"I Have Given Birth to Young America, the Future Government . . ."

"A Real Christian Government Where GOD Will Be at the Head." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table, Divine Peace Mission Hotel 764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.,
Monday Eve. and Tuesday Morning September 8th and 9th, 1941 A.D.F.D., Time -- 2:7 A.M.

Divine Peace Mission Hotel
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA

Divine Peace Mission Hotel,l764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA

Through every moment of the day infinite blessings are flowing so abundantly for all who are under the jurisdiction of the Name of FATHER DIVINE! Let those who will scoff, and the unbelievers doubt, but the reality of such an abundance of everything that is good at the disposal of all who count his Holy Name, cannot be minimized. Blessings are flowing so free -- houses, land, food, raiment, transportation, everything imaginable for comfort and convenience -- we cannot enumerate them.

FATHER is no respecter of persons. These blessings are for everyone who will prove the LORD according to Malachi 3:10. In this beautiful Message is revealed the mystery for every individual as well as every government. Seek ye the LORD while yet there is time, for the day is at hand, FATHER DIVINE alone shall reign! His Spirit and His Mind alone have access over all nations, and to Harmonize with Him will eliminate every sense of fear of invasion; for in FATHER DIVINE only is Eternal Peace for men as well as nations!

We thank THEE, Eternal King of Glory!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Message follows the song HE sang just before rising to speak.)


"No end to the blessings, Blessings flowing free, Blessings flowing free;
No end to the blessings, Blessings flowing free for all.

"One million blessings, Blessings flowing free, Blessings flowing free;
One million blessings, Blessings flowing free for all!'

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! That little composition long since composed but thought upon from time to time and back into consideration in your mind for the blessings are unlimited; even though it may sound fanatical, radical and ignorant to speak so much of the blessings bestowed upon this people; but if you stop and consider I AM the actual Fulfiller, then you would be glad to hear ME speak of it; for you know I know whereof I speak.

We do not merely look out on the mathematical field to ten thousand blessings in His Hands to satisfy the poor, as they did in the days of yore, but we look out on the mathematical field where there are millions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are billions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are trillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are quadrillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are quintillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are sextillions of blessings; every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are septillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are octillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are duodecillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more; there are decillions of blessings, every day they are multiplied by as many more. Hence, it runs into septi-decillions of blessings and we multiply them by septi-decillions times septi-decillions times septi-decillions, far beyond the human imagination, more than that of the of the analyzation of those of the mathematicians.

But oh, how glorious it is even with such, and visualizing and looking out into the field of limitless blessings! According to the prophecy of Malachi, the minor prophet, we find there are blessings unlimited going into Infinitude by enumeration, but more in reality mathematically speaking when they are actually fulfilled in our daily experiences.


Bringing into Expression by the Spoken Word

When we look out into the mathematical field as far as we can see, the Voice that spoke to Abraham and said:

'As far out in the land as you can see can be for your inheritance,'

as a practical psychologist, though classed as an impractical dreamer, I bring into outer expression by affirmation and by declaration and by confirmation that of which I have spoken into consideration.

Just look over this vast audience here, there and everywhere, especially where I AM Personally -- the limitless and Infinite blessings bestowed upon the children - - not only of food, of comfort and of material convenience but the Spirit of My Presence that comforteth them, that cares for them in the day of trouble and will save them from accident, from disappointment and from failure; will give them the Victory over any and every disaster; for the Mouth of GOD has declared it!

As I said, this is not a supposition. Malachi did declare if you would try ME and see, I would open the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing you would not have room to receive it -- of everything that is a blessing, whatsoever is a blessing to you; whatsoever is necessary for you, whatsoever may be helpful for you; for GOD is your Help in every need and GOD does your every hunger feed.

Being your Help in every need and does your every hunger feed, GOD by nature is Infinite and is Food for those who would eat; carries the characteristics and the nature of the Creator. They are increased, the blessings of the food and shelter, of raiments, of comfort and other conveniences. They are increased and multiplied!


By the Grace of GOD

You know, it sounds foolish to those who are case hardened and see things materially altogether, but if you would stop and consider, you could be as that man in the gutter with no place to sleep and not anything to eat. Truly might have John Wesley said, "But for the grace of GOD, there lies John Wesley." The same Spirit is speaking today. But for the grace of GOD, millions and millions would be in lacks, wants and limitations and would be lying in the gutters of the streets in the slums.

