"We Demand A Freedom that Will Give Equality to Each and All of the Nations.

"We Cannot Have a Real Emancipation until Every Man Is Absolutely Free!" --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Holy Communion Table, Divine Peace Mission Hotel,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Monday, August 10th, 1942 A.D.F.D., Time -- 6:05 P.M.

Civil Defense Demonstration

Civil Defense Demonstration

This glorious Message given on this occasion by our LORD and Savior sheds a new light on the life and affairs of humanity and their relationship to government.

Oh, how glorious it is to realize that the Dean of the Universe, FATHER DIVINE, has come as the Great Peacemaker to unite the world of legality and politics together with the world of religion in one great bond of matrimony, in order that they, together as one, might form the basis or foundation for the Utopian Government of future Young America! Truly we know that the legal and political world is incomplete without the world of religion, and vice versa. And so as they go forth hand in hand under the Guidance and Leadership of GOD Himself, we shall have a United People under One Nation, having One Flag, One Language and One Tongue! Wars, chaos and confusion will then be a thing of the past, for Harmonization and Unification under this Perfect Form of Government under GOD, will bring about Lasting Peace and Salvation for all!

Gracious King, how we thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Peace and Calm, Life and Liberty and Love for all -- in your hearts and in your minds; in your nerves, your sinews, your limbs and your bones and in each and every particle part of your bodily form. At this instance, I arise. It is a privilege to realize as we sit and stand in this Holy Communion Auditorium, we realize by which and through which and what we stand.

We realize there were, as there are, two great documents religiously of salvation. Documents that should be stressed in our memory and deeply considered in all consideration; realizing these two great documents of which I AM now speaking religiously, are the foundation of all of our religious society; the foundation through which men are made better by adhering to the Truth of these two great documents as mentioned from time to time by illustration, by quotation and inspirationally by declaration.

But I wish to stress your thoughts and your mind upon this great mystery of the two great religious documents of which I AM now speaking; and how by them, CHRIST established the great Christian Movement, and all of the religions under the Christian world recognize these two great documents. The two great documents through which mankind will eventually receive their real emancipation, the documents of Salvation and the hope of the redemption of all humanity, while yet, there are many refused to imbibe the spirit and the meaning of these two great documents, but merely emphasized, or spoke of them from time to time documentally and theoretically; but the time has truly come, the imbibation and the reincarnation of the spirit and the meaning of these two great documents I present and shall re-present and re-present until all government universally shall have their real emancipation through and by these two great documents.


Emancipation in the "Atlantic Charter"

While listening to the address of Professor Thorlakson, I thought of how marvelous it is to realize, that which you observe, seek and consider and have found, must be applicable to your fellowman with which you are concerned, or else yours of which you have found will eventually profit you nothing. Our different nations of civilization seek their real emancipation and independence, and as was mentioned by the Professor in his illustration, there were many points of a great emancipation mentioned by our Chief Executive and the Chief Executive of Great Britain in drafting the Charter for the nations, of the sea and of the land -- how they spoke of such a freedom!

They demanded, and we still demand a freedom that will give equality to each and all of the nations, and our Chief Executive has quite often mentioned, "We cannot have a real emancipation until every man is absolutely free!" Truly it is verified! We seek an emancipation and an independence such as this one we have, and we shall use this emancipation and these two great documents of salvation to emancipate all civilization, and all living creatures who are not emancipated, we shall give them their real emancipation and their real independence in salvation in this Grace wherein we stand, for if we have our independence and do not give it to others, by our own independence we are bound.

What would the Charter amount to as drafted by our Chief Executive and the Chief Executive of Great Britain if this Charter did not reach out to others to emancipate them, while we are emancipated and seeking a continued emancipation of both the sea and the land? I seek not the help of men, neither seek I the help of man, but by these two great documents of salvation, plus our national documents of our nation, we shall emancipate all who are emancipatable and shall cause them to have that New Birth of Freedom under GOD of which Abraham Lincoln was speaking. Aren't you glad!


Others Shall Have Their Real Emancipation

Therefore, I bring once again to the world, the two great documents of religion for our present civilization and the two great documents of this nation for our real emancipation, and I use the spirit and the meaning of both it and them to emancipate others and give them their real emancipation such as we have as individuals. Aren't you glad!

Hence, the two great religious documents of which I AM now speaking, the Old and the New Testament of our Christian religion, and the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution and its Amendments, these four great Documents shall emancipate the people and we shall imbibe the Spirit and the meaning of both it and them, and bring all of the Spirit and the meaning of all four of these great documents to fruition and emancipate the people and give them their real emancipation for which they have been seeking.

They may have not yet received their emancipation, and a good many of them have not received their real independence of which they have sought diligently, but they sought it erroneously, for they did not seek it in the spirit of sincerity and unselfishly according to the Plan and Purpose of our two great documents religiously established as a Sample and an Example for all humanity. A good many did not seek this independence and this freedom according to the Gospel, neither sought they it scripturally, therefore, they sought it erroneously and failed to find their real emancipation, for they forgot GOD! Aren't you glad!


I Came to Give All Civilization Their Real Emancipation

But through this two great documents of religion, by our Declaration of Independence and by our Constitution, I came to give all civilization their real emancipation who have not been emancipated and who do not express, nor have a real independence. I came to give it through the Declaration of Independence and through the Constitution and its Amendments by the Spirit and the Meaning of our two great Religious Documents, the New and the Old Testament!

I take these two great documents to bring an emancipation to all of the un- emancipated and bring independence to all of those who are un-independent and who have not been emancipated from the slavery and brutality of the savages; not only in Europe, Asia and Africa, but in all parts of the lands and countries where savagery has access over the masses in the act of oppression. Aren't you glad!

