"We Should Be as True to Our Political and Diplomatic Convictions as to Our Religious Convictions
"The Spirit and the Meaning of the Constitution and its Amendments."

Our FATHER'S Message at the Righteous Government Meeting Artist Colony, Milton-on-the-Hudson,
The Promised Land, New York, Saturday, June 10, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:45 P.M.

Milton on the Hudson,
The Promised Land, N.Y.

 Milton on the Hudson,The Promised Land, N.Y.

For four wonderful days the children of the Promised Land had enjoyed the great blessing of having the Personal Body of GOD as their Divine Host and Guest, and with the coming of the New York Parade on Sunday following, it was hardly to be expected that HE would condescend to remain for their regular weekly Righteous Government Meeting the preceding evening. However, GOD plans and fulfills His Desires unhindered by the mortal versions of men, and although there was not the usual number of following, due to the above mentioned demonstration, FATHER Personally attended the meeting and to the delight of one and all, including a gathering of visitors, acted as the Chairman throughout the entire evening, blessing the assembly and all humanity with Words of Wisdom such as no man could bestow.

With Divine foresight, FATHER opened his Lecture or Lectures, in other words, since there were many supreme Messages given on this occasion, by a very comprehensive synopsis of the aim and beliefs of the Peace Mission Movement, and this first and instructive Talk gave the strangers in the audience a complete idea of what it was all about, if they did not know before. Dwelling upon the essentialness of imbibing the spirit and the meaning of the Constitution of the United States and also the Declaration of Independence, not only nationally but individually, within each and every American citizen, FATHER revealed the true light of understanding of these great documents as HE has been stressing to all mankind for the past few years, giving all the real interpretation for the establishment of our constitutional Government.

For Your Marvelous and Infinite Mind, so lovingly unfolded to Your Children, Blessed Savior, we truly thank YOU!

(The foregoing comment comes from the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! I would just like to say to our visiting friends, and even the coworkers and immediate representatives, those of you who care to, may come up on the stage if you wish and make yourselves at home. Feel free to speak, move volitionally if you wish to; if you do not care to move volitionally as we do, give us your names, addresses and professions, we will gladly introduce you according to custom. I thank you.

(A number of the immediate staff were already on the rostrum and as none of the visitors or representatives responded to FATHER'S invitation, FATHER arose again to speak as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! At this instance I would just like to say, this happens to be just a little assembly of our Righteous Government representatives gathered for the purpose of stressing Righteous Government according to our political conviction, and we desire our visiting friends to feel free to speak on politics, business, profession, labor or trade. Speak on any subject you care to speak on, as well as those of our representatives of the Peace Mission Movement.

I would just like to say whilst I AM on My feet, as there are not very many here, whilst we are waiting a little while, no doubt the majority of them are down in the city tonight or going down, as we are planning to have a demonstration tomorrow -- a general outdoor demonstration in the form of a parade, and in the evening a mass meeting at the Rockland Palace, the old Manhattan Casino. Therefore, we are expecting but a limited few out here tonight.


A Land Set Apart

All those who may be remaining here in the Promised Land in Ulster County, better known to Myself and My Followers as the Promised Land -- a land that has been set apart for a Righteous Government to be put forth into expression according to My Conviction, and for others to observe that which we are endeavoring by living righteously, soberly and godly in this present world; by teaching in the act of our Righteous Government, the Righteousness of GOD as exemplified by the prophets, the sages and the seers; by bringing into outer expression, righteousness and by living it and expressing it in our daily activities; by living soberly, as I afore said, righteously and godly in this present world; by teaching, advocating and demonstrating the perfection of modesty, morality and other desirable virtues as developed and brought to fruition by CHRIST your Savior.

By so doing, according to our conviction, we are bringing about a Righteous Government in expression in accord with the Constitution and its Amendments. By living according to the Constitution and its Amendments spiritually, mentally and personally, we are real American citizens, according to My Religious and political conviction. By this we endeavor to bring about the citizenry of others by establishing it and demonstrating it so vividly in the sight of these and others with whom we come in contact daily.

When this shall have been established in all our land and country, we shall have a Righteous Government according to My Conviction! My Followers are converted into and unto Righteousness, Truth and Justice according to our Righteous Government Platform, and according to the Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments, and according to the spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence.


