"With A Righteous Mind You Will Have A Righteous Judgment, and With A Righteous Judgment
You Will Have the Foundation of A Righteous Government."--- FATHER DIVINE

"Unto Us a Child Is Born, Unto Us a Son Is Given, and the Government Shall Be upon His Shoulder, and He Shall Be Called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace." --- Bible

Our FATHER'S Message at the Righteous Government Forum 468-470 Broad Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Thursday, May 12, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 11:30 P.M.

Gods Administration - Poster

Righteous Government Forum night at the Bridgeport, Connecticut Extension, Thursday, May 12th, found large numbers arriving throughout the evening from New York City and elsewhere, to join those of Connecticut. FATHER had been present Personally since the previous day, and His Presence, as always, was the Magnet that drew the masses irresistibly to HIM.

Among those who spoke at the Meeting were Mr. Ross of Bridgeport, who spoke of his observations in the newspaper field, of the detrimental effect on many newspapers opposing FATHER. Dr. Broadman, who was also present from New York, spoke of the forthcoming pamphlet describing FATHER'S Work, and read a number of letters from non-followers, enthusiastically commenting FATHER'S Activities.

(The foregoing statements come from the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are, the same as I have been, although apparently I AM a little more seen this evening than I have been at places when I will not allow Myself to be revealed. It is a privilege to realize, that which has been spoken in the composition is a living reality. It has long since been verified by ME; if you keep on smiling the world will smile with you.

Smiling is not the only attribute of expression that will attract, and has something for attraction. If you keep on rejoicing, the world will rejoice with you. Oppositions may arise from time to time, and may attempt to hinder you and throw you off of your course completely, but if you are persistent in your ambition and determined in your resolve, and be not weary of well doing, in due season you will reap if you faint not.

For this cause I stand as a Sample, if I must say it Myself, that you might copy after that which I have exemplified so far. Over and above every opposition, through trials and through seeming tribulations, the Spirit of My Presence has always been victorious wheresoever I would allow it to be. If you will keep on smiling; smiling in the time of trials and tribulations; smiling in the time of oppositions and criticism; smiling in the time of seeming failure at the hope of the future of being successful -- how glorious it is to know, even those expressions that are commonly known as failures, if you will use them constructively those expressions will be helpful. You have heard from time to time,

'Each victory will help you some other to win.'

It is a true saying but it is much better to realize, each FAILURE will help you some victory to win. When you can rejoice at and glory victoriously in oppositions, in criticisms, in accusations, in persecutions and prosecutions; when you can glory in prosecution as well as in tribulations otherwise, then and there you are verifying that which was spoken in the composition, "Keep on smiling and the world will smile with you."


That Which Is Good, Just and True Stands Firm Forever

While sitting and listening to the speakers, I thought how marvelous it is to stand firm. When all oppositions shall have ceased to be in evidence, if you are true and faithful, you will be the same; for that which is good, that which is just, that which is true, stands firm forever.

I would like to say, in calling your attention to the Righteous Government Movement; firstly, Righteousness must be inculcated within you; inculcated by the transmission of the Spirit of Righteousness by right thinking, by right living and by right believing. By so doing you are inculcating Righteousness in your mentality, and your mind is being converted from unrighteousness to Righteousness. With a righteous mind you will have a righteous judgment, and with a righteous judgment you will have the foundation of a Righteous Government.

The Righteous Government Platform which we are stressing from time to time, was drafted from the righteous minds of the children of men; minds that had been converted to Righteousness, to Truth, and to Justice. Hence, this Righteous Government which we are daily stressing, is the Government which was spoken of by the Spirit and through the Prophets as being termed the Prophets of GOD or the Prophets of Heaven.

'Unto us a Child is born,'

one said,

'unto us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon His shoulder, and He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting FATHER, and Prince of Peace.'

Is it not a privilege to realize, the Government of the Kingdom of GOD must come forth into expression and must be reckoned and recognized by all? For "the Government is upon His shoulder," said He.


"With A Rod of Iron"

Since this has been spoken into consideration, we are realizing, Righteousness transmitted has inspired those of My Followers and millions of others, to aspire for a Righteous Government. The Righteous Government of which I AM speaking must be a Righteous Government from the Heavenly realm, transmitted to the earth plane to rule and control all mankind as the Prophet said,

'with a rod of iron.'

Aren't you glad!

