"Christ, in the Name Called Jesus in the Name of the Son Said,
'Take up the Fragments That Nothing Be Wasted!

"Use Your Energy, Mentality, Ambition and Profession And All of Your Activities
in a Constructive Way of Expression." ---FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at The Banquet Table 152-l60 West 126th Street, New York City Sunday and Monday,
January 8 AND 9, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 2:00 A.M.



This instructive and scientific Message gives to mankind in general, a slight sketch and a reflection of the reality of the great Work that FATHER DIVINE is accomplishing for the benefit of one and all. By the use of self-denial in a constructive way, millions of dollars that heretofore have been consumed destructively and unnecessarily, are being conserved and put to use unselfishly on a cooperative basis as taught by FATHER DIVINE. By this plan, millions and millions of people are able to build and buy homes for themselves as well as educate themselves intellectually, morally, socially and otherwise and yet have the means to buy food and clothing very comfortably because of the low prices which FATHER has introduced in this present dispensation. For this cause, many are becoming to be real American citizens, law-abiding and qualified in every way to register and vote as well as make laws, rules and regulations for the purpose of establishing Righteousness, Truth and Justice in this as well as in other countries. Is not this a sample and example well worth considering? For further information, read this Message and imbibe the constructive principle it sets forth!

(The following statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

Peace, everyone; good health, good will, and a good appetite, with life, love and liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all of you!. These and all other blessings to you I bring. I have spoken them into consideration; we shall materialize them as fast as we can! Now I would just like to say, we have visiting friends with us. I AM quite sure you all have heard just about enough of ME with that long (at this time the children shouted 'NO') ---- I started to say, with that long drawn-out Message as read.

For this cause, as you will find in the pages of the NEW DAY many lectures given by ME, hence it is not necessary for ME as a Person to say anything else. I will speak in actions and in deeds, for actions will tell you more distinctly and more plainly when they are spoken in the actual words of your understanding, something that is appealing, something that is desirable in the act of increasing and multiplying blessings for your comfort and for your convenience. I thank you.

As we have visiting friends with us I would be pleased to hear from any of them. If any of our visiting friends would like to have a word to say, those who are standing in the rear, and around and those who are nearer, those who are dining or have dined, you all are welcome to speak and move volitionally if you care to. If you do not care to move volitionally as we do, just permit us to introduce you according to custom and according to your respective profession. I thank you.

(At this juncture one of the secretaries introduced a Mr. Hall from England and also spoke for Mr. Hall, stating that he said that all over England they were talking about FATHER DIVINE and he came to get the real information for himself. There were many other visitors present, including a lady from the Knickerbocker Theatrical Company, but none of the others wished to have anything to say at this time. In order that all might benefit by their presence here on this evening, FATHER Arose once again to speak as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE: Whilst there is not anyone else speaking, I thought to call your attention to the fact of what MY Spirit is actually doing among the children of men as has been afore described in part. We have on record thousands of people, which is to say, believers and followers, who are paying up their old bills daily and weekly ----those who had never intended to pay such bills. They are paying them and they make ways and have means to meet those obligations. It may be hard at times to meet such obligations if you would enjoy all of the pleasures life demands in a mortal way; but with us those obligations become to be easy for us for we are not trying to enjoy what others would consider enjoying.

As was mentioned a little while ago, it has been declared by some that not less than one hundred and twenty thousand dollars yearly are lost from the followers by their refusing to buy cosmetics, in this vicinity, in Harlem! If one hundred and twenty-five or one hundred and forth thousand dollars yearly are saved by they refusing to buy cosmetics, in this vicinity, in Harlem! If one hundred and twenty-five or one hundred and forty thousand dollars yearly are saved by they refusing to buy cosmetics, then it must be about three times that much saved on liquor and about the same saved on the number racket ---about the same amount saved on cabarets and other ill-famed places!

All of this is saved by MY followers by causing those who are commercial traffickers, in other words, commercializing vice and crime, losing such, MY Followers are saving such. Can you not see the mystery? Not only MY immediate Followers as being termed MY Followers right here, but men are learning to walk in the Light I AM showing them; for what is the use to spend money foolishly when you have your family to care for?

If this be true according to the statement, why, it must be at least around two or three million dollars yearly. I AM causing MY Followers to save from commercial vice and crime! They can use thus in constructive work. They can pay their old bills. They can buy themselves homes and businesses on the cooperative basis. They can use that money, where they would spend into the hundreds and hundreds of dollars yearly for such in this vicinity, they can use it in a constructive way by organizing cooperative enterprises, non profit prices, that they might be beneficial to those of the consumers as well as to those of the merchants.

For this cause MY Work is going forth conquering and to conquer as never before!. No doubt there are more than three or four million dollars yearly, saved by MY Followers in New York City and State by refusing to commit vice and crime and indulge in other pleasures, such as cosmetics and intoxicating liquors, such as going to the movies and shows and theater and such like!. In this community alone, yea, they save three or four million dollars yearly by MY Presence in this community and they will utilize this money in the cooperative system. They must save up around three or four million dollars in this community yearly and put it into the co-operative enterprise, make themselves absolutely self-sustaining, independent and self-supporting, that is what they are doing! They are using this money in the act of buying business and business places, going into business and buying homes for themselves and other enterprises. They are working cooperatively and they refuse to spend money for any pleasures whatever so long as they owe another man a just debt!