Then I say, you have a right to give praise for the blessings bestowed and observe the mystery of what GOD has done; for unless GOD intervenes, the same crises or equivalently the same that are in the European countries today, to this country will surely come. I have endeavored to intervene. If the people of this country, and especially the executives, will but accept of the Message and take warning and UNITE together, it is written -- in other words it is a common saying -- not only written with pen and ink but it is a common saying established in the hearts and lives and minds of the children of men:

'Where there is UNION there is strength.'

It is a common saying, it is commonly known, and they have tried to get the people to UNITE together for their respective organizations, for their respective political parties, for their respective denominations of religion and other organizations as denominated; but here is Something that is bringing all of the denominations together, all of the organizations together, all of the alleged races and creeds and colors together; and causing them to LOVE one another better voluntarily and at times unwillingly; but they are obliged to say, "I love YOU." Aren't you glad?


Unite for Unity and Tranquility

Then I say, it is a privilege to be here to unite, UNITE, UNITE, and bring an abolition to that which brings about misery, disappointment and failure, and establish that which brings about Unity and Tranquility. Such a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD! Whether you are conscious of GOD'S Presence or not, if you are not hostile and antagonistic to it, GOD Himself will prove it. Aren't you glad?

'I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out such blessings you will not have room to receive them.'

You all have heard the blessings, that which you call asking the blessings, asking blessings before you eat your meal. A good many of you no doubt have been spanked for refusing to ask your blessings on the food.

'LORD make us truly thankful for the blessings we are about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies and for the benefit of our souls.'

This prayer I have heard of old, but I have answered it in this modern day.


Millions Are Truly Thankful

It did not say, "LORD, make me say I am truly thankful," but it said, ". . . make me truly thankful for the blessing," in other words,

'LORD, make us truly thankful for the blessings we are about to receive.'

I have made millions and millions truly thankful who have become the Personification of Thanksgiving and speak it automatically and unthoughtfully when they are speaking or when you are speaking -- "I thank YOU, FATHER!" Aren't you glad?

Truly might have one said:

'Speaking in Psalms and in hymns and in spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to GOD.'
'In everything give thanks, for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you.'

But you could not be thankful until I made you thankful. I impregnated your minds with the spirit of Thanksgiving and praise, and unthoughtfully the children of men will say, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" Aren't you glad?

By this I have made you truly thankful for the blessings you are about to receive. When a man says he will give you this, that or the other, you say unthoughtfully at times, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" I made you thankful, unconsciously thankful! I did not only make you say, "I THANK YOU," but I made you truly thankful! I contagionized your atmosphere, your mind, your whole mentality; I filled it and thrilled it with Thanksgiving so until you say, "I THANK YOU, FATHER," unthoughtfully. Aren't you glad?


Answering Our Childhood Prayer

It is a privilege! I have made you truly thankful! I have made you that which you prayed for from the early days of yore:

'LORD, make us truly thankful for the blessings we are about to receive.'

If you are a Baptist or if you are a Methodist, it matters not; I have made you thankful! That for which you have been taught to pray, I have answered your prayers and fulfilled your desires and the desires of others as they pray for you. Aren't you glad?

Hence, the nations of the earth consciously or unconsciously are becoming to be truly thankful and when this is fulfilled universally it will be a true saying, in everything you will be giving thanks, "for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you."

People did not use to give thanks in everything, did they? I have to put thanks in them! I have to contagionize the atmosphere with thanks and Thanksgiving and cause them to imbibe it and speak it unthoughtfully or else they will not be truly thankful. Aren't you glad?

'LORD, make us truly thankful for the blessings we are about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies and for the benefit of our souls.'
Now you are truly thankful; hence, in all things you will give thanks, for this

is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you. And by this giving thanks, the barred doors will be unlocked to you; and doors that are in opposition will be closed that they might not have a chance for existence to rise in opposition; for what said CHRIST concerning the mystery?

'Upon this rock I shall build My Church, and the very gates of the 'other place' (you know what it reads) shall not prevail against it.'


The Doors of the "Other Place

I locked the doors of "the other place", better known as the gates, and they shall not prevail against this TRUTH; for this Truth shall stand and withstand and overcome every mind that is in opposition to the fundamentals for which I stand!

Oh, how glorious it is to live in the Actual Presence of GOD! For, as the light dispels darkness and causes it to leave its place of habitation, so will the Presence of GOD dispel the "other fellow" and give him no longer an existence in your temple. When GOD comes in it, it is just as it is with the LIGHT concerning the darkness. GOD comes in and drives out the "other fellow", not by scolding him but just by appearing. Aren't you glad?

You all know in the large audiences wheresoever I AM we do not have to try to drive the "other fellow" out of the audiences -- just be there and let your light shine! Darkness will go and the "other fellow" too, with all of his confusion among you.