Then this Righteous Government of which we are speaking has been transmitted, inculcated and reincarnated, and those of you and millions of others must be partakers of this Righteousness which we are stressing, for it is all founded upon the principle laid down by our forefathers, as being termed the Law, the Prophecy, and the Gospel. Is it not true that all government is allegedly founded upon the Laws of the Bible? The laws of our present government in this country and in other countries, they are the laws, rules and regulations allegedly extractions of Laws from GOD through Moses and to the children of this people. The government of this country in a great measure; the laws, rules and regulations of our present government under which we are living, are founded and built upon the Laws of GOD as handed down by Moses to the children of men.

If this be true, why is it then that men will oppose that upon which they are founded? I came to bring into actuality the reality of that Law, for the Law of the Spirit of Life transmitted, as we inculcate it and reincarnate it, we must live up to this Law as a Standard for humanity and express it characteristically, as well as others have been expressing it theoretically. Men have been expressing the law from a theoretical and from a documental point of view, but we mean to express it characteristically and naturally, until the very Law transmitted from GOD to Moses and to the Children of Israel and others, and down to Jesus

-- the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS --

must be inculcated and reincarnated in all of them. When this is established, there and then the Law that was upon His shoulder will be a living reality; the Government upon which these laws, rules and regulations are founded.


They Must Recognize the Law of GOD

For this cause we are rejoicing to present to the world the hope of the redemption of all mankind. They must recognize the Law of Righteousness, which is the Law of GOD. They did not realize this Law would be actually legalized before, but I have come to let them know definitely, the legalization of Righteousness, Truth and Justice must actually be established.

For this cause they are worried about it. They are disturbed because of such a Righteous Government enacted; because of such a Righteous Movement demanding an issue in legalization that it might be legalized and established and have a chance, that it might be tested and tried to see if it is not the Law they all have been seeking after. Aren't you glad!

Then, in opposition, those unjust dictators, and individuals such as the publishers of the different publications, and the different representatives of different organizations -- the founders and offspring of corruption -- they are in opposition to this Law of Righteousness which we are exemplifying, because they know, if this Law of Righteousness is universally legalized it will bring them themselves and all of their powers and organizations and holdings into subjection to Righteousness, and they will not have access over the masses to control them as they have been controlling them.


Zeal to Overcome All Things

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what GOD is actually doing among the children of men because of the very Law of the Spirit of Life transmitted. It is fortunate that GOD through His condescension inculcated it and reincarnated it from this angle of expression; One who would not care a thing about dollars and cents.

Money cannot bribe ME. Aren't you glad! When I was offered last year, from twenty-five hundred to three thousand dollars a half-hour for twelve weeks or thirteen weeks, to broadcast over the radio and speak just what I wished to speak, and sing what I wished to sing, I refused to do so, for money -- dollars and cents -- cannot bribe ME. If perchance there is another, or you will produce it yourself -- the zeal and courage to overcome the love and the care for money and everything else that would be bribable, then and only then can GOD express through you and give you victory over self and everything else, that you might lift up a standard for Righteousness, Truth and Justice.

Men are bribed from time to time -- and the majority of them are. But we are privileged to stand as I have stood, and be as I have been, lifting up a standard as I see it to be, where naught could nor will tempt ME. Righteousness must be inculcated. You must be true to your religious conviction; you must be true to your political conviction; you must be true to your economic conviction; and all of the convictions of your own inner urge. You must be true to such; and by being true, substantiated in Faith and unshaken, the Spirit of My Presence will be with you in the establishment of Righteousness, Truth and Justice within you.


Allow Righteousness to Have Free Access

When this is established within you as a living reality, there and then you are a fit subject to represent a Righteous Government. You cannot be a fit subject to represent a Righteous Government until you allow Righteousness to have free access in you, for what said Jesus concerning the mystery?

'First seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.'

When you shall have sought GOD from the CHRIST SHIP Degree of expression in Righteousness, Truth and Justice according to the way He exemplified it, then and only then can Righteousness be your portion, and can you have a free access in the Righteous Government of which we are stressing.

But as you live it and express it, oppositions may arise. When this is once established within you, naught will be able to hinder, for GOD within you is Infinite, and will stand supremely over and above all oppositions. It is a privilege to see the Truth as it is exemplified, as it is brought into outer expression, as it is materialized, for

'It is not by power nor by might but by My Spirit, says the Lord.'

