"I Came to Make the Crooked Ways Straight for You.

"My Fanatical Belief, My Radical Belief and the Conviction of Millions Have Brought into
Outer Expression the Spiritual and -- Mental Conception."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given at the Banquet Table 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City Wednesday Eve. and Thursday Morning
July 26-27, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time -- 2:30 A.M.



Immediately after the proof reading of the Message which FATHER had given that same afternoon, Wednesday, July the twenty-sixth, FATHER arose and delivered this dynamic and masterful Message, which links up in thought with the one just proof read.

It is a wonderful thing to see how FATHER is gradually showing the world at large, how far they really were from the Truth and from the Reality of GOD when, instead of doing as the Bible instructs,

'First seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you",

they were, and still are, grabbing after greedy gain and the material inheritance firstly and in so doing losing the very Hope of Redemption; for the thing which they are seeking and striving so hard to obtain, is limited, but the knowledge of GOD'S Actual Presence and the conscious recognition of it brings forth all good and desirable blessings in unlimited number and when you are firmly established in this consciousness, naught will be able to hurt nor harm you, for you will have become the Sons of the Almighty GOD!

Sweet Redeemer, we thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite for everyone, with Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness, the prediction of it being made by the Constitution of this great country and those of us who are the actual fulfillers of mental and spiritual things that have been spoken of theoretically and established -- we shall bring all good things into actuality!

It is a privilege to realize, that which you have visualized has been actually materialized. Whatsoever you are in expression, in words, deeds or actions, you are whatsoever you are by the Spirit of what you are. It is a privilege to realize, whatsoever I AM and whatsoever I have done and AM doing, I AM both it and them by the Spirit of the thing I AM representing. I know all desire to produce and bring into expression that which we are daily experiencing, that which we have experienced and that which we are enjoying. If it is only from an economic point of view, if it is only from a social point of view, if it is only from a progressive point of view, all mankind desires to have this of which we are actually enjoying. But how can it come forth into expression? It cometh not by the will of man nor by the will of the blood neither by the will of the flesh but of GOD!

Then I say, economically, socially, financially and from every other angle of expression, whatsoever I AM expressing, I AM expressing it by My religious conviction. By the Spirit of that of which I AM, I have produced and brought into outer expression that of which you observe, of which is the actual outward expression of that mortal and spiritual conception.

Then I say, you could not be successful without this Spirit, without this Understanding, without this same Belief as I AM exemplifying and manifesting to the children of men. It would be a matter of impossibility for men to be successful as I AM. It would be a matter of impossibility to express or manifest the unfoldment of this mystery such as I AM expressing economically, socially, intellectually or otherwise, saving by My Spirit, the Spirit of the True and the Living GOD! Can you not see the mystery? Then if you desire to be like ME, you must be like ME by My Spirit, by imbibing My Spirit and reincarnating My Spirit and by recognizing My Spirit and reproducing My Spirit and by personifying My Spirit -- then and only then will you have the victory economically, socially and physically and otherwise, for that of which we are in person, it was once a mental concept; it is now a Living Reality made flesh.

If you are victorious physically, it is through this mental and spiritual conception, for your physical outward expression is but a mental and spiritual conception. The thing you are expressing physically, it is the outward expression of your mental and spiritual conception. Then I say, you must consider and realize, if you desire to express any of these desirable expressions such as I AM manifesting, you must do it not by power nor by might but by My Spirit.

My fanatical belief, My radical belief and the conviction of millions have brought into outer expression the spiritual -- mental and spiritual conception and it has been tangibilated, materialized and now it is realized universally that it is a living reality, but it could not have been saving by the mental and the spiritual conception such as come through your religious conviction.

Mortality shall not have one percent of a fraction of a grain of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of glory and honor that are due GOD! Aren't you glad? It is evidently known the masses would not be standing around ME as they are, saving by My Spirit, the unadulterated Spirit of GOD. Is it not written:

'In the days of My Power My People shall be willing.'

We overcome depressions, lacks and wants and limitations by rising mentally and spiritually by this great Spiritual Awakening over and above the oppressions of the oppressors, over and above all the suppressions of those who try to suppress you to prohibit you from expression. The Spirit of MY Presence gives you vim and vent that you might overcome all the suppressions of the suppressors and overcome all the oppressions of the oppressors and overcome all depressions that may arise against you.

The Master of Omnipotency, in Spirit and Mind, by a religious and a spiritual conviction, is ruling masterly with the Spirit of His Supremacy, proving His Majesty, Dominion and Authority because of His Spirit and because of His Own Spiritual Conviction! Aren't you glad?