Live Accordingly

We stress the significance of living exactly according to the Constitution and its Amendments, and according to the Declaration of Independence. We stress the significance and the great essential of bringing into actuality our Righteous Conviction in and under the Constitution of our great country by living and teaching and bringing to fruition within us the spirit and the meaning of the Constitution and its Amendments. By this we believe we can only be American citizens by so doing.

We do not believe that we can be real American citizens when we are not expressing our citizenry according to the Constitution and its Amendments and the spirit and the meaning of both it and them. But when we express our righteousness according to the Constitution and its Amendments and the spirit and the meaning of the same, we believe that we are the reproducers of the spirit and the nature of our country! Hence, we are the real representatives of our citizenry, according to My Conviction. For this cause My Followers the universe over are recognizing a government within a government, the spiritual government to be developed in the hearts and lives of the children of men by this great conversion, converting our characteristics, our nature and our disposition that we might produce and bring to fruition, the converted state of being as exemplified in Jesus in Righteousness, Truth and Justice politically.

By this we believe we will have a Righteous Government under which to live! For this cause I have drafted a Righteous Government Platform under the Constitution of our great country and according to the Constitution and its Amendments, and this Platform I have presented to all of the states of the Union and their respective representatives in Congress.


Converting the Public to the Platform

It has been read in the House of Representatives, and men have commented on it! A good many have drafted laws from the planks in My Righteous Government Platform, though they may not term it to be "the Divine Bill", but we believe, as we live this life and exemplify it vividly, and put it forth into expression in our daily activities, we shall eventually unfold the mystery so vividly to the general public and to all of the people with whom we come in contact until they will recognize a Supreme Life as exemplified by JESUS the CHRIST.

We also believe the Declaration of Independence was not merely a declaration made by the country as a nation, merely a document to be inscribed, in other words, inserted in our books of laws, but we believe that the very spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence should be brought to fruition within us, and every American citizen should express his citizenry by bringing to fruition the Declaration of Independence in himself individually.

Then and only then, according to My Conviction, are we real American citizens! I AM teaching My Followers the same! Hence, by so doing I have convinced all of those who are true Followers of Mine, the significance of being independent individually, by refusing to steal, borrow, beg or buy anything on the installment plan, but pay cash for all things and owe no man.

By this they can individually express their individual independence, even as the country declared her independence as a nation! According to our conviction, men cannot be real American citizens until they do express the spirit and the meaning of the Constitution and its Amendments, and the Declaration of Independence individually, even as the country expressed both it and them as a nation.

How glorious it will be when men learn to imbibe the very spirit and the nature of their country that they are representing, if they are representing a country politically or nationally!

I declare to the inhabitants of America, to be real Americans according to My Conviction, men must bring forth the very Spirit of Americanism to fruition within themselves individually even as we declare our citizenry by the Constitution of our country and its Amendments as a nation. For that which is good for an individual is good for a nation, and as with an individual, so with a nation, and as with a nation, so with an individual who is a subject of that nation with which he is connected. Can you not see the mystery?



Bills from the Platform

Then I say, from the Righteous Government Platform we mean to introduce bills, laws, and propose bills to be represented in Congress according to our Righteous Government Platform under the Constitution and its Amendments, and according to the spirit and the meaning of it!

How glorious it is to observe the mystery! By this, My Followers, being converted into and unto Righteousness, unto Truth and unto Justice, they are American citizens according to My Conviction, for they are converted unto it the same as men are converted in a great many of the different sectarian churches religiously. They are converted inspirationally in a good many of the sectarian churches religiously. They are actually inspired by the spirit of such an organization and of such a sect or religion, as it may be termed.

They imbibe the spirit and the nature and the characteristics of such a religion and they are moved volitionally and spontaneously, for they speak and act according to their religious conviction; and as with the religion, so with politics, according to My Version. We should be as true to our political conviction and to our diplomatic conviction as we should be to our religion, for each of these great expressions is a part of our daily lives and a part of our activities.

Hence, those of My Followers who are converted and live according to My Teaching religiously, they are converted to the Teaching and are brought into subjection to it politically and nationally and internationally. They believe that the very spirit of whatsoever you endorse or represent should be inculcated in you. You should imbibe the very spirit and the nature of that which you are representing and become to be partakers of the characteristics and the nature of that of which you are representing.