I shall give them their real emancipation; every one of them who will let ME and I will use the four great documents as the emancipator through which they will be emancipated, the New and the Old Testament. The two great documents religiously given and our two great political, or national documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and its Amendments and the Spirit and the meaning of both it and them shall be developed and brought to fruition within the hearts and lives of My adherents and they shall be emancipated once and forever and shall be no longer mistreated and oppressed by the savages and by the oppressors. I came to give them a real emancipation, and with the spirit of equilibrium politically, legally and nationally, I shall establish the spirit of Righteousness and shall weigh everything accurately on the Scale of Justice by the spirit of equity, and all shall be emancipated and shall recognize the Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence Who will judge the people with equity. Tell them I said it!

I have long since declared, with or without a Bodily Form, that for which I came, I will carry out My Plan and My Purpose to the letter over and above every opposition and every criticism, for the Mouth of GOD has declared it! GOD Himself can do it, for HE is Omnipotent!


"It Is not by Power, nor by Might"

As I quite often say, and I must repeat the same for your consideration, "It is not by power, nor by might," says the LORD, "but by My Spirit." This declaration and declarational prediction was made for the purpose of convincing the coming generation that GOD would accomplish all of His endeavors with or without a Body, therefore, the Body could not retard His advances even if the Body would cease to function in Person.

GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and will carry out His Plan and Purpose to the letter; therefore, with the Spirit, GOD created His Creation and HE brought into existence, the visibilatable things of His Creation so that humanity might understand the Mystery of His Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence and have faith in HIM to know that there is naught can prevent HIM.

The two great documents of religion of this present advanced civilization -- by these two great documents, I will convert the people spiritually and will demonstrate the Leadership spiritually for all humanity by the two great documents of salvation that were given to this present generation religiously; and I shall prove to the world conclusively, our two American documents politically shall be the documents of salvation for all civilization politically and legally, for the Mouth of GOD has declared it! As the Declaration of Independence was inspired by the Spirit of GOD through and by the two great documents I mentioned, of religion, it came through the conscious religious conviction of the Pilgrim Fathers who sought religious liberty in these borders.


Emancipation by Living the Teaching

I Came to carry it out to the letter and to Perfection with all who will let ME and accept of My Message; those who have been and are under-privileged and non- privileged! I will emancipate them if they will live exactly according to My Teaching by the Constitution and its Amendments and by the Declaration of Independence, and legally and politically, I resurrect and inspire men with the Spirit and the Meaning of these two great documents!

By this we shall have a Righteous Government according to our Righteous Government Platform that I have drafted as an amendment to our legal documents as our Constitution and its Amendments and the Declaration of Independence. Yet, our Righteous Government Platform as a new righteous document which I add thereto a righteous amendment and revise the Platform as necessary to be done when time and seasons and circumstances and conditions warrant it. When these times, conditions and circumstances and seasons warrant it, making amendments to our Righteous Government Platform, and when it warrants improving it and revising certain sections of it, when it warrants it, we will do it!

But up until now, there are so many who have not come up to the requirements of our Righteous Government Platform and the Constitution and its Amendments with the Declaration of Independence; but I have imbibed the Spirit of Righteousness into the hearts and lives of millions and I have actually given them their real emancipation, therefore, they are individuals declaring their individual independence. They are expressing their individual independence even as our country declared her independence as a nation, therefore, the Spirit and the meaning of these great documents being brought to fruition, the very Spirit and the meaning of the documents as lawgivers to the children of men, will be reproduced and brought to fruition within until they become to be the personification of all Righteousness and of all of our righteous endeavors according to the two religious documents of Salvation, according to the true desires by inspiration within the hearts and lives of the children of men to do right and be better and to execute Righteousness, Truth and Justice.


Civilization Hangs on the Four Great Documents

I need not say more, but I thought to convey that thought for your consideration, the mystery of the two great religious documents on which our civilization hangs. Our civilization hangs on the two great documents religiously and civilization will not survive the crises that are to come unless the people of this Democracy and others are willing to live according to our Constitution and its Amendments and according to the Declaration of Independence.

Now the hope of this civilization surviving and overcoming the crises and opposition, it lies in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and in the obedience to our great documents that I mentioned, religious documents and our great political documents as the prediction of our religious conversion and the prediction of our religious civilization. But it is distinctly observed and understood, yea, it is known that one cannot free himself effectively so long as he binds another and will not give another his emancipation, for

'That which a man soweth, he must also reap.'

Hence, our emancipation and our independence stand assured forever so long as we consider and respect the civil liberties and the emancipation and independence of others, and endorse the act of Righteousness in giving others their real emancipation. By this, we have ours to continue. I know these are hard sayings, but yet, they are true.

How can I be an oppressor and an expresser of savagery and brutality and expect to overcome the savages? How can I expect to overcome the oppressors if I Am an oppressor of those who are beneath ME? That which is good for ME, is good for others. So freely as I receive, so freely will I give to others. I came to give all of the oppressed people and the suppressed and non-privileged and those who do not have a free access for expression according to our Declaration of Independence, I came to give them a free access for expression by giving them their real emancipation. Aren't you glad!

By this, we shall have a Righteous Government second to none where all civilization must look up to for their real emancipation by giving and demonstrating the emancipation of others by the spirit of emancipation and by the spirit of independence such as we are expressing. This is the Mystery of the Democracy that is standing for a Righteous Government that shall be the Wayshower to all independence and all freedom such as President Roosevelt and Churchill mentioned in drafting the Charter of the seas to give all nations their real freedom!

I heartily endorse such a version, and we demand the active expression of it, and the enactment of it among all people so that the prejudices and barriers of mortality may not handicap, nor abridge the rights of the under-privileged, whether they be of an under-privileged nation, language, tongue or people, or just a single person in question who we contact daily. I thank you.
