"It has been the experience of thousands of school students that have been deprived of graduation
because of some minor school violation.

"If your I.Q. is perfect and you are intelligent mentally and spiritually and alert otherwise,
for the physical handicaps you should not be barred from a profession according to your respective inclination
and according to your vocation wherewith you have been called."

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table 1887-89 Madison Avenue, New York City
Monday, April 7, 1941 A.D.F.D., Time -- 6:15 P.M.



The very significant Message which FATHER gave at One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Street, Sunday Evening, April the fifth, was proofread, and some of the thoughts contained therein stirred our LORD'S Zeal. Thus it was that we were abundantly blessed to hear another equally important Message directly from the Holy Lips of Our Redeemer. Read these Words of Spirit and Life for they should be taken cognizance of by one and all.

Thank YOU, Sweet LORD!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again, there I sit and stand, extending the right hand of fellowship to each and every man that they might be partakers of that and of this of which I AM representing and be even as I AM. For this cause I have arisen, for this purpose I stand. In the act of My Duty towards the children of men I came.

Whilst sitting and listening to that Message as proofread, one thought for consideration stressfully to be considered: I hope all of you and other representatives of both the schools and the pupil will take cognizance of My Message and write in, telling ME any set-back you have received in the past and at the present. If you received any set-back in your school career for any means whatsoever, tell ME what was the set-back and why you were prohibited from passing the time you should have passed.

It has been the experience of thousands of school students that have been deprived of graduation because of some minor school violation. It is worse than physically beating the child; such has been condemned by our advanced civilization. It would be better to spank the child or switch the child and give the child his proper advances than to rob him out of a future career as a professional or a business man according to his respective vocation.

To prohibit the child from making his or her advances you are not only robbing the child as an individual but you are robbing the posterity of the nation and lowering the morale of our future civilization if it will continue, by the thought of some prejudiced representative trying to get revenge through and by punishing the child by setting him back for a year or two, depriving the child no doubt of a future profession according to his ambition and vocation. The child would be even, say, punished for some minor violation. Give the child the chance to make his respective advances! The physical deficiency would not prohibit his professional ability if the child is ambitious and determined to perfect himself mentally and spiritually. Can you not see the mystery? Thousands of children of today are without a profession. They have been set back in school and could not even pass because of some minor violation or lack of physical perfection when that could haven been overcome with an advanced education intellectually, scientifically and otherwise. That which you are qualified to make your advances on you should make your respective advances; for your physical deficiency or imperfection you should not be retarded in your advances intellectually. If you take for consideration one of the great men of our present civilization as a leader of all nations apparently, President Roosevelt, physically deficient or imperfect, yet as a statesman and as a politician, yea, as a representative of a democracy he holds the honor of an office such as none have yet held!

Your physical ability should not prohibit you from making your respective mental and spiritual advances. If your I.Q. is perfect and you are intelligent mentally and spiritually and alert otherwise, for the physical handicaps you should not be barred from a profession according to your respective inclination and according to your vocation wherewith you have been called. Take these thoughts to consideration and we would like to tabulate all of those of the present classes of the grammar schools, of the colleges and even of the seminaries who have had a set-back of the past as well as the present, and give us first-hand information, just your experience and the experiences of others, and we will take cognizance of it, and there may be an issue coming forth for your consideration for the benefit and protection of the coming generation! I thank you.

PEACE EVERYONE! Before I take My seat I would like to say, it is My Custom to grant each and all visiting friends and others as well as my immediate Followers, the privilege to speak by moving volitionally as I do if they care to; whilst on the other hand it is not My Desire to cause anyone to speak by a slight reflection of coercion, for

'when coercion begins the Work of GOD that moment ends.'

For this cause I desire to refrain from even giving an introduction without the request of the person or persons, because I desire to have each and every person to only express according to his or her highest intuition. For this cause I AM not especially giving any introduction or calling any person or persons to speak because I desire the Spirit to have free access for expression and I do not want the slightest reflection of coercion exercised in these audiences on My Part. Hence, all are welcome to speak as you are, My Followers. I thank you.

(As it seemed that none of our visiting friends felt moved to speak at this instance, FATHER dismissed the Banquet Table until the next time.)

Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!