Then I say, when men learn to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world, and be substantiated in Faith and unshaken in confidence, be steadfast and unmovable, Righteousness will be transmitted to them; for by so doing they will be dialing in on the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS, and to them the Law of the Spirit, and the meanings of it, will be transmitted. These qualities are all transmittable, but you must dial in on them. You must


Reproduce the Nature and Meaning of the
Law of Life

The reproduction of your exact image and likeness is your photographer's occupation. It is your duty and your occupation to reproduce the Qualities, the Characteristics, and the Nature of the Law of the Spirit of Life, with the Spirit and the meanings of it. When you concentrate on it by dialing in according to the Fundamental for which you stand, you will reproduce it the same as you can reproduce with your radio receiving set the identical message that has been broadcast through yonder broadcasting station. Your receiving set will produce it and reproduce it more distinctly at times, and louder, than that of the voice of the broadcaster.

How marvelous it is then to realize, that which we are stressing, that which was in the Body of Jesus and others -- all of these qualities are as much reproducible and re-personifiable, and re-expressible -- or as expressive -- today as they were when they were in expression in those who were the expresser of them. How glorious it is to live in such a recognition! How marvelous it is to dial in on the Fundamental continually! If you do, and let go and let GOD completely, the very Spirit of GOD will be with you now, henceforth and forever, to help you to accomplish your endeavors, whatsoever you may desire to do. As said one concerning the mystery, "Whatsoever He bids you, do it."

Then I say, Righteousness, Truth and Justice, we are calling these qualities into expression. They have been in the abstract long enough. Men have talked of Righteousness being in Heaven; they have been talking about Righteousness by the different Religions, but they did not attempt to enact Righteousness in reality, in laws, rules and regulations under the government of our great country. But I have declared we must have a Righteous Government, and the Righteous Government is actually the government which had been spoken of.


The Habitation of His Throne

What said the Prophet concerning the mystery?

'Righteousness and Judgment are the habitation of His Throne, the earth saw and trembled.'

When your minds are righteous, and when your judgment is converted into and unto Righteousness, on the throne of your mind will Reign CHRIST as LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, and Righteousness and Judgment there and then will be the habitation of His Throne. There is where CHRIST was to Reign, on the throne of the minds of the children of men, that He might have full and fee access over them. Hence, in a Righteous Judgment CHRIST comes, and when this shall have been established in everyone, there and then universally, on the righteous thrones of the minds of the righteous thinking men of all mankind, will be the Reign of CHRIST on earth among them, for wheresoever a King reigns, there is where his kingdom is.

I cannot stress that thought too often, neither too vividly for your consideration. Therefore I say, CHRIST selected and elected, and enthroned on the minds of the Righteous -- when CHRIST is enthroned on you as individuals scientifically and accurately from every angle expressible, to rule and control you, yourself and your affairs, there and then GOD'S Kingdom has come, for HE is ruling on the throne of your mind -- the Prayer which you all have prayed,

'Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done.'

Aren't you glad! All of the other necessary attributes and expressions of the ecstasy of the Infinite One from an inspirational of Religious point of view, will be imparted to you. You will not be one whit behind all of the others, for as in this experience among us, we find the very spirit of expressions, and the emotions of actions, yea, the inspirational gestures and every other expression, they are all represented in this Kingdom among men. Aren't you glad!


All Things Are in This Fundamental

Upon this foundation if you will stand, you will see that GOD is a Living Reality, and CHRIST is Rich and all you need. Take these thoughts to consideration. This is not a supposition. If for religion, yes, religiously! If for politics, yes, a politician! If for education, yes, an educator! If for inspirations, yes, I AM the Inspirator, I will inspire you. Aren't you glad! When you concentrate in the positive direction, according to your concentration the reaction of your concentrated thought will produce the thing in you that you should have. Aren't you glad! Whatsoever is necessary, all of those things are in this Fundamental for which you stand.

Then I say, live in this recognition, and those who rise in opposition, they will see definitely after a while, they are not rising in opposition to a man. This is more than mortal to command. It is evidently known, millions and millions of individuals the universe over would not be following ME mortal-mindedly. It is more than mortal to command. The Spirit of that inner urge is carrying you where you would not go if it was not for that something within that takes full control of you. Aren't you glad!

The I say to our visiting friends and to all who may hear of ME, think not to say within yourself I AM urging and encouraging the Followers and others to follow ME. To the extreme reverse, I AM discouraging them in the act of following ME. At times I AM running away from them if I can, and when they find out where I AM there they will go. This will let you see and know, it is more than mortal to command. That inner urge will lead you and guide you, and will also attract others as you go, for the very Spirit of it is contagious. It is contagious for others as well as for you.