But we mean to even save them more than that yearly! Three or four million dollars is a small amount in this community! I mean to save them much more than that in this community and in all communities! I cause them to use it constructively and prepare for themselves homes for the present and the future and business and profession and labor and qualify themselves intellectually, socially and otherwise that they might be real American citizens and express their real citizenry by being absolutely independent individually according to the Declaration of Independence by the Country.. That is what MY Followers are doing.

For this cause the nations of the earth are stirred, yet we are not leaving stone unturned, for MY Followers have returned to school; from one hundred and nine years and under! Aren't you glad! They will prove themselves workmen.

They will study from an intellectual point of view and will qualify themselves for registering and voting continually and become to be real able- bodied citizens to fill any position in the civil service code!

For this cause the nations of the earth are stirred. They are stirred!. I have not done anything yet to what I will do, for I shall turn and overturn and turn and overturn until I shall not leave one stone unturned!

As you see the sign here: 'Twenty million dollars saved the City of New York and State inside of six years!' This is saved the City by taking millions off of the Welfare! While taking them off of the Welfare, I AM not allowing them to go hungry! They live in splendor! They have a-full and a plenty! Aren't you glad! Such Banquets daily as had not been heard of before I came! Aren't you glad! One of the speakers said they live in the best homes in the State! They have some of the best homes in the State! Had they continued to run numbers ---keep up with the number racket and other rackets, they would not have had the money to purchase such property! Can you not see the mystery? But when they refused to indulge in any of them and use every penny and every ounce of energy constructively, they can build themselves up intellectually, socially, and morally and can lay a Foundation for others who will come after them.

Then I say we shall not be discouraged until we shall save this community, if they will allow ME to, at least five or six million dollars yearly and have them to invest it constructively in the cooperative system! As with this community, so with all other communities wheresoever I AM Represented, for where I AM Represented I will produce and bring into actuality a-full and a- plenty! I will use the surplus! Of what others would destroy or count or class as nothing, GOD from this angle of expression in HIS TRUE and FAITHFUL Followers, will use such and will benefit thereby and will cause others to become to be successful and prosperous by that of which they would be wasting!

CHRIST, in the Name called JESUS in the Name of the Son said,

"Take up the fragments that nothing be wasted!"

Today the fragments, that which would be wasted, which is such as MY Followers and others would spend for cosmetics and for other pleasures, through self-indulgence in the number racket and other gambling games, through vice and crime that they have committed and are committing, those who are doing those things, MY Followers are saving at least a few million dollars yearly right here in this community by so doing and they are ready and willing to use their money constructively for the up building of humanity and for moral betterment generally.

There are many things I could say along this line but I believe it has been enough said to stir up your pure minds. It is not necessary to say more, for you can consider if the public has saved one hundred and twenty or one hundred and forty thousand dollars yearly just for one item that is used, such as cosmetics, then all of the other indulgences such as the general public indulges in that are unnecessary, it would amount to millions! Many different things they use wastefully, things that are absolutely unnecessary, they could and they will save millions of dollars yearly and they will use these millions constructively continually even as MY Followers are doing yearly now!

What a privilege to live in such a recognition! NOT ONE AMERICAN CITIZEN SHOULD BE ON THE WELFARE! How can you be an American citizen in reality if you are not absolutely independent as the Country declared it? The Declaration of Independence as declared by the Country as a nation, should be your experience individually, for you should declare it individually and not only declare it but you should BE it! By this you will be a real American citizen!

Each one of MY Real Followers is --they all are REAL American citizens as far as independence is concerned! How can one expect to express and produce and bring to fruition the Spirit of Supremacy unless he or she can or will express their independence firstly? When you express your individual independence you can bring into your Spirit and into your nature the Spirit of Supremacy for it is the Spirit of the Supreme One brought to fruition within, of which will make you the expression of supremacy regardless to your nationality!

You are made supreme, Beloved Ones, by producing the Spirit of independence first and declaring it in words, deeds and actions, by refusing to indulge in slothfulness or lack or wants or limitations. When you do this you are expressing independence and telling others by actions, for actions speak louder than words. Aren't you glad!

All of the people of the earth universally can become to be absolutely independent if they will use a little common judgment ---refuse to indulge in anything that will use their energy, mentally and their ambition destructively. If they learn to use their energy, mentally, ambition and profession constructively, they will conserve that which would be sapped out by the destructive actions of that which is constructive. That which is constructive can be destroyed by the destructive use of that which is constructive.

Then I say, use your energy, mentally, ambition and profession and all of your activities in a constructive way of expression. Your energy and ambition, gifts or talents will not be destructive to you. These thoughts are well worth considering. By living exactly according to MY Teaching the Spirit of MY Presence can and will be with you and I will give you victory where you have been a failure!

This may sound a little radical, but they are facts and figures too stout to be denied; for before I spoke the word, why, it had been verified and you can see and know definitely by what you see in these surroundings, GOD is Independence from every angle expressible as a Sample and as an Example for others; therefore copy after this fashion I have shown you. I thank you.