I often think of that thought I just mentioned -- light dispelling darkness and the light does not have to do anything to darkness to get it away. All light must needs do is to shine, and as it shines in the darkness, the darkness cannot understand it. It gets out of the way because it cannot understand it. So these thoughts are well worth considering.


Joy that Passeth Human Understanding

But on this side where there is life and love and GOD, undesirable conditions and hate and prejudice and bigotry must go, and the JOY that passeth all human understanding will flow like a river among you. Sickness and diseases, afflictions, ailments of every kind; disappointment, as I have said, and all misunderstanding will go once and forever, if you keep GOD uppermost in consciousness; and whether you know where you are going or not, you need not worry about going to heaven or going to "the other place" so long as you do that which is just and right, and your spirit and your mind are satisfied -- I mean your conscience is clear -- when you know you have not wronged your fellowman. When you know you have lived soberly, righteously and godly; when you know you are truthful, honest and competent; when you know you are walking in all of the light I have given, you need not worry about "the other place" nor heaven; for wheresoever you are, there and then to you it is heaven.

I need not say more. I just thought to drop a few thoughts for consideration to let you see and know it is written:

'I will open you the window of heaven and pour you out such a blessing you will not have room to receive it.'

Why live in lacks, wants and limitations? Why not unite, UNITE together according to the plan and purpose of the Almighty, and live soberly, righteously and godly and be truthful in every endeavor? GOD Himself will be with you, even if you do not know ME; and Peace and Pleasure will follow you, for David declared on one occasion:

'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall abide in the House of the LORD forever.'

The same is applicable to you and to each and everyone who will accept of the Message and live thus accordingly and abide in the Spirit of My Actual Presence by living soberly, righteously and godly.


The Meaning of Brotherly Love

To the City of Brotherly Love once again I appear among you to show you what it really means to express brotherly love! It means to express Christian Love, the Brotherhood of Man and the Recognition of the FATHERHOOD of GOD. When this is expressed among you, you will be even as we are in words, in deeds and in actions, and you will be Unified so effectively together it will not be enough powers of the earth as those in opposition to our Democracy to sever you. Why? Because of every so-called race, so-called creed and so-called color, all will be United together; because you will bring an end to the slightest reflection of segregation; because you will Unite together and will impregnate the spirit of Equality in the hearts and lives of the people and at your private diner tables you will impregnate equality. Your little children and those with whom you are concerned will be impregnated with the spirit of Equilibrium and the spirit of Equality and Brotherhood, and express Fellowship with all mankind! Oh, how glorious it will be!

When this is done, you will no longer fear outsiders as invaders, neither will you fear insiders as Fifth Columnists; for GOD Himself will be in evidence even as HE is in these, or this experience. Can you not see the mystery?

My followers, wheresoever they are assembled together, they do not fear outsiders as invaders, neither insiders as Fifth Columnists; but they realize the Unity of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose, and they Unite capital and labor together! Can you not see the significance of this Work and Mission? They Unite capital and labor together! They Unite business and trade together! They bring about coalition in every activity and in all of the respective organizations they Unite together for One Common Purpose and express our Democracy by being democratic in reality and living soberly, righteously and godly and unselfishly!


I Have Given Birth to Young America

I need not say more! I hope these thoughts bring about coalition in every activity and in all of the executives of this democracy, and let them see and know I have given birth to Young America! If they will not adhere to My Message -- I say, I have given birth to Young America! -- the future government -- if this government fails (aren't you glad?), a Real Christian Government where GOD will be at the Head; a government that Abraham Lincoln spoke of that shall not perish from the earth; a government where all shall be United as One Family, yea, as One Man at Jerusalem! That is what I AM talking about! For there and then Abraham Lincoln's prayer will be fulfilled: We will have a New Birth of Freedom under GOD! Aren't you glad?

If they do not wish this government to perish from the earth, unite, unite, UNITE Constitutionally and according to the Bill of Rights, and stand as One Man at Jerusalem, and Unite the Three Americas and bring an abolition to all segregation and discrimination; but Enact Coalition in every cabinet, and Unite the Nation of this Democracy together of every so-called race, creed and color; for unless they do, I have declared the government that is now will fail and fall as other governments have fallen!

I have given birth to New America, to Young America, by the Spirit of the Constitution and its Amendments, by the Declaration of Independence and by My Righteous Government Platform! I have impregnated Equality in the hearts and lives of the future government, and I have actually established it effectively that it might be Re- enacted in this Democracy, if this democracy will stand or will stay together and we will not fall to pieces! I thank you.