"To Have the Pleasure of Being With You"

I need not say more at this time. I thought, as I have spoken so much since being up here and elsewhere, I have quite a number of lectures to proofread. In proofreading the one a little while ago, the blunders or mistakes that may have been observed there, it was in the proofreading. We were merely proofreading that lecture there. It had not yet been proofread. I thought I would have it proofread while here, and you would hear what I said this morning, as being termed last night. While we have lots of proofreading to do, to have the pleasure of being with you I am doing quite a little proofreading in the Auditoriums and Dining Rooms. I have many more to proofread, therefore I will not bore you very much longer at this particular instance, but I have stressed these thoughts for your consideration that you might recognize GOD'S Ever- presence and continue to live according to the Standard I have lifted. By so doing I will be with you, and we shall have a Righteous Government. When I AM Personally absent My Spirit and My Presence will be a Living Reality. You will see it is a reality when I AM Personally absent. You will see My Spirit and My Presence a Living Reality when I AM Personally Present. You will see it to be an abiding Comforter, a Co-worker, an abiding Helper from every angle expressible, if you live thus accordingly.

Now in reference to those who rise in opposition; I would like to say for the benefit of the people, if an individual rises in opposition to something that is eternal, it is detrimental to them. It is detrimental to the press, or those who rise or have risen in opposition; for when they rise in opposition, in criticism, and in the act of ridiculing, or persecuting, or attempting persecution, they are rising in opposition to their own circulation; for I AM converting millions, and all the millions I AM converting will not give them their subscriptions. That is the mystery.


See What GOD Is Doing

Can you not see the mystery? It is a blessing to observe the mystery, and to see definitely, what GOD is doing for you. That is the reason the papers are being closed off and being discontinued. They have to! They are obliged to be discontinued. One day is a thousand years with GOD, and a thousand years is as one day. When you say something or do something organizationally in opposition to ME, your organization will feel the effect of it in five hundred or a thousand years, or ten thousand years from now.

Oh, it is something to consider, beloved ones. If you retrace your thoughts back to the Cross of Calvary and realize the attitude the Jews took toward Jesus at that particular instance -- unless you are born out of that Adamic state of consciousness, the infirmities and iniquities of them are still upon you, if you are a Jew by nature. You are driven from shore to shore, and from land to land, and you have nowhere to roam. You are persecuted on every side. But if you detach yourself from the characteristics and the nature of such individuals, and be not identified characteristically nor naturally, nor from a national point of view, nor from a racial point of view, but identify yourselves "As one man at Jerusalem," then and only then you will make the grade, and escape such punishment that has befallen all who were under the influence.

The same like manner concerning ME or any other individual. If you hate ME because of My religious belief, it may be ten thousand years -- not only one thousand and nine hundred or a little more years -- but if it is ten thousand years from now, those who would be as your descendants, all of your lineage characteristically -- if you claim them and do not disclaim or disown them whichever, by characteristics and by nature, the curse would be upon you.


They Are Reaping What They Sowed

It was called to My attention the other day -- many years ago I wrote several of the different enterprises or concerns in the City of New York and elsewhere, requesting the honor of their respective enterprises to cease to segregate on account of the nationalities, races, colors, and such as they would term them to be. They ignored ME at that time. Though it has been many years since, just the other day they came to My Office saying, "Not any of Your Followers will buy from our concern . . ." Everywhere we go they are saying, "FATHER wrote you a letter some time ago and you ignored it." Those who are converted since that time, they know My Writings, they have the record of what I have requested, and those who have ignored My requests, those who have ridiculed ME, those who have persecuted ME or prosecuted ME, those who were converted YESTERDAY will refuse to adhere to, or endorse, or patronize those who accused ME or would not cooperate in the Righteous way, fifteen or twenty years ago. They are being converted daily, they are being converted yearly. Can you not see the mystery? It will be more next year who will stop reading the different prejudicial newspapers, than there are this year. That is the mystery! If you try to bar ME, you are barring yourself. That which you do unto others, the same shall be measured unto you. That is the mystery!

Now I have requested the honor of the different individuals to recognize GOD'S Actual Presence continually, and disclaim or disown all materialism and mortality, that you might lose your cursed lineage. If after the manner of men, that of whom you would take Me to be, or say I am, by such a version I would be cursed among men, for the vulgar name by which you are called -- those of you who may be called by such a vulgar name -- it is a curse to mankind. It is for low-ration. If I did not disclaim such a cursed connection and revel into the glorious liberty of My Own Majesty and Perfection, I would be subject to such a curse, and would always be cursed, but I have the VICTORY over it. Aren't you glad!