That is our conviction! Therefore, we believe in the Constitution and its Amendments religiously. We believe in the Declaration of Independence as a document under the Constitution and according to it. Therefore, we believe that each and every American citizen should imbibe the very spirit and the meaning and the nature and the characteristics of the Constitution and its Amendments, and the spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence, and express it individually even as one should express it nationally. Our country declared it and we should live it. Can you not see the mystery?



Transmitting the Best

For this cause I AM somewhat odd, it is true, for whatsoever I do, I believe in giving to the world the best I have in that I do, and produce and bring to fruition the best that I AM revealing; not only bringing it to fruition, but transmitting it to others that they might be partakers of it, and become to be unified together with ME in the likeness and the image of that of which I AM representing.

For this cause My Followers are adhering to My Version mentally, spiritually and politically and otherwise, because they believe I have lifted up standard and I have something that is well worth considering that cannot be criticized effectively by any of the critics!

Oh, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition, and to build upon such a foundation that cannot be shaken nor disturbed by criticism nor accusation. Aren't you glad? Then I say, as true representatives of our Righteous Government Movement, we give to our citizens and representatives of this vicinity our Righteous Government Platform and our Righteous Activities, and all of our endeavors politically as well as our endeavors and activities spiritually.

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition when you can produce something according to your own conviction! You are doing and giving the best you have and are not defrauding your fellowmen by giving them something that is inferior to that which they have. Aren't you glad?

I did not arise to say what I have said! I merely arose in the beginning to tell you about our Righteous Government Platform upon which, I believe, eventually all governments must build, and be re-founded upon this Platform commonly known as our Righteous Government Platform, which is according to the Constitution and its Amendments, and according to the Declaration of Independence



Telling What FATHER Is Doing for Mankind

The spirit and the meaning of both it and them are quickened in My Followers as they recognize such a document, and such a Platform that I have drafted from the hearts and lives of the Righteous. How glorious it is to live in such a recognition! By this, men of business, of profession, of labor and of trade daily are telling the people through the pages of "The New Day" by correspondence, of what I AM doing for all mankind!

This is not being done merely by the power of man, but by the Spirit, declares the LORD! How glorious it is to live in such a recognition, and how glorious it is to build upon such a Foundation, a Foundation that cannot be criticized if you are inspired by such a recognition and consciously convicted, and live it and express it according to your religious conviction.

In all things I believe men should express their religious conviction! In religion, in politics, in business, in profession, in labor and in trade, express your religious conviction and be religiously convicted; even if you are an atheist, be religiously convicted to that which you sincerely believe. Let that be the sincerity of your heart put forth into expression and be inspired by your belief, and quickened into it, that you might move volitionally according to your belief. That is what I AM speaking of!

Now you can have a religious political belief, or a religious conscious conviction nationally or politically, socially, intellectually or whatsoever you may be representing, be conscientious and speak and act with the spirit of sincerity. Be true to your conviction and GOD will be there even if it is not termed religion; the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence to you in it will be a Living Reality, for you are putting your heart, your soul and your mind in that which you are stressing.

By this from our Righteous Government Platform we have also drafted in "The New Day" a heading in other words, a topic of a certain routine of expression commonly known as "Righteousness Marches On!" Under "Righteousness Marches On" you will find in there letters from men of business, profession and of trade, telling you and telling the world what My Followers have done and what they are daily doing.


Righteousness Will Exalt A Nation

Only a limited few of these letters are published weekly under "Righteousness Marches On" in "The New Day", to let you see and others who may not know ME exactly, what is being done under our Righteous Government Platform, and under "Righteousness Marches On" you will see that it is telling you how Righteousness will exalt a nation, and showing you conclusively how sin is a reproach to any people.

This is a biblical quotation, yet it is a reality, for millions have experienced it and many are experiencing it now, for they are being exalted by Righteousness, and others who live in sin, they are being reproached by sin and debauchery. I thank you! I thank you!

PEACE EVERYONE! I would just like to say, under "Righteousness Marches On", as I afore said, letters of business, of profession, of labor and of trade, in other words, there are men of business, profession, labor and trade daily coming to ME telling ME what My Followers have done in the act of paying old bills they never intended to pay, bills such as had been outlawed, bills such as they would not have any right to pay legally. For they pay bills where they have been dispossessed some twenty years, thirty years, forty years or fifty years back, dispossessed, and put out in the streets when they did not have food to eat nor a place to stay.

By My Righteous Government Platform and this great conversion they are making right their wrongs and adjusting matters satisfactorily before GOD and man! I thank you!
