency, and express a true independence, even as these My followers do.

Not a true follower of Mine is on the relief rolls and never will be. Aren't you glad! Not a true follower of Mine would take up a collection in a mass meeting, if there were fifty thousand in the gathering. That is what I AM talking about! Because GOD is independent and HE causes His independence to be expressed because of His supremacy. You cannot express supremacy saving by the Spirit and the Nature of the Supreme One, and you cannot express independently saving as you live according to the Spirit of the Supreme One by expressing Supremacy as it is represented by the Infinite. Aren't you glad!

I need not say more; I know I AM a threat to every living creature; I know I AM a threat to all society; I know I AM a threat to all profession, labor and trade; I know I AM a threat to every walk of life, because I express perfection in the lives of the children of men. And I bring this quality of perfection to fruition for them and give them the mastery over circumstances and conditions and over all superstition, limitations and depressions. I thank you.