Then I say, it is a privilege to realize GOD is in your midst! I cannot stress this thought too vividly, for without this recognition you could not have the victory. The victory comes through and by the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence. Through this recognition you have the victory over undesirable conditions. Your vibrations are lifted; you transcend limitations, even gravitation! Your mind and Spirit go into infinitude, the end you cannot vision; for from limitations and adverse and undesirable conditions you are lifted and this is accomplished by My Spirit.

Is it not plain to be seen, it is by the fanaticalness and the radicalness of My Spirit that I have accomplished great things? Then I say, you had just as well to accept of My Spirit! My Spirit shall Reign SUPREME as LORD of Lords and as KING of Kings! Aren't you glad? The Spirit is the Real Thing! The material side economically, socially and otherwise merely means the shadow of the Substance. If you seek merely the shadow you may miss the Substance, but if you seek diligently the Substance you will get the shadow!

I have often stressed and declared in a parable: if you are a living person and walk in the light you will have a shadow. The material things of life economically, socially and otherwise on the material plane for your personal or physical existence, for your comfort and others' comfort and convenience, those things are merely the shadow of the Reality; but if you walk in the Light as I AM in the Light, you will have the shadow of the Reality, for here is My shadow. (FATHER points to everything surrounding Him.) Food and raiments, comfort and convenience, all things for the sustenance of your body and for your comfort otherwise -- those things are merely the shadow of the Reality. You will have the shadow if you get the Reality and walk in the Light of this Love as I go! Aren't you glad?

This is not a question; it is not a supposition. I AM not asking anyone to tell ME anything about it, for I have it! Walk in the light and you will have a shadow; but if you walk in the shade or in darkness you will not have a shadow -- that is what I AM talking about. Can you not see My Shadow here, because it is a bright light behind ME. So it is in the mystery of this of which I AM now speaking. If you get the Spirit and the reality of Life's Existence, the very shadow of the Life Substance will be in evidence with you and you will have a-plenty of it!

I have as much shadow as I AM in the Light! But if you do not walk in the light you will not have a shadow. That is why men are in lacks, wants and limitations economically, socially, intellectually and otherwise materially, because they are not walking in the Light of the Almighty and because they do not have the Reality. They are missing the Substance and trying to get the shadow. When they get it they are in all darkness. The evening shades appear and when you get the shadow you are in the evening shade, you are in the darkness of night. Unless you get the Reality you will be in darkness and you will have a-plenty of shadow, but it will profit you nothing! That is the mystery!

That is what is the matter with this people: they have the shadow or seek the shadow and they seek it diligently and they get a-plenty of shadow; they do not get the Light, therefore they are walking in darkness and they have a-plenty of shadow but they do not even say, have the shadow of the Reality, for all is dark!

'But if you walk in the Light",

said one,

'even as He is the Light, the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, HIS Son, cleanses you from all unrighteousness!'

I could have said through the Apostle,

'will save you from all lacks, wants and limitations if you walk in the Light I have given,'

but parably speaking in the language of the Apostle I said through him according to the foregoing quotation. Then I say, it is something to consider. Walk in the light and you will have a shadow. You can see the shadow of your hand. It is not strange but you never stopped to think of it. That is why you do not think of it, because you have it with you wheresoever you are in the light, unless your attention is especially called to it. But when bringing out the parable concerning the mystery and when I call your attention to it, then you can see it; you can see there is a reality to bring about an exact likeness of you, your shadow. You must bring it about by walking in the Light I have given.

I know there thousands of people who desire to have My Success and My Prosperity. They desire to have Health and Happiness; they desire to have Vigor and Courage; they desire to have the Fountain of Youth! All these of which are at My Disposal or at My Service, they desire to have them, but yet they are not willing to accept the Way of Life according to My Teaching, by living Evangelically, by accepting of My Spirit and recognizing My Ever Presence. But just to the extreme reverse of that of which your versions have been, though they may be many, the extreme reverse of those versions is the Only Hope of your Redemption!

Where you have thought, as I have said in that Message, according to one of Christendom's original compositions as composed by one according to one's religious conviction:

'Which way has my Redeemer gone? HE is the Lily of the Valley, HE is the Bright and Morning Star; tell me, which way has my Redeemer gone?'

You have perverted into a belief to consider GOD is not with you, when JESUS the CHRIST, the Son of GOD, declared according to His Word, "Lo! I Am with you alway!" And according to the Mission of CHRIST your Redeemer, remember,

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us!'

The very Mission of CHRIST on earth among men was to bring into the conscious recognition and the realization of them, GOD'S Actual Presence as a Redeemer and as a Savior as well as being the great Creator!

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us!'