Who Are You?

Take these thoughts to consideration. The under-privileged, they are downtrodden. The downtrodden are under-privileged, and they are under-privileged because they are molested, they are embarrassed and disrecognize. If you identify yourself with such, and consider yourself to be bound and limited to such an expression, why, naturally you are under the curses and infirmities, yea, under the iniquities that are imposed upon them. But who are you? You are the Child of GOD -- of every so-called nation, language, tongue and people, when you disrecognize that which was called your lineage. If you bind yourself to a special lineage or nationality you are limiting yourselves in reality, and the reaction of such a version would limit you. You would not have access further than that on which you have extended your consideration.

When men are foolish enough to divide themselves, even if you consider you are a superior race, you are limited in your own concept; for such a version would be obliged to be limited by such a concept, for if you have a barrier to yourself naturally you could not go further. I AM still talking about Righteousness, Truth and Justice. For under such an act of expression you would be subjected to limitations; you would be subjected to wants and undesirable conditions; for your concept is limited by the limitation of your concept; you could not go further. But when you unify yourselves together "as one man at Jerusalem" in other words, unify yourselves together and recognize the universal Brotherhood of Man and the conscious realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD, and disrecognize your limited petty fathers -- there are too many limited petty fathers in consideration. You are directing your energy, your ambition, your knowledge and your understanding to such limited degrees of expression, therefore you cannot advance very much further, for you have put a barrier to yourself and to others. Can you not see the mystery?


One With Your GOD

But when you recognize GOD'S Actual Presence as an Ever-Present FATHER and Maker of you all, and disrecognize every other limited connection saving the universal Brotherhood of Man, there and then you will take on the Characteristics and the Nature of HIM, and you will be One with your GOD!

When this is done, the infirmities and iniquities of those of whom you would be imposed upon you, will not be able to find you. If they do, they cannot identify you. Great men of different nationalities, every one must forget about his or her respective lineage before they can advance very far, especially if the lineage is limited in the consideration of the of the advances -- at least, in the consideration of those who are advancing. In this advanced spiritual and scientific civilization, you cannot bind yourselves to the limitation of races, creeds, nationalities and colors. You cannot bind yourself to some respective lineage, for if you do you cannot go very much further. I AM talking about Righteousness, Truth and Justice. For what said the Gospel concerning the mystery?

'Let there be no division among us.'

All of the nations, languages, tongues and people are brought together "as one man at Jerusalem" when all shall recognize only the Brotherhood of Man and disrecognize the brotherhood of some especial individual. Then and only then can you express perfectly, in the expression of the Nature of your Savior. When this is done, there and then, beloved ones, you will have an access in this Grace wherein I stand, and you will not be bound by your limited nationality, your so-called race, or so-called color, for such things have barriers upon you. Can you not see the mystery?


Freed by the Truth

Truly might have One said,

'If you continue in My Words you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.'

Until you are free and free indeed from all of those limited concepts, and limited barriers and expressions, you are not really emancipated. You need to be freed! But I have called for your real emancipation. By harmonization you will come to the real Emancipation of which Jesus was speaking when He said according to the foregoing quotation:

'If you continue in My Words you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.'

How glorious it will be when all mankind realize this freedom! This freedom can only come by the unity of spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose, and by harmonizing with the Almighty according to the Scripture and according to the Gospel. When this is done, the very Nature and the Characteristics of the Almighty you will be partakers of. You will no longer be partakers of the nature of races, creeds, nor of colors, for all of those things you will leave behind you. You have heard some say, some special nationality or race would speak or act this way, and some special nationality or race or people would speak or act the other way. Can you not see all appearances in the same action, the same expression, yea, the same emotions and the same vibrations of one and all, because GOD is GOD? What said He concerning this mystery?

'I pray that they may be one, even as We are One.'

unify you all in the unity of spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose, and all will eventually be one together in words, deeds and actions, and even in emotions and expressions; even in gestures from every angle expressible, for the same Spirit will enact itself in you, through you and by you, and one will not be able to identify himself from someone else or from the other -- not by the emotions, gestures, nor the expressions, for those things are all internal characteristics and not your mortal selves. I thank you.