Because My Followers are conscious of GOD'S Presence you can see dark clouds of doubts and fears dispelling. You can see undesirable conditions eradicated. You can see GOD established in consciousness where the "other fellow" had his sway in the consciousness of the children of men! But since they are conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence, now they no longer live in such a consideration as they once lived in, conscious that GOD was far away from them.

But oh, how glorious it is to realize this privilege; especially those of you who did not have a privilege, those of you who have been under-privileged! I AM glad I AM, or have been classed as one among the under-privileged and as the non-privileged and as the downtrodden, that I might establish the PRESENCE of the ALMIGHTY and establish this Privilege among all nations!

By the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence, this is the privilege for each and every one of you. I cannot stress this thought too vividly, for I said it and have been saying it and saying it over and over again, "Oh, it is a privilege to be in the Actual Presence of GOD!" Can you not see it was the prediction of your emancipation from your underprivileged and from your non-privilegedness that you might have a privilege, a liberty and an access in this Grace wherein I stand and be emancipated completely from every barrier and from every limitation, for I came to make the crooked ways straight for you!

'And HE shall make the crooked ways straight and the rough ways plain!'

I AM making the crooked way straight in society for you; that is exactly what I AM doing. When I shall have paved out the way and made the crooked straight in society for you, you will have a free access and the passage will be free without any toll! Aren't you glad?

It is a common phrase quite often used in the world of phraseology in Churchanity:

'The old other fellow' is mad and I am glad; he missed that soul he thought he had!'

Then I say, aren't you glad? I AM bringing all nations, all languages, all tongues and all people together and the people of the earth shall be no longer peoples but there shall be One People, One Language, One Speech and there shall be One Flag!

In the beginning of the creation they were all of One Language and of One Speech, were they not? I shall bring you back into that place of consciousness where they shall all be of One Language and of One Speech, and when this is done there shall be One Race and that is that only one, the one that I see, the Human Race as it may be termed firstly; and when all mortality shall have been purged from your system and you shall have taken on the CHRIST Characteristics you will be New Creatures in reality and belong to the Angelic Race! I thank you!

PEACE EVERYONE! I did not desire to bore you; I do not desire to annoy you. I desire to refrain from speaking as a Person and give our visiting friends a chance to speak. Move volitionally as I do, if you care to. If you do not care to move volitionally as I do, give us your names, addresses and professions; we will gladly introduce you according to custom. I thank you.

(As none of the visitors apparently felt moved to speak, FATHER again spoke as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! As not any of our visiting friends have arisen to speak I thought to say, this will be a marvelous world if you do or if you do not move according to My Word when GOD Alone shall have Dominion universally just as over this little sample and example, the little leaven that leaveneth the whole lump! Aren't you glad? Would you not rather have the Spirit of My Presence with or without a Person, to have all of the government in control, both of this and all other countries from this angle of expression, by bringing all nations, languages, tongues and peoples together in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and PEACE on earth as I have it be established Universally, where there will be A-Full and A-Plenty for one and for all? There will not be any more depressions and GOD Himself will lift you from lacks, from wants and limitations and will give you your real emancipation over the breadline, over the welfare, over begging, soliciting and stealing and establish your going in the land of the living with this true Spirit of Independence.

As this country declared her independence as a nation, so shall it be individually, so shall it be severally, so shall it be collectively and so shall it be nationally, not only theoretically or documentally but it shall be an Independence that shall be established within you even as My Followers have it -- a real International Independence expanding from the within to the without in all they say and in all they do, by expressing this Independence, by being Independent from every angle expressible. I thank you.

PEACE EVERYONE! As I afore said, we do not wish to bore you. Those who wish to go, you are welcome to do so, but as one day is as a thousand years with GOD and a thousand years as one day, and as a woman has somewhat a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the Ways of GOD, of GOD'S Acts and of GOD'S Doings --

'Man works from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done!
Man wants but a little here below as he is not hard to please, but
a woman, GOD bless her little soul, she wants everything she sees!'

Now I would like to say the Characteristics of GOD in expression, GOD'S Work is never done. We are proof reading for the press whilst we are eating. We are proof reading for the purpose of releasing these releases to the press. All of this of which you have heard tonight is being proof read with many other Lectures, are supposed to be in this week's issue of The New Day. For this cause, to fill the issue complete -- completely whichever, it is that I decided to have the last Lecture proofread to get it to the press between this and noon today, so it can be out tonight, Thursday night, if possible. Then the public shall have all of the Lectures, maybe twelve or fifteen Lectures, and they may read them for themselves if they wish to; but we desire to have them proofread whilst at the table to give you all a chance to be here and allow ME to be in your presence a little longer. I thank you.
